# Make Valet NodeJS application that hosts details for your [makes](https://github.com/mozilla/MakeAPI). ## Quick start 1. Clone this repository via git: `git clone https://github.com/mozilla/make-valet.git` 2. Change directory to the repository: `cd make-valet/` 3. Install bower if not already installed: `npm install -g bower` 4. Install dependencies: `npm install` 5. Copy default config to working location: `cp env.dist .env` 6. Edit config file with your favourite text editor. See comments in config file for what each option does 7. Run the server: `node server.js` ## Running make-valet without an Internet connection make-valet relies upon the [xip.io](http://xip.io) domain to access user subdomains. If you do not have an internet connection available, you'll need to have some other way of setting domains on your local machine. ### Edit your /etc/hosts file For example, if I'm the user `jon`, you'll need to add an entry for jon. to your local hosts file: ` jon.` The downside of this approach is that you'll need to add a hostname for each user you create locally. ### Run a local DNS resolver If you're running the make-valet offline with a number of users, you should use a local DNS resolver like [dnsmasq](http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html) to scale up to any number of users