
448 строки
16 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use app_units::Au;
use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D};
use font_context::{FontContext, FontSource};
use font_template::FontTemplateDescriptor;
use ordered_float::NotNaN;
use platform::font::{FontHandle, FontTable};
use platform::font_context::FontContextHandle;
use platform::font_template::FontTemplateData;
use servo_atoms::Atom;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use style::computed_values::{font_stretch, font_variant_caps, font_weight};
use style::properties::style_structs::Font as FontStyleStruct;
use style::values::computed::font::SingleFontFamily;
use text::Shaper;
use text::glyph::{ByteIndex, GlyphData, GlyphId, GlyphStore};
use text::shaping::ShaperMethods;
use time;
use unicode_script::Script;
use webrender_api;
macro_rules! ot_tag {
($t1:expr, $t2:expr, $t3:expr, $t4:expr) => (
(($t1 as u32) << 24) | (($t2 as u32) << 16) | (($t3 as u32) << 8) | ($t4 as u32)
pub const GPOS: u32 = ot_tag!('G', 'P', 'O', 'S');
pub const GSUB: u32 = ot_tag!('G', 'S', 'U', 'B');
pub const KERN: u32 = ot_tag!('k', 'e', 'r', 'n');
// FontHandle encapsulates access to the platform's font API,
// e.g. quartz, FreeType. It provides access to metrics and tables
// needed by the text shaper as well as access to the underlying font
// resources needed by the graphics layer to draw glyphs.
pub trait FontHandleMethods: Sized {
fn new_from_template(fctx: &FontContextHandle, template: Arc<FontTemplateData>, pt_size: Option<Au>)
-> Result<Self, ()>;
fn template(&self) -> Arc<FontTemplateData>;
fn family_name(&self) -> String;
fn face_name(&self) -> Option<String>;
fn is_italic(&self) -> bool;
fn boldness(&self) -> font_weight::T;
fn stretchiness(&self) -> font_stretch::T;
fn glyph_index(&self, codepoint: char) -> Option<GlyphId>;
fn glyph_h_advance(&self, GlyphId) -> Option<FractionalPixel>;
fn glyph_h_kerning(&self, glyph0: GlyphId, glyph1: GlyphId) -> FractionalPixel;
/// Can this font do basic horizontal LTR shaping without Harfbuzz?
fn can_do_fast_shaping(&self) -> bool;
fn metrics(&self) -> FontMetrics;
fn table_for_tag(&self, FontTableTag) -> Option<FontTable>;
/// A unique identifier for the font, allowing comparison.
fn identifier(&self) -> Atom;
// Used to abstract over the shaper's choice of fixed int representation.
pub type FractionalPixel = f64;
pub type FontTableTag = u32;
trait FontTableTagConversions {
fn tag_to_str(&self) -> String;
impl FontTableTagConversions for FontTableTag {
fn tag_to_str(&self) -> String {
let bytes = [(self >> 24) as u8,
(self >> 16) as u8,
(self >> 8) as u8,
(self >> 0) as u8];
pub trait FontTableMethods {
fn buffer(&self) -> &[u8];
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct FontMetrics {
pub underline_size: Au,
pub underline_offset: Au,
pub strikeout_size: Au,
pub strikeout_offset: Au,
pub leading: Au,
pub x_height: Au,
pub em_size: Au,
pub ascent: Au,
pub descent: Au,
pub max_advance: Au,
pub average_advance: Au,
pub line_gap: Au,
/// `FontDescriptor` describes the parameters of a `Font`. It represents rendering a given font
/// template at a particular size, with a particular font-variant-caps applied, etc. This contrasts
/// with `FontTemplateDescriptor` in that the latter represents only the parameters inherent in the
/// font data (weight, stretch, etc.).
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FontDescriptor {
pub template_descriptor: FontTemplateDescriptor,
pub variant: font_variant_caps::T,
pub pt_size: Au,
impl<'a> From<&'a FontStyleStruct> for FontDescriptor {
fn from(style: &'a FontStyleStruct) -> Self {
FontDescriptor {
template_descriptor: FontTemplateDescriptor::from(style),
variant: style.font_variant_caps,
pt_size: style.font_size.size(),
pub struct Font {
pub handle: FontHandle,
pub metrics: FontMetrics,
pub descriptor: FontDescriptor,
pub actual_pt_size: Au,
shaper: Option<Shaper>,
shape_cache: RefCell<HashMap<ShapeCacheEntry, Arc<GlyphStore>>>,
glyph_advance_cache: RefCell<HashMap<u32, FractionalPixel>>,
pub font_key: webrender_api::FontInstanceKey,
impl Font {
pub fn new(handle: FontHandle,
descriptor: FontDescriptor,
actual_pt_size: Au,
font_key: webrender_api::FontInstanceKey) -> Font {
let metrics = handle.metrics();
Font {
handle: handle,
shaper: None,
shape_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
glyph_advance_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
/// A unique identifier for the font, allowing comparison.
pub fn identifier(&self) -> Atom {
bitflags! {
pub struct ShapingFlags: u8 {
#[doc = "Set if the text is entirely whitespace."]
#[doc = "Set if we are to ignore ligatures."]
#[doc = "Set if we are to disable kerning."]
#[doc = "Text direction is right-to-left."]
const RTL_FLAG = 0x08;
#[doc = "Set if word-break is set to keep-all."]
const KEEP_ALL_FLAG = 0x10;
/// Various options that control text shaping.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShapingOptions {
/// Spacing to add between each letter. Corresponds to the CSS 2.1 `letter-spacing` property.
/// NB: You will probably want to set the `IGNORE_LIGATURES_SHAPING_FLAG` if this is non-null.
pub letter_spacing: Option<Au>,
/// Spacing to add between each word. Corresponds to the CSS 2.1 `word-spacing` property.
pub word_spacing: (Au, NotNaN<f32>),
/// The Unicode script property of the characters in this run.
pub script: Script,
/// Various flags.
pub flags: ShapingFlags,
/// An entry in the shape cache.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
struct ShapeCacheEntry {
text: String,
options: ShapingOptions,
impl Font {
pub fn shape_text(&mut self, text: &str, options: &ShapingOptions) -> Arc<GlyphStore> {
let this = self as *const Font;
let mut shaper = self.shaper.take();
let lookup_key = ShapeCacheEntry {
text: text.to_owned(),
options: *options,
let result = self.shape_cache.borrow_mut().entry(lookup_key).or_insert_with(|| {
let start_time = time::precise_time_ns();
let mut glyphs = GlyphStore::new(text.len(),
if self.can_do_fast_shaping(text, options) {
debug!("shape_text: Using ASCII fast path.");
self.shape_text_fast(text, options, &mut glyphs);
} else {
debug!("shape_text: Using Harfbuzz.");
if shaper.is_none() {
shaper = Some(Shaper::new(this));
shaper.as_ref().unwrap().shape_text(text, options, &mut glyphs);
let end_time = time::precise_time_ns();
TEXT_SHAPING_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER.fetch_add((end_time - start_time) as usize,
self.shaper = shaper;
fn can_do_fast_shaping(&self, text: &str, options: &ShapingOptions) -> bool {
options.script == Script::Latin &&
!options.flags.contains(ShapingFlags::RTL_FLAG) &&
self.handle.can_do_fast_shaping() &&
/// Fast path for ASCII text that only needs simple horizontal LTR kerning.
fn shape_text_fast(&self, text: &str, options: &ShapingOptions, glyphs: &mut GlyphStore) {
let mut prev_glyph_id = None;
for (i, byte) in text.bytes().enumerate() {
let character = byte as char;
let glyph_id = match self.glyph_index(character) {
Some(id) => id,
None => continue,
let mut advance = Au::from_f64_px(self.glyph_h_advance(glyph_id));
if character == ' ' {
let (length, percent) = options.word_spacing;
advance = (advance + length) + Au((advance.0 as f32 * percent.into_inner()) as i32);
if let Some(letter_spacing) = options.letter_spacing {
advance += letter_spacing;
let offset =|prev| {
let h_kerning = Au::from_f64_px(self.glyph_h_kerning(prev, glyph_id));
advance += h_kerning;
Point2D::new(h_kerning, Au(0))
let glyph = GlyphData::new(glyph_id, advance, offset, true, true);
glyphs.add_glyph_for_byte_index(ByteIndex(i as isize), character, &glyph);
prev_glyph_id = Some(glyph_id);
pub fn table_for_tag(&self, tag: FontTableTag) -> Option<FontTable> {
let result = self.handle.table_for_tag(tag);
let status = if result.is_some() { "Found" } else { "Didn't find" };
debug!("{} font table[{}] with family={}, face={}",
status, tag.tag_to_str(),
self.handle.family_name(), self.handle.face_name().unwrap_or("unavailable".to_owned()));
pub fn glyph_index(&self, codepoint: char) -> Option<GlyphId> {
let codepoint = match self.descriptor.variant {
font_variant_caps::T::SmallCaps => codepoint.to_uppercase().next().unwrap(), //FIXME: #5938
font_variant_caps::T::Normal => codepoint,
pub fn has_glyph_for(&self, codepoint: char) -> bool {
pub fn glyph_h_kerning(&self, first_glyph: GlyphId, second_glyph: GlyphId)
-> FractionalPixel {
self.handle.glyph_h_kerning(first_glyph, second_glyph)
pub fn glyph_h_advance(&self, glyph: GlyphId) -> FractionalPixel {
*self.glyph_advance_cache.borrow_mut().entry(glyph).or_insert_with(|| {
match self.handle.glyph_h_advance(glyph) {
Some(adv) => adv,
None => 10f64 as FractionalPixel // FIXME: Need fallback strategy
pub type FontRef = Rc<RefCell<Font>>;
/// A `FontGroup` is a prioritised list of fonts for a given set of font styles. It is used by
/// `TextRun` to decide which font to render a character with. If none of the fonts listed in the
/// styles are suitable, a fallback font may be used.
pub struct FontGroup {
descriptor: FontDescriptor,
families: SmallVec<[FontGroupFamily; 8]>,
impl FontGroup {
pub fn new(style: &FontStyleStruct) -> FontGroup {
let descriptor = FontDescriptor::from(style);
let families =
.map(|family| FontGroupFamily::new(descriptor.clone(), family.clone()))
FontGroup { descriptor, families }
/// Finds the first font, or else the first fallback font, which contains a glyph for
/// `codepoint`. If no such font is found, returns the first available font or fallback font
/// (which will cause a "glyph not found" character to be rendered). If no font at all can be
/// found, returns None.
pub fn find_by_codepoint<S: FontSource>(
&mut self,
mut font_context: &mut FontContext<S>,
codepoint: char
) -> Option<FontRef> {
self.find(&mut font_context, |font| font.borrow().has_glyph_for(codepoint))
.or_else(|| self.first(&mut font_context))
pub fn first<S: FontSource>(
&mut self,
mut font_context: &mut FontContext<S>
) -> Option<FontRef> {
self.find(&mut font_context, |_| true)
/// Find a font which returns true for `predicate`. This method mutates because we may need to
/// load new font data in the process of finding a suitable font.
fn find<S, P>(
&mut self,
mut font_context: &mut FontContext<S>,
mut predicate: P
) -> Option<FontRef>
S: FontSource,
P: FnMut(&FontRef) -> bool
.filter_map(|family| family.font(&mut font_context))
.find(|f| predicate(f))
.or_else(|| {
/// A `FontGroupFamily` is a single font family in a `FontGroup`. It corresponds to one of the
/// families listed in the `font-family` CSS property. The corresponding font data is lazy-loaded,
/// only if actually needed.
struct FontGroupFamily {
descriptor: FontDescriptor,
family: SingleFontFamily,
loaded: bool,
font: Option<FontRef>,
impl FontGroupFamily {
fn new(descriptor: FontDescriptor, family: SingleFontFamily) -> FontGroupFamily {
FontGroupFamily {
loaded: false,
font: None,
/// Returns the font within this family which matches the style. We'll fetch the data from the
/// `FontContext` the first time this method is called, and return a cached reference on
/// subsequent calls.
fn font<S: FontSource>(&mut self, font_context: &mut FontContext<S>) -> Option<FontRef> {
if !self.loaded {
self.font = font_context.font(&self.descriptor, &;
self.loaded = true;
pub struct RunMetrics {
// may be negative due to negative width (i.e., kerning of '.' in 'P.T.')
pub advance_width: Au,
pub ascent: Au, // nonzero
pub descent: Au, // nonzero
// this bounding box is relative to the left origin baseline.
// so, bounding_box.position.y = -ascent
pub bounding_box: Rect<Au>
impl RunMetrics {
pub fn new(advance: Au, ascent: Au, descent: Au) -> RunMetrics {
let bounds = Rect::new(Point2D::new(Au(0), -ascent),
Size2D::new(advance, ascent + descent));
// TODO(Issue #125): support loose and tight bounding boxes; using the
// ascent+descent and advance is sometimes too generous and
// looking at actual glyph extents can yield a tighter box.
RunMetrics {
advance_width: advance,
bounding_box: bounds,
ascent: ascent,
descent: descent,
pub fn get_and_reset_text_shaping_performance_counter() -> usize {
let value = TEXT_SHAPING_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER.load(Ordering::SeqCst);, Ordering::SeqCst);