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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! Configuration options for a single run of the servo application. Created
//! from command line arguments.
use geometry::ScreenPx;
use euclid::size::{Size2D, TypedSize2D};
use getopts;
use num_cpus;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::cmp;
use std::env;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::fs::PathExt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering, ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT};
use url::{self, Url};
/// Global flags for Servo, currently set on the command line.
pub struct Opts {
/// The initial URL to load.
pub url: Option<Url>,
/// How many threads to use for CPU painting (`-t`).
/// Note that painting is sequentialized when using GPU painting.
pub paint_threads: usize,
/// True to use GPU painting via Skia-GL, false to use CPU painting via Skia (`-g`). Note that
/// compositing is always done on the GPU.
pub gpu_painting: bool,
/// The maximum size of each tile in pixels (`-s`).
pub tile_size: usize,
/// The ratio of device pixels per px at the default scale. If unspecified, will use the
/// platform default setting.
pub device_pixels_per_px: Option<f32>,
/// `None` to disable the time profiler or `Some` with an interval in seconds to enable it and
/// cause it to produce output on that interval (`-p`).
pub time_profiler_period: Option<f64>,
/// `None` to disable the memory profiler or `Some` with an interval in seconds to enable it
/// and cause it to produce output on that interval (`-m`).
pub mem_profiler_period: Option<f64>,
/// Enable experimental web features (`-e`).
pub enable_experimental: bool,
/// The number of threads to use for layout (`-y`). Defaults to 1, which results in a recursive
/// sequential algorithm.
pub layout_threads: usize,
pub nonincremental_layout: bool,
pub nossl: bool,
/// Where to load userscripts from, if any. An empty string will load from
/// the resources/user-agent-js directory, and if the option isn't passed userscripts
/// won't be loaded
pub userscripts: Option<String>,
pub output_file: Option<String>,
/// Replace unpaires surrogates in DOM strings with U+FFFD.
/// See
pub replace_surrogates: bool,
pub headless: bool,
pub hard_fail: bool,
/// True if we should bubble intrinsic widths sequentially (`-b`). If this is true, then
/// intrinsic widths are computed as a separate pass instead of during flow construction. You
/// may wish to turn this flag on in order to benchmark style recalculation against other
/// browser engines.
pub bubble_inline_sizes_separately: bool,
/// True if we should show borders on all layers and tiles for
/// debugging purposes (`--show-debug-borders`).
pub show_debug_borders: bool,
/// True if we should show borders on all fragments for debugging purposes
/// (`--show-debug-fragment-borders`).
pub show_debug_fragment_borders: bool,
/// True if we should paint tiles with overlays based on which thread painted them.
pub show_debug_parallel_paint: bool,
/// True if we should paint borders around flows based on which thread painted them.
pub show_debug_parallel_layout: bool,
/// True if we should paint tiles a random color whenever they're repainted. Useful for
/// debugging invalidation.
pub paint_flashing: bool,
/// If set with --disable-text-aa, disable antialiasing on fonts. This is primarily useful for reftests
/// where pixel perfect results are required when using fonts such as the Ahem
/// font for layout tests.
pub enable_text_antialiasing: bool,
/// If set with --disable-canvas-aa, disable antialiasing on the HTML canvas element.
/// Like --disable-text-aa, this is useful for reftests where pixel perfect results are required.
pub enable_canvas_antialiasing: bool,
/// True if each step of layout is traced to an external JSON file
/// for debugging purposes. Settings this implies sequential layout
/// and paint.
pub trace_layout: bool,
/// If true, instrument the runtime for each task created and dump
/// that information to a JSON file that can be viewed in the task
/// profile viewer.
pub profile_tasks: bool,
/// `None` to disable devtools or `Some` with a port number to start a server to listen to
/// remote Firefox devtools connections.
pub devtools_port: Option<u16>,
/// `None` to disable WebDriver or `Some` with a port number to start a server to listen to
/// remote WebDriver commands.
pub webdriver_port: Option<u16>,
/// The initial requested size of the window.
pub initial_window_size: TypedSize2D<ScreenPx, u32>,
/// An optional string allowing the user agent to be set for testing.
pub user_agent: Option<String>,
/// Dumps the flow tree after a layout.
pub dump_flow_tree: bool,
/// Dumps the display list after a layout.
pub dump_display_list: bool,
/// Dumps the display list in JSON form after a layout.
pub dump_display_list_json: bool,
/// Dumps the display list after optimization (post layout, at painting time).
pub dump_display_list_optimized: bool,
/// Emits notifications when there is a relayout.
pub relayout_event: bool,
/// Whether to show an error when display list geometry escapes flow overflow regions.
pub validate_display_list_geometry: bool,
/// A specific path to find required resources (such as user-agent.css).
pub resources_path: Option<String>,
/// Whether MIME sniffing should be used
pub sniff_mime_types: bool,
/// Whether Style Sharing Cache is used
pub disable_share_style_cache: bool,
/// Whether to run absolute position calculation and display list construction in parallel.
pub parallel_display_list_building: bool,
/// True to exit after the page load (`-x`).
pub exit_after_load: bool,
fn print_usage(app: &str, opts: &[getopts::OptGroup]) {
let message = format!("Usage: {} [ options ... ] [URL]\n\twhere options include", app);
println!("{}", getopts::usage(&message, opts));
pub fn print_debug_usage(app: &str) -> ! {
fn print_option(name: &str, description: &str) {
println!("\t{:<35} {}", name, description);
println!("Usage: {} debug option,[options,...]\n\twhere options include\n\nOptions:", app);
print_option("bubble-widths", "Bubble intrinsic widths separately like other engines.");
print_option("disable-text-aa", "Disable antialiasing of rendered text.");
print_option("dump-flow-tree", "Print the flow tree after each layout.");
print_option("dump-display-list", "Print the display list after each layout.");
print_option("dump-display-list-json", "Print the display list in JSON form.");
print_option("dump-display-list-optimized", "Print optimized display list (at paint time).");
print_option("relayout-event", "Print notifications when there is a relayout.");
print_option("profile-tasks", "Instrument each task, writing the output to a file.");
print_option("show-compositor-borders", "Paint borders along layer and tile boundaries.");
print_option("show-fragment-borders", "Paint borders along fragment boundaries.");
print_option("show-parallel-paint", "Overlay tiles with colors showing which thread painted them.");
print_option("show-parallel-layout", "Mark which thread laid each flow out with colors.");
print_option("paint-flashing", "Overlay repainted areas with a random color.");
print_option("trace-layout", "Write layout trace to an external file for debugging.");
"Display an error when display list geometry escapes overflow region.");
"Disable the style sharing cache.");
print_option("parallel-display-list-building", "Build display lists in parallel.");
print_option("replace-surrogates", "Replace unpaires surrogates in DOM strings with U+FFFD. \
fn args_fail(msg: &str) -> ! {
let mut stderr = io::stderr();
// Always use CPU painting on android.
static FORCE_CPU_PAINTING: bool = true;
static FORCE_CPU_PAINTING: bool = false;
pub fn default_opts() -> Opts {
Opts {
url: Some(Url::parse("about:blank").unwrap()),
paint_threads: 1,
gpu_painting: false,
tile_size: 512,
device_pixels_per_px: None,
time_profiler_period: None,
mem_profiler_period: None,
enable_experimental: false,
layout_threads: 1,
nonincremental_layout: false,
nossl: false,
userscripts: None,
output_file: None,
replace_surrogates: false,
headless: true,
hard_fail: true,
bubble_inline_sizes_separately: false,
show_debug_borders: false,
show_debug_fragment_borders: false,
show_debug_parallel_paint: false,
show_debug_parallel_layout: false,
paint_flashing: false,
enable_text_antialiasing: false,
enable_canvas_antialiasing: false,
trace_layout: false,
devtools_port: None,
webdriver_port: None,
initial_window_size: Size2D::typed(800, 600),
user_agent: None,
dump_flow_tree: false,
dump_display_list: false,
dump_display_list_json: false,
dump_display_list_optimized: false,
relayout_event: false,
validate_display_list_geometry: false,
profile_tasks: false,
resources_path: None,
sniff_mime_types: false,
disable_share_style_cache: false,
parallel_display_list_building: false,
exit_after_load: false,
pub fn from_cmdline_args(args: &[String]) {
let app_name = args[0].to_string();
let args = args.tail();
let opts = vec!(
getopts::optflag("c", "cpu", "CPU painting (default)"),
getopts::optflag("g", "gpu", "GPU painting"),
getopts::optopt("o", "output", "Output file", "output.png"),
getopts::optopt("s", "size", "Size of tiles", "512"),
getopts::optopt("", "device-pixel-ratio", "Device pixels per px", ""),
getopts::optflag("e", "experimental", "Enable experimental web features"),
getopts::optopt("t", "threads", "Number of paint threads", "1"),
getopts::optflagopt("p", "profile", "Profiler flag and output interval", "10"),
getopts::optflagopt("m", "memory-profile", "Memory profiler flag and output interval", "10"),
getopts::optflag("x", "exit", "Exit after load flag"),
getopts::optopt("y", "layout-threads", "Number of threads to use for layout", "1"),
getopts::optflag("i", "nonincremental-layout", "Enable to turn off incremental layout."),
getopts::optflag("", "no-ssl", "Disables ssl certificate verification."),
getopts::optflagopt("", "userscripts",
"Uses userscripts in resources/user-agent-js, or a specified full path",""),
getopts::optflag("z", "headless", "Headless mode"),
getopts::optflag("f", "hard-fail", "Exit on task failure instead of displaying about:failure"),
getopts::optflagopt("", "devtools", "Start remote devtools server on port", "6000"),
getopts::optflagopt("", "webdriver", "Start remote WebDriver server on port", "7000"),
getopts::optopt("", "resolution", "Set window resolution.", "800x600"),
getopts::optopt("u", "user-agent", "Set custom user agent string", "NCSA Mosaic/1.0 (X11;SunOS 4.1.4 sun4m)"),
getopts::optopt("Z", "debug",
"A comma-separated string of debug options. Pass help to show available options.", ""),
getopts::optflag("h", "help", "Print this message"),
getopts::optopt("", "resources-path", "Path to find static resources", "/home/servo/resources"),
getopts::optflag("", "sniff-mime-types" , "Enable MIME sniffing"),
let opt_match = match getopts::getopts(args, &opts) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => args_fail(&f.to_string()),
if opt_match.opt_present("h") || opt_match.opt_present("help") {
print_usage(&app_name, &opts);
let debug_string = match opt_match.opt_str("Z") {
Some(string) => string,
None => String::new()
let mut debug_options = HashSet::new();
for split in debug_string.split(',') {
if debug_options.contains(&"help") {
let url = if {
print_usage(&app_name, &opts);
args_fail("servo asks that you provide a URL")
} else {
let ref url =[0];
let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap();
match Url::parse(url) {
Ok(url) => url,
Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase) => {
if Path::new(url).exists() {
} else {
args_fail(&format!("File not found: {}", url))
Err(_) => panic!("URL parsing failed"),
let tile_size: usize = match opt_match.opt_str("s") {
Some(tile_size_str) => tile_size_str.parse().unwrap(),
None => 512,
let device_pixels_per_px = opt_match.opt_str("device-pixel-ratio").map(|dppx_str|
let mut paint_threads: usize = match opt_match.opt_str("t") {
Some(paint_threads_str) => paint_threads_str.parse().unwrap(),
None => cmp::max(num_cpus::get() * 3 / 4, 1),
// If only the flag is present, default to a 5 second period for both profilers.
let time_profiler_period = opt_match.opt_default("p", "5").map(|period| {
let mem_profiler_period = opt_match.opt_default("m", "5").map(|period| {
let gpu_painting = !FORCE_CPU_PAINTING && opt_match.opt_present("g");
let mut layout_threads: usize = match opt_match.opt_str("y") {
Some(layout_threads_str) => layout_threads_str.parse().unwrap(),
None => cmp::max(num_cpus::get() * 3 / 4, 1),
let nonincremental_layout = opt_match.opt_present("i");
let nossl = opt_match.opt_present("no-ssl");
let mut bubble_inline_sizes_separately = debug_options.contains(&"bubble-widths");
let trace_layout = debug_options.contains(&"trace-layout");
if trace_layout {
paint_threads = 1;
layout_threads = 1;
bubble_inline_sizes_separately = true;
let devtools_port = opt_match.opt_default("devtools", "6000").map(|port| {
let webdriver_port = opt_match.opt_default("webdriver", "7000").map(|port| {
let initial_window_size = match opt_match.opt_str("resolution") {
Some(res_string) => {
let res: Vec<u32> = res_string.split('x').map(|r| r.parse().unwrap()).collect();
Size2D::typed(res[0], res[1])
None => {
Size2D::typed(800, 600)
let opts = Opts {
url: Some(url),
paint_threads: paint_threads,
gpu_painting: gpu_painting,
tile_size: tile_size,
device_pixels_per_px: device_pixels_per_px,
time_profiler_period: time_profiler_period,
mem_profiler_period: mem_profiler_period,
enable_experimental: opt_match.opt_present("e"),
layout_threads: layout_threads,
nonincremental_layout: nonincremental_layout,
nossl: nossl,
userscripts: opt_match.opt_default("userscripts", ""),
output_file: opt_match.opt_str("o"),
replace_surrogates: debug_options.contains(&"replace-surrogates"),
headless: opt_match.opt_present("z"),
hard_fail: opt_match.opt_present("f"),
bubble_inline_sizes_separately: bubble_inline_sizes_separately,
profile_tasks: debug_options.contains(&"profile-tasks"),
trace_layout: trace_layout,
devtools_port: devtools_port,
webdriver_port: webdriver_port,
initial_window_size: initial_window_size,
user_agent: opt_match.opt_str("u"),
show_debug_borders: debug_options.contains(&"show-compositor-borders"),
show_debug_fragment_borders: debug_options.contains(&"show-fragment-borders"),
show_debug_parallel_paint: debug_options.contains(&"show-parallel-paint"),
show_debug_parallel_layout: debug_options.contains(&"show-parallel-layout"),
paint_flashing: debug_options.contains(&"paint-flashing"),
enable_text_antialiasing: !debug_options.contains(&"disable-text-aa"),
enable_canvas_antialiasing: !debug_options.contains(&"disable-canvas-aa"),
dump_flow_tree: debug_options.contains(&"dump-flow-tree"),
dump_display_list: debug_options.contains(&"dump-display-list"),
dump_display_list_json: debug_options.contains(&"dump-display-list-json"),
dump_display_list_optimized: debug_options.contains(&"dump-display-list-optimized"),
relayout_event: debug_options.contains(&"relayout-event"),
validate_display_list_geometry: debug_options.contains(&"validate-display-list-geometry"),
resources_path: opt_match.opt_str("resources-path"),
sniff_mime_types: opt_match.opt_present("sniff-mime-types"),
disable_share_style_cache: debug_options.contains(&"disable-share-style-cache"),
parallel_display_list_building: debug_options.contains(&"parallel-display-list-building"),
exit_after_load: opt_match.opt_present("x"),
/// Turn on experimental features globally. Normally this is done
/// during initialization by `set` or `from_cmdline_args`, but
/// tests that require experimental features will also set it.
pub fn set_experimental_enabled(new_value: bool) {, Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn experimental_enabled() -> bool {
// Make Opts available globally. This saves having to clone and pass
// opts everywhere it is used, which gets particularly cumbersome
// when passing through the DOM structures.
static mut DEFAULT_OPTIONS: *mut Opts = 0 as *mut Opts;
const INVALID_OPTIONS: *mut Opts = 0x01 as *mut Opts;
lazy_static! {
static ref OPTIONS: Opts = {
let opts = unsafe {
let initial = if !DEFAULT_OPTIONS.is_null() {
let opts = Box::from_raw(DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
} else {
pub fn set_defaults(opts: Opts) {
unsafe {
let box_opts = box opts;
DEFAULT_OPTIONS = Box::into_raw(box_opts);
pub fn get() -> &'static Opts {