#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo -e " Usage: config_deploy.sh [environment] Performs a config deploy to the Habitat cluster to update configurations for the specified host type. " exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$HUBS_OPS_SECRETS_PATH" ]]; then echo -e "You'll need to clone the ops secrets: git clone https://git-codecommit.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/hubs-ops-secrets Then set HUBS_OPS_SECRETS_PATH to point to the cloned repo." exit 1 fi # TODO this should get a lot smarter -- if you are on a branch, disallow. If you have working changes, warn the user and require a flag. git pull origin master HOST_TYPE=$1 ENVIRONMENT=$2 [[ -z "$ENVIRONMENT" ]] && ENVIRONMENT=dev REGION="us-west-1" EC2_INFO=$(aws ec2 --region $REGION describe-instances) BASTION_IP=$(echo $EC2_INFO | jq -r ".Reservations | map(.Instances) | flatten | map(select(any(.State ; .Name == \"running\"))) | map(select(any(.Tags // [] | from_entries ; .[\"host-type\"] == \"${ENVIRONMENT}-bastion\"))) | .[] | .PublicIpAddress" | shuf | head -n1) TARGET_IP=$(echo $EC2_INFO | jq -r ".Reservations | map(.Instances) | flatten | map(select(any(.State ; .Name == \"running\"))) | map(select(any(.Tags // [] | from_entries ; .[\"host-type\"] == \"${ENVIRONMENT}-hab\"))) | .[] | .PrivateIpAddress" | shuf | head -n1) ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i "${TARGET_IP}," --ssh-common-args="-i ~/.ssh/mozilla_mr_id_rsa -o ProxyCommand=\"ssh -W %h:%p -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/mozilla_mr_id_rsa ubuntu@${BASTION_IP}\"" --extra-vars "env=${ENVIRONMENT} connection=ssh secrets_path=${HUBS_OPS_SECRETS_PATH}" -u ubuntu "${HOST_TYPE}-config.yml"