- Adding new locators for the premium and loginless forms and helper functions.
- Expanding playwright coverage for the following cases:
1. Verifying that the premium tickets can be successfully submitted for all premium products. Currently, we are sending one ticket /each premium product and choosing a random topic & os from the dropdowns. We are also making use of the whitelisted subject & body keyword so that Zendesk automatically closes those tickets & avoid spamming.
2. Verifying that 3 loginless forms can be successfully submitted before hitting the ratelimit. (making use of the whitelisted subject & body keyword) in order to avoid spamming Zendesk).
- Verifying that SUMO redirects to a fallback locale when trying to access an unsupported one.
- Verifying SUMO's fallback mechanism for the fy, zh-Hans and zh-Hant locales. (currently skipped due to a known failure).
- Verifying that accessing all supported SUMO locales returns status code 200
- Verifying SUMO locale priority:
* SUMO should redirect to the locale specified inside the user profile if no locale is specified in the URL.
* Verifying that SUMO should respect the ?lang query parameter and redirect to that particular locale regardless of the locale specified inside the user profile.
* Verifying that SUMO redirects to the locale specified inside the Accept-Language header if no preferred language is set at profile level.
* Verifying the fallback mechanism of the Accept-Language header if the first specified language is not supported or invalid.
- Verifying that selecting all the available options inside the "Language" dropdown menu displayed inside the footer section redirects the user to the chosen locale successfully.
- Adding the required env variables for decouple in order to use the SUMO_LANGUAGES, FALLBACK_LANGUAGES, NON_SUPPORTED_LOCALES dictionaries in tests.
- Fixing the Recent Revisions Dashboard test failures.
- Adding playwright capability of setting/manipulating the http header.
- Adding the newly added kb article translation tests to pytest.ini and playwright.yml workflow file.
- Adding test data for KB article translation.
- Adding Page object & flows for kb article translation.
- Mapping some automated tests with existing TestRail manual tests.
- Expanding the coverage for some existing kb article tests.
- Improving the flow for some existing Edit Article Metadata tests.
- Updating the playwright.yml to contain the group messaging system suite for both scheduled & workflow dispatch executions.
- Fix twitter profile link test since twitter is now "x".
- Fix footer test.
- Added group page to POM & flows.
This coverage includes checks over the expected kb discoverability when using different accounts (non-whitelisted, whitelisted, signed out and admin). The checks are performed on the following SUMO areas: Search Results, Recent Revisions page, Localization Dashboards, KB Dashboards, Media Gallery, Article Discussions page, Frequent Topics page, What Links Here page, KB Category page & user document contributions page.
The above checks are performed against both restricted kb articles & restricted kb templates.
- Updated & Created some additional pages, flows & test data needed for testing the restricted kb articles functionality.
- Updating the workflow file to contain the newly added tests.
- Using allure.step() to define steps in allure report.
- Modifying the soft assertions to play nicely with allure reporting by interleaving check and step.
- Adding allure to poetry.
- Modifying the playwright.yml to exclude the HTML reporter & use Allure reporting instead.
- Attaching screencasts to Allure report on test failure.
- Ensure that the Live status, Needs Update, Ready for L10N, Stale & Expiry Date are successfully displayed & updated according to the corresponding modifications performed at KB article level.
- Ensure that changing the kb article title is also resembled inside the KB Dashboard.
- Ensure that the kb article title link (displayed inside the KB dashboard) redirects the user to the correct kb article page.
Updated the GH playwright workflow to include the new tests in our scheduled GH run.
Also performed some code refactoring by creating 'flow functions' for some repetitive kb actions (revision creation & article deletion).
- Expanding playwright coverage over KB article revision page:
- Expanding playwright coverage over KB contributors:
- Expanding playwright coverage over the Recent Revisions dashboard:
- Updating the GH workflow file to include the newly added runs in our runs.
- Cleaning up the code a bit. Moving the cookie deletion inside the session creation function.
- Ensuring that articles cannot be deleted by a user that doesn't have the necessary permissions or while the user is signed out.
- Ensuring that the article is not deleted when clicking on the "Cancel and go back to document history" option.
- Ensuring that the only available article revision cannot be deleted (also performing page assertions for the 'Unable to delete only revision of the document' page).
- Ensuring that the user is redirected back to the article history after clicking on the "Go back to document history" option from the 'Unable to delete only revision of the document' page.
- Ensuring that the article can be successfully deleted and manually navigating to the deleted article's url will return a 404.
- Disabled the product support page tests until I find a proper fix.
- Trying to fix the create-sessions test by adding a wait.
- Updating the GH workflow file to add the updates to runners.
- Re-organized the folder structure in order to resemble the new IA better.
- Updating the workflow file to include the newly added tests in our GH runners.
- Refactored some bits and pieces.
- Updated the workflow file to schedule the newly added coverage for execution.
- Updated workflow to execute Firefox tests on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Chrome tests on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Updating some tests, page messages and page methods.
- Adding custom wait for url & user agent retrival in test utilities.
- Adding more test data.
- Updating the workflow to include the newly added tests in our execution.