# PHP Support
## Architecture
PHP applications are deployed using Apache and mod_php. For each CloudFoundry instance of the application, an Apache instance is started.
## Demo: Installing Wordpress ##
The Wordpress CMS can be run using CloudFoundry PHP support with very minimal changes.
Steps to get the application to run:
1. curl -O http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
2. tar -xzf latest.tar.gz
3. rm latest.tar.gz
4. cd wordpress
5. echo " wp-salt.php
6. curl https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ >> wp-salt.php
7. Create wp-config.php, and set it to:
vmc push wordpresscf --url wordpresscf.vcap.me -n
9. vmc create-service mysql --bind wordpresscf
10. Visit http://wordpresscf.vcap.me and enjoy your Wordpress install!