120 строки
5.4 KiB
120 строки
5.4 KiB
define('buckets', [], function() {
function build() {
function noop() {return '';}
var aelem = document.createElement('audio');
var velem = document.createElement('video');
// Compatibilty with PhantomJS, which doesn't implement canPlayType
if (!('canPlayType' in aelem)) {
velem = aelem = {canPlayType: noop};
var prefixes = ['moz', 'webkit', 'ms'];
function prefixed(property, context) {
if (!context) {
context = window;
try {
if (context[property] !== undefined) {
return context[property];
} catch(e) {
return false;
// Camel-case it.
property = property[0].toUpperCase() + property.substr(1);
for (var i = 0, e; e = prefixes[i++];) {
try {
if (context[e + property] !== undefined) {
return context[e + property];
} catch(err) {
return false;
var has_gum = prefixed('getUserMedia', navigator);
if (has_gum && navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
// Gecko 18's gum is a noop.
try {
navigator.mozGetUserMedia(); // Should throw a TypeError.
has_gum = false;
} catch(e) {}
var audiocontext = window.webkitAudioContext || window.AudioContext;
var has_audiocontext = !!(audiocontext);
return [
navigator.mozApps !== undefined,
navigator.mozApps !== undefined && navigator.mozApps.installPackage !== undefined,
navigator.mozPay !== undefined,
// FF 18 and earlier throw an exception on this key
(function() {try{return !!window.MozActivity;} catch(e) {return false;}})(),
window.ondevicelight !== undefined,
window.ArchiveReader !== undefined,
navigator.battery !== undefined,
navigator.mozBluetooth !== undefined,
navigator.mozContacts !== undefined,
navigator.getDeviceStorage !== undefined,
(function() { try{return window.mozIndexedDB || window.indexedDB;} catch(e) {return false;}})(),
navigator.geolocation !== undefined && navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition !== undefined,
navigator.addIdleObserver !== undefined && navigator.removeIdleObserver,
navigator.mozConnection !== undefined && (navigator.mozConnection.metered === true || navigator.mozConnection.metered === false),
navigator.mozNetworkStats !== undefined,
window.ondeviceproximity !== undefined,
navigator.mozPush !== undefined || navigator.push !== undefined,
window.ondeviceorientation !== undefined,
navigator.mozTime !== undefined,
navigator.vibrate !== undefined,
navigator.mozFM !== undefined || navigator.mozFMRadio !== undefined,
navigator.mozSms !== undefined,
!!((window.ontouchstart !== undefined) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch),
window.screen.width <= 540 && window.screen.height <= 960, // qHD support
!!aelem.canPlayType('audio/mpeg').replace(/^no$/, ''), // mp3 support
!!(window.Audio), // Audio Data API
has_audiocontext, // Web Audio API
!!velem.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"').replace(/^no$/,''), // H.264
!!velem.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8"').replace(/^no$/,''), // WebM
!!prefixed('cancelFullScreen', document), // Full Screen API
!!prefixed('getGamepads', navigator), // Gamepad API
!!(prefixed('persistentStorage') || window.StorageInfo), // Quota Management API
// WebRTC:
has_gum && !prefixed('cameras', navigator), // Can take photos
has_gum && has_audiocontext &&
!!((new audiocontext()).createMediaStreamSource), // Can record audio
has_gum && false, // XXX: Google WebRTC issue 2088
window.MediaStream !== undefined,
window.DataChannel !== undefined,
prefixed('SpeechSynthesisEvent'), // WebSpeech Synthesis
prefixed('SpeechInputEvent'), // WebSpeech Input
prefixed('requestPointerLock', document.documentElement), // Pointer lock
prefixed('notification', navigator), // TODO: window.webkitNotifications?
prefixed('alarms', navigator), // Alarms
(new XMLHttpRequest()).mozSystem !== undefined, // mozSystemXHR
prefixed('TCPSocket', navigator), // mozTCPSocket/mozTCPSocketServer
prefixed('mozInputMethod', navigator),
prefixed('mozMobileConnections', navigator)
var capabilities = []; // build(); - deactivated for now because of false positives and performance problems on some devices. See bug 1003266.
var profile = parseInt(capabilities.map(function(x) {return !!x ? '1' : '0';}).join(''), 2).toString(16);
// Add a count.
profile += '.' + capabilities.length;
// Add a version number.
profile += '.4';
return {
capabilities: capabilities,
profile: profile