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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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import os
from mozpack.errors import errors
from mozpack.files import (
import mozpack.path
import errno
from collections import (
def ensure_parent_dir(file):
'''Ensures the directory parent to the given file exists'''
dir = os.path.dirname(file)
if not dir:
except OSError as error:
if error.errno != errno.EEXIST:
if not os.access(dir, os.W_OK):
umask = os.umask(0077)
os.chmod(dir, 0777 & ~umask)
class FileRegistry(object):
Generic container to keep track of a set of BaseFile instances. It
preserves the order under which the files are added, but doesn't keep
track of empty directories (directories are not stored at all).
The paths associated with the BaseFile instances are relative to an
unspecified (virtual) root directory.
registry = FileRegistry()
registry.add('foo/bar', file_instance)
def __init__(self):
self._files = OrderedDict()
def add(self, path, content):
Add a BaseFile instance to the container, under the given path.
assert isinstance(content, BaseFile)
if path in self._files:
return errors.error("%s already added" % path)
# Check whether any parent of the given path is already stored
partial_path = path
while partial_path:
partial_path = mozpack.path.dirname(partial_path)
if partial_path in self._files:
return errors.error("Can't add %s: %s is a file" %
(path, partial_path))
self._files[path] = content
def match(self, pattern):
Return the list of paths, stored in the container, matching the
given pattern. See the mozpack.path.match documentation for a
description of the handled patterns.
if '*' in pattern:
return [p for p in self.paths()
if mozpack.path.match(p, pattern)]
if pattern == '':
return self.paths()
if pattern in self._files:
return [pattern]
return [p for p in self.paths()
if mozpack.path.basedir(p, [pattern]) == pattern]
def remove(self, pattern):
Remove paths matching the given pattern from the container. See the
mozpack.path.match documentation for a description of the handled
items = self.match(pattern)
if not items:
return errors.error("Can't remove %s: %s" % (pattern,
"not matching anything previously added"))
for i in items:
del self._files[i]
def paths(self):
Return all paths stored in the container, in the order they were added.
return self._files.keys()
def __len__(self):
Return number of paths stored in the container.
return len(self._files)
def __contains__(self, pattern):
raise RuntimeError("'in' operator forbidden for %s. Use contains()." %
def contains(self, pattern):
Return whether the container contains paths matching the given
pattern. See the mozpack.path.match documentation for a description of
the handled patterns.
return len(self.match(pattern)) > 0
def __getitem__(self, path):
Return the BaseFile instance stored in the container for the given
return self._files[path]
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over all (path, BaseFile instance) pairs from the container.
for path, file in registry:
return self._files.iteritems()
class FileCopyResult(object):
"""Represents results of a FileCopier.copy operation."""
def __init__(self):
self.updated_files = set()
self.existing_files = set()
self.removed_files = set()
self.removed_directories = set()
def updated_files_count(self):
return len(self.updated_files)
def existing_files_count(self):
return len(self.existing_files)
def removed_files_count(self):
return len(self.removed_files)
def removed_directories_count(self):
return len(self.removed_directories)
class FileCopier(FileRegistry):
FileRegistry with the ability to copy the registered files to a separate
def copy(self, destination, skip_if_older=True):
Copy all registered files to the given destination path. The given
destination can be an existing directory, or not exist at all. It
can't be e.g. a file.
The copy process acts a bit like rsync: files are not copied when they
don't need to (see mozpack.files for details on file.copy), and files
existing in the destination directory that aren't registered are
Returns a FileCopyResult that details what changed.
assert isinstance(destination, basestring)
assert not os.path.exists(destination) or os.path.isdir(destination)
result = FileCopyResult()
destination = os.path.normpath(destination)
dest_files = set()
for path, file in self:
destfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(destination, path))
if file.copy(destfile, skip_if_older):
actual_dest_files = set()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destination):
for f in files:
actual_dest_files.add(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, f)))
for f in actual_dest_files - dest_files:
# Windows requires write access to remove files.
if == 'nt' and not os.access(f, os.W_OK):
# It doesn't matter what we set the permissions to since we
# will remove this file shortly.
os.chmod(f, 0600)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destination):
if files or dirs:
# Like files, permissions may not allow deletion. So, ensure write
# access is in place before attempting delete.
os.chmod(root, 0700)
return result
class FilePurger(FileCopier):
"""A variation of FileCopier that is used to purge untracked files.
Callers create an instance then call .add() to register files/paths that
should exist. Once the canonical set of files that may exist is defined,
.purge() is called against a target directory. All files and empty
directories in the target directory that aren't in the registry will be
class FakeFile(BaseFile):
def copy(self, dest, skip_if_older=True):
return True
def add(self, path):
"""Record that a path should exist.
We currently do not track what kind of entity should be behind that
path. We presumably could add type tracking later and have purging
delete entities if there is a type mismatch.
return FileCopier.add(self, path, FilePurger.FakeFile())
def purge(self, dest):
"""Deletes all files and empty directories not in the registry."""
return FileCopier.copy(self, dest)
def copy(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception('copy() disabled on FilePurger. Use purge().')
class Jarrer(FileRegistry, BaseFile):
FileRegistry with the ability to copy and pack the registered files as a
jar file. Also acts as a BaseFile instance, to be copied with a FileCopier.
def __init__(self, compress=True, optimize=True):
Create a Jarrer instance. See mozpack.mozjar.JarWriter documentation
for details on the compress and optimize arguments.
self.compress = compress
self.optimize = optimize
self._preload = []
def copy(self, dest, skip_if_older=True):
Pack all registered files in the given destination jar. The given
destination jar may be a path to jar file, or a Dest instance for
a jar file.
If the destination jar file exists, its (compressed) contents are used
instead of the registered BaseFile instances when appropriate.
class DeflaterDest(Dest):
Dest-like class, reading from a file-like object initially, but
switching to a Deflater object if written to.
dest = DeflaterDest(original_file) # Reads original_file
dest.write(data) # Creates a Deflater and write data there # Re-opens the Deflater and reads from it
def __init__(self, orig=None, compress=True):
self.mode = None
self.deflater = orig
self.compress = compress
def read(self, length=-1):
if self.mode != 'r':
assert self.mode is None
self.mode = 'r'
def write(self, data):
if self.mode != 'w':
from mozpack.mozjar import Deflater
self.deflater = Deflater(self.compress)
self.mode = 'w'
def exists(self):
return self.deflater is not None
if isinstance(dest, basestring):
dest = Dest(dest)
assert isinstance(dest, Dest)
from mozpack.mozjar import JarWriter, JarReader
old_jar = JarReader(fileobj=dest)
except Exception:
old_jar = []
old_contents = dict([(f.filename, f) for f in old_jar])
with JarWriter(fileobj=dest, compress=self.compress,
optimize=self.optimize) as jar:
for path, file in self:
if path in old_contents:
deflater = DeflaterDest(old_contents[path], self.compress)
deflater = DeflaterDest(compress=self.compress)
file.copy(deflater, skip_if_older)
jar.add(path, deflater.deflater)
if self._preload:
def open(self):
raise RuntimeError('unsupported')
def preload(self, paths):
Add the given set of paths to the list of preloaded files. See
mozpack.mozjar.JarWriter documentation for details on jar preloading.