/* Configures component and module upgrade paths. */ var config = require('commonplace').config; var extend = require('node.extend'); var LIB_DEST_PATH = config.LIB_DEST_PATH; var localConfig = extend(true, { bowerConfig: { // Bower configuration for which files to get, and where to put them. // [Source, excluding bower_components]: [Destination]. // 'isotope/dist/isotope.pkgd.js': config.LIB_DEST_PATH, }, cssBundles: { // Arbitrary CSS bundles to create. // The key is the bundle name, which'll be excluded from the CSS build. // 'splash.css': ['splash.styl.css'] }, cssExcludes: [ // List of CSS filenames to exclude from CSS build. // splash.styl.css ], requireConfig: { // RequireJS configuration for development, notably files in lib/. // [Module name]: [Module path]. paths: { // 'isotope': 'lib/isotope.pkgd', }, shim: { // 'underscore': { 'exports': '_' } } }, PORT: 8674 }, config); localConfig.inlineRequireConfig = config.makeInlineRequireConfig( localConfig.requireConfig); module.exports = localConfig;