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* Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef __PRIO_H__
#define __PRIO_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <blapit.h>
#include <msgpack.h>
#include <pk11pub.h>
#include <seccomon.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/* Seed for a pseudo-random generator (PRG). */
typedef unsigned char PrioPRGSeed[PRG_SEED_LENGTH];
/* Length of a raw curve25519 public key, in bytes. */
#define CURVE25519_KEY_LEN 32
/* Length of a hex-encoded curve25519 public key, in bytes. */
#define CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX 64
* Type for each of the two servers.
typedef enum { PRIO_SERVER_A, PRIO_SERVER_B } PrioServerId;
* Opaque types
typedef struct prio_config* PrioConfig;
typedef const struct prio_config* const_PrioConfig;
typedef struct prio_server* PrioServer;
typedef const struct prio_server* const_PrioServer;
typedef struct prio_verifier* PrioVerifier;
typedef const struct prio_verifier* const_PrioVerifier;
typedef struct prio_packet_verify1* PrioPacketVerify1;
typedef const struct prio_packet_verify1* const_PrioPacketVerify1;
typedef struct prio_packet_verify2* PrioPacketVerify2;
typedef const struct prio_packet_verify2* const_PrioPacketVerify2;
typedef struct prio_total_share* PrioTotalShare;
typedef const struct prio_total_share* const_PrioTotalShare;
typedef SECKEYPublicKey* PublicKey;
typedef const SECKEYPublicKey* const_PublicKey;
typedef SECKEYPrivateKey* PrivateKey;
typedef const SECKEYPrivateKey* const_PrivateKey;
* Initialize and clear random number generator state.
* You must call Prio_init() before using the library.
* To avoid memory leaks, call Prio_clear() afterwards.
SECStatus Prio_init();
void Prio_clear();
* PrioConfig holds the system parameters. The two relevant things determined
* by the config object are:
* (1) the number of data fields we are collecting, and
* (2) the modulus we use for modular arithmetic.
* The default configuration uses an 87-bit modulus.
* The value `nFields` must be in the range `0 < nFields <= max`, where `max`
* is the value returned by the function `PrioConfig_maxDataFields()` below.
* The `batch_id` field specifies which "batch" of aggregate statistics we are
* computing. For example, if the aggregate statistics are computed every 24
* hours, the `batch_id` might be set to an encoding of the date. The clients
* and servers must all use the same `batch_id` for each run of the protocol.
* Each set of aggregate statistics should use a different `batch_id`.
* `PrioConfig_new` does not keep a pointer to the `batch_id` string that the
* caller passes in, so you may free the `batch_id` string as soon as
* `PrioConfig_new` returns.
PrioConfig PrioConfig_new(int nFields, PublicKey serverA, PublicKey serverB,
const unsigned char* batchId,
unsigned int batchIdLen);
void PrioConfig_clear(PrioConfig cfg);
int PrioConfig_numDataFields(const_PrioConfig cfg);
* Return the maximum number of data fields that the implementation supports.
int PrioConfig_maxDataFields(void);
* Create a PrioConfig object with no encryption keys. This routine is
* useful for testing, but PrioClient_encode() will always fail when used with
* this config.
PrioConfig PrioConfig_newTest(int nFields);
* We use the PublicKey and PrivateKey objects for public-key encryption. Each
* Prio server has an associated public key, and the clients use these keys to
* encrypt messages to the servers.
SECStatus Keypair_new(PrivateKey* pvtkey, PublicKey* pubkey);
* Import a new curve25519 public/private key from the raw bytes given. When
* importing a private key, you must pass in the corresponding public key as
* well. The byte arrays given as input should be of length
* `CURVE25519_KEY_LEN`.
* These functions will allocate a new `PublicKey`/`PrivateKey` object, which
* the caller must free using `PublicKey_clear`/`PrivateKey_clear`.
SECStatus PublicKey_import(PublicKey* pk, const unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
SECStatus PrivateKey_import(PrivateKey* sk, const unsigned char* privData,
unsigned int privDataLen,
const unsigned char* pubData,
unsigned int pubDataLen);
* Import a new curve25519 public/private key from a hex string that contains
* only the characters 0-9a-fA-F.
* The hex strings passed in must each be of length `CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX`.
* These functions will allocate a new `PublicKey`/`PrivateKey` object, which
* the caller must free using `PublicKey_clear`/`PrivateKey_clear`.
SECStatus PublicKey_import_hex(PublicKey* pk, const unsigned char* hexData,
unsigned int dataLen);
SECStatus PrivateKey_import_hex(PrivateKey* sk,
const unsigned char* privHexData,
unsigned int privDataLen,
const unsigned char* pubHexData,
unsigned int pubDataLen);
* Export a curve25519 key as a raw byte-array.
* The output buffer `data` must have length exactly `CURVE25519_KEY_LEN`.
SECStatus PublicKey_export(const_PublicKey pk, unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
SECStatus PrivateKey_export(PrivateKey sk, unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
* Export a curve25519 key as a NULL-terminated hex string.
* The output buffer `data` must have length exactly `CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX +
* 1`.
SECStatus PublicKey_export_hex(const_PublicKey pk, unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
SECStatus PrivateKey_export_hex(PrivateKey sk, unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
void PublicKey_clear(PublicKey pubkey);
void PrivateKey_clear(PrivateKey pvtkey);
* PrioPacketClient_encode
* Takes as input a pointer to an array (`data_in`) of boolean values
* whose length is equal to the number of data fields specified in
* the config. It then encodes the data for servers A and B into a
* string.
* NOTE: The caller must free() the strings `for_server_a` and
* `for_server_b` to avoid memory leaks.
SECStatus PrioClient_encode(const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool* data_in,
unsigned char** forServerA, unsigned int* aLen,
unsigned char** forServerB, unsigned int* bLen);
* Generate a new PRG seed using the NSS global randomness source.
* Use this routine to initialize the secret that the two Prio servers
* share.
SECStatus PrioPRGSeed_randomize(PrioPRGSeed* seed);
* The PrioServer object holds the state of the Prio servers.
* Pass in the _same_ secret PRGSeed when initializing the two servers.
* The PRGSeed must remain secret to the two servers.
PrioServer PrioServer_new(const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId serverIdx,
PrivateKey serverPriv,
const PrioPRGSeed serverSharedSecret);
void PrioServer_clear(PrioServer s);
* After receiving a client packet, each of the servers generate
* a PrioVerifier object that they use to check whether the client's
* encoded packet is well formed.
PrioVerifier PrioVerifier_new(PrioServer s);
void PrioVerifier_clear(PrioVerifier v);
* Read in encrypted data from the client, decrypt it, and prepare to check the
* request for validity.
SECStatus PrioVerifier_set_data(PrioVerifier v, unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
* Generate the first packet that servers need to exchange to verify the
* client's submission. This should be sent over a TLS connection between the
* servers.
PrioPacketVerify1 PrioPacketVerify1_new(void);
void PrioPacketVerify1_clear(PrioPacketVerify1 p1);
SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_set_data(PrioPacketVerify1 p1,
const_PrioVerifier v);
SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_write(const_PrioPacketVerify1 p,
msgpack_packer* pk);
SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_read(PrioPacketVerify1 p, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
const_PrioConfig cfg);
* Generate the second packet that the servers need to exchange to verify the
* client's submission. The routine takes as input the PrioPacketVerify1
* packets from both server A and server B.
* This should be sent over a TLS connection between the servers.
PrioPacketVerify2 PrioPacketVerify2_new(void);
void PrioPacketVerify2_clear(PrioPacketVerify2 p);
SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(PrioPacketVerify2 p2, const_PrioVerifier v,
const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1A,
const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1B);
SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_write(const_PrioPacketVerify2 p,
msgpack_packer* pk);
SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_read(PrioPacketVerify2 p, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
const_PrioConfig cfg);
* Use the PrioPacketVerify2s from both servers to check whether
* the client's submission is well formed.
SECStatus PrioVerifier_isValid(const_PrioVerifier v, const_PrioPacketVerify2 pA,
const_PrioPacketVerify2 pB);
* Each of the two servers calls this routine to aggregate the data
* submission from a client that is included in the PrioVerifier object.
* IMPORTANT: This routine does *not* check the validity of the client's
* data packet. The servers must execute the verification checks
* above before aggregating any client data.
SECStatus PrioServer_aggregate(PrioServer s, PrioVerifier v);
* After the servers have aggregated data packets from "enough" clients
* (this determines the anonymity set size), each server runs this routine
* to get a share of the aggregate statistics.
PrioTotalShare PrioTotalShare_new(void);
void PrioTotalShare_clear(PrioTotalShare t);
SECStatus PrioTotalShare_set_data(PrioTotalShare t, const_PrioServer s);
SECStatus PrioTotalShare_write(const_PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_packer* pk);
SECStatus PrioTotalShare_read(PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
const_PrioConfig cfg);
* Read the output data into an array of unsigned longs. You should
* be sure that each data value can fit into a single `unsigned long`
* and that the pointer `output` points to a buffer large enough to
* store one long per data field.
* This function returns failure if some final data value is too
* long to fit in an `unsigned long`.
SECStatus PrioTotalShare_final(const_PrioConfig cfg, unsigned long long* output,
const_PrioTotalShare tA,
const_PrioTotalShare tB);
#endif /* __PRIO_H__ */
#ifdef __cplusplus