; Sample MIG configuration file [agent] ; timeout controls the inactivity period after which ; agents are marked offline timeout = "20m" ; heartbeatfreq maps to the agent configuration and helps ; the scheduler detect duplicate agents, and some other things heartbeatfreq = "5m" ; whitelist contains a list of agent queues that are allowed ; to send heartbeats and receive commands whitelist = "/var/cache/mig/agents_whitelist.txt" ; detect endpoints that are running multiple agents detectmultiagents = true ; issue kill orders to duplicate agents running on the same endpoint killdupagents = false ; the collector continuously pulls ; pending messages from the spool [collector] ; frequency at which the collector runs, ; default is to run every second freq = "1s" ; the periodic runs less often that ; the collector and does cleanup and DB updates [periodic] ; frequency at which the periodic jobs run freq = "87s" ; delete finished actions, commands and invalids after ; this period has passed deleteafter = "72h" ; run a rabbitmq unused queues cleanup job at this frequency ; this is DB & amqp intensive so don't run it too often queuescleanupfreq = "24h" [directories] spool = "/var/cache/mig/" tmp = "/var/tmp/" [postgres] host = "" port = 5432 dbname = "mig" user = "migscheduler" password = "123456" sslmode = "disable" maxconn = 10 [mq] host = "" port = 5672 user = "guest" pass = "guest" vhost = "/" ; TLS options ; usetls = true ; cacert = "/path/to/cacert.pem" ; tlscert = "/path/to/cert.pem" ; tlskey = "/path/to/key.pem" ; AMQP options ; timeout defaults to 10 minutes ; keep this higher than the agent heartbeat value ; timeout = "10m" [logging] mode = "stdout" ; stdout | file | syslog level = "debug" ; for file logging ; file = "mig_scheduler.log" ; for syslog, logs go into local3 ; host = "localhost" ; port = 514 ; protocol = "udp"