version: 1 policy: pullRequests: public tasks: $let: head_branch: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-pull-request"' then: ${event.pull_request.head.ref} else: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"' then: ${event.ref} else: ${event.release.target_commitish} head_rev: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-pull-request"' then: ${event.pull_request.head.sha} else: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"' then: ${event.after} else: ${event.release.tag_name} repository: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-pull-request"' then: ${event.pull_request.head.repo.html_url} else: ${event.repository.html_url} channel: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"' then: $if: 'event.ref in ["refs/heads/testing", "refs/heads/production"]' then: ${event.ref[11:]} else: 'dev' else: 'dev' tag: $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"' then: $if: 'event.ref[:10] == "refs/tags/"' then: {$eval: 'event.ref[10:]' } else: "latest" else: "latest" taskboot_image: "mozilla/taskboot:0.2.2" in: - taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("check_lint")} provisionerId: proj-relman workerType: ci created: {$fromNow: ''} deadline: {$fromNow: '1 hour'} payload: maxRunTime: 3600 image: python:3.10 command: - sh - -lxce - "git clone --quiet ${repository} /src && cd /src && git checkout ${head_rev} -b checks && pip install -q . && pip install -q -r requirements-dev.txt && cd /src && pre-commit run -a --show-diff-on-failure" metadata: name: "libmozevent checks: linting" description: Check code style with pre-commit hooks owner: source: - taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("check_tests")} provisionerId: proj-relman workerType: ci created: {$fromNow: ''} deadline: {$fromNow: '1 hour'} payload: maxRunTime: 3600 image: python:3.10 command: - sh - -lxce - "apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qq install -y redis-server && git clone --quiet ${repository} /src && cd /src && git checkout ${head_rev} -b checks && pip install -q . && pip install -q -r requirements-dev.txt && /src/docker/ && pytest -v && export REDIS_URL='redis://localhost:6379/' && redis-server --daemonize yes && pytest -v" metadata: name: "libmozevent checks: unit tests" description: Check python code with pytest owner: source: - $if: 'tag != "latest"' then: taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("publish")} created: {$fromNow: ''} deadline: {$fromNow: '1 hour'} provisionerId: proj-relman workerType: ci dependencies: - {$eval: as_slugid("check_lint")} - {$eval: as_slugid("check_tests")} payload: features: taskclusterProxy: true maxRunTime: 3600 image: "${taskboot_image}" env: TASKCLUSTER_SECRET: "project/relman/libmozevent/deploy" GIT_REPOSITORY: "${repository}" GIT_REVISION: "${head_rev}" command: - taskboot - deploy-pypi scopes: - "secrets:get:project/relman/libmozevent/deploy" metadata: name: "libmozevent publication on PyPi" description: Publish new version on PyPi owner: source: - $if: 'tag != "latest"' then: taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("release")} created: {$fromNow: ''} deadline: {$fromNow: '1 hour'} provisionerId: proj-relman workerType: ci dependencies: - {$eval: as_slugid("check_lint")} - {$eval: as_slugid("check_tests")} payload: features: taskclusterProxy: true maxRunTime: 3600 image: "${taskboot_image}" env: TASKCLUSTER_SECRET: "project/relman/libmozevent/deploy" command: - taskboot - github-release - mozilla/libmozevent - "${tag}" scopes: - "secrets:get:project/relman/libmozevent/deploy" metadata: name: "libmozevent publication on GitHub" description: Publish release notes on GitHub owner: source: