DC := $(shell command -v docker-compose 2> /dev/null) ifeq (DC,) DC = $(shell which docker-compose) else DC = $(shell which docker) compose endif default: help @echo "" @echo "You need to specify a subcommand." @exit 1 help: @echo "build - build docker images for dev" @echo "run - docker-compose up the entire system for dev" @echo "" @echo "init - initialize the database and install Node packages" @echo "djshell - start a Django Python shell (ipython)" @echo "dbshell - start a MySQL shell" @echo "shell - start a bash shell" @echo "runshell - start a bash shell with ports bound so you can run the server" @echo "clean - remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts" @echo "rebuild - force a rebuild of the dev docker image" @echo "lint - run pre-commit hooks" @echo "test - run python tests" @echo "test-js - run js tests" @echo "docs - generate Sphinx HTML documentation" .env: @if [ ! -f .env ]; then \ echo "Copying .env-dist to .env..."; \ cp .env-dist .env; \ fi .docker-build: ${MAKE} build build: ${DC} build web touch .docker-build rebuild: clean build run: .docker-build ${DC} up web init: .docker-build ${DC} run web bin/run-bootstrap.sh shell: .docker-build ${DC} run web bash runshell: .docker-build ${DC} run --service-ports web bash djshell: .docker-build ${DC} run web python manage.py shell dbshell: .docker-build ${DC} run web python manage.py dbshell clean: # python related things find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} + # test related things -rm -f .coverage # docs files -rm -rf docs/_build/ # state files -rm -f .docker-build* # node stuff -rm -rf node_modules lint: .docker-build ${DC} run web pre-commit run --all-files test: .docker-build ${DC} run web ./bin/run-unit-tests.sh test-js: .docker-build ${DC} run web npm run webpack:test docs: .docker-build ${DC} run web $(MAKE) -C docs/ clean ${DC} run web $(MAKE) -C docs/ html .PHONY: build rebuild run init shell runshell djshell clean lint test test-js docs