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[minor] change default before/after/limit values in db search queries
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ type SearchParameters struct {
// NewSearchParameters initializes search parameters
func NewSearchParameters() (p SearchParameters) {
p.Before = time.Now().UTC()
p.After = time.Now().Add(-168 * time.Hour).UTC()
p.Before = time.Now().Add(39600 * time.Hour).UTC()
p.After = time.Now().Add(-39600 * time.Hour).UTC()
p.AgentName = "%"
p.AgentID = "∞"
p.ActionName = "%"
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func NewSearchParameters() (p SearchParameters) {
p.CommandID = "∞"
p.ThreatFamily = "%"
p.Status = "%"
p.Limit = 10000
p.Limit = 100
p.Offset = 0
p.InvestigatorID = "∞"
p.InvestigatorName = "%"
@ -87,9 +87,7 @@ func (p SearchParameters) String() (query string) {
if p.Status != "%" {
query += fmt.Sprintf("&status=%s", p.Status)
if p.Limit != 10000 {
query += fmt.Sprintf("&limit=%.0f", p.Limit)
if p.Offset != 0 {
query += fmt.Sprintf("&offset=%.0f", p.Offset)
@ -944,23 +944,22 @@ GET /api/v1/search
- `actionname`: filter results on string action name, accept `ILIKE` pattern
- `after`: return results recorded after this RFC3339 date, depends on type:
- `after`: return results recorded after this RFC3339 date. If not set,
return results for last 10 years. Impact on search depends on the type:
- `action`: select actions with a `validfrom` date greater than
`after`. Default is last 7 days.
- `action`: select actions with a `validfrom` date greater than `after`.
- `agent`: select agents that have sent a heartbeat since `after`.
Default is last 7 days.
- `command`: select commands with a `starttime` date greated than
`after`. Default is last 7 days.
- `command`: select commands with a `starttime` date greated than `after`.
- `investigator`: select investigators with a `createdat` date greater
than `after`. Default is last 1,000 years.
than `after`.
- `agentid`: filter results on the agent ID
- `agentname`: filter results on string agent name, accept `ILIKE` pattern
- `before`: return results recorded before this RFC3339 date. If not defined,
default is to retrieve results until now.
- `before`: return results recorded before this RFC3339 date. If not set,
return results for the next 10 years. Impact on search depends on the
- `action`: select actions with a `expireafter` date lower than `before`
- `agent`: select agents that have sent a heartbeat priot to `before`
@ -978,7 +977,7 @@ GET /api/v1/search
- `investigatorname`: filter results on string investigator name, accept
`ILIKE` pattern
- `limit`: limit the number of results to 10,000 by default
- `limit`: limit the number of results, default is set to 100
- `offset`: discard the X first results, defaults to 0. Used in conjunction
with `limit`, offset can be used to paginate search results.
@ -931,15 +931,14 @@ investigator's action history.</p></li><li><p>Authentication: X-PGPAUTHORIZATION
<span class="punctuation">}</span>
<span class="punctuation">}</span></code></pre></section><section id="post-api-v1-investigator-create"><header><h3><a href="#id16">2.9 POST /api/v1/investigator/create/</a></h3></header><ul><li><p>Description: create a new investigator in the database</p></li><li><p>Authentication: X-PGPAUTHORIZATION</p></li><li><dl><dt>Parameters: (POST body)</dt><dd><ul><li><p><cite>name</cite>: string that represents the full name</p></li><li><p><cite>publickey</cite>: armored GPG public key</p></li></ul></dd></dl></li><li><p>Response Code: 201 Created</p></li><li><p>Response: Collection+JSON</p></li><li><p>Example: (without authentication)</p></li></ul><pre><code class="code bash"><span class="name variable">$ </span>gpg --export -a --export-options <span class="name builtin">export</span>-minimal bob_kelso@example.net > /tmp/bobpubkey
<span class="name variable">$ </span>curl -iv -F <span class="literal string double">"name=Bob Kelso"</span> -F <span class="name variable">publickey</span><span class="operator">=</span>@/tmp/pubkey https://api.mig.example.net/api/v1/investigator/create/</code></pre></section><section id="post-api-v1-investigator-update"><header><h3><a href="#id17">2.10 POST /api/v1/investigator/update/</a></h3></header><ul><li><p>Description: update an existing investigator in the database</p></li><li><p>Authentication: X-PGPAUTHORIZATION</p></li><li><dl><dt>Parameters: (POST body)</dt><dd><ul><li><p><cite>id</cite>: investigator id, to identify the target investigator</p></li><li><p><cite>status</cite>: new status of the investigator, to be updated</p></li></ul></dd></dl></li><li><p>Response Code: 201 Created</p></li><li><p>Response: Collection+JSON</p></li><li><p>Example: (without authentication)</p></li></ul><pre><code class="code bash"><span class="name variable">$ </span>curl -iv -X POST -d <span class="name variable">id</span><span class="operator">=</span><span class="literal number">1234</span> -d <span class="name variable">status</span><span class="operator">=</span>disabled https://api.mig.example.net/api/v1/investigator/update/</code></pre></section><section id="get-api-v1-search"><header><h3><a href="#id18">2.11 GET /api/v1/search</a></h3></header><ul><li><p>Description: search for actions, commands, agents or investigators.</p></li><li><p>Authentication: X-PGPAUTHORIZATION</p></li><li><p>Response Code: 200 OK</p></li><li><p>Response: Collection+JSON</p></li><li><dl><dt>Parameters:</dt><dd><ul><li><p><cite>type</cite>: define the type of item returned by the search.
Valid types are: <cite>action</cite>, <cite>command</cite>, <cite>agent</cite> or <cite>investigator</cite>.</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: (default) return a list of actions</p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: return a list of commands</p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: return a list of agents that have shown activity</p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: return a list of investigators that have show activity</p></li></ul></blockquote></li><li><p><cite>actionid</cite>: filter results on numeric action ID</p></li><li><p><cite>actionname</cite>: filter results on string action name, accept <cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern</p></li><li><p><cite>after</cite>: return results recorded after this RFC3339 date, depends on type:</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: select actions with a <cite>validfrom</cite> date greater than
<cite>after</cite>. Default is last 7 days.</p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: select agents that have sent a heartbeat since <cite>after</cite>.
Default is last 7 days.</p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: select commands with a <cite>starttime</cite> date greated than
<cite>after</cite>. Default is last 7 days.</p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: select investigators with a <cite>createdat</cite> date greater
than <cite>after</cite>. Default is last 1,000 years.</p></li></ul></blockquote></li><li><p><cite>agentid</cite>: filter results on the agent ID</p></li><li><p><cite>agentname</cite>: filter results on string agent name, accept <cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern</p></li><li><p><cite>before</cite>: return results recorded before this RFC3339 date. If not defined,
default is to retrieve results until now.</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: select actions with a <cite>expireafter</cite> date lower than <cite>before</cite></p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: select agents that have sent a heartbeat priot to <cite>before</cite></p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: select commands with a <cite>starttime</cite> date lower than <cite>before</cite></p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: select investigators with a <cite>lastmodified</cite> date lower
Valid types are: <cite>action</cite>, <cite>command</cite>, <cite>agent</cite> or <cite>investigator</cite>.</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: (default) return a list of actions</p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: return a list of commands</p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: return a list of agents that have shown activity</p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: return a list of investigators that have show activity</p></li></ul></blockquote></li><li><p><cite>actionid</cite>: filter results on numeric action ID</p></li><li><p><cite>actionname</cite>: filter results on string action name, accept <cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern</p></li><li><p><cite>after</cite>: return results recorded after this RFC3339 date. If not set,
return results for last 10 years. Impact on search depends on the type:</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: select actions with a <cite>validfrom</cite> date greater than <cite>after</cite>.</p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: select agents that have sent a heartbeat since <cite>after</cite>.</p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: select commands with a <cite>starttime</cite> date greated than <cite>after</cite>.</p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: select investigators with a <cite>createdat</cite> date greater
than <cite>after</cite>.</p></li></ul></blockquote></li><li><p><cite>agentid</cite>: filter results on the agent ID</p></li><li><p><cite>agentname</cite>: filter results on string agent name, accept <cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern</p></li><li><p><cite>before</cite>: return results recorded before this RFC3339 date. If not set,
return results for the next 10 years. Impact on search depends on the
type:</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: select actions with a <cite>expireafter</cite> date lower than <cite>before</cite></p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: select agents that have sent a heartbeat priot to <cite>before</cite></p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: select commands with a <cite>starttime</cite> date lower than <cite>before</cite></p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: select investigators with a <cite>lastmodified</cite> date lower
than <cite>before</cite></p></li></ul></blockquote></li><li><p><cite>commandid</cite>: filter results on the command ID</p></li><li><p><cite>foundanything</cite>: filter commands on the <cite>foundanything</cite> boolean of their
results (only for type <cite>command</cite>, as it requires looking into results)</p></li><li><p><cite>investigatorid</cite>: filter results on the investigator ID</p></li><li><p><cite>investigatorname</cite>: filter results on string investigator name, accept
<cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern</p></li><li><p><cite>limit</cite>: limit the number of results to 10,000 by default</p></li><li><p><cite>offset</cite>: discard the X first results, defaults to 0. Used in conjunction
<cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern</p></li><li><p><cite>limit</cite>: limit the number of results, default is set to 100</p></li><li><p><cite>offset</cite>: discard the X first results, defaults to 0. Used in conjunction
with <cite>limit</cite>, offset can be used to paginate search results.
ex: <strong>&limit=10&offset=50</strong> will grab 10 results discarding the first 50.</p></li><li><dl><dt><cite>report</cite>: if set, return results in the given report format:</dt><dd><ul><li><p><cite>complianceitems</cite> returns command results as compliance items</p></li><li><p><cite>geolocations</cite> returns command results as geolocation endpoints</p></li></ul></dd></dl></li><li><p><cite>status</cite>: filter on internal status, accept <cite>ILIKE</cite> pattern.
Status depends on the type. Below are the available statuses per type:</p><blockquote><ul><li><p><cite>action</cite>: pending, scheduled, preparing, invalid, inflight, completed</p></li><li><p><cite>agent</cite>: online, upgraded, destroyed, offline, idle</p></li><li><p><cite>command</cite>: prepared, sent, success, timeout, cancelled, expired, failed</p></li><li><p><cite>investigator</cite>: active, disabled</p></li></ul></blockquote></li><li><p><cite>target</cite>: returns agents that match a target query (only for <cite>agent</cite> type)</p></li><li><p><cite>threatfamily</cite>: filter results of the threat family of the action, accept
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