[tox] envlist = config_default, config_custom, flake8 [testenv] basepython = python3.7 deps = -rmoziris/test/requirements/tests.txt setenv = DISPLAY=:99.0 XAUTH=$HOME/.Xauthority IRIS_CODE_ROOT=/iris PYTHONPATH=/iris [testenv:config_default] commands = pytest moziris/test/unit/configuration/test_iris_config_default.py -vs [testenv:config_custom] commands = pytest moziris/test/unit/configuration/test_iris_config_custom.py -vs [testenv:flake8] basepython = python3.7 deps = -rmoziris/test/requirements/flake8.txt commands = flake8 --count [flake8] max-line-length = 120 # W503 = no line break before binary operator # E203 = no whitespace before ':' # E722 = do not use bare 'except' # F401 = PACKAGE_NAME imported but unused # F403 = star import used; unable to detect undefined names # F405 [module] may be undefined, or defined from star imports ignore = W503, E203, E722, F401, F403, F405