зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/kitsune.git
Rewrite installation.rst
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,175 +2,176 @@
* Python 2.6
To run everything and make all the tests pass locally, you'll need the
following things (in addition to Git, of course).
* Python 2.6.
* `setuptools <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools#downloads>`_
or `pip <http://pip.openplans.org/>`_.
* MySQL Server and client headers.
* Memcached Server.
* `Sphinx <http://sphinxsearch.com/>`_ 0.9.9, compiled with the
``--enable-id64`` flag.
* RabbitMQ.
* ``libxml`` and headers.
* ``libxslt`` and headers.
* ``libjpeg`` and headers.
* ``zlib`` and headers.
* Several Python packages. See `Installing the Packages`_.
Installation for these is very system dependent. Using a package manager, like
yum, aptitude, or brew, is encouraged.
Additional Requirements
Besides the Pythonic requirements, you'll probably want this software to make
things happen:
If you want to use Apache, instead of the dev server (not strictly required but
it's more like our production environment) you'll also need:
* Git, obviously.
* Memcached - the server, since the client is included in requirements.txt.
* Sphinx - the server. We're currently on 0.9.9-release.
* Apache HTTPD Server.
* ``mod_wsgi``
See the documentation on `WSGI <wsgi.rst>`_ for more information and
Getting the Source
Grab the source from Github using::
git clone git://github.com/jsocol/kitsune.git
cd kitsune
git submodule update --init
Installing the Packages
`virtualenv <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv>`_ is a tool to create
isolated Python environments. We're going to be installing a bunch of packages,
but we don't want your system littered with all these things you only need for
kitsune. Some other piece of software might want an older version than kitsune
wants, which can create quite a mess. ::
easy_install virtualenv
virtualenv is the only package I install system-wide. Everything else goes in a
virtual environment.
Compiled Packages
`virtualenvwrapper <http://www.doughellmann.com/docs/virtualenvwrapper/>`_
complements virtualenv by installing some shell functions that make environment
management smoother.
There are a small number of compiled packages, including the MySQL Python
client. You can install these using ``pip`` (if you don't have ``pip``, you
can get it with ``easy_install pip``) or via a package manager.
To use ``pip``, you only need to do this::
Install it like this::
wget http://bitbucket.org/dhellmann/virtualenvwrapper/raw/tip/virtualenvwrapper_bashrc -O ~/.virtualenvwrapper
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
Then put these lines in your ``~/.bashrc``::
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source $HOME/.virtualenvwrapper
``exec bash`` and you're set.
sudo pip install -r requirements/compiled.txt
virtualenvwrapper Hooks
Python Packages
virtualenvwrapper lets you run hooks when creating, activating, and deleting
virtual environments. These hooks can change settings, the shell environment,
or anything else you want to do from a shell script. For complete hook
documentation, see
All of the pure-Python requirements are available in a git repository, known as
a vendor library. This allows them to be available on the Python path without
needing to be installed in the system, allowing multiple versions for multiple
projects simultaneously.
You can find some lovely hooks to get started at http://gist.github.com/234301.
The hook files should go in ``$WORKON_HOME`` (``$HOME/.virtualenvs`` from
above), and ``premkvirtualenv`` should be made executable.
To get the vendor library, just::
git clone --recursive git://github.com/jsocol/kitsune-lib.git vendor
This will clone the repository and all its submodules into a directory called
This hook installs pip and ipython into every virtualenv you create.
This runs whenever you start a virtual environment. If you have a virtual
environment named ``kitsune``, ``postactivate`` switches the shell to
``~/dev/kitsune`` if that directory exists.
Getting Packages
Now we're ready to go, so create an environment for kitsune::
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages kitsune
That creates a clean environment named kitsune and (for convenience) initializes
the environment. You can get out of the environment by restarting your shell or
calling ``deactivate``.
To get back into the kitsune environment later, type::
workon kitsune
If you keep your Python binary in a special place (i.e. you don't want to use
the system Python), pass the path to mkvirtualenv with ``--python``::
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python2.6 --no-site-packages kitsune
We're going to use pip to install Python packages from `pypi
<http://pypi.python.org/pypi>`_ and github. ::
easy_install pip
Since we're in our kitsune environment, pip was only installed locally, not
kitsune uses a requirements file to tell pip what to install. Get just the
basics you need by running ::
pip install -r requirements.txt
from the root of your kitsune checkout. For a development environment, you'll
want to use ``requirements-dev.txt`` instead ::
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Most of kitsune is configured in ``settings.py``, but it's incomplete since we
don't want to put database passwords into version control. Put any local
settings into ``settings_local.py``. Make sure you have ::
Start by creating a file named ``settings_local.py``, and putting this line in
from settings import *
in your ``settings_local.py`` so that all of the configuration is included.
I'm overriding the database parameters from ``settings.py`` and then extending
``INSTALLED_APPS`` and ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` to include the `Django Debug
Toolbar <http://github.com/robhudson/django-debug-toolbar>`_. It's awesome,
and I recommend you do the same.
Now you can copy and modify any settings from ``settings.py`` into
``settings_local.py`` and the value will override the default.
For now, you'll need a dump of the SUMO database. It's unfortunate, but we're
working on it.
At a minimum, you will need to define a database connection. An example
configuration is::
'default': {
'NAME': 'kitsune',
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'USER': 'kitsune',
'OPTIONS': {'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=InnoDB'},
'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8',
'TEST_COLLATION': 'utf8_unicode_ci',
Once you've set up the database, you can generate the schema with Django's
``syncdb`` command::
./manage.py syncdb
This will generate an empty database, which will get you started!
Testing it Out
To start the dev server, run ``./manage.py runserver``, then open up
``http://localhost:8000``. If everything's working, you should see a somewhat
empty version of the SUMO home page!
Running the Tests
A great way to check that everything really is working is to run the test
suite. You'll need to add an extra grant in MySQL for your database user::
GRANT ALL ON test_NAME.* TO USER@localhost;
Where ``NAME`` and ``USER`` are the same as the values in your database
The test suite will create and use this database, to keep any data in your
development database safe from tests.
Running the test suite is easy::
./manage.py test -s --noinput --logging-clear-handlers
For more information, see the `test documentation <tests.rst>`_.
Last Steps
Initializing Mozilla Product Details
One of the packages kitsune uses, Mozilla Product Details, needs to fetch JSON
files containing historical Firefox version data and write them within its
package directory. To set this up...
One of the packages Kitsune uses, Django Mozilla Product Details, needs to
fetch JSON files containing historical Firefox version data and write them
within its package directory. To set this up, just run
``./manage.py update_product_details`` to do the initial fetch.
#. Run ``./manage.py update_product_details`` to do the initial fetch.
#. Schedule the above command to run periodically. Once a day is a reasonable
choice. It will fail safely on network failure.
#. Arrange for the folder django-mozilla-product-details/product_details/json
to be writable by whomever runs ``./manage.py update_product_details`` and
readable by kitsune Python processes.
Setting Up Search
See the `search documentation <search.rst>`_ for steps to get Sphinx search
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
.. _wsgi:
Running Kitsune with mod_wsgi
@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ packages sneak into the Kitsune virtualenv.
Kitsune should be cloned into a directory named ``kitsune`` outside of the
web root for the server or ``<VirtualHost>``. It will be aliased to the
correct location.
WSGI Configuration
@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ Configuration
Most of our ``settings.py`` is under version control, but can be overridden
in a file called ``settings_local.py`` in the base of the app (the same
place as ``settings.py``). You can see example settings in
place as ``settings.py``). You can see example settings in
.. literalinclude:: /settings/settings_local.prod.py
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