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//! Timing functions.
use profile_traits::time::{ProfilerCategory, ProfilerChan, ProfilerMsg, TimerMetadata};
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::f64;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
use std::thread::sleep_ms;
use std_time::precise_time_ns;
use util::task::spawn_named;
pub trait Formattable {
fn format(&self) -> String;
impl Formattable for Option<TimerMetadata> {
fn format(&self) -> String {
match self {
// TODO(cgaebel): Center-align in the format strings as soon as rustc supports it.
&Some(ref meta) => {
let url = &*meta.url;
let url = if url.len() > 30 {
} else {
let incremental = if meta.incremental { " yes" } else { " no " };
let iframe = if meta.iframe { " yes" } else { " no " };
format!(" {:14} {:9} {:30}", incremental, iframe, url)
&None =>
format!(" {:14} {:9} {:30}", " N/A", " N/A", " N/A")
impl Formattable for ProfilerCategory {
// some categories are subcategories of LayoutPerformCategory
// and should be printed to indicate this
fn format(&self) -> String {
let padding = match *self {
ProfilerCategory::LayoutStyleRecalc |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutRestyleDamagePropagation |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutNonIncrementalReset |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutGeneratedContent |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutMain |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDispListBuild |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutShaping |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDamagePropagate |
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPerTile |
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPrepBuff => "+ ",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutParallelWarmup |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutSelectorMatch |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutTreeBuilder => "| + ",
_ => ""
let name = match *self {
ProfilerCategory::Compositing => "Compositing",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutPerform => "Layout",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutStyleRecalc => "Style Recalc",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutRestyleDamagePropagation => "Restyle Damage Propagation",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutNonIncrementalReset => "Non-incremental reset (temporary)",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutSelectorMatch => "Selector Matching",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutTreeBuilder => "Tree Building",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDamagePropagate => "Damage Propagation",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutGeneratedContent => "Generated Content Resolution",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutMain => "Primary Layout Pass",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutParallelWarmup => "Parallel Warmup",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutShaping => "Shaping",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDispListBuild => "Display List Construction",
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPerTile => "Painting Per Tile",
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPrepBuff => "Buffer Prep",
ProfilerCategory::Painting => "Painting",
ProfilerCategory::ImageDecoding => "Image Decoding",
format!("{}{}", padding, name)
type ProfilerBuckets = BTreeMap<(ProfilerCategory, Option<TimerMetadata>), Vec<f64>>;
// back end of the profiler that handles data aggregation and performance metrics
pub struct Profiler {
pub port: Receiver<ProfilerMsg>,
buckets: ProfilerBuckets,
pub last_msg: Option<ProfilerMsg>,
impl Profiler {
pub fn create(period: Option<f64>) -> ProfilerChan {
let (chan, port) = channel();
match period {
Some(period) => {
let period = (period * 1000.) as u32;
let chan = chan.clone();
spawn_named("Time profiler timer".to_owned(), move || {
loop {
if chan.send(ProfilerMsg::Print).is_err() {
// Spawn the time profiler.
spawn_named("Time profiler".to_owned(), move || {
let mut profiler = Profiler::new(port);
None => {
// No-op to handle messages when the time profiler is inactive.
spawn_named("Time profiler".to_owned(), move || {
loop {
match port.recv() {
Err(_) | Ok(ProfilerMsg::Exit) => break,
_ => {}
pub fn new(port: Receiver<ProfilerMsg>) -> Profiler {
Profiler {
port: port,
buckets: BTreeMap::new(),
last_msg: None,
pub fn start(&mut self) {
loop {
let msg = self.port.recv();
match msg {
Ok(msg) => {
if !self.handle_msg(msg) {
_ => break
fn find_or_insert(&mut self, k: (ProfilerCategory, Option<TimerMetadata>), t: f64) {
match self.buckets.get_mut(&k) {
None => {},
Some(v) => { v.push(t); return; },
self.buckets.insert(k, vec!(t));
fn handle_msg(&mut self, msg: ProfilerMsg) -> bool {
match msg.clone() {
ProfilerMsg::Time(k, t) => self.find_or_insert(k, t),
ProfilerMsg::Print => match self.last_msg {
// only print if more data has arrived since the last printout
Some(ProfilerMsg::Time(..)) => self.print_buckets(),
_ => ()
ProfilerMsg::Exit => return false,
self.last_msg = Some(msg);
fn print_buckets(&mut self) {
println!("{:35} {:14} {:9} {:30} {:15} {:15} {:-15} {:-15} {:-15}",
"_category_", "_incremental?_", "_iframe?_",
" _url_", " _mean (ms)_", " _median (ms)_",
" _min (ms)_", " _max (ms)_", " _events_");
for (&(ref category, ref meta), ref mut data) in self.buckets.iter_mut() {
data.sort_by(|a, b| {
if a < b {
} else {
let data_len = data.len();
if data_len > 0 {
let (mean, median, min, max) =
(data.iter().map(|&x|x).sum::<f64>() / (data_len as f64),
data[data_len / 2],
data.iter().fold(f64::INFINITY, |a, &b| a.min(b)),
data.iter().fold(-f64::INFINITY, |a, &b| a.max(b)));
println!("{:-35}{} {:15.4} {:15.4} {:15.4} {:15.4} {:15}",
category.format(), meta.format(), mean, median, min, max, data_len);
pub fn time<T, F>(msg: &str, callback: F) -> T
where F: Fn() -> T
let start_time = precise_time_ns();
let val = callback();
let end_time = precise_time_ns();
let ms = (end_time - start_time) as f64 / 1000000f64;
if ms >= 5f64 {
debug!("{} took {} ms", msg, ms);
return val;