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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Contributor: Julien Vehent jvehent@mozilla.com [:ulfr]
package main
import (
var ctx Context
func main() {
var err error
cpus := runtime.NumCPU()
// command line options
var config = flag.String("c", "/etc/mig/api.cfg", "Load configuration from file")
var debug = flag.Bool("d", false, "Debug mode: run in foreground, log to stdout.")
var showversion = flag.Bool("V", false, "Show build version and exit")
if *showversion {
// The context initialization takes care of parsing the configuration,
// and creating connections to database, syslog, ...
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Initializing API context...")
ctx, err = Init(*config, *debug) //ctx is a global variable
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nFATAL: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "OK\n")
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Context initialization done"}
// Goroutine that handles events, such as logs and panics,
// and decides what to do with them
go func() {
for event := range ctx.Channels.Log {
stop, err := mig.ProcessLog(ctx.Logging, event)
if err != nil {
panic("Unable to process logs")
// if ProcessLog says we should stop
if stop {
panic("Logger routine asked to stop")
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Logger routine started"}
// register routes
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.PathPrefix(ctx.Server.BaseRoute).Subrouter()
// unauthenticated endpoints
s.HandleFunc("/heartbeat", getHeartbeat).Methods("GET")
s.HandleFunc("/ip", getIP).Methods("GET")
s.HandleFunc("/publickey/{pgp_fingerprint}", getPublicKey).Methods("GET")
// Loader manifest endpoints, use loader specific authentication on
// the request
// Investigator resources that require authentication
authenticate(search, mig.PermSearch)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(getAction, mig.PermAction)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(createAction, mig.PermActionCreate)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(getCommand, mig.PermCommand)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(getAgent, mig.PermAgent)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(getDashboard, mig.PermDashboard)).Methods("GET")
// Administrator resources
authenticate(getLoader, mig.PermLoader)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(statusLoader, mig.PermLoaderStatus)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(expectLoader, mig.PermLoaderExpect)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(keyLoader, mig.PermLoaderKey)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(newLoader, mig.PermLoaderNew)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(getManifest, mig.PermManifest)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(signManifest, mig.PermManifestSign)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(statusManifest, mig.PermManifestStatus)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(newManifest, mig.PermManifestNew)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(manifestLoaders, mig.PermManifestLoaders)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(getInvestigator, mig.PermInvestigator)).Methods("GET")
authenticate(createInvestigator, mig.PermInvestigatorCreate)).Methods("POST")
authenticate(updateInvestigator, mig.PermInvestigatorUpdate)).Methods("POST")
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Starting HTTP handler"}
// all set, start the http handler
http.Handle("/", context.ClearHandler(r))
listenAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ctx.Server.IP, ctx.Server.Port)
err = http.ListenAndServe(listenAddr, nil)
if err != nil {
// The category of request being made, this is set in the request context
const (
_ = iota
// Context variables:
// invNameType defines a type to store the name of an investigator in the request context
type invNameType string
const authenticatedInvName invNameType = ""
// getInvName returns the Name of the investigator, "noauth" if not found, an error string if auth failed
func getInvName(r *http.Request) string {
if name := context.Get(r, authenticatedInvName); name != nil {
return name.(string)
return "noauth"
// invIDType defines a type to store the ID of an investigator in the request context
type invIDType float64
const authenticatedInvID invIDType = 0
// getInvID returns the ID of the investigator, 0 if not found, -1 if auth failed
func getInvID(r *http.Request) float64 {
if id := context.Get(r, authenticatedInvID); id != nil {
return id.(float64)
return 0.0
// opIDType defines a type for the operation ID
type opIDType float64
const opID opIDType = 0
// getOpID returns an operation ID from a request context, and if not found, generates one
func getOpID(r *http.Request) float64 {
if opid := context.Get(r, opID); opid != nil {
return opid.(float64)
return mig.GenID()
// loaderIDType defines a type to store the loader ID
type loaderIDType float64
const loaderID loaderIDType = 0
// getLoaderID returns the ID of the loader, 0 if not found
func getLoaderID(r *http.Request) float64 {
if id := context.Get(r, loaderID); id != nil {
return id.(float64)
return 0.0
// loaderNameType defines a type to store the loader name
type loaderNameType string
const loaderName loaderNameType = ""
// getLoaderName returns the name of the loader, "noauth" if not found
func getLoaderName(r *http.Request) string {
if lname := context.Get(r, loaderName); lname != nil {
return lname.(string)
return "noauth"
// apiRequestType defines a type to store the request type
type apiRequestCategoryType int
const apiRequestCategory apiRequestCategoryType = 0
// getAPIRequestType returns the type of request being made
func getAPIRequestCategory(r *http.Request) int {
if rcat := context.Get(r, apiRequestCategory); rcat != nil {
return rcat.(int)
return 0
// handler defines the type returned by the authenticate and authenticateLoader functions
type handler func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
// authenticate is called prior to processing incoming requests. it implements the client
// authentication logic, which mostly consist of validating GPG signed tokens and setting the
// identity of the signer in the request context. If requirePerm is not zero, this is the
// permission the investigator must have in order to access the endpoint.
func authenticate(pass handler, requirePerm int64) handler {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
err error
inv mig.Investigator
opid := getOpID(r)
context.Set(r, opID, opid)
context.Set(r, apiRequestCategory, RequestCategoryInvestigator)
if !ctx.Authentication.Enabled {
inv.Name = "authdisabled"
inv.ID = 0
goto authorized
if r.Header.Get("X-PGPAUTHORIZATION") != "" {
inv, err = verifySignedToken(r.Header.Get("X-PGPAUTHORIZATION"))
if err != nil {
inv.Name = "authfailed"
inv.ID = -1
resource := cljs.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, r.URL.String()))
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: fmt.Sprintf("Authorization verification failed with error '%v'", err)})
respond(http.StatusUnauthorized, resource, w, r)
} else if r.Header.Get("X-MIGAPIKEY") != "" {
inv, err = verifyAPIKey(r.Header.Get("X-MIGAPIKEY"))
if err != nil {
inv.Name = "authfailed"
inv.ID = -1
resource := cljs.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, r.URL.String()))
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: fmt.Sprintf("Authorization verification failed with error '%v'", err)})
respond(http.StatusUnauthorized, resource, w, r)
} else {
inv.Name = "authmissing"
inv.ID = -1
resource := cljs.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, r.URL.String()))
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: "Valid authentication header not found"})
respond(http.StatusUnauthorized, resource, w, r)
// As a final phase, validate the investigator has permission to access
// the endpoint
if !inv.CheckPermission(requirePerm) {
inv.Name = "authfailed"
inv.ID = -1
resource := cljs.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, r.URL.String()))
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: "Insufficient permissions to access endpoint"})
respond(http.StatusUnauthorized, resource, w, r)
// store investigator identity in request context
context.Set(r, authenticatedInvName, inv.Name)
context.Set(r, authenticatedInvID, inv.ID)
// accept request
pass(w, r)
// authenticateLoader is used to authenticate requests that are made to the
// loader API endpoints. Rather than operate on GPG signatures, the
// authentication instead uses the submitted loader key
func authenticateLoader(pass handler) handler {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
err error
ldr mig.LoaderEntry
opid := getOpID(r)
context.Set(r, opID, opid)
context.Set(r, apiRequestCategory, RequestCategoryLoader)
lkey := r.Header.Get("X-LOADERKEY")
if lkey == "" {
resource := cljs.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, r.URL.String()))
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: "X-LOADERKEY header not found"})
respond(http.StatusUnauthorized, resource, w, r)
err = mig.ValidateLoaderPrefixAndKey(lkey)
if err != nil {
goto authfailed
ldr, err = hashAuthenticateLoader(lkey)
if err != nil {
goto authfailed
context.Set(r, loaderID, ldr.ID)
context.Set(r, loaderName, ldr.Name)
// accept request
pass(w, r)
context.Set(r, loaderName, "authfailed")
resource := cljs.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, r.URL.String()))
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: fmt.Sprintf("Loader authorization failed")})
respond(http.StatusUnauthorized, resource, w, r)
// Extract the clients public IP from the Request using the method that
// has been defined in the API configuration using the clientpublicip
// option.
func remotePublicIP(r *http.Request) string {
var useip string
if ctx.Server.ClientPublicIPOffset == -1 {
// Use the socket peer address
useip = r.RemoteAddr[:strings.LastIndex(r.RemoteAddr, ":")]
} else {
// Use an offset of the X-Forwarded-For header
xff := r.Header.Get("X-FORWARDED-FOR")
if xff != "" {
xargs := strings.Split(xff, ",")
if ctx.Server.ClientPublicIPOffset >= len(xargs) {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "warning: requested X-Forwarded-For offset is not possible, not enough elements"}.Warning()
useip = strings.Trim(xargs[0], " ")
} else {
useip = strings.Trim(xargs[(len(xargs)-1)-ctx.Server.ClientPublicIPOffset], " ")
} else {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "warning: API configured to use X-Forwarded-For but header not found"}.Warning()
return ""
if net.ParseIP(useip) == nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("warning: obtained client public IP %q invalid", useip)}.Warning()
return ""
return useip
// respond builds a Collection+JSON body and sends it to the client
func respond(code int, response interface{}, respWriter http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: getOpID(r), Desc: fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)}.Err()
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: getOpID(r), Desc: "leaving respond()"}.Debug()
var (
body []byte
authfield, catfield string
// if the response is a cljs resource, marshal it, other treat it as a slice of bytes
if _, ok := response.(*cljs.Resource); ok {
body, err = response.(*cljs.Resource).Marshal()
if err != nil {
} else {
body = []byte(response.([]byte))
switch getAPIRequestCategory(r) {
case RequestCategoryInvestigator:
authfield = fmt.Sprintf("[%s %.0f]", getInvName(r), getInvID(r))
catfield = "investigator"
case RequestCategoryLoader:
authfield = fmt.Sprintf("[%s %.0f]", getLoaderName(r), getLoaderID(r))
catfield = "loader"
authfield = "[noauth 0]"
catfield = "public"
respWriter.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
respWriter.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{
OpID: getOpID(r),
Desc: fmt.Sprintf("src=%s category=%s auth=%s %s %s %s resp_code=%d resp_size=%d user-agent=%s",
remotePublicIP(r), catfield, authfield, r.Method, r.Proto,
r.URL.String(), code, len(body), r.UserAgent()),
// getHeartbeat returns a 200
func getHeartbeat(respWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
opid := mig.GenID()
loc := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, request.URL.String())
resource := cljs.New(loc)
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)}.Err()
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)})
respond(http.StatusInternalServerError, resource, respWriter, request)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: "leaving getHeartbeat()"}.Debug()
err := resource.AddItem(cljs.Item{
Href: request.URL.String(),
Data: []cljs.Data{
Name: "heartbeat",
Value: "gatorz say hi",
if err != nil {
respond(http.StatusOK, resource, respWriter, request)
// getIP returns a the public IP of the caller as read from X-Forwarded-For
func getIP(respWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
opid := mig.GenID()
defer func() {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: "leaving getIP()"}.Debug()
respond(http.StatusOK, []byte(remotePublicIP(request)), respWriter, request)
// getPublicKey takes an pgp_fingerprint and returns corresponding publickey
func getPublicKey(respWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
var err error
opid := getOpID(request)
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
emsg := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: emsg}.Err()
respond(http.StatusInternalServerError, emsg, respWriter, request)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: "leaving getPublicKey()"}.Debug()
vars := mux.Vars(request)
fp := vars["pgp_fingerprint"]
// retrieve the publickey
var inv mig.Investigator
if fp != "" {
inv, err = ctx.DB.InvestigatorByFingerprint(fp)
if err != nil {
if fmt.Sprintf("%v", err) == fmt.Sprintf("InvestigatorByFingerprint: no investigator found for fingerprint '%s'", fp) {
// not found, return 404
emsg := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Fingerprint : No PublicKey found for fingerprint '%s'", fp)
respond(http.StatusNotFound, []uint8(emsg), respWriter, request)
} else {
} else {
// bad request, return 400
emsg := fmt.Sprintf("No Fingerprint specified")
respond(http.StatusBadRequest, []uint8(emsg), respWriter, request)
// fetch the armoredPubKey
armoredPubKey, err := pgp.ArmorPubKey(inv.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
respond(http.StatusOK, armoredPubKey, respWriter, request)
func getDashboard(respWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
var (
err error
agentsStats mig.AgentsStats
opid := getOpID(request)
loc := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctx.Server.Host, request.URL.String())
resource := cljs.New(loc)
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)}.Err()
resource.SetError(cljs.Error{Code: fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", opid), Message: fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)})
respond(http.StatusInternalServerError, resource, respWriter, request)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: opid, Desc: "leaving getDashboard()"}.Debug()
stats, err := ctx.DB.GetAgentsStats(1)
if err != nil {
if len(stats) > 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected 1 set of agents stats, got %d", len(stats)))
if len(stats) == 1 {
agentsStats = stats[0]
sumItem, err := agentsSummaryToItem(agentsStats, ctx)
if err != nil {
// add the last 10 actions
actions, err := ctx.DB.LastActions(10)
if err != nil {
for _, action := range actions {
// retrieve investigators
action.Investigators, err = ctx.DB.InvestigatorByActionID(action.ID)
if err != nil {
// store the results in the resource
actionItem, err := actionToItem(action, false, ctx)
if err != nil {
respond(http.StatusOK, resource, respWriter, request)