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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "FxROutputHandler.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "moz_external_vr.h"
#include "VRShMem.h"
// TryInitialize is responsible for associating this output handler with the
// calling window's swapchain for subsequent updates. This also creates a
// texture that can be shared across processes and updates VRShMem with the
// shared texture handle.
// See nsFxrCommandLineHandler::Handle for more information about the
// bootstrap process.
bool FxROutputHandler::TryInitialize(IDXGISwapChain* aSwapChain,
ID3D11Device* aDevice) {
if (mSwapChain == nullptr) {
RefPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> texOrig = nullptr;
aSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_ID3D11Texture2D, getter_AddRefs(texOrig));
if (hr != S_OK) {
return false;
// Create shareable texture, which will be copied to
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC descOrig = {0};
descOrig.MiscFlags |= D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED;
hr = aDevice->CreateTexture2D(&descOrig, nullptr,
if (hr != S_OK) {
return false;
// Now, share the texture to a handle that can be marshaled to another
// process
HANDLE hCopy = nullptr;
RefPtr<IDXGIResource> texResource;
hr = mTexCopy->QueryInterface(IID_IDXGIResource,
if (hr != S_OK) {
return false;
hr = texResource->GetSharedHandle(&hCopy);
if (hr != S_OK) {
return false;
// The texture is successfully created and shared, so cache a
// pointer to the swapchain to indicate this success.
mSwapChain = aSwapChain;
// Finally, marshal the shared texture handle via VRShMem
mozilla::gfx::VRShMem shmem(nullptr, true /*aRequiresMutex*/);
if (shmem.JoinShMem()) {
mozilla::gfx::VRWindowState windowState = {0};
// The CLH should have populated hwndFx first
MOZ_ASSERT(windowState.hwndFx != 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(windowState.textureFx == nullptr);
windowState.textureFx = (HANDLE)hCopy;
// Notify the waiting host process that the data is now available
HANDLE hSignal = ::OpenEventA(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, // dwDesiredAccess
FALSE, // bInheritHandle
windowState.signalName // lpName
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(aSwapChain == mSwapChain);
return mSwapChain != nullptr && aSwapChain == mSwapChain;
// Update the contents of the shared texture.
void FxROutputHandler::UpdateOutput(ID3D11DeviceContext* aCtx) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mSwapChain != nullptr);
ID3D11Texture2D* texOrig = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = mSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&texOrig));
if (hr == S_OK) {
aCtx->CopyResource(mTexCopy, texOrig);