Make sure Kotlin output is ktlint-compliant

This commit is contained in:
Michael Droettboom 2018-10-26 15:31:36 -04:00
Родитель 7e978ca0ad
Коммит c49bf7c6b8
3 изменённых файлов: 20 добавлений и 9 удалений

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@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ matrix:
dist: xenial
sudo: true
install: pip install -U tox-travis flake8
- pip install -U tox-travis flake8
- curl -sSLO &&
chmod a+x ktlint
# Command to run tests, e.g. python test
- export PATH=.:$PATH
- flake8 .
- tox

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@ -11,18 +11,17 @@ package GleanMetrics
{% for metric_type in metric_types -%}
import mozilla.components.service.glean.{{ metric_type|Camelize }}MetricType
{% endfor %}
object {{ category_name|Camelize }} {
{% for metric in metrics.values() %}
{%- for metric in metrics.values() %}
* {{ metric.description|wordwrap(wrapstring='\n * ') }}
val {{|camelize }}: {{ metric.type|Camelize }}MetricType by lazy {
{{ metric.type|Camelize }}MetricType(
{% for arg_name in extra_args if metric[arg_name] is defined -%}
{{ arg_name|camelize }}={{ metric[arg_name]|kotlin }}{{ "," if not loop.last }}
{{ arg_name|camelize }} = {{ metric[arg_name]|kotlin }}{{ "," if not loop.last }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor -%}

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@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import subprocess
from glean_parser import kotlin
from glean_parser import translate
@ -15,10 +16,12 @@ ROOT = Path(__file__).parent
def test_parser(tmpdir):
"""Test translating metrics to Kotlin files."""
translate.translate(ROOT / "data" / "core.yaml", 'kotlin', Path(tmpdir))
tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)
translate.translate(ROOT / "data" / "core.yaml", 'kotlin', tmpdir)
assert (
set(os.listdir(tmpdir)) ==
set( for x in tmpdir.iterdir()) ==
set(['CorePing.kt', 'Telemetry.kt', 'Environment.kt'])
@ -32,6 +35,11 @@ def test_parser(tmpdir):
content =
assert 'جمع 搜集' in content
# Only run this test if ktlint is on the path
if shutil.which('ktlint'):
for filepath in tmpdir.glob('*.kt'):
subprocess.check_call(['ktlint', filepath])
def test_kotlin_generator():
kdf = kotlin.kotlin_datatypes_filter