
162 строки
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
function run_test() {
function test_methods_presence() {
equal(Services.intl.getCalendarInfo instanceof Function, true);
equal(Services.intl.getDisplayNames instanceof Function, true);
equal(Services.intl.getLocaleInfo instanceof Function, true);
equal(Services.intl.getLocaleDisplayNames instanceof Function, true);
function test_methods_calling() {
Services.intl.getLocaleDisplayNames(undefined, ["en-US", "sr-Cyrl-RU"]);
new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat("fr");
new Services.intl.RelativeTimeFormat("fr");
function test_constructors() {
let constructors = [
"DateTimeFormat", "NumberFormat", "PluralRules", "Collator"];
constructors.forEach(constructor => {
let obj = new Intl[constructor]();
let obj2 = new Services.intl[constructor]();
equal(typeof obj, typeof obj2);
Assert.throws(() => {
// This is an observable difference between Intl and mozIntl.
// Old ECMA402 APIs (edition 1 and 2) allowed for constructors to be called
// as functions.
// Starting from ed.3 all new constructors are throwing when called without |new|.
// All MozIntl APIs do not implement the legacy behavior and throw
// when called without |new|.
// For more information see .
}, /class constructors must be invoked with |new|/);
function testRTFBestUnit(anchor, value, expected) {
let rtf = new Services.intl.RelativeTimeFormat("en-US");
deepEqual(rtf.formatBestUnit(new Date(value), {now: anchor}), expected);
function test_rtf_formatBestUnit() {
// format seconds-distant dates
let anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 12:00:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 11:59:01", "59 seconds ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 12:00:00", "now");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 12:00:59", "in 59 seconds");
// format minutes-distant dates
let anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 12:00:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 11:01:00", "59 minutes ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 11:59", "1 minute ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 12:01", "in 1 minute");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 12:01:59", "in 1 minute");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 12:59:59", "in 59 minutes");
// format hours-distant dates
let anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 12:00:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 00:00", "12 hours ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 13:00", "in 1 hour");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 13:59:59", "in 1 hour");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-10 23:59:59", "in 11 hours");
anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 01:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-09 19:00", "6 hours ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-09 18:00", "yesterday");
anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 23:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-11 05:00", "in 6 hours");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-11 06:00", "tomorrow");
anchor = new Date("2016-01-31 23:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-02-01 05:00", "in 6 hours");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-02-01 07:00", "tomorrow");
anchor = new Date("2016-12-31 23:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2017-01-01 05:00", "in 6 hours");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2017-01-01 07:00", "tomorrow");
// format days-distant dates
let anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 12:00:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-01 00:00", "9 days ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-09 18:00", "yesterday");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-11 09:00", "tomorrow");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-04-30 23:59", "in 20 days");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-03-31 23:59", "last month");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-05-01 00:00", "next month");
anchor = new Date("2016-04-06 12:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-03-31 23:59", "6 days ago");
anchor = new Date("2016-04-25 23:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-05-01 00:00", "in 6 days");
// format months-distant dates
let anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 12:00:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-01-01 00:00", "3 months ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-03-01 00:00", "last month");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-05-01 00:00", "next month");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-12-01 23:59", "in 8 months");
anchor = new Date("2017-01-12 18:30");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-12-29 18:30", "last month");
anchor = new Date("2016-12-29 18:30");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2017-01-12 18:30", "next month");
anchor = new Date("2016-02-28 12:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2015-12-31 23:59", "2 months ago");
// format year-distant dates
let anchor = new Date("2016-04-10 12:00:00");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2014-04-01 00:00", "2 years ago");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2015-03-01 00:00", "last year");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2017-05-01 00:00", "next year");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2024-12-01 23:59", "in 8 years");
anchor = new Date("2017-01-12 18:30");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2016-01-01 18:30", "last year");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2015-12-29 18:30", "2 years ago");
anchor = new Date("2016-12-29 18:30");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2017-07-12 18:30", "next year");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2017-02-12 18:30", "in 2 months");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2018-01-02 18:30", "in 2 years");
testRTFBestUnit(anchor, "2098-01-02 18:30", "in 82 years");