Patch to irstlm for write option.

git-svn-id: 5e6a8d80-dfce-4ca6-a32a-6e07a63d50c8
This commit is contained in:
Gilles Boulianne 2011-08-16 13:15:43 +00:00
Родитель d2f6816dbf
Коммит 7c8f67e5d5
2 изменённых файлов: 423 добавлений и 1 удалений

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@ -92,13 +92,17 @@ fi
# left till later, if you are in a hurry.
echo "****(4) install IRSTLM (optional; only needed if you want to build LMs and don't already have a setup)"
svn co irstlm || exit 1
svn -r 398 co irstlm || exit 1
if [ ! -e irstlm ]; then
echo "***download of irstlm failed."
exit 1
cd irstlm
# Applying patch to get -write option of interpolate-lm
# May not work with anything else than revision 398
patch -p0 < ../interpolatedwrite-5.60.02.patch
# Just using the default aclocal, automake.
# You may have to mess with the version by editing
# if this does not work.

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@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
--- src/lmtable.cpp 2011-08-15 17:15:32.000000000 -0400
+++ ../irstlm-5.60.02/src/lmtable.cpp 2011-08-12 10:03:30.000000000 -0400
@@ -1242,7 +1242,330 @@
return slmt;
+// this will map a integer encoding of a word in fromDict
+// to the integer encoding in toDict
+// The word will be added in toDict if new
+int lmtable::translate(dictionary *fromDict, dictionary *toDict, int w) {
+ // temporarily set incflag so word will be added if new
+ int tifl = toDict->incflag();
+ int tw = toDict->encode(fromDict->decode(w));
+ // return incflag to its previous value
+ toDict->incflag(tifl);
+ return tw;
+// this will convert ngram word codes from the encoding in fromDict
+// to the integer encoding in toDict and store result in (same size) tng
+void lmtable::convert_ng(dictionary *fromDict, dictionary *toDict, ngram ng, ngram &tng) {
+ for (int k=ng.size;k>=1;k--) {
+ *tng.wordp(k) = translate(fromDict, toDict, *ng.wordp(k));
+ }
+// this will print an ngram words using the dictionary from the given table
+void lmtable::print_ng(lmtable* lmt, ngram ng) {
+ cerr << " [";
+ for (int k=ng.size;k>=1;k--) cerr <<lmt->getDict()->decode(*ng.wordp(k))<< " ";
+ cerr << "] ";
+// GB : merge 'this' lmtable with another one (mt), creating a new one (returned)
+lmtable* lmtable::mergelm(lmtable* mt, float weight) {
+ lmtable *nt = new lmtable(); // new table
+ assert(!isQtable); // isQtable == true is not supported!
+ nt->configure(maxlev,isQtable);
+ // 'this' and 'mt' dictionaries will
+ // be merged into 'nt' dictionary
+ nt->dict = new dictionary(dict,1); // do sort dictionary
+ // generate OOV codes
+ cerr << "Generating OOV codes for this->dict" << endl;
+ dict->genoovcode();
+ cerr << "Generating OOV codes for nt->dict" << endl;
+ nt->dict->genoovcode();
+ // start with an new empty table
+ for (int l=1;l<=maxlev;l++){
+ nt->cursize[l]=0;
+ nt->table[l]=NULL;
+ }
+ ngram ng(nt->dict,0);
+ ng.size = 0;
+ // unigrams are all rooted in the same zero-gram, so start recursion with 'combine'
+ combineSucc(mt, ng, weight, 1, maxlev, 0, this->cursize[1], 0, mt->cursize[1], nt);
+ return nt ;
+// GB useful for debugging: print one level of 'this' table
+/*void lmtable::dumpLevel(int ilev) {
+ LMT_TYPE ndt= tbltype[ilev];
+ int ndsz = nodesize(ndt);
+ cout << "level: "<<ilev<<endl;
+ for (table_entry_pos_t ipos = 0; ipos < cursize[ilev]; ipos++) {
+ char* entry = table[ilev] + (table_pos_t)ipos * ndsz;
+ table_entry_pos_t isucc = (ipos>0 ? bound(table[ilev] + (table_pos_t)(ipos-1) * ndsz, ndt) : 0);
+ table_entry_pos_t esucc = bound(table[ilev] + (table_pos_t)ipos * ndsz, ndt);
+ float eprob = exp(prob(entry,ndt)*2.302585092994045);
+ cout <<"\t"<<ipos<<"\t"<<getDict()->decode(word(entry))<<"\t"<<isucc<<"\t"<<esucc<<"\t"<<eprob<<endl;
+ }
+ }*/
+// GB recursively add successor entries from 'this' table into current position of 'nt' table
+// interpolating with 'mt' table probabilities
+double lmtable::addSucc(lmtable* mt, ngram ng, float weight,
+ int ilev, int elev,
+ table_entry_pos_t ipos,
+ table_entry_pos_t epos,
+ lmtable *nt) {
+ //variables useful to navigate in the lmtable structure
+ LMT_TYPE ndt;
+ int ndsz;
+ // increase ngram size
+ ng.pushc(0);
+ //cerr<<"addSucc: >> ilev "<<ilev<<" elev "<<elev;
+ //cerr<<" ipos "<<ipos<<" epos "<<epos<<endl;
+ assert(epos<=this->cursize[ilev] && ipos<epos);
+ // use node size and type from 'this' table, assume 'merge' is same
+ ndt=this->tbltype[ilev]; assert(ndt==mt->tbltype[ilev]);
+ ndsz=this->nodesize(ndt); assert(ndsz==mt->nodesize(ndt));
+ table_entry_pos_t cpos; // position in 'this' table
+ double totCurrProb = 0;
+ for (cpos=ipos; cpos<epos; cpos++) {
+ double totSuccProb = 0;
+ char* centry = this->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t)cpos *ndsz;
+ int cword = translate(this->getDict(),nt->getDict(),word(centry));
+ //cerr << "addSucc: ilev "<<ilev<<" at position cpos "<<cpos<<endl;
+ if (ilev < elev) {
+ table_entry_pos_t isucc = (cpos>0 ? bound(this->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) (cpos-1) * ndsz, ndt) : 0);
+ table_entry_pos_t esucc = bound(this->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) cpos * ndsz, ndt);
+ if (isucc < esucc ) {
+ // there are successors
+ *ng.wordp(1)=cword;
+ //cerr << "addSucc: adding successors for ngram ";
+ //print_ng(nt,ng); cerr << endl;
+ totSuccProb += addSucc(mt, ng, weight, ilev+1, elev, isucc, esucc, nt);
+ }
+ }
+ // end of recursion (ilev == elev)
+ // allocate space in new table in chunks, will also do the initial allocation
+ if ((nt->cursize[ilev] % nt->dict->size()) ==0) {
+ nt->table[ilev]=(char *)realloc(nt->table[ilev], ((table_pos_t) nt->cursize[ilev] + (table_pos_t) nt->dict->size()) * ndsz);
+ }
+ char* newentry = nt->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) nt->cursize[ilev] * ndsz;
+ // put current entry in new table
+ //cerr << "addSucc: << ilev "<<ilev<<" setting newentry word ["<< nt->getDict()->decode(cword)<< " ] at pos "<<nt->cursize[ilev]<<endl;
+ nt->word(newentry, cword);
+ *ng.wordp(1) = cword;
+ ngram cng = ng;
+ convert_ng(nt->getDict(),this->getDict(),ng,cng);
+ ngram mng = ng;
+ convert_ng(nt->getDict(),mt->getDict(),ng,mng);
+ float cprob = this->lprob(cng);
+ float mprob = mt->lprob(mng);
+ //cerr << " c ngram "; print_ng(this,cng); cerr<<" clprob(tng) "<<cprob<<endl;
+ //cerr << " m ngram "; print_ng(mt,mng); cerr<<" mlprob(mng) "<<mprob<<endl;
+ double eprob = (1.-weight)*exp((double)cprob*M_LN10) + weight*exp((double)mprob*M_LN10);
+ totCurrProb += eprob;
+ float nprob = log(eprob)/M_LN10;
+ float nbow = log(1.-totSuccProb)/M_LN10;
+ //cerr << " combining probs "<<cprob<<" and "<<mprob<<" to yield "<<nprob<<", totSuccProb "<<totSuccProb<<" to yield "<<nbow<<endl;
+ nt->prob(newentry, ndt, nprob);
+ nt->bow(newentry, ndt, nbow);
+ if (ilev<maxlev) nt->bound(newentry,ndt,nt->cursize[ilev+1]); // store in bound end position at next level
+ nt->cursize[ilev]++;
+ } // end of loop on table positions
+ return totCurrProb;
+// GB: double-recursively combine successor entries from 'this' and 'merge' table
+// with (weight)*this prob and (1-weight)*merge prob
+// into current position in 'nt' table
+// Return (linear) total probability mass for successors
+double lmtable::combineSucc(lmtable *mt, ngram ng, float weight,
+ int ilev, int elev,
+ table_entry_pos_t tstart,
+ table_entry_pos_t tend,
+ table_entry_pos_t mstart,
+ table_entry_pos_t mend,
+ lmtable *nt) {
+ //variables useful to navigate in the lmtable structure
+ LMT_TYPE ndt;
+ int ndsz;
+ // increase ngram size
+ ng.pushc(0);
+ //cerr<<"combineSucc: >> ilev "<<ilev<<" elev "<<elev;
+ //cerr<<" tstart "<<tstart<<" tend "<<tend<<" mstart "<<mstart<<" mend "<<mend<<endl;
+ //cout << "THIS table at ";
+ //this->dumpLevel(ilev);
+ //flush(cout);
+ //cout << "MERGE table at ";
+ //mt->dumpLevel(ilev);
+ //flush(cout);
+ assert(tend<=this->cursize[ilev] && tstart<tend);
+ assert(mend<=mt->cursize[ilev] && mstart<mend);
+ // use node size and type from 'this' table, assert that 'merge' is same
+ ndt=this->tbltype[ilev]; assert(ndt==mt->tbltype[ilev]);
+ ndsz=this->nodesize(ndt); assert(ndsz==mt->nodesize(ndt));
+ // run over positions in both this and lmt tables
+ table_entry_pos_t tp; // position in this table
+ table_entry_pos_t mp; // position in merge table
+ double totCurrProb = 0;
+ for (tp=tstart,mp=mstart; tp<tend || mp<mend; ) {
+ double totSuccProb = 0;
+ char* tentry=NULL;
+ char* mentry=NULL;
+ int tword=-1, mword=-1; // note: tword and mword integer codes are based on nt->getDict()
+ int cmp=0;
+ table_entry_pos_t tsuccstart=BOUND_EMPTY1, tsuccend=BOUND_EMPTY1, msuccstart=BOUND_EMPTY1, msuccend=BOUND_EMPTY1;
+ float tprob, tbow, mprob, mbow;
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: ilev "<<ilev<<" at positions tp "<<tp<<" mp "<<mp<<endl;
+ if (tp<tend) {
+ // we are within this table
+ tentry = this->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t)tp * ndsz;
+ tword = translate(this->getDict(),nt->getDict(),word(tentry));
+ tsuccstart = (tp>0 ? bound(this->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) (tp-1) * ndsz, ndt) : 0);
+ tsuccend = bound(this->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) tp * ndsz, ndt);
+ //cerr << " tw "<<nt->getDict()->decode(tword)<<endl;
+ } else {
+ // end of this table, force use of merge table
+ cmp = 1;
+ }
+ if (mp<mend) {
+ // we are within merge table
+ mentry = mt->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t)mp *ndsz;
+ mword = translate(mt->getDict(),nt->getDict(),mt->word(mentry));
+ msuccstart = (mp>0 ? mt->bound(mt->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) (mp-1) * ndsz, ndt) : 0);
+ msuccend = mt->bound(mt->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) mp * ndsz, ndt);
+ //cerr <<" mw "<<nt->getDict()->decode(mword)<<endl;
+ } else {
+ // end of merge table, force use of this table
+ cmp = -1;
+ }
+ // both tables ended, break out of loop
+ if (mp>=mend && tp>=tend) break;
+ // both tables can be used, select according to lexicographic order
+ if (tp<tend && mp<mend) cmp = strcmp(nt->getDict()->decode(tword),nt->getDict()->decode(mword));
+ if (ilev < elev) {
+ if (cmp==0 && (tsuccstart < tsuccend) && (msuccstart < msuccend) ){
+ // entries are the same, and both have successors, must run over both sets of successors
+ *ng.wordp(1)=tword;
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: combining successors of ngram ";
+ //print_ng(nt,ng);
+ //cerr <<endl;
+ totSuccProb += combineSucc(mt, ng, weight, ilev+1, elev, tsuccstart, tsuccend, msuccstart, msuccend, nt);
+ } else if (cmp <= 0 && tsuccstart < tsuccend) {
+ // add successors of less advanced table
+ // from now on recursion can only be of 'addSucc' type
+ *ng.wordp(1)=tword;
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: adding successors of ngram "; print_ng(nt,ng); cerr << "from this" << endl;
+ totSuccProb += this->addSucc(mt, ng, weight, ilev+1, elev, tsuccstart, tsuccend, nt);
+ } else if (cmp >=0 && msuccstart < msuccend) {
+ *ng.wordp(1)=mword;
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: adding successors of ngram "; print_ng(nt,ng); cerr << "from mt" << endl;
+ totSuccProb += mt->addSucc(this, ng, 1.-weight, ilev+1, elev, msuccstart, msuccend, nt);
+ }
+ }
+ // end of recursion (ilev == elev)
+ // allocate space in new table in chunks, will also do the initial allocation
+ if ((nt->cursize[ilev] % nt->dict->size()) ==0) {
+ nt->table[ilev]=(char *)realloc(nt->table[ilev], ((table_pos_t) nt->cursize[ilev] + (table_pos_t) nt->dict->size()) * ndsz);
+ }
+ char* newentry = nt->table[ilev] + (table_pos_t) nt->cursize[ilev] * ndsz;
+ // here we combine probabilities from both models
+ if (cmp==0) {
+ // use entries from both tables
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: << "<<ilev<<" setting newentry word ["<< nt->getDict()->decode(tword)<< "] at pos "<<nt->cursize[ilev]<<endl;
+ nt->word(newentry,tword);
+ *ng.wordp(1)=tword;
+ tbow = this->bow(tentry,ndt);
+ mbow = mt->bow(mentry,ndt);
+ } else if (cmp < 0) {
+ // use entry from 'this' table
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: << "<<ilev<<" setting newentry word ["<< nt->getDict()->decode(tword)<< "] at pos "<<nt->cursize[ilev]<<endl;
+ nt->word(newentry,tword);
+ *ng.wordp(1)=tword;
+ tbow = this->bow(tentry,ndt);
+ mbow = 0;
+ } else {
+ // use entry from 'merge' table
+ //cerr << "combineSucc: << "<<ilev<<" setting newentry word ["<< nt->getDict()->decode(mword)<< "] at pos "<<nt->cursize[ilev]<<endl;
+ nt->word(newentry,mword);
+ *ng.wordp(1)=mword;
+ tbow = 0;
+ mbow = mt->bow(mentry,ndt);
+ }
+ ngram tng = ng;
+ convert_ng(nt->getDict(),this->getDict(),ng,tng); // convert back to LM own's encoding to query lprob()
+ ngram mng = ng;
+ convert_ng(nt->getDict(),mt->getDict(),ng,mng); // convert back to LM own's encoding to query lprob()
+ tprob = this->lprob(tng);
+ mprob = mt->lprob(mng); //cerr << " t ngram "; print_ng(this,tng); cerr<<" tlprob(tng) "<<tprob<<endl;
+ //cerr << " m ngram "; print_ng(mt,mng); cerr<<" mlprob(mng) "<<mprob<<endl;
+ double eprob = (1.-weight)*exp((double)tprob*M_LN10) + weight*exp((double)mprob*M_LN10);
+ totCurrProb += eprob;
+ float nprob = log(eprob)/M_LN10;
+ float nbow = log(1.-totSuccProb)/M_LN10;
+ //cerr << " combining probs "<<tprob<<" and "<<mprob<<" to yield "<<nprob<<", totSuccProb "<<totSuccProb<<" to yield "<<nbow<<endl;
+ nt->prob(newentry,ndt,nprob);
+ nt->bow(newentry,ndt,nbow);
+ if (cmp==0) {
+ // advance in both tables
+ tp++, mp++;
+ } else if (cmp<0) {
+ tp++;
+ } else {
+ mp++;
+ }
+ if (ilev<maxlev) nt->bound(newentry,ndt,nt->cursize[ilev+1]); //store in bound end position at next level
+ nt->cursize[ilev]++;
+ //cerr << "NEW TABLE : cursize= "<<nt->cursize[ilev]<<" ";
+ //nt->printTable(ilev);
+ } // end of loop on successor table positions
+ //flush(cout);
+ // return total probability mass from successors
+ return(totCurrProb);
// saves a LM table in text format
--- src/lmtable.h 2011-08-15 17:15:32.000000000 -0400
+++ ../irstlm-5.60.02/src/lmtable.h 2011-08-15 17:06:17.000000000 -0400
@@ -258,6 +258,22 @@
void expand_level_mmap(int level, table_entry_pos_t size, const char* outfilename);
lmtable* cpsublm(dictionary* subdict,bool keepunigr=true);
+ void dumpLevel(int ilev);
+ int translate(dictionary *fromDict, dictionary *toDict, int w);
+ void convert_ng(dictionary *fromDict, dictionary *toDict, ngram ng, ngram &tng);
+ void print_ng(lmtable* lmt, ngram ng);
+ lmtable* mergelm(lmtable* mt, float weight);
+ double addSucc(lmtable* mt, ngram ng, float weight, int ilev, int elev,
+ table_entry_pos_t ipos,
+ table_entry_pos_t epos,
+ lmtable *nt);
+ double combineSucc(lmtable *mt, ngram ng, float weight, int ilev, int elev,
+ table_entry_pos_t tstart,
+ table_entry_pos_t tend,
+ table_entry_pos_t mstart,
+ table_entry_pos_t mend,
+ lmtable *nt);
int reload(std::set<string> words);
void filter(const char* /* unused parameter: lmfile */){};
--- src/interpolate-lm.cpp 2011-08-15 17:15:32.000000000 -0400
+++ ../irstlm-5.60.02/src/interpolate-lm.cpp 2011-08-15 17:08:15.000000000 -0400
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
std::string ssent_PP_flag = "no";
std::string sdictionary_load_factor = "0.0";
std::string sngramcache_load_factor = "0.0";
+std::string swrite = "";
@@ -71,8 +72,8 @@
<< "--sentence [yes|no] (compute pperplexity at sentence level (identified through the end symbol)"<< std::endl
<< "--memmap| -mm 1 use memory map to read a binary LM" << std::endl
<< "--ngram_load_factor <value> (set the load factor for ngram cache ; it should be a positive real value; if not defined a default value is used)" << std::endl
- << "--dict_load_factor <value> (set the load factor for ngram cache ; it should be a positive real value; if not defined a default value is used)" << std::endl;
+ << "--dict_load_factor <value> (set the load factor for ngram cache ; it should be a positive real value; if not defined a default value is used)" << std::endl
+ << "--write|-w text-file write LM to text-file" << std::endl;
@@ -134,6 +135,9 @@
if (starts_with(opt, "--ngram_load_factor"))
sngramcache_load_factor = get_param(opt, argc, argv, argi);
+ else
+ if (starts_with(opt, "--write") || starts_with(opt, "-w"))
+ swrite = get_param(opt, argc, argv, argi);
else {
usage(("Don't understand option " + opt).c_str());
@@ -546,6 +550,28 @@
+ // code for writing interpolated result to file
+ if (swrite != "") {
+ // TODO: normalize weights to do file-by-file interpolation
+ // new lmtable to store interpolated results
+ lmtable *nlmt=NULL, *ilmt=NULL;
+ // loop over lm files, adding each to the lmtable with weight
+ std::cerr << "Current model is " << lmf[0].c_str() << std::endl;
+ ilmt = lmt[0];
+ for (int i=1;i<2 /* N not supported currently */ ;i++) {
+ std::cerr << "Interpolating current model with " << lmf[i].c_str() << "..." << std::endl;
+ nlmt = ilmt->mergelm(lmt[i], w[i]);
+ if (dub) nlmt->setlogOOVpenalty(dub); // set OOV Penalty for each LM
+ ilmt = nlmt; // not good, memory leak if we don't delete any. Should rather keep an array of nlmt and delete all of them at the end
+ }
+ // write final lmtable
+ std::cerr << "Writing interpolated LM to " << swrite << std::endl;
+ nlmt->savetxt(swrite.c_str());
+ }
for (int i=0;i<N;i++) delete lmt[i];
return 0;