sudo: false branches: only: - master notifications: irc: channels: - "" - "" on_success: change on_failure: change email: false language: node_js python: - "2.7" node_js: - "0.10" env: - RUN_TEST=uitest-phantom UPLOAD_CAPTURES=1 START_SERVER=1 MAKE_LANGPACKS=1 - RUN_TEST=uitest-slimer UPLOAD_CAPTURES=1 START_SERVER=1 MAKE_LANGPACKS=1 - RUN_TEST=lint - RUN_TEST=unittest - RUN_TEST=test-langpacks before_script: - "export PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE='phantomjs --local-to-remote-url-access=yes --ignore-ssl-errors=yes'" - 'export SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=$(which firefox)' # Create an installation. - "make install" # Setup xvfb for karma and slimerjs. - 'export DISPLAY=:99.0' - 'sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start' # Start the server if needed - 'if [ $START_SERVER ]; then bash tests/; fi' # Make the langpacks if needed. - 'if [ $MAKE_LANGPACKS ]; then commonplace langpacks; fi' # Install the latest slimer if we're running slimer. - "if [ $RUN_TEST = 'uitest-slimer' ]; then make install-slimer; fi" script: - 'make $RUN_TEST' - 'if [ $UPLOAD_CAPTURES ]; then make upload-captures; fi' cache: directories: - /tmp/pip-cache - /tmp/python-env - node_modules - bower_components