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; Sample MIG Agent configuration file
; connection string to the MIG relay. must contain credentials.
relay = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/"
; location of the mig api
api = "http://localhost:1664/api/v1/"
; location of the local stat socket
socket = ""
; frequency at which heartbeat messages are sent to the MIG relay
heartbeatfreq = "300s"
; timeout after which a module that has not finished is killed by the agent
moduletimeout = "300s"
; in immortal mode, the agent that encounter a fatal error
; will attempt to restart itself instead of just shutting down
isimmortal = on
; installservice orders the agent to deploy a service init configuration
; and start itself during the endpoint's boot process
installservice = on
; attempt to retrieve the public IP behind which the agent is running
discoverpublicip = off
; in check-in mode, the agent connects to the relay, runs all pending commands
; and exits. this mode is used to run the agent as a cron job, not a daemon.
checkin = off
ca = "/path/to/ca/cert"
cert= "/path/to/client/cert"
key = "/path/to/private/key"
mode = "stdout" ; stdout | file | syslog
level = "debug"
; for file logging
; file = "mig_scheduler.log"
; for syslog, logs go into local3
; host = "localhost"
; port = 514
; protocol = "udp"