зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/kaldi.git
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217 строки
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To install the prerequisites for Kaldi, try running
It tries to install various things, and it will tell you at the
end whether each item succeeded or failed.
If you get warnings that certain things failed to install but
it says "optional anyway", this does not matter. But if it
just says "Failure" for one of the prerequisites, that is a problem--
you will have to go to the manual instructions in this file (below),
and try to install the prerequisite yourself and if you can, fix the
[note: ./install_atlas.sh is a backup plan in case you don't have ATLAS
installed on your system; ignore it unless you get errors from
See below install instructions for:
(1) sph2pipe (needed to run the example scripts but not for compilation)
(2) openfst (needed)
(3) dot (optional; only used by doxygen and for FST debugging).
(4) IRSTLM (optional; only needed if you want to build LMs and
don't already have a setup).
(5) sclite (optional; useful for detailed scoring output but the
default scripts don't use it).
(6) ATLAS (needed only for headers, if already on system, but for
native Windows compilation without Intel MKL you have to compile this)
(7) CLAPACK headers (required if you have the library available but
no headers in a directory accessed by default; this is the case on Cygwin)
(8) libportaudio (needed for the online recognition binaries)
Install instructions for sph2pipe_v2.5.tar.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ldc.upenn.edu/pub/ldc/misc_sw/sph2pipe_v2.5.tar.gz
tar -xovzf sph2pipe_v2.5.tar.gz
cd sph2pipe_v2.5
gcc -o sph2pipe *.c -lm
cd ..
# These instructions are not valid for native Windows;
# see the readme, 0readme.1st, in sph2pipe_v2.5
Install instructions for OpenFst
Note that this should be compiled with g++-4.x
You may have to install this and give the option CXX=<g++-4-binary-name>
to configure, if it's not already the default (g++ -v will tell you).
(on cygwin you may have to install the g++-4.0 package and give the options CXX=g++-4.exe CC=gcc-4.exe to configure).
wget http://openfst.cs.nyu.edu/twiki/pub/FST/FstDownload/openfst-1.2.10.tar.gz
tar -xovzf openfst-1.2.10.tar.gz
for dir in openfst-1.2.10/{src/,}include/fst; do
( [ -d $dir ] && cd $dir && patch -p0 -N <../../../../openfst.patch )
rm openfst 2>/dev/null # Remove any existing link
ln -s openfst-1.2.10 openfst
cd openfst-1.2.10
# Choose the correct configure statement:
Linux or Darwin:
./configure --prefix=`pwd` --enable-static --disable-shared
Linux, cross-compile (64-bit) [you probably don't want this]:
# Configure for linux, cross-compile to 64-bit
# Note that this refers to 64-bit compilation, which
# on the BUT machines it not the default even though the machines
# are 64bit [you would have to compile with OPT=64bit].
./configure --host=x86_64-linux --prefix=`pwd` --enable-static --disable-shared
./configure --prefix=`pwd` CXX=g++-4.exe CC=gcc-4.exe --enable-static --disable-shared
# make install is equivalent to "make; make install"
make install
(3) dot
This is used by doxygen to automatically generate documentation for the source, and
is also useful for debugging FSTs (in conjunction with fstdraw).
We provide here instructions for installing dot on cygwin.
On most native UNIX systems, dot is likely to be installed already.
If not, once you work out how to install it please put the instructions here.
Get the Windows version of dot from
follow the default installation setup.
in your .bashrc file, add the line
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Graphviz2.26.3/bin/
[you might want to first make sure that that's where you installed it.
If your shell is not bash, this may have to be changed a bit].
The following are instructions to install IRSTLM.
This is not needed for the basic system builds (RM has its own
non-ARPA LM, and WSJ comes with LMs). So installing this may be
left till later, if you are in a hurry.
svn co https://irstlm.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/irstlm/trunk irstlm
cd irstlm
if your aclocal and automake are too old, you may want to
adjust the settings for the variables ACLOCAL and AUTOMAKE
in ./regenerate-makefiles.sh. For example, on cygwin you have
to install the package automake-1.9, and the two lines in
regenerate-makefiles.sh become:
... however, the defaults may work.
./regenerate-makefiles.sh # run this twice; it seems to be necessary.
./configure --prefix=`pwd`
#or for 64 bit cross-compilation (tested on BUT machines)
#./configure --prefix=`pwd` CC="x86_64-linux-gcc" CXX="x86_64-linux-g++" AR="x86_64-linux-ar" AS="x86_64-linux-as" RANLIB="x86_64-linux-ranlib"
[ you may have to install zlib before typing make ]
make install
(5) sclite [OPTIONAL!] This can be helpful helpful for scoring but the default
scoring scripts do not use it (they use our own Kaldi-based scorer).
If you get a bug about strncasecmp, you have to modify the file 'sctk-4.0/src/rfilter1/makefile'.
There is a comment in there about setting OPTIONS to be empty. Do that and it
should compile. [Do this after "make config" but before "make install"].
Install instructions for sclite/sctk.
This was obtained as follows:
(a) download it.
If the following command fails with e.g. a proxy error:
wget ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/pub/sctk-2.4.0-20091110-0958.tar.bz2
then try this:
ftp jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov
use username="anonymous" and an empty password
cd pub
get sctk-2.4.0-20091110-0958.tar.bz2
# Convert into gzip format (bunzip2 needs to be installed for this to work):
bunzip2 sctk-2.4.0-20091110-0958.tar.bz2
gzip sctk-2.4.0-20091110-0958.tar
tar -xovzf sctk-2.4.0-20091110-0958.tar.gz
cd sctk-2.4.0
for x in src/asclite/core/recording.{h,cpp}; do # Fix a compilation error that can occur with newer compiler versions.
sed 's/Filter::Filter/::Filter/' $x > tmpf; mv tmpf $x;
make config
make all
make check
make install
make doc
(6) Atlas
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/math-atlas/files/Stable/3.8.3/atlas3.8.3.tar.gz
tar -xovzf atlas3.8.3.tar.gz ATLAS/include
# don't do any more installation at this point, we just need this for headers
# (except for native Windows compilation, for which see ../windows/INSTALL.atlas)
(7) CLAPACK headers (in case needed, if CLAPACK is installed on the machine...
we don't go to the trouble of installing CLAPACK if the libraries are not
already there).
mkdir CLAPACK_include
cd CLAPACK_include
for x in clapack.h f2c.h cblas.h; do
wget http://www.netlib.org/clapack/$x;
(8) Install instructions for libportaudio.
libportaudio is only needed for the online recognition binaries. It enables audio
capture from the sound card. Unfortunately, the installer for libportaudio may not
work on all version of Linux or Mac OS. However, for most people it will be
sufficient to simply run the script
We tested this installation script on various versions of Suse Linux and Red Hat as
well as on Mac OS (Darwin). Please note that the installation script patches up the
default Makefile of portaudio when installing on Mac (for details, please have a look
at the installation script itself).
The best bet for support on compiling libportaudio, should you face any problems,
would be the portaudio documentation:
We know of at least one instance were libportaudio compiled fine, but only
produced garbage audio samples. This happened on a Linux system that only had
Open Sound System (OSS) installed. We therefore recommend to install ALSA. This
is also reflected in our Makefile for the binaries in /src/onlinebin where we
include -lasound.