
483 строки
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# -*- Mode: perl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# Tinderbox Module #
package BotModules::Tinderbox;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(BotModules);
# RegisterConfig - Called when initialised, should call registerVariables
sub RegisterConfig {
my $self = shift;
# [ name, save?, settable? ]
['trees', 1, 1, ['SeaMonkey', 'SeaMonkey-Ports', 'MozillaTest', 'Grendel']],
['treesAnnounced', 1, 1, ['SeaMonkey', 'SeaMonkey-Ports']],
['treesDefault', 1, 1, ['SeaMonkey']],
['treeStates', 0, 0, {}], # ->tree->(current, previous, lastupdate)
['lasttreesStates', 0, 0, []], # copy of trees in last test
['tinderboxStates', 0, 0, {}], # ->tree->build->(current, previous, lastupdate)
['updateDelay', 1, 1, 120],
['useNotice', 1, 1, 1], # set to 1 to use notice and 0 to use a normal message
['_lastupdate', 0, 0, 0],
['preferredLineLength', 1, 1, 100],
['mutes', 1, 1, {}], # tree -> "channel channel channel"
['states', 1, 1, {'success' => 'Success', 'testfailed' => 'Test Failed', 'busted' => 'Burning', }],
['maxInChannel', 1, 1, 5], # maximum number of lines to report in a channel
# Schedule - called when bot connects to a server, to install any schedulers
# use $self->schedule($event, $delay, $times, $data)
# where $times is 1 for a single event, -1 for recurring events,
# and a +ve number for an event that occurs that many times.
sub Schedule {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
$self->schedule($event, \$self->{'updateDelay'}, -1, 'tinderbox');
sub Help {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
my %commands = (
'' => 'The Tinderbox module monitors who the state of the tinderboxen.',
'qt' => 'Quick trees, same as \'trees terse\'. You can give it a <tree> argument if you like, for example \'qt seamonkey\'.',
'builds' => 'Gives the status of all the builds in all the trees that match a particular pattern. Syntax: \'builds <build>\'. For example: \'builds Mac\'.',
'trees' => 'Reports on the current state of the tinderboxen. Syntax: \'trees <options> <tree>\' where <options> is any number of: '.
'all (show all trees and all builds), main (show only main trees), burning (show only burning builds), '.
'long, medium, short, terse (how much detail to include), and <tree> is the name of the tree to show (or a regexp matching it).',
if ($self->isAdmin($event)) {
$commands{'mute'} = 'Disable reporting of a tree in a channel. (Only does something if the given tree exists.) Syntax: mute <tree> in <channel>';
$commands{'unmute'} = 'Enable reporting of a tree in a channel. By default, trees are reported in all channels that the module is active in. Syntax: unmute <tree> in <channel>';
return \%commands;
sub Told {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
if ($message =~ /^\s*trees?(?:\s+(.*?))?\s*(?:[, ]\s*please)?\?*\s*$/osi) {
# initial setup
my $trees = -1; # 0=default; 1=all; 'x'=pattern match
my $builds = -1; # 0=all; 1=horked and test failed; 2=horked only
my $verbosity = -1; # 1=terse; 2; 3; 4=verbose
# parse parameters
if (defined($1)) {
foreach (split(/\s+/, $1)) {
if (/^all$/osi) { $trees = '1' if $trees < 0; $builds = 0 if $builds < 0; }
elsif (/^main$/osi) { $trees = '0'; }
elsif (/^burning$/osi) { $builds = 2; }
elsif (/^long$/osi) { $verbosity = 4; }
elsif (/^medium$/osi) { $verbosity = 3; }
elsif (/^short$/osi) { $verbosity = 2; }
elsif (/^terse$/osi) { $verbosity = 1; }
else { $trees = $_; }
# defaults
$trees = '0' if $trees < 0;
$builds = 1 if $builds < 0;
$verbosity = 2 if $verbosity < 0;
# go
$self->GetTrees($event, 1, $trees, $builds, $verbosity);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*builds?\s+(.*?)\s*\?*\s*$/osi) {
$self->GetTrees($event, 2, $1);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*qt(?:\s+(.+?))?\s*$/osi) {
$self->GetTrees($event, 1, defined($1) ? $1 : 0, 1, 1);
} elsif ($self->isAdmin($event)) {
if ($message =~ /^\s*mute\s+(\S+?)\s+in\s+(\S+?)\s*$/osi) {
my $tree = $1 eq 'Tinderbox' ? '' : $1;
my $treeName = $tree eq '' ? 'all trees' : "trees named $tree";
if (($tree eq '') or (grep $_ eq $tree, @{$self->{'trees'}})) {
$self->{'mutes'}->{$tree} .= " $2";
$self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: Tinderbox notifications for $treeName muted in channel $2.");
} else {
$self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: There is no tree called $tree is there?.");
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*unmute\s+(\S+?)\s+in\s+(\S+?)\s*$/osi) {
my $tree = $1 eq 'Tinderbox' ? '' : $1;
my $treeName = $tree eq '' ? 'all trees' : "trees named $tree";
if (($tree eq '') or (grep $_ eq $tree, @{$self->{'trees'}})) {
my %mutedChannels = map { lc($_) => 1 } split(/ /o, $self->{'mutes'}->{$1});
delete($mutedChannels{lc($2)}); # get rid of any mentions of that channel
$self->{'mutes'}->{$1} = join(' ', keys(%mutedChannels));
$self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: Tinderbox notifications for trees named $1 resumed in channel $2.");
} else {
$self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: There is no tree called $tree is there?.");
} else {
return $self->SUPER::Told(@_);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::Told(@_);
return 0; # dealt with it...
sub GetTrees {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $requested, @mode) = @_;
my @trees = @{$self->{'trees'}};
local $" = ','; # XXX %-escape this
my $uri = "";
$self->getURI($event, $uri, $requested, @mode);
sub GotURI {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $uri, $output, $requested, @mode) = @_;
if ($output) {
my $now = time();
$self->{'_lastupdate'} = $now;
my @lines = split(/\n/os, $output);
# NOTE. There is a box in Tinderbox whereby if you pass it an invalid tree name, it
# will stop at that tree and not give you any others. It won't give you an error
# message, either. So do not give it the wrong trees!!! (XXX should fix this)
# loop through quickparse output
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($type, $tree, $build, $state) = split(/\|/os, $line);
if ($type eq 'State') {
$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'lastupdate'} = $now;
if (defined($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'})) {
$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'previous'} = $self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'};
$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'} = $state;
$self->{'states'}->{$state} = $state unless defined($self->{'states'}->{$state});
} elsif ($type eq 'Build') {
$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'lastupdate'} = $now;
if (defined($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'})) {
$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'previous'} = $self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'};
$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'} = $state;
$self->{'states'}->{$state} = $state unless defined($self->{'states'}->{$state});
} # else unsupported type XXX
$self->CheckForUpdates($event, $requested);
if ($requested == 1) {
$self->ReportState($event, @mode);
} elsif ($requested == 2) {
$self->ReportBuild($event, @mode);
# update list of active trees
@{$self->{'lasttreesState'}} = @{$self->{'trees'}};
} else {
if ($requested) {
$self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: I can't access tinderbox right now, sorry.");
$self->debug('failed to get tinderbox data');
sub Scheduled {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, @data) = @_;
if ($data[0] eq 'tinderbox') {
$self->GetTrees($event, 0);
} else {
$self->SUPER::Scheduled($event, @data);
sub CheckForUpdates {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $avoidTarget) = @_;
my $a; # disclaimer: I was asleep when I wrote the next line. I've no longer any idea what it does.
my @trees = map { $a = $_; grep { $_ eq $a } @{$self->{'lasttreesState'}}; } @{$self->{'treesAnnounced'}};
# After staring at it for a few minutes, I think what it does is get a list of the trees that should
# be announced, AND that have already been found to exist. But I'm not 100% sure.
foreach my $tree (@trees) {
my @newTrees;
my @newBuilds;
my @lostBuilds;
my @lostTrees;
my @changes;
# check trees
if (defined($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree})) {
if ($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'lastupdate'} == $self->{'_lastupdate'}) {
if (defined($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'previous'})) {
if ($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'previous'} ne $self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}) {
push(@changes, "$tree has changed state from $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'previous'}} to $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}}.");
} else {
push(@newTrees, "New tree added to tinderbox: $tree (state: $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}}).");
} else {
# tree has dissappeared!
push(@lostTrees, "Eek!!! Tree '$tree' has been removed from tinderbox!");
} # else tree doesn't exist
# check builds
if (defined($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree})) {
foreach my $build (keys(%{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}})) {
if ($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'lastupdate'} == $self->{'_lastupdate'}) {
if (defined($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'previous'})) {
if ($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'previous'} ne $self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'}) {
push(@changes, "$tree: '$build' has changed state from $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'previous'}} to $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'}}.");
} else {
push(@newBuilds, "New build added to $tree: $build (status: $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'}}).");
} else {
# build has dissappeared!
push(@lostBuilds, "Build '$build' has dropped from the '$tree' tinderbox.");
} # else tree doesn't exist
# sort out which channels to talk to
my %mutedChannels = ();
if (defined($self->{'mutes'}->{$tree})) {
%mutedChannels = map { lc($_) => 1 } split(/\s+/os, $self->{'mutes'}->{$tree});
if (defined($self->{'mutes'}->{''})) {
%mutedChannels = (%mutedChannels, map { lc($_) => 1 } split(/\s+/os, $self->{'mutes'}->{''}));
if (($avoidTarget) and ($event->{'target'} eq $event->{'channel'})) {
$mutedChannels{$event->{'channel'}} = 1;
# speak!
my @output = (@newTrees, @lostTrees, @newBuilds, @lostBuilds);
foreach (@{$self->{'channels'}}) {
unless ($mutedChannels{$_}) {
local $event->{'target'} = $_;
foreach (@changes) {
$self->sayOrNotice($event, $_);
if (@output < 3) {
foreach (@output) {
$self->sayOrNotice($event, $_);
} else {
$self->sayOrNotice($event, "Many tree changes just occured. Check tinderbox to see what they were.");
sub ReportState {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $trees, $builds, $verbosity) = @_;
# $trees: 0=default; 1=all; 'x'=pattern match
# $builds: 0=all; 1=horked and test failed; 2=horked only
# $verbosity: 1=terse; 2; 3; 4=verbose
# the complete output
my @lines;
# work out which trees we want
my @trees;
if ($trees eq '0') {
@trees = @{$self->{'treesDefault'}};
} elsif ($trees eq '1') {
@trees = @{$self->{'trees'}};
} else {
my $pattern = $self->sanitizeRegexp($trees);
foreach my $tree (keys %{$self->{'treeStates'}}) {
push(@trees, $tree) if $tree =~ /$pattern/si;
if (@trees) {
foreach my $tree (@trees) {
if ((defined($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree})) and ($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'lastupdate'} == $self->{'_lastupdate'})) {
# setup
my @output;
my ($redShort) = ($self->{'states'}->{'bustedShort'} or split(//osi, $self->{'states'}->{'busted'}));
my $red = 0;
my ($orangeShort) = ($self->{'states'}->{'testfailedShort'} or split(//osi, $self->{'states'}->{'testfailed'}));
my $orange = 0;
my ($greenShort) = ($self->{'states'}->{'successShort'} or split(//osi, $self->{'states'}->{'success'}));
my $green = 0;
# foreach build
if (defined($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree})) {
foreach my $build (keys(%{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}})) {
if ($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'lastupdate'} == $self->{'_lastupdate'}) {
my $state = $self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'};
# count results
if ($state eq 'success') {
} elsif ($state eq 'testfailed') {
} else {
# make sure we should list this build
if ($state eq 'success') {
next if $builds >= 1;
} elsif ($state eq 'testfailed') {
next if $builds >= 2;
if ($verbosity == 1) {
my($minibuild) = split(/\s/osi, $build);
my $ministate = $self->{'states'}->{$state.'Short'};
if (not $ministate) {
($ministate) = split(//osi, $self->{'states'}->{$state});
push(@output, "$minibuild: $ministate;");
} elsif (($verbosity == 2) || ($verbosity == 3)) {
my($minibuild) = $verbosity == 2 ? split(/\s/osi, $build) : ($build);
my $ministate = $self->{'states'}->{$state.'Medium'};
if (not $ministate) {
$ministate = $self->{'states'}->{$state};
push(@output, "$minibuild ($ministate),");
} else {
push(@output, "[$build: $self->{'states'}->{$state}]")
} # else build is dead
} # (foreach build)
} # else tree is dead
# pretty print it
my @newoutput;
if ($verbosity == 1) {
if (@output == 0) {
unless ($red + $green + $orange) {
push(@output, "(none)");
} elsif ($builds <= 1) {
push(@output, "(all green)");
} else {
push(@output, "(none red)");
my $ministate = $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}.'Short'};
if (not $ministate) {
($ministate) = split(//osi, $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}});
@newoutput = $self->wordWrap($self->{'preferredLineLength'},
"$tree <$ministate> $redShort:${red} $orangeShort:${orange} $greenShort:${green} ",
' ', ' ', @output);
$newoutput[0] =~ s/^ //o;
$newoutput[$#newoutput] =~ s/;$//o;
push(@lines, @newoutput);
} elsif (($verbosity == 2) || ($verbosity == 3)) {
unless ($red+$orange+$green) {
push(@lines, "$tree <$self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}}>: no tinderboxen for this tree.");
} elsif (($red) or ($orange)) {
if (@output == 0) {
# can only happen if $red is 0 and $builds is 1.
push(@output, "all tinderboxen compile");
my @newoutput = $self->wordWrap($self->{'preferredLineLength'},
"$tree <$self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}}> $red red, $orange orange, $green green: ",
' ', ' ', @output);
$newoutput[0] =~ s/^ //o;
$newoutput[$#newoutput] =~ s/,$//o;
# if (length(@newoutput[$#newoutput]) < $self->{'preferredLineLength'} - 33) {
# $newoutput[$#newoutput] .= " Summary: $red red, $orange orange, $green green";
# } else {
# push(@newoutput, " Summary: $red red, $orange orange, $green green");
# }
push(@lines, @newoutput);
} else {
push(@lines, "$tree <$self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}}>: all $green tinderboxen green!");
} else {
if (@output == 0) {
unless ($red + $green + $orange) {
push(@output, "no tinderboxen for this tree.");
} elsif ($builds <= 1) {
push(@output, "all tinderboxen for this tree are green!");
} else {
push(@output, "all tinderboxen for this tree compile successfully.");
@newoutput = $self->wordWrap($self->{'preferredLineLength'},
"$tree <$self->{'states'}->{$self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'current'}}> $red red, $orange orange, $green green: ",
' ', ' ', @output);
$newoutput[0] =~ s/^ //o;
push(@lines, @newoutput);
} # else tree is dead
} # (foreach tree)
} else { # no tree selected
@lines = ("No tree matches the pattern '$trees', sorry!");
$self->Report($event, 'tree status', @lines);
sub ReportBuild {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $pattern) = @_;
# the complete output
my @output;
foreach my $tree (@{$self->{'trees'}}) {
if ((defined($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree})) and
($self->{'treeStates'}->{$tree}->{'lastupdate'} == $self->{'_lastupdate'}) and
(defined($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}))) {
foreach my $build (keys(%{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}})) {
if (($self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'lastupdate'} == $self->{'_lastupdate'}) and
($build =~ /\Q$pattern\E/is)) {
push(@output, "[$build: $self->{'states'}->{$self->{'tinderboxStates'}->{$tree}->{$build}->{'current'}}]")
@output = ('There are no matching builds.') unless @output;
@output = $self->prettyPrint($self->{'preferredLineLength'}, undef, "$event->{'from'}: ", ' ', @output);
$self->Report($event, 'tree status', @output);
sub Report {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $what, @output) = @_;
if (scalar(@output) > $self->{'maxInChannel'}) {
foreach (@output) {
$self->directSay($event, $_);
$self->channelSay($event, "$event->{'from'}: $what /msg'ed");
} else {
foreach (@output) {
$self->say($event, $_);
sub sayOrNotice {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'useNotice'}) {
} else {