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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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package libaudit
import (
type record struct {
syscallNum string
arch string
a0 int
a1 int
// ErrorAuditParse is an implementation of the error interface that is returned by
// ParseAuditEvent. msg will contain a description of the error, and the raw audit event
// which failed parsing is returned in raw for inspection by the calling program.
type ErrorAuditParse struct {
Msg string
Raw string
// Error returns a string representation of ErrorAuditParse e
func (e ErrorAuditParse) Error() string {
return e.Msg
// newErrorAuditParse returns a new ErrorAuditParse type with the fields populated
func newErrorAuditParse(raw string, f string, v ...interface{}) ErrorAuditParse {
ret := ErrorAuditParse{
Raw: raw,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(f, v...),
return ret
// ParseAuditEvent parses an incoming audit message from kernel and returns an AuditEvent.
// msgType is supposed to come from the calling function which holds the msg header indicating header
// type of the messages. It uses simple string parsing techniques and provider better performance than
// the regex parser, idea taken from parse_up_record(rnode* r) in ellist.c (libauparse).
func ParseAuditEvent(str string, msgType auditConstant, interpret bool) (*AuditEvent, error) {
var r record
var event = AuditEvent{
Raw: str,
// Create the map which will store the audit record fields for this event, note we
// provide an allocation hint here based on the average number of fields we would come
// across in an audit event
m := make(map[string]string, 24)
if strings.HasPrefix(str, "audit(") {
str = str[6:]
} else {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "malformed, missing audit prefix")
index := strings.Index(str, ":")
if index == -1 {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "malformed, can't locate start of fields")
// determine timestamp
timestamp := str[:index]
// move further on string, skipping ':'
str = str[index+1:]
index = strings.Index(str, ")")
if index == -1 {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "malformed, can't locate end of prefix")
serial := str[:index]
if strings.HasPrefix(str, serial+"): ") {
str = str[index+3:]
} else {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "malformed, prefix termination unexpected")
var (
nBytes string
orig = len(str)
n int
key string
value string
av bool
for n < orig {
getSpaceSlice(&str, &nBytes, &n)
var newIndex int
newIndex = strings.Index(nBytes, "=")
if newIndex == -1 {
// check type for special cases of AVC and USER_AVC
if msgType == AUDIT_AVC || msgType == AUDIT_USER_AVC {
if nBytes == "avc:" && strings.HasPrefix(str, "avc:") {
// skip over 'avc:'
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
av = true
if av {
key = "seresult"
value = nBytes
if interpret {
var err error
value, err = interpretField(key, value, msgType, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "interpretField: %v", err)
m[key] = value
av = false
if len(str) == len(nBytes) {
} else {
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
if strings.HasPrefix(nBytes, "{") {
key = "seperms"
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
var v string
getSpaceSlice(&str, &nBytes, &n)
for nBytes != "}" {
if len(v) != 0 {
v += ","
v += nBytes
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
getSpaceSlice(&str, &nBytes, &n)
value = v
if interpret {
var err error
value, err = interpretField(key, value, msgType, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "interpretField: %v", err)
m[key] = value
if len(str) == len(nBytes) {
//reached the end of message
} else {
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
} else {
// We might get values with space, add it to prev key
// skip 'for' in avc message (special case)
if nBytes == "for" {
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
value += " " + nBytes
if interpret {
var err error
value, err = interpretField(key, value, msgType, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "interpretField: %v", err)
m[key] = value
} else {
// We might get values with space, add it to prev key
value += " " + nBytes
if interpret {
var err error
value, err = interpretField(key, value, msgType, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "interpretField: %v", err)
m[key] = value
} else {
key = nBytes[:newIndex]
value = nBytes[newIndex+1:]
// for cases like msg='
// we look again for key value pairs
if strings.HasPrefix(value, "'") && key == "msg" {
newIndex = strings.Index(value, "=")
if newIndex == -1 {
// special case USER_AVC messages, start of: msg='avc:
if strings.HasPrefix(str, "msg='avc") {
str = str[5:]
key = value[1:newIndex]
value = value[newIndex+1:]
if key == "arch" {
// determine machine type
if key == "a0" {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
r.a0 = -1
} else {
r.a0 = int(val)
if key == "a1" {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
r.a1 = -1
} else {
r.a1 = int(val)
if key == "syscall" {
r.syscallNum = value
if interpret {
var err error
value, err = interpretField(key, value, msgType, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, newErrorAuditParse(event.Raw, "interpretField: %v", err)
m[key] = value
if len(str) == len(nBytes) {
// Reached the end of message
} else {
str = str[len(nBytes)+1:]
event.Timestamp = timestamp
event.Serial = serial
event.Data = m
event.Type = msgType.String()[6:]
return &event, nil
// getSpaceSlice checks the index of the next space and put the string up to that space into
// the second string, total number of characters processed is updated with each call to the function
func getSpaceSlice(str *string, b *string, v *int) {
index := strings.Index(*str, " ")
if index != -1 {
if index == 0 {
// Found space on the first location only, just forward on the orig
// string and try again
*str = (*str)[1:]
getSpaceSlice(str, b, v)
} else {
*b = (*str)[:index]
// Keep updating total characters processed
*v += len(*b)
} else {
*b = (*str)
// Keep updating total characters processed
*v += len(*b)
func fixPunctuations(value *string) {
// Remove trailing punctuation
l := len(*value)
if l > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(*value, "'") {
*value = (*value)[:l-1]
if l > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(*value, ",") {
*value = (*value)[:l-1]
if l > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(*value, ")") {
if *value != "(none)" && *value != "(null)" {
*value = (*value)[:l-1]