Removing documentation that doesn't belong in this branch

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Zack Mullaly 2018-11-22 14:04:21 -05:00
Родитель 49476d62b7
Коммит ad7aee2e4d
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 1486642516ED3535
2 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 625 удалений

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@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
# Client Daemon API Types
*Note*: In the case that a type is suffixed by `?`, meanining that it
can be `undefined`, or `type | null`, the value can be left out. This
notation is used to describe configuration parameters that are optional
and have defaults.
In this example, `value` and `other` can be left out, so the following are
all valid values of type `Example`.
type Example = {
value: string | null,
other: number?,
required: string
const ex1: Example = {
value: "test",
other: 32,
required: "no"
const ex2: Example = {
value: null,
required: "hello"
const ex3: Example = {
required: "test"
## API Types
type Parameter = {
name: string,
type: string,
description: string,
example: any,
type Endpoint = {
method: string,
route: string,
parameters: Array<Parameter>,
response: Array<Parameter>,
statusCodes: {
[code: number]: string,
type RawSQL = string
type RegExp = string
// Multiple target queries can be specified and will be joined with `AND`.
type Target = Array<TargetQuery>
type TargetQuery
= TargetWithSQL
| TargetAll
| TargetByAgentDetails
| TargetByHostDetails
| TargetByTag
type Module
= AgentDestroyModule
| AuditModule
| DispatchModule
| PingModule
| ScribeModule
| TimeDriftModule
| PkgModule
| FileModule
| FSWatchModule
| MemoryModule
| NetStatModule
| SSHKeyModule
| YaraModule
// Contains whatever result information is produced by agents that have run an action.
type Result = {
errors: Array<string>,
foundanything: boolean,
success: boolean,
elements: Array<object>,
statistics: Array<object>
// This type is a fallback for investigators to write the arbitrary SQL queries they may have used
// for advanced targeting.
type TargetWithSQL = {
sql: RawSQL
// Regardless of whether `all` is `true` or `false`, this type specifies all online agents as targets.
type TargetAll = {
all: bool
// Enables targeting agents by details specific to a given agent.
// At least one field must be present for this target query to be considered valid.
type TargetByAgentDetails = {
id: number?,
name: string?,
queueLocation: string?,
version: string?,
pid: number?,
status: string?
// Enables targeting agents by details specific to the agent's host environment.
// At least one field must be present for this target query to be considered valid.
// See the [cheatsheet](
// for more information about this.
type TargetByHostDetails = {
ident: string?,
os: string?,
arch: string?,
publicIP: string?
// Enables targeting agents by one of their tags.
type TargetByTag = {
tagName: string,
value: string
type AgentDestroyModule = {
pid: number,
version: string
// No parameters
type AuditModule = {
// No parameters
type DispatchModule = {
type PingModule = {
destination: string,
protocol: 'tcp' | 'udp' | 'icmp',
destinationPort: number?,
count: number?,
timeout: number?
type ScribeModule = {
path: string,
onlyTrueDocTests: bool?,
humanReadableOutput: bool?,
jsonOutput: bool?
type TimeDriftModule = {
drift: int?
type PkgModule = {
packageName: RegExp,
packageVersion: string | null
type FileModule = {
options: null | {
maxDepth: number?,
matchAll: bool?,
matchAny: bool?,
matchEntireFile: bool?,
mismatchingContent: string?,
limit: number?,
includeFileSha256: bool?,
decompressFiles: bool?,
maxErrors: number?
search: {
path: string,
name: string?,
content: string?,
minSizeBytes: number?,
maxSizeBytes: number?,
modifiedSinceMinutes: number?,
modifiedAfterMinutes: number?,
mode: string?,
md5: string?,
sha1: string?,
sha2: string?,
sha3: string?,
// No parameters
type FSWatchModule = {
type MemoryModule = {
options: null | {
offset: number?,
maxLength: number?,
logFailures: bool?,
matchAll: bool?
search: {
names: []string,
libraries: []string,
bytes: []string,
contents: []string
type NetStatModule = {
localMACAddress: string?,
neighborMACAddress: string?,
localIPAddress: string?,
neighborIPAddress: string?,
remoteConnectedIPAddress: string?,
listeningPort: number?,
resolveNamespaces: bool?
type SSHKeyModule = {
path: string,
maxDepth: number?
type YaraModule = {
yaraRules: string,
filePaths: []string
## Examples
### Target
tagName: "operator",
value: "IT"
os: "linux"
os: "linux"
name: "buildbot"
sql: "id IN (SELECT agentid FROM commands, json_array_elements(commands.results) AS r WHERE commands.actionid = 12345 AND r#>>'{foundanything}' = 'true')"
all: true
### Module
Ping module
destination: "",
destinationPort: 8080,
protocol: "tcp"
File module
options: {
maxDepth: 1,
limit: 100
search: {
path: "/etc/passwd",
modifiedSinceMinutes: 2880
NetStat module
remoteConnectedIPAddress: ""

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@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
# Client Daemon API
## Conventions and Notation
1. All endpoints using the `GET` and `DELETE` methods accept input in URL parameters.
2. All other endpoints accept parameters encoded as JSON in the body of the request.
3. Data types are expressed using TypeScript's notation for [basic]( and [composite]( types.
4. We use `Option<type>` as a synonym for `type | null` because the latter disrupts the Markdown formatting of tables.
5. Complex data types like `Target` and `Module` may be defined in [doc/client/](
6. URLs may contain positional parameter for identifiers, which are always strings. E.g. in `/actions/:id/status`, `:id` is a positional parameter.
## Endpoint Table of Contents
* [Retrieve a signable token for authentication](
* [Provide a signed authentication token](
* [Retrieve top-level API documentation](
* [Retrieve documentation for a module](
* [Create an action](
* [Retrieve an action](
* [Retrieve an action for signing](
* [Provide a signature for an action](
* [Dispatch an action](
* [Retrieve results for an action](
* [Check the status of a dispatched action](
## Endpoint Documentation
### Retrieve a signable token for authentication
GET /v1/authentication/pgp
#### Parameters
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| challenge | string | The base of an authentication token for which a detached signature should be computed | No example |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that a challenge was successfully generated.
### Provide a signed authentication token
POST /v1/authentication/pgp
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| challenge | string | The base of an authentication token | No example |
| signature | string | The detached signature over the challenge encoded as base64 | No example |
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Optional<string>` | If the signature or challenge is improperly formatted, an error will be returned | null |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the challenge and signature have been accepted.
* `400` indicates that either the challenge or the signature are improperly formatted.
### Retrieve top-level API documentation
GET /v1/documentation
Retrieve a JSON document describing all of the endpoints supported by the API.
#### Parameters
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| currentVersion | string | The most recent version of the API. | "v2" |
| versions | `[]{ version: string, endpoints: []Endpoint }` | An array of objects containing descriptions of endpoints exposed by each version of the API | See below |
##### Example Response
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the request was handled successfully.
### Retrieve documentation for a module
GET /v1/module/:name/documentation
Retrieve a JSON document describing the configuration accepted by a module
and what it does.
#### Parameters
The `name` positional parameter in the URL must be the name of the module to retrieve
documentation for as a string. E.g. `pkg`, `file`, etc.
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| module | string | The name of the module | "pkg" |
| version | string | The semantic version of the mdoule | "v1.2.3" |
| description | string | An explanation of what the module does | "Find packages on the host" |
| configuration | Module | An object describing the configuration parameters | See below |
##### Example Response
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the response was served successfully.
* `400` indicates that the module requested does not exist.
### Create an action
POST /v1/actions/create
This endpoint can be invoked to create an action.
The action will not be dispatched to the MIG API to be executed by agents right away.
Instead, the action will be retained by the daemon, and its ID will be returned.
This allows investigators to review and modify actions before dispatching them.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| module | string | The name of the module the action should invoke. | "pkg" |
| expireAfter | number | The number of seconds after which the action should expire. | 300 |
| target | Target | A description of the agents to have run the action. | [Target examples]( |
| moduleConfig | Module | An object providing configuration values for the module specified. | [Module examples]( |
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Option<string>` | If the action cannot be created, an error will be returned. | "Invalid module configuration." |
| action | string | An identifier for the newly-created action. | "abc123...def" |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the action was created successfully.
* `400` indicates that some data provided as a parameter was incorrectly formatted or otherwise invalid.
#### Example Request
#### Example Response
### Retrieve an action
GET /v1/actions/:id
#### Parameters
The `id` positional argument should be the ID of an action, as returned by
the "create an action" endpoint.
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Optional<string>` | If the action does not exist, an error will be returned | null |
| action | `Optional<object>` | An action structure encoded as JSON | See below |
[Action structure](
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the action was retrieved successfully
* `400` indicates that the action does not exist
### Retrieve an action for signing
GET /v1/actions/:id/signing
#### Parameters
The `id` positional argument should be the ID of an action, as returned by the "create an action" endpoint.
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Option<string>` | If the action requested does not exist, an error will be returned. | null |
| action | string | An action formatted as a string that can be signed by an investigator. | No example |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the ID provided was valid and a signable action has been retrieved.
* `400` indicates that the ID provided was invalid.
### Provide a signature for an action
PUT /v1/actions/:id/sign
#### Parameters
The `id` positional argument is expected to be a string identifier for an action created by the client daemon.
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| signature | string | A base64-encoded signature of the action provided | No example |
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Option<string>` | If the signature is not valid base64 or the action does not exist, an error will be returned | "Signature is not valid base64" |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the ID corresponds to a valid action and that the signature provided has been appended to it.
* `400` indicates that either the signature provided is invalid or that the ID does not correspond to a valid action.
### Dispatch an action
PUT /v1/actions/:id/dispatch
After an action has been created, this endpoint can be invoked to dispatch that action to the MIG API.
#### Parameters
The positional argument `id` is expected to be the identifier of an action managed by the client daemon.
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Option<string>` | If the action cannot be dispatched, an error will be returned. | "Action has expired." |
| status | string | The new status of the action. | "dispatched" |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that the action was dispatched to the MIG API successfully.
* `400` indicates that the action identifier provided was determined to be invalid.
* `500` indicates that the action could not be dispatched due to an internal failure.
#### Example Request
#### Example Response
### Retrieve results for an action
GET /v1/results
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| action | string | The identifier of an action being managed by the daemon | abc123 |
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Optional<string>` | An error message if results cannot be retrieved | "No results" |
| results | `[]Result` | An array of results produced by agents | See example response |
##### Status Codes
* `200` indicates that results have successfully been retrieved.
* `400` indicates that the action specified does not exist.
* `500` indicates that communication with the MIG API failed.
### Check the status of a dispatched action
GET /v1/actions/:id/status
Retrieve the status of an action.
#### Parameters
The only parameter is the `:id` positional parameter in the endpoint URL.
#### Response
| Name | Type | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| error | `Option<string>` | If the action's status cannot be retrieved, an error will be returned. | null |
| status | string | The status of the action. | "in-progress" |
| agentsTargeted | number | The number agents that the action will be scheduled for | 32 |
| sent | number | The number of agents to whom the action has been sent | 10 |
| done | number | The number of agents that have finished running the action | 3 |
| succeeded | number | The number of agents that successfully finished running the action | 2 |