Merge the latest changes from a-s gradle scripts

This enables back artifact publishing by integrating
back the changes to the gradle scripts up until
changeset 5d8dd7b .
This commit is contained in:
Alessio Placitelli 2019-05-20 18:33:24 +02:00
Родитель 3b4ea95f6f
Коммит ebea36d08c
4 изменённых файлов: 70 добавлений и 80 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
libraryVersion: 0.0.1
libraryVersion: 0.0.1-TESTING1
groupId: org.mozilla.telemetry
path: glean-core/android
artifactId: glean-core
publishedArtifacts: [glean-core, glean-core-forUnitTests, glean-core-withoutLib]
description: 'The glean core library'
publish: true
path: samples/android/app
artifactId: glean-core-sample-app
description: 'An app demoing how to use the Glean library to collect and send telemetry data.'
publish: false

Просмотреть файл

@ -171,5 +171,14 @@ afterEvaluate {
apply from: "$rootDir/publish.gradle"
// If using jnaForTestConfiguration or variantWithoutLib,
// please also update the corresponding .buildconfig-android.yml
// `publishedArtifacts` property.
/* jnaForTestConfiguration= */ configurations.jnaForTest,
/* variantWithoutLib= */ 'androidWithoutLib',
//apply from: ''
apply from: 'sdk_generator.gradle'

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,12 +5,18 @@
def libLicense = properties.libLicense
def libLicenseUrl = properties.libLicenseUrl
def libRepositoryName = properties.libRepositoryName
def libProjectName = properties.libProjectName
def libUrl = properties.libUrl
def libVcsUrl = properties.libVcsUrl
ext.configurePublish = { groupIdArg, artifactIdArg, descriptionArg,
jnaForTestConfiguration = null,
// If using jnaForTestConfiguration or variantWithoutLib,
// please also update the corresponding .buildconfig-android.yml
// `publishedArtifacts` property.
ext.configurePublish = { jnaForTestConfiguration = null,
variantWithoutLib = null ->
def theGroupId = rootProject.ext.library.groupId
def theArtifactId = project.ext.artifactId
def theDescription = project.ext.description
// `jnaForTestConfiguration` is a hacky way to say yes, I'm using JNA and
// want to pack the JNA dispatch libraries and my Rust libraries into a
// single JAR for use in unit tests that run on a development host (and not
@ -49,9 +55,14 @@ ext.configurePublish = { groupIdArg, artifactIdArg, descriptionArg,
def forUnitTestsJarTask = task forUnitTestsJar(type: Jar) {
from extractJnaResources
from "$buildDir/rustJniLibs/desktop"
from "$buildDir/nativeLibs/desktop"
project.afterEvaluate {
def copyNativeLibsTask = tasks.findByName("copyNativeLibs")
if (copyNativeLibsTask != null) {
@ -86,10 +97,10 @@ ext.configurePublish = { groupIdArg, artifactIdArg, descriptionArg,
// see and
pom {
groupId = groupIdArg
artifactId = artifactIdArg
description = descriptionArg
version = rootProject.ext.library['version']
groupId = theGroupId
artifactId = theArtifactId
description = theDescription
version = rootProject.ext.library.version
licenses {
license {
@ -130,10 +141,10 @@ ext.configurePublish = { groupIdArg, artifactIdArg, descriptionArg,
// artifact javadocJar
pom {
groupId = groupIdArg
artifactId = "${artifactIdArg}-withoutLib"
description = descriptionArg
version = rootProject.ext.library['version']
groupId = theGroupId
artifactId = "${theArtifactId}-withoutLib"
description = theDescription
version = rootProject.ext.library.version
licenses {
license {
@ -163,10 +174,10 @@ ext.configurePublish = { groupIdArg, artifactIdArg, descriptionArg,
artifact tasks['forUnitTestsJar']
pom {
groupId = groupIdArg
artifactId = "${artifactIdArg}-forUnitTests"
description = descriptionArg
version = rootProject.ext.library['version']
groupId = theGroupId
artifactId = "${theArtifactId}-forUnitTests"
description = theDescription
version = rootProject.ext.library.version
licenses {
license {
@ -197,63 +208,25 @@ ext.configurePublish = { groupIdArg, artifactIdArg, descriptionArg,
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.bintray'
task zipMavenArtifacts
// It feels like this shouldn't be necessary, but without it an
// "unspecified" creeps into bintray URLs -- just like
//, but not
// fixed by gradle-bintray-plugin:1.8.4.
version = rootProject.ext.library['version']
publishing.publications.withType(MavenPublication).each {publication ->
def zipTask = task "zipMavenArtifact-${publication.artifactId}"(type: Zip) {
from "${project.buildDir}/maven"
Properties localProperties = null;
if (project.rootProject.file('').canRead()) {
localProperties = new Properties()
include "**/${publication.artifactId}/**/*.aar"
include "**/${publication.artifactId}/**/*.md5"
include "**/${publication.artifactId}/**/*.sha1"
include "**/${publication.artifactId}/**/*.pom"
include "**/${publication.artifactId}/**/*.jar"
def thePublications = ['aar']
if (variantWithoutLib != null) {
thePublications << 'aarWithoutLib'
if (jnaForTestConfiguration != null) {
thePublications << 'forUnitTestsJar'
// Metadata is generated by directly
exclude '**/*maven-metadata.xml*'
bintray {
user = localProperties != null ? localProperties.getProperty("bintray.user") : ""
key = localProperties != null ? localProperties.getProperty("bintray.apikey") : ""
publications = thePublications
pkg {
repo = libRepositoryName
name = artifactIdArg
desc = descriptionArg
websiteUrl = libUrl
vcsUrl = libVcsUrl
if (project.ext.has('vcsTag')) {
vcsTag = project.ext.vcsTag
licenses = [libLicense]
publish = true
publicDownloadNumbers = true
archiveName "${publication.artifactId}"
includeEmptyDirs = false
task zipMavenArtifacts(type: Zip) {
from "${project.buildDir}/maven"
include '**/*.aar'
include '**/*.jar'
include '**/*.pom'
include '**/*.md5'
include '**/*.sha1'
// Metadata is generated by directly
exclude '**/*maven-metadata.xml*'
archiveName ""
includeEmptyDirs = false

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,18 +3,23 @@
* file, You can obtain one at */
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.23'
repositories {
def setupProject(name, path, description) {
// See
def setupProject(name, projectProps) {
def path = projectProps.path
def description = projectProps.description
def artifactId = projectProps.artifactId
project(":$name").projectDir = new File(rootDir, path)
@ -25,6 +30,7 @@ def setupProject(name, path, description) {
// So, once we filter for the project we care about, we can set whatever we want
if ( == name) {
project.ext.description = description
project.ext.artifactId = artifactId
@ -32,14 +38,15 @@ def setupProject(name, path, description) {
def yaml = new Yaml()
def buildconfig = yaml.load(new File(rootDir, '.buildconfig.yml').newInputStream())
buildconfig.projects.each { project ->
setupProject(project.key, project.value.path, project.value.description)
setupProject(project.key, project.value)
gradle.projectsLoaded { ->
// Wait until root project is "loaded" before we set "config"
// Note that since this is set on "rootProject.ext", it will be "in scope" during the evaluation of all projects'
// gradle files. This means that they can just access "config.<value>", and it'll function properly
gradle.rootProject.ext.library = [
version: buildconfig.libraryVersion,
gradle.rootProject.ext.library = [
version: buildconfig.libraryVersion,
groupId: buildconfig.groupId,