
496 строки
23 KiB

.. sectnum::
.. contents:: Table of contents
`mig-console` is a terminal-based client to the MIG API. It provides a complete
access to data stored in MIG and exposed by the API, in an interface that is
easy to use. Similar to the command line client, `mig-console` reads its
configuration from $HOME/.migrc and will prompt the user to create one if it
doesn't exists.
The base screen of the API presents a dashboard of the current state of the
infrastructure. It includes the number of agents and endpoints, broken down
by version of the agent ,and a list of the latest actions that have run.
Underneath the dasboard, the user is invited to interact in a prompt that
starts with **mig>**.
.. code:: bash
$ mig-console -c ~/.migrc-lnw
## ## _.---._ .---.
# # # /-\ ---|| | /\ __...---' .---. '---'-. '.
# #| | / || | /--\ .-''__.--' _.'( | )'. '. '._ :
# # \_/ ---| \_ \_/ \ .'__-'_ .--'' ._'---'_.-. '. '-'.
### ~ -._ -._''---. -. '-._ '.
# |\ |\ /---------| ~ -.._ _ _ _ ..-_ '. '-._''--.._
# | \| \ / |- |__ | | -~ -._ '-. -. '-._''--.._.--''.
###| \ \/ ---__| | | ~ ~-.__ -._ '-.__ '. '. :
##### ~~ ~---...__ _ ._ .' '.
# /\ --- /-\ |--|---- ~ ~--.....--~
# ### /--\ | | ||-\ //
#####/ \ | \_/ | \//__
| Agents & Endpoints summary:
| * 2 online agents on 2 endpoints
| * 0 idle agents on 0 endpoints
| * 0 endpoints are running 2 or more agents
| * 0 endpoints appeared over the last 7 days
| * 0 endpoints disappeared over the last 7 days
| * 0 endpoints have been flapping
| Online agents by version:
| * version 20150909+f2456f5.dev: 2 agents
| Idle agents by version:
| Latest Actions:
| ---- ID ---- + ---- Name ---- + -Sent- + ---- Date ---- + ---- Investigators ----
| 4999271350274 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-29T15:40:35Z Julien Vehent
| 4964811669519 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-23T13:37:16Z Julien Vehent
| 4964811669506 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-23T13:37:03Z Julien Vehent
| 4964764024853 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-23T13:25:26Z Julien Vehent
| 4964764024834 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-23T13:24:57Z Julien Vehent
| 4949328330767 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-20T19:59:39Z Julien Vehent
| 4949328330754 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-20T19:59:25Z Julien Vehent
| 4948324450316 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-20T19:45:51Z Julien Vehent
| 4948324450307 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-20T19:33:17Z Julien Vehent
| 4947944865794 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... 2 2015-09-20T14:07:36Z Julien Vehent
Connected to https://mig.example.net/api/v1/. Exit with ctrl+d. Type help for help.
Entering **help** here, or on any other mode of the console, provides the user
with a list of available functionalities::
mig> help
The following orders are available:
action <id> enter interactive action reader mode for action <id>
agent <id> enter interactive agent reader mode for agent <id>
create action create a new action
create investigator create a new investigator, will prompt for name and public key
command <id> enter command reader mode for command <id>
exit leave
help show this help
history <count> print last <count> entries in history. count=10 by default.
investigator <id> enter interactive investigator management mode for investigator <id>
query <uri> send a raw query string, without the base url, to the api
search <search> perform a search. see "search help" for more information.
showcfg display running configuration
status display platform status: connected agents, latest actions, ...
For example, let's review action id 4999271350274::
mig> action 4999271350274
Entering action reader mode. Type exit or press ctrl+d to leave. help may help.
Action: 'file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-lnw -path /etc -name ^passwd -content julien '.
Launched by 'Julien Vehent' on '2015-09-29 11:40:31.792627 -0400 EDT'.
Status 'completed'.
2 sent, 2 done, 2 succeeded
action 274>
When entering the action reader mode, a short summary of the action is displayed
to the user. We can see that the action was launched by "Julien Vehent" on 2 agents
and that it completed. The prompt is changed to **action 274** to indicate that
we are now in action reader mode. Entering **help** here provides a list of
functionalities specific to that mode::
The following orders are available:
command <id> jump to command reader mode for command <id>
copy enter action launcher mode using current action as template
counters display the counters of the action
details display the details of the action, including status & times
exit exit this mode (also works with ctrl+d)
help show this help
investigators print the list of investigators that signed the action
json show the json of the action
list <show> returns the list of commands with their status
<show>: * set to "all" to get all results (default)
* set to "found" to only display positive results
* set to "notfound" for negative results
list can be followed by a 'filter' pipe:
ex: ls | grep server1.(dom1|dom2) | grep -v example.net
r refresh the action (get latest version from upstream)
results <show> <render> display results of all commands
<show>: * set to "all" to get all results (default)
* set to "found" to only display positive results
* set to "notfound" for negative results
<render>: * set to "text" to print results in console (default)
* set to "map" to generate an open a google map
times show the various timestamps of the action
It is possible to review results by entering **results**. If we only want results
from agents that have found *something*, we can use **results found**. If we
want those results inside a Google Map, enter **results found map**.
The raw json of the action is available via **json**.
To get a list of agents on which the action ran, use **list all**. You can filter
the list using **list found** and **list notfound** to only get agents that have,
or have not, found something. This command also supports a very basic `grep`.
To continue, let's list the agents that have found *something*::
action 274> list found
---- Command ID ---- ---- Agent Name & ID----
4999268991155 server1.example.net [4942082344151]
4999268991154 server2.example.net [4942082360682]
2 agents have found things
We can inspect the command that ran on server1 by entering its ID::
action 274> command 4999268991155
Entering command reader mode. Type exit or press ctrl+d to leave. help may help.
Command 4999268991155 ran on agent 'server1.example.net' based on action 'file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-lnw -path /etc -name ^passwd -content julien '
command 155>
As you can see, the console mode has changed from `action 274` to
`command 155`. This mode has its own set of functionalities that you
can explore via **help**.
Creating actions
The console provides a fine grained action generation interface. There
are two ways to create a new action:
1. From the **mig>** mode, create a new empty action using **create action**.
2. From the **action>** reader mode, when reviewing a previous action,
copy it to a new action using **copy**.
Both methods enter the action launcher mode. Method 2 only enters this
mode with an preset action, rather than an empty one::
mig> create action
Entering action launcher with empty template
Type exit or press ctrl+d to leave. help may help.
launcher> help
The following orders are available:
addoperation <module> append a new operation of type <module> to the action operations
listagents list agents targetted by an action
deloperation <opnum> remove operation numbered <opnum> from operations array, count starts at zero
details display the action details
exit exit this mode
help show this help
json <pack> show the json of the action
launch <nofollow> launch the action. to return before completion, add "nofollow"
load <path> load an action from a file at <path>
setname <name> set the name of the action
settarget <target> set the target
settimes <start> <stop> set the validity and expiration dates
sign PGP sign the action
times show the various timestamps of the action
Action parameters can be edited prior to launching it:
* **setname** sets the name field of the action to a new string::
launcher> setname Test action that pings google.com
* **settarget** sets the target of the action. The target is evaluated
right away, and a list of targeted agents can be obtained via **listagents**::
launcher> settarget environment->>'os'='linux' and mode='daemon'
2 agents will be targetted. To get the list, use 'listagents'
launcher> listagents
---- ID ---- + ---- Name -------
4942082360682 server1.example.net
4942082344151 server2.example.net
* **settimes** defines the validity period of the action using
<start> and <stop> parameters. <start> can be set to "now", and <stop>
can be a duration relative to "now"::
launcher> settimes now +10m
launcher> times
Valid from '2015-10-06 13:09:36.189134664 +0000 UTC' until '2015-10-06 13:20:36.189134664 +0000 UTC'
Started on '0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'
Last updated '0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'
Finished on '0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'
* **addoperation <module>** is used to add a new operation to the action.
<module> must be a know MIG module, such as `file`, `netstat`, `memory`,
`scribe`, `ping`, `timedrift`, etc... When adding an operation, the console
enters a new module-specific mode that takes the operation parameters. For
example, this is how to add a ping operation that sends 5 TCP requests to
launcher> addoperation ping
Ping module checks connectivity between an endpoint and a remote host. It supports
icmp, tcp and udp ping. See doc at http://mig.mozilla.org/doc/module_ping.html
d <ip/fqdn> Destination Address can be ipv4, ipv6 or FQDN
example: d www.mozilla.org
dp <port> For TCP and UDP, specifies the port to test connectivity to
example: dp 53
p <protocol> Protocol to use for the ping. This can be "icmp", "tcp" or "udp"
example: p udp
c <count> Number of ping/connection attempts. Defaults to 3.
example: c 5
t <timeout> Connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5.
example: t 10
ping> p tcp
ping> d google.com
ping> c 5
ping> done
Inserting ping operation with parameters:
"module": "ping",
"parameters": {
"destination": google.com",
"protocol": "tcp",
"count": 5
* **deloperation** removes an operation from the action operations list.
Use **json** to visualize the list, and remove an operation using its
position in the list, starting with zero::
launcher> json
"id": 0,
"name": "Test action that pings google.com",
"target": "environment-\u003e\u003e'os'='linux' and mode='daemon'",
"description": {},
"threat": {},
"validfrom": "2015-10-06T13:09:36.189134664Z",
"expireafter": "2015-10-06T13:20:36.189134664Z",
"operations": [
"module": "ping",
"parameters": {
"destination": "google.com",
"protocol": "tcp",
"count": 5
"pgpsignatures": null,
"starttime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"finishtime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"lastupdatetime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"counters": {}
launcher> deloperation 0
launcher> json
"id": 0,
"name": "Test action that pings google.com",
"target": "environment-\u003e\u003e'os'='linux' and mode='daemon'",
"description": {},
"threat": {},
"validfrom": "2015-10-06T13:09:36.189134664Z",
"expireafter": "2015-10-06T13:20:36.189134664Z",
"operations": [],
"pgpsignatures": null,
"starttime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"finishtime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"lastupdatetime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"counters": {}
When ready to launch the action, type **launch**. The console will enter
follower mode and print the progress of the action. When completed, the
console will directly enter action reader mode, where you can type **results**
to view the results::
launcher> launch
Action 'Test action that pings google.com' successfully launched with ID '5033038708749' on target 'environment->>'os'='linux' and mode='daemon''
Following action ID 5033038708749.status=inflight...50%.status=completed
- 100.0% done in 10.004244071s
2 sent, 2 done, 2 succeeded
Entering action reader mode. Type exit or press ctrl+d to leave. help may help.
Action: 'Test action that pings google.com'.
Launched by 'Julien Vehent' on '2015-10-06 09:12:31.608546 -0400 EDT'.
Status 'completed'.
2 sent, 2 done, 2 succeeded
action 749> results
server2.example.net ping of google.com failed. Target is no reachable.
server2.example.net command success
server1.example.net ping of google.com failed. Target is no reachable.
server1.example.net command success
2 agents have all results
Return to the base mode using ctrl+d or **exit**::
command 155> exit
action 274> exit
When in **mig>** mode, you can use the **search** functionality to
explore passed actions and commands, or find investigators. Details
of how to run searches can be obtains via **mig> search help**.
Searches can be slow if your dataset is very large, so make sure to
use time windows and limits to help speed up a search::
mig> search action where investigatorname=%vehent% and agentname=server1% and after=2015-09-01T00:00:00Z and before=2015-10-01T00:00:00Z
Searching action after 2015-09-01T00:00:00Z and before 2015-10-01T00:00:00Z, limited to 100 results
----- ID ----- + -------- Action Name ------- + ----------- Target ---------- + ---- Investigators ---- + - Sent - + - Status - + --- Last Updated ---
4999271350274 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-29T15:40:35Z
4964811669519 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-23T13:37:16Z
4964811669506 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-23T13:37:03Z
4964764024853 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 inflight 2015-09-23T13:25:26Z
4964764024834 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 inflight 2015-09-23T13:24:57Z
4949328330767 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T19:59:39Z
4949328330754 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T19:59:25Z
4948324450316 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T19:45:51Z
4948324450307 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T19:33:17Z
4947944865794 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T14:07:36Z
4947909869570 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T13:58:41Z
4947901022223 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T13:56:42Z
4947901022210 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T13:56:26Z
4947890798596 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 2 completed 2015-09-20T13:55:02Z
4885615083769 timedrift -c /home/ulfr/.mi... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 3 completed 2015-09-09T17:02:56Z
4885615083755 pkg -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-ln... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 3 completed 2015-09-09T17:01:33Z
4885615083739 memory -c /home/ulfr/.migrc... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 3 completed 2015-09-09T17:01:04Z
4885615083724 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... Julien Vehent 3 completed 2015-09-09T16:58:00Z
Managing investigators
The console can be used to create new investigators, active and
disable them, and well as review their activity.
To review the activity of an investigator, find its ID using the
search command and enter investigator mode::
mig> search investigator where name=%vehent%
Searching investigator after 2011-03-31T13:16:55Z and before 2020-04-12T13:16:55Z, limited to 100 results
- ID - + ---- Name ---- + --- Status ---
2 Julien Vehent active
mig> investigator 2
Entering investigator mode. Type exit or press ctrl+d to leave. help may help.
Investigator 2 named 'Julien Vehent'
inv 2> help
The following orders are available:
details print the details of the investigator
exit exit this mode
help show this help
lastactions <limit> print the last actions ran by the investigator. limit=10 by default.
pubkey show the armored public key of the investigator
r refresh the investigator (get latest version from upstream)
setstatus <status> changes the status of the investigator to <status> (can be 'active' or 'disabled')
The command **lastactions** will print the latest activity of this investigator::
inv 2> lastactions
----- ID ----- + -------- Action Name ------- + ----------- Target ---------- + ---- Date ---- + -- Status --
5033038708749 Test action that pings goog... environment->>'os'='linux' ... 2015-10-06T09:12:31-04:00 completed
4999271350274 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-29T11:40:31-04:00 completed
4964811669519 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-23T09:37:12-04:00 completed
4964811669506 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-23T09:36:59-04:00 completed
4964764024853 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-23T09:25:22-04:00 inflight
4964764024834 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-23T09:24:52-04:00 inflight
4949328330767 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-20T15:59:35-04:00 completed
4949328330754 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-20T15:59:21-04:00 completed
4948324450316 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-20T15:45:47-04:00 completed
4948324450307 file -c /home/ulfr/.migrc-l... status='online' AND mode='d... 2015-09-20T15:33:13-04:00 completed
To disable him, use **setstatus disabled**. Disabled investigators are no longer
allowed to send investigations via the API::
inv 2> setstatus disabled
Investigator status set to disabled
inv 2> details
Investigator ID 2
name Julien Vehent
status disabled
key id E60892BB9BD89A69F759A1A0A3D652173B763E8F
created 2015-09-09 09:53:28.989481 -0400 EDT
modified 2015-09-09 09:53:28.989481 -0400 EDT
inv 2> setstatus active
Investigator status set to active
Creating investigators
To create a new investigator, go back to **mig>** mode and type
**create investigator**. The console will prompt the name of the new
investigator as well as the location of her public PGP key. You can either
provide a local path to the public key file on disk, on provide a fingerprint
in the format "0x<40 char sha1 hash>". When a fingerprint is provided, the
console will attempt to retrieve the key from the keyserver `gpg.mozilla.org`::
mig> create investigator
Entering investigator creation mode. Please provide the full name
and the public key of the new investigator.
name> Bob Kelso
Name: 'Bob Kelso'
Please provide a public key. You can either provide a local path to the
armored public key file, or a full length PGP fingerprint.
pubkey> 0x716CFA6BA8EBB21E860AE231645090E64367737B
pubkey> 0x716CFA6BA8EBB21E860AE231645090E64367737B
retrieving public key from http://gpg.mozilla.org
Version: SKS 1.1.5
Comment: Hostname: keyserver.mozilla.org
create investigator? (y/n)> y
Investigator 'Bob Kelso' successfully created with ID 4
mig> investigator 4
Entering investigator mode. Type exit or press ctrl+d to leave. help may help.
Investigator 4 named 'Bob Kelso'
inv 4> details
Investigator ID 4
name Bob Kelso
status active
key id 716CFA6BA8EBB21E860AE231645090E64367737B
created 2015-10-06 09:23:14.473307 -0400 EDT
modified 2015-10-06 09:23:14.473307 -0400 EDT
The new investigator now has access to the API.