
1928 строки
64 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-*/
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// You can direct about:memory to immediately load memory reports from a file
// by providing a file= query string. For example,
// about:memory?file=/home/username/reports.json.gz
// "file=" is not case-sensitive. We'll URI-unescape the contents of the
// "file=" argument, and obviously the filename is case-sensitive iff you're on
// a case-sensitive filesystem. If you specify more than one "file=" argument,
// only the first one is used.
"use strict";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
let CC = Components.Constructor;
const KIND_NONHEAP = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.KIND_NONHEAP;
const KIND_HEAP = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.KIND_HEAP;
const KIND_OTHER = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.KIND_OTHER;
const UNITS_BYTES = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES;
const UNITS_COUNT = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT;
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "Downloads",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "FileUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "nsBinaryStream",
() => CC(";1",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "nsFile",
() => CC(";1",
"nsIFile", "initWithPath"));
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "nsGzipConverter",
() => CC(";1?from=gzip&to=uncompressed",
let gMgr = Cc[";1"]
const gPageName = "about:memory";
document.title = gPageName;
const gUnnamedProcessStr = "Main Process";
let gIsDiff = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward slashes in URLs in paths are represented with backslashes to avoid
// being mistaken for path separators. Paths/names where this hasn't been
// undone are prefixed with "unsafe"; the rest are prefixed with "safe".
function flipBackslashes(aUnsafeStr) {
// Save memory by only doing the replacement if it's necessary.
return (!aUnsafeStr.includes("\\"))
? aUnsafeStr
: aUnsafeStr.replace(/\\/g, "/");
const gAssertionFailureMsgPrefix = "aboutMemory.js assertion failed: ";
// This is used for things that should never fail, and indicate a defect in
// this file if they do.
function assert(aCond, aMsg) {
if (!aCond) {
throw new Error(gAssertionFailureMsgPrefix + aMsg);
// This is used for malformed input from memory reporters.
function assertInput(aCond, aMsg) {
if (!aCond) {
throw new Error(`Invalid memory report(s): ${aMsg}`);
function handleException(aEx) {
let str = "" + aEx;
if (str.startsWith(gAssertionFailureMsgPrefix)) {
// Argh, assertion failure within this file! Give up.
throw aEx;
} else {
// File or memory reporter problem. Print a message.
updateMainAndFooter(str, NO_TIMESTAMP, HIDE_FOOTER, "badInputWarning");
function reportAssertionFailure(aMsg) {
let debug = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIDebug2);
if (debug.isDebugBuild) {
debug.assertion(aMsg, "false", "aboutMemory.js", 0);
function debug(aVal) {
let section = appendElement(document.body, "div", "section");
appendElementWithText(section, "div", "debug", JSON.stringify(aVal));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onUnload() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The <div> holding everything but the header and footer (if they're present).
// It's what is updated each time the page changes.
let gMain;
// The <div> holding the footer.
let gFooter;
// The "verbose" checkbox.
let gVerbose;
// The "anonymize" checkbox.
let gAnonymize;
// Values for the |aFooterAction| argument to updateTitleMainAndFooter.
const HIDE_FOOTER = 0;
const SHOW_FOOTER = 1;
// Values for the |aShowTimestamp| argument to updateTitleMainAndFooter.
const NO_TIMESTAMP = 0;
function updateTitleMainAndFooter(aTitleNote, aMsg, aShowTimestamp,
aFooterAction, aClassName) {
document.title = gPageName;
if (aTitleNote) {
document.title += ` (${aTitleNote})`;
// Clear gMain by replacing it with an empty node.
let tmp = gMain.cloneNode(false);
gMain.parentNode.replaceChild(tmp, gMain);
gMain = tmp;
if (gVerbose) {
gMain.classList.add(gVerbose.checked ? "verbose" : "non-verbose");
let msgElement;
if (aMsg) {
let className = "section";
if (aClassName) {
className = className + " " + aClassName;
if (aShowTimestamp == SHOW_TIMESTAMP) {
// JS has many options for pretty-printing timestamps. We use
// toISOString() because it has sub-second granularity, which is useful
// if you quickly and repeatedly click one of the buttons.
aMsg += ` (${(new Date()).toISOString()})`;
msgElement = appendElementWithText(gMain, "div", className, aMsg);
switch (aFooterAction) {
case HIDE_FOOTER: gFooter.classList.add("hidden"); break;
case SHOW_FOOTER: gFooter.classList.remove("hidden"); break;
default: assert(false, "bad footer action in updateTitleMainAndFooter");
return msgElement;
function updateMainAndFooter(aMsg, aShowTimestamp, aFooterAction, aClassName) {
return updateTitleMainAndFooter("", aMsg, aShowTimestamp, aFooterAction,
function appendTextNode(aP, aText) {
let e = document.createTextNode(aText);
return e;
function appendElement(aP, aTagName, aClassName) {
let e = document.createElement(aTagName);
if (aClassName) {
e.className = aClassName;
return e;
function appendElementWithText(aP, aTagName, aClassName, aText) {
let e = appendElement(aP, aTagName, aClassName);
// Setting textContent clobbers existing children, but there are none. More
// importantly, it avoids creating a JS-land object for the node, saving
// memory.
e.textContent = aText;
return e;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const explicitTreeDescription =
"This tree covers explicit memory allocations by the application. It includes \
* allocations made at the operating system level (via calls to functions such as \
VirtualAlloc, vm_allocate, and mmap), \
* allocations made at the heap allocation level (via functions such as malloc, \
calloc, realloc, memalign, operator new, and operator new[]) that have not been \
explicitly decommitted (i.e. evicted from memory and swap), and \
* where possible, the overhead of the heap allocator itself.\
It excludes memory that is mapped implicitly such as code and data segments, \
and thread stacks. \
'explicit' is not guaranteed to cover every explicit allocation, but it does cover \
most (including the entire heap), and therefore it is the single best number to \
focus on when trying to reduce memory usage.";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function appendButton(aP, aTitle, aOnClick, aText, aId) {
let b = appendElementWithText(aP, "button", "", aText);
b.title = aTitle;
b.onclick = aOnClick;
if (aId) { = aId;
return b;
function appendHiddenFileInput(aP, aId, aChangeListener) {
let input = appendElementWithText(aP, "input", "hidden", "");
input.type = "file"; = aId; // used in testing
input.addEventListener("change", aChangeListener);
return input;
function onLoad() {
// Generate the header.
let header = appendElement(document.body, "div", "ancillary");
// A hidden file input element that can be invoked when necessary.
let fileInput1 = appendHiddenFileInput(header, "fileInput1", function() {
let file = this.files[0];
let filename = file.mozFullPath;
// Ditto.
let fileInput2 = appendHiddenFileInput(header, "fileInput2", function(aElem) {
let file = this.files[0];
// First time around, we stash a copy of the filename and reinvoke. Second
// time around we do the diff and display.
if (!this.filename1) {
this.filename1 = file.mozFullPath;
// aElem.skipClick is only true when testing -- it allows fileInput2's
// onchange handler to be re-called without having to go via the file
// picker.
if (!aElem.skipClick) {;
} else {
let filename1 = this.filename1;
delete this.filename1;
updateAboutMemoryFromTwoFiles(filename1, file.mozFullPath);
const CuDesc = "Measure current memory reports and show.";
const LdDesc = "Load memory reports from file and show.";
const DfDesc = "Load memory report data from two files and show the " +
const SvDesc = "Save memory reports to file.";
const GCDesc = "Do a global garbage collection.";
const CCDesc = "Do a cycle collection.";
const MMDesc = "Send three \"heap-minimize\" notifications in a " +
"row. Each notification triggers a global garbage " +
"collection followed by a cycle collection, and causes the " +
"process to reduce memory usage in other ways, e.g. by " +
"flushing various caches.";
const GCAndCCLogDesc = "Save garbage collection log and concise cycle " +
"collection log.\n" +
"WARNING: These logs may be large (>1GB).";
const GCAndCCAllLogDesc = "Save garbage collection log and verbose cycle " +
"collection log.\n" +
"WARNING: These logs may be large (>1GB).";
const DMDEnabledDesc = "Analyze memory reports coverage and save the " +
"output to the temp directory.\n";
const DMDDisabledDesc = "DMD is not running. Please re-start with $DMD and " +
"the other relevant environment variables set " +
let ops = appendElement(header, "div", "");
let row1 = appendElement(ops, "div", "opsRow");
let labelDiv1 =
appendElementWithText(row1, "div", "opsRowLabel", "Show memory reports");
let label1 = appendElementWithText(labelDiv1, "label", "");
gVerbose = appendElement(label1, "input", "");
gVerbose.type = "checkbox"; = "verbose"; // used for testing
appendTextNode(label1, "verbose");
// The "measureButton" id is used for testing.
appendButton(row1, CuDesc, doMeasure, "Measure", "measureButton");
appendButton(row1, LdDesc, () =>, "Load…");
appendButton(row1, DfDesc, () =>, "Load and diff…");
let row2 = appendElement(ops, "div", "opsRow");
let labelDiv2 =
appendElementWithText(row2, "div", "opsRowLabel", "Save memory reports");
appendButton(row2, SvDesc, saveReportsToFile, "Measure and save…");
// XXX: this isn't a great place for this checkbox, but I can't think of
// anywhere better.
let label2 = appendElementWithText(labelDiv2, "label", "");
gAnonymize = appendElement(label2, "input", "");
gAnonymize.type = "checkbox";
appendTextNode(label2, "anonymize");
let row3 = appendElement(ops, "div", "opsRow");
appendElementWithText(row3, "div", "opsRowLabel", "Free memory");
appendButton(row3, GCDesc, doGC, "GC");
appendButton(row3, CCDesc, doCC, "CC");
appendButton(row3, MMDesc, doMMU, "Minimize memory usage");
let row4 = appendElement(ops, "div", "opsRow");
appendElementWithText(row4, "div", "opsRowLabel", "Save GC & CC logs");
appendButton(row4, GCAndCCLogDesc,
saveGCLogAndConciseCCLog, "Save concise", "saveLogsConcise");
appendButton(row4, GCAndCCAllLogDesc,
saveGCLogAndVerboseCCLog, "Save verbose", "saveLogsVerbose");
// Three cases here:
// - DMD is disabled (i.e. not built): don't show the button.
// - DMD is enabled but is not running: show the button, but disable it.
// - DMD is enabled and is running: show the button and enable it.
if (gMgr.isDMDEnabled) {
let row5 = appendElement(ops, "div", "opsRow");
appendElementWithText(row5, "div", "opsRowLabel", "Save DMD output");
let enableButtons = gMgr.isDMDRunning;
let dmdButton =
appendButton(row5, enableButtons ? DMDEnabledDesc : DMDDisabledDesc,
doDMD, "Save");
dmdButton.disabled = !enableButtons;
// Generate the main div, where content ("section" divs) will go. It's
// hidden at first.
gMain = appendElement(document.body, "div", ""); = "mainDiv";
// Generate the footer. It's hidden at first.
gFooter = appendElement(document.body, "div", "ancillary hidden");
let a = appendElementWithText(gFooter, "a", "option",
"Troubleshooting information");
a.href = "about:support";
let legendText1 = "Click on a non-leaf node in a tree to expand ('++') " +
"or collapse ('--') its children.";
let legendText2 = "Hover the pointer over the name of a memory report " +
"to see a description of what it measures.";
appendElementWithText(gFooter, "div", "legend", legendText1);
appendElementWithText(gFooter, "div", "legend hiddenOnMobile", legendText2);
// See if we're loading from a file. (Because about:memory is a non-standard
// URL, is undefined, so we have to use location.href
// instead.)
let search = location.href.split("?")[1];
if (search) {
let searchSplit = search.split("&");
for (let s of searchSplit) {
if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("file=")) {
let filename = s.substring("file=".length);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function doGC() {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "child-gc-request");
updateMainAndFooter("Garbage collection completed", SHOW_TIMESTAMP,
function doCC() {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "child-cc-request");
updateMainAndFooter("Cycle collection completed", SHOW_TIMESTAMP,
function doMMU() {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "child-mmu-request");
() => updateMainAndFooter("Memory minimization completed",
function doMeasure() {
function saveGCLogAndConciseCCLog() {
function saveGCLogAndVerboseCCLog() {
function doDMD() {
updateMainAndFooter("Saving memory reports and DMD output...",
try {
let dumper = Cc[";1"]
dumper.dumpMemoryInfoToTempDir(/* identifier = */ "",
/* minimize = */ false);
updateMainAndFooter("Saved memory reports and DMD reports analysis " +
"to the temp directory",
} catch (ex) {
updateMainAndFooter(ex.toString(), NO_TIMESTAMP, HIDE_FOOTER);
function dumpGCLogAndCCLog(aVerbose) {
let dumper = Cc[";1"]
let inProgress = updateMainAndFooter("Saving logs...",
let section = appendElement(gMain, "div", "section");
function displayInfo(aGCLog, aCCLog, aIsParent) {
appendElementWithText(section, "div", "",
"Saved GC log to " + aGCLog.path);
let ccLogType = aVerbose ? "verbose" : "concise";
appendElementWithText(section, "div", "",
"Saved " + ccLogType + " CC log to " + aCCLog.path);
dumper.dumpGCAndCCLogsToFile("", aVerbose, /* dumpChildProcesses = */ true,
{ onDump: displayInfo,
onFinish() {
* Top-level function that does the work of generating the page from the memory
* reporters.
function updateAboutMemoryFromReporters() {
updateMainAndFooter("Measuring...", NO_TIMESTAMP, HIDE_FOOTER);
try {
let processLiveMemoryReports =
function(aHandleReport, aDisplayReports) {
let handleReport = function(aProcess, aUnsafePath, aKind, aUnits,
aAmount, aDescription) {
aHandleReport(aProcess, aUnsafePath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount,
aDescription, /* presence = */ undefined);
let displayReportsAndFooter = function() {
updateTitleMainAndFooter("live measurement", "", NO_TIMESTAMP,
gMgr.getReports(handleReport, null, displayReportsAndFooter, null,
// Process the reports from the live memory reporters.
} catch (ex) {
// Increment this if the JSON format changes.
let gCurrentFileFormatVersion = 1;
* Parse a string as JSON and extract the |memory_report| property if it has
* one, which indicates the string is from a crash dump.
* @param aStr
* The string.
* @return The extracted object.
function parseAndUnwrapIfCrashDump(aStr) {
let obj = JSON.parse(aStr);
if (obj.memory_report !== undefined) {
// It looks like a crash dump. The memory reports should be in the
// |memory_report| property.
obj = obj.memory_report;
return obj;
* Populate about:memory using the data in the given JSON object.
* @param aObj
* An object that (hopefully!) conforms to the JSON schema used by
* nsIMemoryInfoDumper.
function updateAboutMemoryFromJSONObject(aObj) {
try {
assertInput(aObj.version === gCurrentFileFormatVersion,
"data version number missing or doesn't match");
assertInput(aObj.hasMozMallocUsableSize !== undefined,
"missing 'hasMozMallocUsableSize' property");
assertInput(aObj.reports && aObj.reports instanceof Array,
"missing or non-array 'reports' property");
let processMemoryReportsFromFile =
function(aHandleReport, aDisplayReports) {
for (let r of aObj.reports) {
aHandleReport(r.process, r.path, r.kind, r.units, r.amount,
r.description, r._presence);
} catch (ex) {
* Populate about:memory using the data in the given JSON string.
* @param aStr
* A string containing JSON data conforming to the schema used by
* nsIMemoryReporterManager::dumpReports.
function updateAboutMemoryFromJSONString(aStr) {
try {
let obj = parseAndUnwrapIfCrashDump(aStr);
} catch (ex) {
* Loads the contents of a file into a string and passes that to a callback.
* @param aFilename
* The name of the file being read from.
* @param aTitleNote
* A description to put in the page title upon completion.
* @param aFn
* The function to call and pass the read string to upon completion.
function loadMemoryReportsFromFile(aFilename, aTitleNote, aFn) {
updateMainAndFooter("Loading...", NO_TIMESTAMP, HIDE_FOOTER);
try {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = () => { throw new Error("FileReader.onerror"); };
reader.onabort = () => { throw new Error("FileReader.onabort"); };
reader.onload = (aEvent) => {
// Clear "Loading..." from above.
updateTitleMainAndFooter(aTitleNote, "", NO_TIMESTAMP, SHOW_FOOTER);
// If it doesn't have a .gz suffix, read it as a (legacy) ungzipped file.
if (!aFilename.endsWith(".gz")) {
File.createFromFileName(aFilename).then(file => {
// Read compressed gzip file.
let converter = new nsGzipConverter();
converter.asyncConvertData("gzip", "uncompressed", {
data: [],
onStartRequest(aR, aC) {},
onDataAvailable(aR, aC, aStream, aO, aCount) {
let bi = new nsBinaryStream(aStream);;
onStopRequest(aR, aC, aStatusCode) {
try {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) {
throw new Components.Exception("Error while reading gzip file", aStatusCode);
reader.readAsText(new Blob(;
} catch (ex) {
}, null);
let file = new nsFile(aFilename);
let fileChan = NetUtil.newChannel({
loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
} catch (ex) {
* Like updateAboutMemoryFromReporters(), but gets its data from a file instead
* of the memory reporters.
* @param aFilename
* The name of the file being read from. The expected format of the
* file's contents is described in a comment in nsIMemoryInfoDumper.idl.
function updateAboutMemoryFromFile(aFilename) {
loadMemoryReportsFromFile(aFilename, /* title note */ aFilename,
* Like updateAboutMemoryFromFile(), but gets its data from a two files and
* diffs them.
* @param aFilename1
* The name of the first file being read from.
* @param aFilename2
* The name of the first file being read from.
function updateAboutMemoryFromTwoFiles(aFilename1, aFilename2) {
let titleNote = `diff of ${aFilename1} and ${aFilename2}`;
loadMemoryReportsFromFile(aFilename1, titleNote, function(aStr1) {
loadMemoryReportsFromFile(aFilename2, titleNote, function(aStr2) {
try {
let obj1 = parseAndUnwrapIfCrashDump(aStr1);
let obj2 = parseAndUnwrapIfCrashDump(aStr2);
gIsDiff = true;
updateAboutMemoryFromJSONObject(diffJSONObjects(obj1, obj2));
gIsDiff = false;
} catch (ex) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Something unlikely to appear in a process name.
let kProcessPathSep = "^:^:^";
// Short for "diff report".
function DReport(aKind, aUnits, aAmount, aDescription, aNMerged, aPresence) {
this._kind = aKind;
this._units = aUnits;
this._amount = aAmount;
this._description = aDescription;
this._nMerged = aNMerged;
if (aPresence !== undefined) {
this._presence = aPresence;
DReport.prototype = {
assertCompatible(aKind, aUnits) {
assert(this._kind == aKind, "Mismatched kinds");
assert(this._units == aUnits, "Mismatched units");
// We don't check that the "description" properties match. This is because
// on Linux we can get cases where the paths are the same but the
// descriptions differ, like this:
// "path": "size/other-files/icon-theme.cache/[r--p]",
// "description": "/usr/share/icons/gnome/icon-theme.cache (read-only, not executable, private)"
// "path": "size/other-files/icon-theme.cache/[r--p]"
// "description": "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache (read-only, not executable, private)"
// In those cases, we just use the description from the first-encountered
// one, which is what about:memory also does.
// (Note: reports with those paths are no longer generated, but allowing
// the descriptions to differ seems reasonable.)
merge(aJr) {
this.assertCompatible(aJr.kind, aJr.units);
this._amount += aJr.amount;
toJSON(aProcess, aPath, aAmount) {
return {
process: aProcess,
path: aPath,
kind: this._kind,
units: this._units,
amount: aAmount,
description: this._description,
_presence: this._presence,
// Constants that indicate if a DReport was present only in one of the data
// sets, or had to be added for balance.
* Make a report map, which has combined path+process strings for keys, and
* DReport objects for values.
* @param aJSONReports
* The |reports| field of a JSON object.
* @return The constructed report map.
function makeDReportMap(aJSONReports) {
let dreportMap = {};
for (let jr of aJSONReports) {
assert(jr.process !== undefined, "Missing process");
assert(jr.path !== undefined, "Missing path");
assert(jr.kind !== undefined, "Missing kind");
assert(jr.units !== undefined, "Missing units");
assert(jr.amount !== undefined, "Missing amount");
assert(jr.description !== undefined, "Missing description");
// Strip out some non-deterministic stuff that prevents clean diffs.
// Ideally the memory reports themselves would contain information about
// which parts of the the process and path need to be stripped -- saving us
// from hardwiring knowledge of specific reporters here -- but we have no
// mechanism for that. (Any future redesign of how memory reporters work
// should include such a mechanism.)
// Strip PIDs:
// - pid 123
// - pid=123
let pidRegex = /pid([ =])\d+/g;
let pidSubst = "pid$1NNN";
let process = jr.process.replace(pidRegex, pidSubst);
let path = jr.path.replace(pidRegex, pidSubst);
// Strip TIDs and threadpool IDs.
path = path.replace(/\(tid=(\d+)\)/, "(tid=NNN)");
path = path.replace(/#\d+ \(tid=NNN\)/, "#N (tid=NNN)");
// Strip addresses:
// - .../js-zone(0x12345678)/...
// - .../zone(0x12345678)/...
// - .../worker(<URL>, 0x12345678)/...
path = path.replace(/zone\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\)\//, "zone(0xNNN)/");
path = path.replace(/\/worker\((.+), 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\)\//,
"/worker($1, 0xNNN)/");
// Strip top window IDs:
// - explicit/window-objects/top(<URL>, id=123)/...
path = path.replace(/^(explicit\/window-objects\/top\(.*, id=)\d+\)/,
// Strip null principal UUIDs (but not other UUIDs, because they may be
// deterministic, such as those used by add-ons).
path = path.replace(
// Normalize omni.ja! paths.
path = path.replace(/jar:file:\\\\\\(.+)\\omni.ja!/,
// Normalize script source counts.
path = path.replace(/source\(scripts=(\d+), /,
"source\(scripts=NNN, ");
let processPath = process + kProcessPathSep + path;
let rOld = dreportMap[processPath];
if (rOld === undefined) {
dreportMap[processPath] =
new DReport(jr.kind, jr.units, jr.amount, jr.description, 1, undefined);
} else {
return dreportMap;
// Return a new dreportMap which is the diff of two dreportMaps. Empties
// aDReportMap2 along the way.
function diffDReportMaps(aDReportMap1, aDReportMap2) {
let result = {};
for (let processPath in aDReportMap1) {
let r1 = aDReportMap1[processPath];
let r2 = aDReportMap2[processPath];
let r2_amount, r2_nMerged;
let presence;
if (r2 !== undefined) {
r1.assertCompatible(r2._kind, r2._units);
r2_amount = r2._amount;
r2_nMerged = r2._nMerged;
delete aDReportMap2[processPath];
presence = undefined; // represents that it's present in both
} else {
r2_amount = 0;
r2_nMerged = 0;
presence = DReport.PRESENT_IN_FIRST_ONLY;
result[processPath] =
new DReport(r1._kind, r1._units, r2_amount - r1._amount, r1._description,
Math.max(r1._nMerged, r2_nMerged), presence);
for (let processPath in aDReportMap2) {
let r2 = aDReportMap2[processPath];
result[processPath] = new DReport(r2._kind, r2._units, r2._amount,
r2._description, r2._nMerged,
return result;
function makeJSONReports(aDReportMap) {
let reports = [];
for (let processPath in aDReportMap) {
let r = aDReportMap[processPath];
if (r._amount !== 0) {
// If _nMerged > 1, we give the full (aggregated) amount in the first
// copy, and then use amount=0 in the remainder. When viewed in
// about:memory, this shows up as an entry with a "[2]"-style suffix
// and the correct amount.
let split = processPath.split(kProcessPathSep);
assert(split.length >= 2);
let process = split.shift();
let path = split.join();
reports.push(r.toJSON(process, path, r._amount));
for (let i = 1; i < r._nMerged; i++) {
reports.push(r.toJSON(process, path, 0));
return reports;
// Diff two JSON objects holding memory reports.
function diffJSONObjects(aJson1, aJson2) {
function simpleProp(aProp) {
assert(aJson1[aProp] !== undefined && aJson1[aProp] === aJson2[aProp],
aProp + " properties don't match");
return aJson1[aProp];
return {
version: simpleProp("version"),
hasMozMallocUsableSize: simpleProp("hasMozMallocUsableSize"),
reports: makeJSONReports(diffDReportMaps(makeDReportMap(aJson1.reports),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |PColl| is short for "process collection".
function PColl() {
this._trees = {};
this._degenerates = {};
this._heapTotal = 0;
* Processes reports (whether from reporters or from a file) and append the
* main part of the page.
* @param aProcessReports
* Function that extracts the memory reports from the reporters or from
* file.
* @param aHasMozMallocUsableSize
* Boolean indicating if moz_malloc_usable_size works.
function appendAboutMemoryMain(aProcessReports, aHasMozMallocUsableSize) {
let pcollsByProcess = {};
function handleReport(aProcess, aUnsafePath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount,
aDescription, aPresence) {
if (aUnsafePath.startsWith("explicit/")) {
assertInput(aKind === KIND_HEAP || aKind === KIND_NONHEAP,
"bad explicit kind");
assertInput(aUnits === UNITS_BYTES, "bad explicit units");
assert(aPresence === undefined ||
aPresence == DReport.PRESENT_IN_FIRST_ONLY ||
aPresence == DReport.PRESENT_IN_SECOND_ONLY,
"bad presence");
let process = aProcess === "" ? gUnnamedProcessStr : aProcess;
let unsafeNames = aUnsafePath.split("/");
let unsafeName0 = unsafeNames[0];
let isDegenerate = unsafeNames.length === 1;
// Get the PColl table for the process, creating it if necessary.
let pcoll = pcollsByProcess[process];
if (!pcollsByProcess[process]) {
pcoll = pcollsByProcess[process] = new PColl();
// Get the root node, creating it if necessary.
let psubcoll = isDegenerate ? pcoll._degenerates : pcoll._trees;
let t = psubcoll[unsafeName0];
if (!t) {
t = psubcoll[unsafeName0] =
new TreeNode(unsafeName0, aUnits, isDegenerate);
if (!isDegenerate) {
// Add any missing nodes in the tree implied by aUnsafePath, and fill in
// the properties that we can with a top-down traversal.
for (let i = 1; i < unsafeNames.length; i++) {
let unsafeName = unsafeNames[i];
let u = t.findKid(unsafeName);
if (!u) {
u = new TreeNode(unsafeName, aUnits, isDegenerate);
if (!t._kids) {
t._kids = [];
t = u;
// Update the heap total if necessary.
if (unsafeName0 === "explicit" && aKind == KIND_HEAP) {
pcollsByProcess[process]._heapTotal += aAmount;
if (t._amount) {
// Duplicate! Sum the values and mark it as a dup.
t._amount += aAmount;
t._nMerged = t._nMerged ? t._nMerged + 1 : 2;
assert(t._presence === aPresence, "presence mismatch");
} else {
// New leaf node. Fill in extra node details from the report.
t._amount = aAmount;
t._description = aDescription;
if (aPresence !== undefined) {
t._presence = aPresence;
function displayReports() {
// Sort the processes.
let processes = Object.keys(pcollsByProcess);
processes.sort(function(aProcessA, aProcessB) {
assert(aProcessA != aProcessB,
`Elements of Object.keys() should be unique, but ` +
`saw duplicate '${aProcessA}' elem.`);
// Always put the main process first.
if (aProcessA == gUnnamedProcessStr) {
return -1;
if (aProcessB == gUnnamedProcessStr) {
return 1;
// Then sort by resident size.
let nodeA = pcollsByProcess[aProcessA]._degenerates.resident;
let nodeB = pcollsByProcess[aProcessB]._degenerates.resident;
let residentA = nodeA ? nodeA._amount : -1;
let residentB = nodeB ? nodeB._amount : -1;
if (residentA > residentB) {
return -1;
if (residentA < residentB) {
return 1;
// Then sort by process name.
if (aProcessA < aProcessB) {
return -1;
if (aProcessA > aProcessB) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Generate output for each process.
for (let [i, process] of processes.entries()) {
let section = appendElement(gMain, "div", "section");
appendProcessAboutMemoryElements(section, i, process,
aProcessReports(handleReport, displayReports);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There are two kinds of TreeNode.
// - Leaf TreeNodes correspond to reports.
// - Non-leaf TreeNodes are just scaffolding nodes for the tree; their values
// are derived from their children.
// Some trees are "degenerate", i.e. they contain a single node, i.e. they
// correspond to a report whose path has no '/' separators.
function TreeNode(aUnsafeName, aUnits, aIsDegenerate) {
this._units = aUnits;
this._unsafeName = aUnsafeName;
if (aIsDegenerate) {
this._isDegenerate = true;
// Leaf TreeNodes have these properties added immediately after construction:
// - _amount
// - _description
// - _nMerged (only defined if > 1)
// - _presence (only defined if value is PRESENT_IN_{FIRST,SECOND}_ONLY)
// Non-leaf TreeNodes have these properties added later:
// - _kids
// - _amount
// - _description
// - _hideKids (only defined if true)
// - _maxAbsDescendant (on-demand, only when gIsDiff is set)
TreeNode.prototype = {
findKid(aUnsafeName) {
if (this._kids) {
for (let kid of this._kids) {
if (kid._unsafeName === aUnsafeName) {
return kid;
return undefined;
// When gIsDiff is false, tree operations -- sorting and determining if a
// sub-tree is significant -- are straightforward. But when gIsDiff is true,
// the combination of positive and negative values within a tree complicates
// things. So for a non-leaf node, instead of just looking at _amount, we
// instead look at the maximum absolute value of the node and all of its
// descendants.
maxAbsDescendant() {
if (!this._kids) {
// No kids? Just return the absolute value of the amount.
return Math.abs(this._amount);
if ("_maxAbsDescendant" in this) {
// We've computed this before? Return the saved value.
return this._maxAbsDescendant;
// Compute the maximum absolute value of all descendants.
let max = Math.abs(this._amount);
for (let kid of this._kids) {
max = Math.max(max, kid.maxAbsDescendant());
this._maxAbsDescendant = max;
return max;
toString() {
switch (this._units) {
case UNITS_BYTES: return formatBytes(this._amount);
case UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE: return formatNum(this._amount);
case UNITS_PERCENTAGE: return formatPercentage(this._amount);
throw "Invalid memory report(s): bad units in TreeNode.toString";
// Sort TreeNodes first by size, then by name. The latter is important for the
// about:memory tests, which need a predictable ordering of reporters which
// have the same amount.
TreeNode.compareAmounts = function(aA, aB) {
let a, b;
if (gIsDiff) {
a = aA.maxAbsDescendant();
b = aB.maxAbsDescendant();
} else {
a = aA._amount;
b = aB._amount;
if (a > b) {
return -1;
if (a < b) {
return 1;
return TreeNode.compareUnsafeNames(aA, aB);
TreeNode.compareUnsafeNames = function(aA, aB) {
return aA._unsafeName.localeCompare(aB._unsafeName);
* Fill in the remaining properties for the specified tree in a bottom-up
* fashion.
* @param aRoot
* The tree root.
function fillInTree(aRoot) {
// Fill in the remaining properties bottom-up.
function fillInNonLeafNodes(aT) {
if (!aT._kids) {
// Leaf node. Has already been filled in.
} else if (aT._kids.length === 1 && aT != aRoot) {
// Non-root, non-leaf node with one child. Merge the child with the node
// to avoid redundant entries.
let kid = aT._kids[0];
let kidBytes = fillInNonLeafNodes(kid);
aT._unsafeName += "/" + kid._unsafeName;
if (kid._kids) {
aT._kids = kid._kids;
} else {
delete aT._kids;
aT._amount = kidBytes;
aT._description = kid._description;
if (kid._nMerged !== undefined) {
aT._nMerged = kid._nMerged;
assert(!aT._hideKids && !kid._hideKids, "_hideKids set when merging");
} else {
// Non-leaf node with multiple children. Derive its _amount and
// _description entirely from its children...
let kidsBytes = 0;
for (let kid of aT._kids) {
kidsBytes += fillInNonLeafNodes(kid);
// ... except in one special case. When diffing two memory report sets,
// if one set has a node with children and the other has the same node
// but without children -- e.g. the first has "a/b/c" and "a/b/d", but
// the second only has "a/b" -- we need to add a fake node "a/b/(fake)"
// to the second to make the trees comparable. It's ugly, but it works.
if (aT._amount !== undefined &&
(aT._presence === DReport.PRESENT_IN_FIRST_ONLY ||
aT._presence === DReport.PRESENT_IN_SECOND_ONLY)) {
aT._amount += kidsBytes;
let fake = new TreeNode("(fake child)", aT._units);
fake._presence = DReport.ADDED_FOR_BALANCE;
fake._amount = aT._amount - kidsBytes;
delete aT._presence;
} else {
assert(aT._amount === undefined,
"_amount already set for non-leaf node");
aT._amount = kidsBytes;
aT._description = "The sum of all entries below this one.";
return aT._amount;
// cannotMerge is set because don't want to merge into a tree's root node.
* Compute the "heap-unclassified" value and insert it into the "explicit"
* tree.
* @param aT
* The "explicit" tree.
* @param aHeapAllocatedNode
* The "heap-allocated" tree node.
* @param aHeapTotal
* The sum of all explicit HEAP reports for this process.
* @return A boolean indicating if "heap-allocated" is known for the process.
function addHeapUnclassifiedNode(aT, aHeapAllocatedNode, aHeapTotal) {
if (aHeapAllocatedNode === undefined)
return false;
if (aT.findKid("heap-unclassified")) {
// heap-unclassified was already calculated, there's nothing left to do.
// This can happen when memory reports are exported from
return true;
assert(aHeapAllocatedNode._isDegenerate, "heap-allocated is not degenerate");
let heapAllocatedBytes = aHeapAllocatedNode._amount;
let heapUnclassifiedT = new TreeNode("heap-unclassified", UNITS_BYTES);
heapUnclassifiedT._amount = heapAllocatedBytes - aHeapTotal;
heapUnclassifiedT._description =
"Memory not classified by a more specific report. This includes " +
"slop bytes due to internal fragmentation in the heap allocator " +
"(caused when the allocator rounds up request sizes).";
aT._amount += heapUnclassifiedT._amount;
return true;
* Sort all kid nodes from largest to smallest, and insert aggregate nodes
* where appropriate.
* @param aTotalBytes
* The size of the tree's root node.
* @param aT
* The tree.
function sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(aTotalBytes, aT) {
const kSignificanceThresholdPerc = 1;
function isInsignificant(aT) {
if (gVerbose.checked)
return false;
let perc = gIsDiff
? 100 * aT.maxAbsDescendant() / Math.abs(aTotalBytes)
: 100 * aT._amount / aTotalBytes;
return perc < kSignificanceThresholdPerc;
if (!aT._kids) {
// If the first child is insignificant, they all are, and there's no point
// creating an aggregate node that lacks siblings. Just set the parent's
// _hideKids property and process all children.
if (isInsignificant(aT._kids[0])) {
aT._hideKids = true;
for (let kid of aT._kids) {
sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(aTotalBytes, kid);
// Look at all children except the last one.
let i;
for (i = 0; i < aT._kids.length - 1; i++) {
if (isInsignificant(aT._kids[i])) {
// This child is below the significance threshold. If there are other
// (smaller) children remaining, move them under an aggregate node.
let i0 = i;
let nAgg = aT._kids.length - i0;
// Create an aggregate node. Inherit units from the parent; everything
// in the tree should have the same units anyway (we test this later).
let aggT = new TreeNode(`(${nAgg} tiny)`, aT._units);
aggT._kids = [];
let aggBytes = 0;
for ( ; i < aT._kids.length; i++) {
aggBytes += aT._kids[i]._amount;
aggT._hideKids = true;
aggT._amount = aggBytes;
aggT._description =
nAgg + " sub-trees that are below the " + kSignificanceThresholdPerc +
"% significance threshold.";
aT._kids.splice(i0, nAgg, aggT);
// Process the moved children.
for (let kid of aggT._kids) {
sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(aTotalBytes, kid);
sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(aTotalBytes, aT._kids[i]);
// The first n-1 children were significant. Don't consider if the last child
// is significant; there's no point creating an aggregate node that only has
// one child. Just process it.
sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(aTotalBytes, aT._kids[i]);
// Global variable indicating if we've seen any invalid values for this
// process; it holds the unsafePaths of any such reports. It is reset for
// each new process.
let gUnsafePathsWithInvalidValuesForThisProcess = [];
function appendWarningElements(aP, aHasKnownHeapAllocated,
aHasMozMallocUsableSize) {
if (!aHasKnownHeapAllocated && !aHasMozMallocUsableSize) {
appendElementWithText(aP, "p", "",
"WARNING: the 'heap-allocated' memory reporter and the " +
"moz_malloc_usable_size() function do not work for this platform " +
"and/or configuration. This means that 'heap-unclassified' is not " +
"shown and the 'explicit' tree shows much less memory than it should.\n\n");
} else if (!aHasKnownHeapAllocated) {
appendElementWithText(aP, "p", "",
"WARNING: the 'heap-allocated' memory reporter does not work for this " +
"platform and/or configuration. This means that 'heap-unclassified' " +
"is not shown and the 'explicit' tree shows less memory than it should.\n\n");
} else if (!aHasMozMallocUsableSize) {
appendElementWithText(aP, "p", "",
"WARNING: the moz_malloc_usable_size() function does not work for " +
"this platform and/or configuration. This means that much of the " +
"heap-allocated memory is not measured by individual memory reporters " +
"and so will fall under 'heap-unclassified'.\n\n");
if (gUnsafePathsWithInvalidValuesForThisProcess.length > 0) {
let div = appendElement(aP, "div");
appendElementWithText(div, "p", "",
"WARNING: the following values are negative or unreasonably large.\n");
let ul = appendElement(div, "ul");
for (let i = 0;
i < gUnsafePathsWithInvalidValuesForThisProcess.length;
i++) {
appendTextNode(ul, " ");
appendElementWithText(ul, "li", "",
flipBackslashes(gUnsafePathsWithInvalidValuesForThisProcess[i]) + "\n");
appendElementWithText(div, "p", "",
"This indicates a defect in one or more memory reporters. The " +
"invalid values are highlighted.\n\n");
gUnsafePathsWithInvalidValuesForThisProcess = []; // reset for the next process
* Appends the about:memory elements for a single process.
* @param aP
* The parent DOM node.
* @param aN
* The number of the process, starting at 0.
* @param aProcess
* The name of the process.
* @param aTrees
* The table of non-degenerate trees for this process.
* @param aDegenerates
* The table of degenerate trees for this process.
* @param aHasMozMallocUsableSize
* Boolean indicating if moz_malloc_usable_size works.
* @return The generated text.
function appendProcessAboutMemoryElements(aP, aN, aProcess, aTrees,
aDegenerates, aHeapTotal,
aHasMozMallocUsableSize) {
let appendLink = function(aHere, aThere, aArrow) {
let link = appendElementWithText(aP, "a", "upDownArrow", aArrow);
link.href = "#" + aThere + aN; = aHere + aN;
link.title = `Go to the ${aThere} of ${aProcess}`; = "text-decoration: none";
// This gives nice spacing when we copy and paste.
appendElementWithText(aP, "span", "", "\n");
appendElementWithText(aP, "h1", "", aProcess);
appendLink("start", "end", "↓");
// We'll fill this in later.
let warningsDiv = appendElement(aP, "div", "accuracyWarning");
// The explicit tree.
let hasExplicitTree;
let hasKnownHeapAllocated;
let treeName = "explicit";
let t = aTrees[treeName];
if (t) {
let pre = appendSectionHeader(aP, "Explicit Allocations");
hasExplicitTree = true;
// Using the "heap-allocated" reporter here instead of
// nsMemoryReporterManager.heapAllocated goes against the usual pattern.
// But the "heap-allocated" node will go in the tree like the others, so
// we have to deal with it, and once we're dealing with it, it's easier
// to keep doing so rather than switching to the distinguished amount.
hasKnownHeapAllocated =
aDegenerates &&
addHeapUnclassifiedNode(t, aDegenerates["heap-allocated"], aHeapTotal);
sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(t._amount, t);
t._description = explicitTreeDescription;
appendTreeElements(pre, t, aProcess, "");
delete aTrees[treeName];
appendTextNode(aP, "\n"); // gives nice spacing when we copy and paste
// Fill in and sort all the non-degenerate other trees.
let otherTrees = [];
for (let unsafeName in aTrees) {
let t = aTrees[unsafeName];
assert(!t._isDegenerate, "tree is degenerate");
sortTreeAndInsertAggregateNodes(t._amount, t);
// Get the length of the longest root value among the degenerate other trees,
// and sort them as well.
let otherDegenerates = [];
let maxStringLength = 0;
for (let unsafeName in aDegenerates) {
let t = aDegenerates[unsafeName];
assert(t._isDegenerate, "tree is not degenerate");
let length = t.toString().length;
if (length > maxStringLength) {
maxStringLength = length;
// Now generate the elements, putting non-degenerate trees first.
let pre = appendSectionHeader(aP, "Other Measurements");
for (let t of otherTrees) {
appendTreeElements(pre, t, aProcess, "");
appendTextNode(pre, "\n"); // blank lines after non-degenerate trees
for (let t of otherDegenerates) {
let padText = "".padStart(maxStringLength - t.toString().length, " ");
appendTreeElements(pre, t, aProcess, padText);
appendTextNode(aP, "\n"); // gives nice spacing when we copy and paste
// Add any warnings about inaccuracies in the "explicit" tree due to platform
// limitations. These must be computed after generating all the text. The
// newlines give nice spacing if we copy+paste into a text buffer.
if (hasExplicitTree) {
appendWarningElements(warningsDiv, hasKnownHeapAllocated,
appendElementWithText(aP, "h3", "", "End of " + aProcess);
appendLink("end", "start", "↑");
// Used for UNITS_BYTES values that are printed as MiB.
const kMBStyle = {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
// Used for UNITS_PERCENTAGE values.
const kPercStyle = {
style: "percent",
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
// Used for fractions within the tree.
const kFracStyle = {
style: "percent",
minimumIntegerDigits: 2,
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
// Used for special-casing 100% fractions within the tree.
const kFrac1Style = {
style: "percent",
minimumIntegerDigits: 3,
minimumFractionDigits: 1,
maximumFractionDigits: 1,
* Formats an int as a human-readable string.
* @param aN
* The integer to format.
* @param aOptions
* Optional options object.
* @return A human-readable string representing the int.
function formatNum(aN, aOptions) {
return aN.toLocaleString("en-US", aOptions);
* Converts a byte count to an appropriate string representation.
* @param aBytes
* The byte count.
* @return The string representation.
function formatBytes(aBytes) {
return gVerbose.checked
? `${formatNum(aBytes)} B`
: `${formatNum(aBytes / (1024 * 1024), kMBStyle)} MB`;
* Converts a UNITS_PERCENTAGE value to an appropriate string representation.
* @param aPerc100x
* The percentage, multiplied by 100 (see nsIMemoryReporter).
* @return The string representation
function formatPercentage(aPerc100x) {
// A percentage like 12.34% will have an aPerc100x value of 1234, and we need
// to divide that by 10,000 to get the 0.1234 that toLocaleString() wants.
return formatNum(aPerc100x / 10000, kPercStyle);
* Converts a tree fraction to an appropriate string representation.
* @param aNum
* The numerator.
* @param aDenom
* The denominator.
* @return The string representation
function formatTreeFrac(aNum, aDenom) {
// Two special behaviours here:
// - We treat 0 / 0 as 100%.
// - We want 4 digits, as much as possible, because it gives good vertical
// alignment. For positive numbers, 00.00%--99.99% works straighforwardly,
// but 100.0% needs special handling.
let num = aDenom === 0 ? 1 : (aNum / aDenom);
return (0.99995 <= num && num <= 1)
? formatNum(1, kFrac1Style)
: formatNum(num, kFracStyle);
const kNoKidsSep = " ── ",
kHideKidsSep = " ++ ",
kShowKidsSep = " -- ";
function appendMrNameSpan(aP, aDescription, aUnsafeName, aIsInvalid, aNMerged,
aPresence) {
let safeName = flipBackslashes(aUnsafeName);
if (!aIsInvalid && !aNMerged && !aPresence) {
safeName += "\n";
let nameSpan = appendElementWithText(aP, "span", "mrName", safeName);
nameSpan.title = aDescription;
if (aIsInvalid) {
let noteText = " [?!]";
if (!aNMerged) {
noteText += "\n";
let noteSpan = appendElementWithText(aP, "span", "mrNote", noteText);
noteSpan.title =
"Warning: this value is invalid and indicates a bug in one or more " +
"memory reporters. ";
if (aNMerged) {
let noteText = ` [${aNMerged}]`;
if (!aPresence) {
noteText += "\n";
let noteSpan = appendElementWithText(aP, "span", "mrNote", noteText);
noteSpan.title =
"This value is the sum of " + aNMerged +
" memory reports that all have the same path.";
if (aPresence) {
let c, title;
switch (aPresence) {
c = "-";
title = "This value was only present in the first set of memory reports.";
c = "+";
title = "This value was only present in the second set of memory reports.";
c = "!";
title = "One of the sets of memory reports lacked children for this " +
"node's parent. This is a fake child node added to make the " +
"two memory sets comparable.";
default: assert(false, "bad presence");
let noteSpan = appendElementWithText(aP, "span", "mrNote", ` [${c}]\n`);
noteSpan.title = title;
// This is used to record the (safe) IDs of which sub-trees have been manually
// expanded (marked as true) and collapsed (marked as false). It's used to
// replicate the collapsed/expanded state when the page is updated. It can end
// up holding IDs of nodes that no longer exist, e.g. for compartments that
// have been closed. This doesn't seem like a big deal, because the number is
// limited by the number of entries the user has changed from their original
// state.
let gShowSubtreesBySafeTreeId = {};
function assertClassListContains(aElem, aClassName) {
assert(aElem, "undefined " + aClassName);
assert(aElem.classList.contains(aClassName), "classname isn't " + aClassName);
function toggle(aEvent) {
// This relies on each line being a span that contains at least four spans:
// mrValue, mrPerc, mrSep, mrName, and then zero or more mrNotes. All
// whitespace must be within one of these spans for this function to find the
// right nodes. And the span containing the children of this line must
// immediately follow. Assertions check this.
// || will be one of the spans. Get the outer span.
let outerSpan =;
assertClassListContains(outerSpan, "hasKids");
// Toggle the '++'/'--' separator.
let isExpansion;
let sepSpan = outerSpan.childNodes[2];
assertClassListContains(sepSpan, "mrSep");
if (sepSpan.textContent === kHideKidsSep) {
isExpansion = true;
sepSpan.textContent = kShowKidsSep;
} else if (sepSpan.textContent === kShowKidsSep) {
isExpansion = false;
sepSpan.textContent = kHideKidsSep;
} else {
assert(false, "bad sepSpan textContent");
// Toggle visibility of the span containing this node's children.
let subTreeSpan = outerSpan.nextSibling;
assertClassListContains(subTreeSpan, "kids");
// Record/unrecord that this sub-tree was toggled.
let safeTreeId =;
if (gShowSubtreesBySafeTreeId[safeTreeId] !== undefined) {
delete gShowSubtreesBySafeTreeId[safeTreeId];
} else {
gShowSubtreesBySafeTreeId[safeTreeId] = isExpansion;
function expandPathToThisElement(aElement) {
if (aElement.classList.contains("kids")) {
// Unhide the kids.
expandPathToThisElement(aElement.previousSibling); // hasKids
} else if (aElement.classList.contains("hasKids")) {
// Change the separator to '--'.
let sepSpan = aElement.childNodes[2];
assertClassListContains(sepSpan, "mrSep");
sepSpan.textContent = kShowKidsSep;
expandPathToThisElement(aElement.parentNode); // kids or pre.entries
} else {
assertClassListContains(aElement, "entries");
* Appends the elements for the tree, including its heading.
* @param aP
* The parent DOM node.
* @param aRoot
* The tree root.
* @param aProcess
* The process the tree corresponds to.
* @param aPadText
* A string to pad the start of each entry.
function appendTreeElements(aP, aRoot, aProcess, aPadText) {
* Appends the elements for a particular tree, without a heading. There's a
* subset of the Unicode "light" box-drawing chars that is widely implemented
* in terminals, and this code sticks to that subset to maximize the chance
* that copying and pasting about:memory output to a terminal will work
* correctly.
* @param aP
* The parent DOM node.
* @param aProcess
* The process the tree corresponds to.
* @param aUnsafeNames
* An array of the names forming the path to aT.
* @param aRoot
* The root of the tree this sub-tree belongs to.
* @param aT
* The tree.
* @param aTlThis
* The treeline for this entry.
* @param aTlKids
* The treeline for this entry's children.
* @param aParentStringLength
* The length of the formatted byte count of the top node in the tree.
function appendTreeElements2(aP, aProcess, aUnsafeNames, aRoot, aT,
aTlThis, aTlKids, aParentStringLength) {
function appendN(aS, aC, aN) {
for (let i = 0; i < aN; i++) {
aS += aC;
return aS;
// The tree line. Indent more if this entry is narrower than its parent.
let valueText = aT.toString();
let extraTlLength =
Math.max(aParentStringLength - valueText.length, 0);
if (extraTlLength > 0) {
aTlThis = appendN(aTlThis, "─", extraTlLength);
aTlKids = appendN(aTlKids, " ", extraTlLength);
appendElementWithText(aP, "span", "treeline", aTlThis);
// Detect and record invalid values. But not if gIsDiff is true, because
// we expect negative values in that case.
assertInput(aRoot._units === aT._units,
"units within a tree are inconsistent");
let tIsInvalid = false;
if (!gIsDiff && !(0 <= aT._amount && aT._amount <= aRoot._amount)) {
tIsInvalid = true;
let unsafePath = aUnsafeNames.join("/");
`Invalid value (${aT._amount} / ${aRoot._amount}) for ` +
// For non-leaf nodes, the entire sub-tree is put within a span so it can
// be collapsed if the node is clicked on.
let d;
let sep;
let showSubtrees;
if (aT._kids) {
// Determine if we should show the sub-tree below this entry; this
// involves reinstating any previous toggling of the sub-tree.
let unsafePath = aUnsafeNames.join("/");
let safeTreeId = `${aProcess}:${flipBackslashes(unsafePath)}`;
showSubtrees = !aT._hideKids;
if (gShowSubtreesBySafeTreeId[safeTreeId] !== undefined) {
showSubtrees = gShowSubtreesBySafeTreeId[safeTreeId];
d = appendElement(aP, "span", "hasKids"); = safeTreeId;
d.onclick = toggle;
sep = showSubtrees ? kShowKidsSep : kHideKidsSep;
} else {
assert(!aT._hideKids, "leaf node with _hideKids set");
sep = kNoKidsSep;
d = aP;
// The value.
appendElementWithText(d, "span", "mrValue" + (tIsInvalid ? " invalid" : ""),
// The percentage (omitted for single entries).
if (!aT._isDegenerate) {
let percText = formatTreeFrac(aT._amount, aRoot._amount);
appendElementWithText(d, "span", "mrPerc", ` (${percText})`);
// The separator.
appendElementWithText(d, "span", "mrSep", sep);
// The entry's name.
appendMrNameSpan(d, aT._description, aT._unsafeName,
tIsInvalid, aT._nMerged, aT._presence);
// In non-verbose mode, invalid nodes can be hidden in collapsed sub-trees.
// But it's good to always see them, so force this.
if (!gVerbose.checked && tIsInvalid) {
// Recurse over children.
if (aT._kids) {
// The 'kids' class is just used for sanity checking in toggle().
d = appendElement(aP, "span", showSubtrees ? "kids" : "kids hidden");
let tlThisForMost, tlKidsForMost;
if (aT._kids.length > 1) {
tlThisForMost = aTlKids + "├──";
tlKidsForMost = aTlKids + "│ ";
let tlThisForLast = aTlKids + "└──";
let tlKidsForLast = aTlKids + " ";
for (let [i, kid] of aT._kids.entries()) {
let isLast = i == aT._kids.length - 1;
appendTreeElements2(d, aProcess, aUnsafeNames, aRoot, kid,
!isLast ? tlThisForMost : tlThisForLast,
!isLast ? tlKidsForMost : tlKidsForLast,
let rootStringLength = aRoot.toString().length;
appendTreeElements2(aP, aProcess, [aRoot._unsafeName], aRoot, aRoot,
aPadText, aPadText, rootStringLength);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function appendSectionHeader(aP, aText) {
appendElementWithText(aP, "h2", "", aText + "\n");
return appendElement(aP, "pre", "entries");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function saveReportsToFile() {
let fp = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
fp.appendFilter("Zipped JSON files", "*.json.gz");
fp.filterIndex = 0;
fp.addToRecentDocs = true;
fp.defaultString = "memory-report.json.gz";
let fpFinish = function(aFile) {
let dumper = Cc[";1"]
let finishDumping = () => {
updateMainAndFooter("Saved memory reports to " + aFile.path,
dumper.dumpMemoryReportsToNamedFile(aFile.path, finishDumping, null,
let fpCallback = function(aResult) {
if (aResult == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK ||
aResult == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnReplace) {
try {
fp.init(window, "Save Memory Reports", Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
} catch (ex) {
// This will fail on Android, since there is no Save as file picker there.
// Just save to the default downloads dir if it does.
Downloads.getSystemDownloadsDirectory().then(function(aDirPath) {
let file = FileUtils.File(aDirPath);