delelted old pnorm scripts with wrong names

git-svn-id: 5e6a8d80-dfce-4ca6-a32a-6e07a63d50c8
This commit is contained in:
Xiaohui Zhang 2013-12-05 05:12:59 +00:00
Родитель d4f0008574
Коммит ddaecebfde
3 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 133 удалений

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# This is neural net training on top of adapted 40-dimensional features.
# This version of the script uses GPUs. We distinguish it by putting "_gpu"
# at the end of the directory name.
# Since we're using one quarter the number of jobs (num-jobs-nnet) as the
# script, we halve the learning rate (generally speaking, splitting
# the difference like this is probably a good idea.)
parallel_opts="-l gpu=1,hostname=g*" # This is suitable for the CLSP network, you'll likely have to change it.
( steps/nnet2/ --num-epochs 20 \
--num-jobs-nnet 4 --num-threads 1 --parallel-opts "$parallel_opts" \
--num-epochs-extra 10 --add-layers-period 1 \
--num-hidden-layers 2 \
--mix-up 4000 \
--initial-learning-rate 0.016 --final-learning-rate 0.004 \
--cmd "$decode_cmd" \
--pnorm-input-dim 1200 \
--pnorm-output-dim 600 \
--stage -5 \
data/train data/lang exp/tri3b_ali $dir
steps/nnet2/ --config conf/decode.config --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 20 \
--transform-dir exp/tri3b/decode \
exp/tri3b/graph data/test $dir/decode
steps/nnet2/ --config conf/decode.config --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 20 \
--transform-dir exp/tri3b/decode_ug \
exp/tri3b/graph_ug data/test $dir/decode_ug

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# This runs on the 100 hour subset, using steps/nnet2/
# e.g. of usage:
# local/nnet2/ --temp-dir /export/m1-01/dpovey/kaldi-dan2/egs/swbd/s5b
. utils/
parallel_opts="-l gpu=1,hostname=g*" # This is suitable for the CLSP network, you'll likely have to change it.
if [ ! -f exp/$dir/final.mdl ]; then
if [ ! -z "$temp_dir" ] && [ ! -e exp/$dir/egs ]; then
mkdir -p exp/$dir
mkdir -p $temp_dir/$dir/egs
ln -s $temp_dir/$dir/egs exp/$dir/
steps/nnet2/ --stage $train_stage \
--num-jobs-nnet 8 --num-threads 1 --max-change 40.0 \
--minibatch-size 512 --parallel-opts "$parallel_opts" \
--mix-up 8000 \
--initial-learning-rate 0.02 --final-learning-rate 0.002 \
--num-hidden-layers 4 \
--pnorm-input-dim 3000 \
--pnorm-output-dim 600 \
--cmd "$decode_cmd" \
data/train_100k_nodup data/lang exp/tri4a exp/$dir || exit 1;
for lm_suffix in tg fsh_tgpr; do
steps/nnet2/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 30 \
--config conf/decode.config --transform-dir exp/tri4a/decode_eval2000_sw1_${lm_suffix} \
exp/tri4a/graph_sw1_${lm_suffix} data/eval2000 exp/$dir/decode_eval2000_sw1_${lm_suffix} &

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@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# This is pnorm neural net training on top of adapted 40-dimensional features.
temp_dir= # e.g. --temp-dir /export/m1-02/dpovey/kaldi-dan2/egs/wsj/s5/
parallel_opts="-l gpu=1,hostname=g*" # This is suitable for the CLSP network, you'll likely have to change it.
# Note: since we multiplied the num-jobs by 1/4, we halved the
# learning rate, relative to
. ./
. utils/
if [ ! -z "$temp_dir" ] && [ ! -e $dir/egs ]; then
mkdir -p $dir
mkdir -p $temp_dir/$dir/egs
ln -s $temp_dir/$dir/egs $dir/
steps/nnet2/ \
--num-jobs-nnet 4 --num-threads 1 --parallel-opts "$parallel_opts" \
--mix-up 8000 \
--initial-learning-rate 0.02 --final-learning-rate 0.002 \
--num-hidden-layers 4 \
--pnorm-input-dim 5000 --pnorm-output-dim 1000\
--cmd "$decode_cmd" \
--p 2 \
data/train_si284 data/lang exp/tri4b_ali_si284 $dir || exit 1
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 \
--transform-dir exp/tri4b/decode_tgpr_dev93 \
exp/tri4b/graph_tgpr data/test_dev93 $dir/decode_tgpr_dev93
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 8 \
--transform-dir exp/tri4b/decode_tgpr_eval92 \
exp/tri4b/graph_tgpr data/test_eval92 $dir/decode_tgpr_eval92
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 \
--transform-dir exp/tri4b/decode_bd_tgpr_dev93 \
exp/tri4b/graph_bd_tgpr data/test_dev93 $dir/decode_bd_tgpr_dev93
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 8 \
--transform-dir exp/tri4b/decode_bd_tgpr_eval92 \
exp/tri4b/graph_bd_tgpr data/test_eval92 $dir/decode_bd_tgpr_eval92