
1068 строки
33 KiB

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Contributor: Julien Vehent jvehent@mozilla.com [:ulfr]
package main
import (
// publication lock is used to prevent publication when the channels are not
// available, like during a shutdown
var publication sync.Mutex
// Agent runtime options; stores command line flags used when the agent was
// executed.
type runtimeOptions struct {
debug bool
mode string
persistmode string
file string
config string
query string
foreground bool
upgrading bool
pretty bool
showversion bool
norunpersist bool
printsettings bool
type moduleResult struct {
id float64
err error
status string
output modules.Result
position int
type moduleOp struct {
err error
id float64
mode string
isCompressed bool
params interface{}
resultChan chan moduleResult
position int
expireafter time.Time
// Environment contains information about the environment an agent is running in.
type Environment struct {
Init string `json:"init"`
Ident string `json:"ident"`
OS string `json:"os"`
Arch string `json:"arch"`
IsProxied bool `json:"isProxied"`
Proxy string `json:"proxy"`
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
PublicIP string `json:"publicIP"`
Modules []string `json:"modules"`
// Tag is a label associated with an agent.
type Tag struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// Heartbeat contains information describing an active agent.
type Heartbeat struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Version string `json:"version"`
PID uint `json:"pid"`
QueueLoc string `json:"queueLoc"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"`
RefreshTime time.Time `json:"refreshTime"`
Environment Environment `json:"environment"`
Tags []Tag `json:"tags"`
var runningOps = make(map[float64]moduleOp)
func main() {
var (
runOpt runtimeOptions
err error
// only use half the cpus available on the machine, never more
cpus := runtime.NumCPU() / 2
if cpus == 0 {
cpus = 1
// parse command line argument
// -m selects the mode {agent, filechecker, ...}
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.debug, "d", false, "Debug mode: run in foreground, log to stdout.")
flag.StringVar(&runOpt.mode, "m", "agent", "Module to run (eg. agent, filechecker).")
flag.StringVar(&runOpt.file, "i", "/path/to/file", "Load action from file.")
flag.StringVar(&runOpt.config, "c", configDefault(), "Load configuration from file.")
flag.StringVar(&runOpt.query, "q", "somequery", "Send query to the agent's socket, print response to stdout and exit.")
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.foreground, "f", false, "Agent will fork into background by default. Except if this flag is set.")
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.upgrading, "u", false, "Used while upgrading an agent, means that this agent is started by another agent.")
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.pretty, "p", false, "When running a module, pretty print the results instead of returning JSON.")
flag.StringVar(&runOpt.persistmode, "P", "", "Run persistent module.")
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.norunpersist, "n", false, "Force disable persistent modules.")
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.showversion, "V", false, "Print Agent version to stdout and exit.")
flag.BoolVar(&runOpt.printsettings, "S", false, "Print Agent configuration settings.")
if runOpt.showversion {
if runOpt.query != "somequery" {
resp, err := socketQuery(SOCKET, runOpt.query)
if err != nil {
goto exit
if runOpt.file != "/path/to/file" {
res, err := loadActionFromFile(runOpt.file, runOpt.pretty)
if err != nil {
goto exit
// attempt to read a local configuration file
err = configLoad(runOpt.config)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[warn] Could not load a local conf from %q, err: %v\n", runOpt.config, err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[info] Using builtin conf.\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[info] Using external conf from %q\n", runOpt.config)
// Print configuration settings
if runOpt.printsettings {
if runOpt.debug {
runOpt.foreground = true
LOGGINGCONF.Level = "debug"
LOGGINGCONF.Mode = "stdout"
// Tell the modules subsystem what our rundir is, needed to ensure persistent
// modules can determine the request socket path
modules.ModuleRunDir = agentcontext.GetRunDir()
// See if we should disable persistent modules
if runOpt.norunpersist {
// if checkin mode is set in conf, enforce the mode
if CHECKIN && runOpt.mode == "agent" {
runOpt.mode = "agent-checkin"
if runOpt.persistmode != "" {
runOpt.mode = "persist"
// run the agent in the correct mode. the default is to call a module.
switch runOpt.mode {
case "agent":
err = runAgent(runOpt)
if err != nil {
case "agent-checkin":
runOpt.foreground = true
// in checkin mode, the agent is not allowed to run for longer than
// MODULETIMEOUT, so we create a timer that force exit if the run
// takes too long.
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- runAgentCheckin(runOpt)
select {
// add 10% to moduletimeout to let the agent kill modules before exiting
case <-time.After(MODULETIMEOUT * 110 / 100):
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[critical] Agent in checkin mode reached max exec time, exiting\n")
goto exit
case err := <-done:
if err != nil {
case "persist":
fmt.Printf("%s", runModuleDirectly(runOpt.mode, nil, runOpt.pretty))
// loadActionFromFile loads an action from a file, runs it and returns the results encoded as a json list.
func loadActionFromFile(file string, prettyPrint bool) (res string, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("loadActionFromFile() -> %v", e)
// get input data from file
action, err := mig.ActionFromFile(file)
if err != nil {
cmd, err := executeAction(action, prettyPrint)
if err != nil {
// results to json list.
jcmd, err := json.MarshalIndent(cmd.Results, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return string(jcmd), err
// executeAction runs a single mig.Action
func executeAction(action mig.Action, prettyPrint bool) (cmd mig.Command, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("executeAction() -> %v", e)
// launch each operation consecutively
for _, op := range action.Operations {
out := runModuleDirectly(op.Module, op.Parameters, prettyPrint)
var res modules.Result
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &res)
if err != nil {
cmd.Results = append(cmd.Results, res)
// runModuleDirectly executes a module and displays the results on stdout
// paramargs allows the parameters to be specified as an argument to the
// function, overriding the expectation parameters will be sent via
// Stdin. If nil, the parameters will still be read on Stdin by the module.
func runModuleDirectly(mode string, paramargs interface{}, pretty bool) (out string) {
if _, ok := modules.Available[mode]; !ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(`{"errors": ["module '%s' is not available"]}`, mode)
infd := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
// If parameters are being supplied as an argument, use these vs.
// expecting parameters to be supplied on Stdin.
if paramargs != nil {
msg, err := modules.MakeMessage(modules.MsgClassParameters, paramargs, false)
if err != nil {
infd = bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(msg))
// instantiate and call module
run := modules.Available[mode].NewRun()
mreader := modules.NewModuleReader(infd)
out = run.Run(mreader)
// if enhanced privacy mode has been requested, apply it to the result set
// if the module supports it
if _, ok := run.(modules.HasEnhancedPrivacy); ok {
var restmp modules.Result
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &restmp)
if err != nil {
restmp, err = run.(modules.HasEnhancedPrivacy).EnhancePrivacy(restmp)
if err != nil {
resb, err := json.Marshal(restmp)
if err != nil {
out = string(resb)
if pretty {
var modres modules.Result
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &modres)
if err != nil {
out = ""
if _, ok := run.(modules.HasResultsPrinter); ok {
outRes, err := run.(modules.HasResultsPrinter).PrintResults(modres, false)
if err != nil {
for _, resLine := range outRes {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", resLine)
} else {
out = fmt.Sprintf("[error] no printer available for module '%s'\n", mode)
// Used by the agent to run a module persistently, for example if the -P flag is given to
// mig-agent. Calls into the modules RunPersist() function and typically does not return
// unless the module is being shut down.
func runModulePersist(mode string) {
var (
em modules.Message
lparam modules.LogParams
// We will communicate any errors here back to the agent using a log message, since
// that is what is used for status communication between agents and persistent modules.
em.Class = modules.MsgClassLog
mod, ok := modules.Available[mode]
if !ok {
lparam.Message = fmt.Sprintf("module %q is not available", mode)
em.Parameters = lparam
buf, err := json.Marshal(&em)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, string(buf))
prun, ok := mod.NewRun().(modules.PersistRunner)
if !ok {
lparam.Message = fmt.Sprintf("module %q does not support persistence", mode)
em.Parameters = lparam
buf, err := json.Marshal(&em)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, string(buf))
sin := modules.NewModuleReader(os.Stdin)
sout := modules.NewModuleWriter(os.Stdout)
prun.RunPersist(sin, sout)
// runAgentCheckin is the one-off startup function for agent mode, where the
// agent shuts itself down after running outstanding commands
func runAgentCheckin(runOpt runtimeOptions) (err error) {
var ctx Context
// initialize the agent
ctx, err = Init(runOpt.foreground, runOpt.upgrading)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Init failed: '%v'", err)
ctx.Agent.Mode = "checkin"
err = startRoutines(&ctx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to start agent routines: '%v'", err)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Mozilla InvestiGator version %s: started agent %s in checkin mode", mig.Version, ctx.Agent.Hostname)}
// The loop below retrieves messages from the relay. If no message is available,
// it will timeout and break out of the loop after 10 seconds, causing the agent to exit
for {
select {
case m := <-ctx.MQ.Bind.Chan:
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("received message '%s'", m.Body)}.Debug()
// Ack this message only
err := m.Ack(true)
if err != nil {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to acknowledge reception. Message will be ignored. Body: '%s'", m.Body)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: desc}.Err()
// pass it along
ctx.Channels.NewCommand <- m.Body
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("received message. queued in position %d", len(ctx.Channels.NewCommand))}
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("No outstanding messages in relay.")}
goto done
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Agent is done checking in. waiting for all modules to complete.")}
// wait until all running operations are done
for {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if len(runningOps) == 0 {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("all modules completed, shutting down.")}
// lock publication forever, we're shutting down
// runAgent is the startup function for agent mode. It only exits when the agent
// must shut down.
func runAgent(runOpt runtimeOptions) (err error) {
var (
ctx Context
exitReason string
// initialize the agent
ctx, err = Init(runOpt.foreground, runOpt.upgrading)
if err != nil {
// Test if we have a valid log channel here, it's possible Init
// failed initializing the log in which case it could be nil
if ctx.Channels.Log != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Init failed: '%v'", err)}.Err()
if runOpt.foreground {
// if in foreground mode, don't retry, just exit
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if ctx.Agent.Respawn {
// if init fails, sleep for one minute and try again. forever.
if ctx.Channels.Log != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Sleep 60s and retry"}.Info()
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
cmd := exec.Command(ctx.Agent.BinPath)
_ = cmd.Start()
ctx.Agent.Mode = "daemon"
// Goroutine that receives messages from AMQP
go getCommands(&ctx)
err = startRoutines(&ctx)
if err != nil {
// Initialize any persistent modules
err = startPersist(&ctx)
if err != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Mozilla InvestiGator version %s: started agent %s", mig.Version, ctx.Agent.Hostname)}
// The agent blocks here until a termination order is received
// The order is then evaluated to decide if a new agent must be respawned, or the agent
// service should simply be stopped.
exitReason = <-ctx.Channels.Terminate
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Shutting down agent: '%v'", exitReason)}.Emerg()
time.Sleep(time.Second) // give a chance for work in progress to finish before we lock up
// lock publication forever, we're shutting down
// if we're in debug mode, exit right away
if runOpt.debug {
// depending on the exit reason, we may or may not attempt a respawn of the agent before exiting
if exitReason == "shutdown requested" {
svc, err := service.NewService("mig-agent", "MIG Agent", "Mozilla InvestiGator Agent")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to invoke stop request to mig-agent service. exiting with code 0")
time.Sleep(time.Hour) // wait to be killed
} else {
// I'll be back!
if ctx.Agent.Respawn {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Agent is immortal. Resuscitating!")
cmd := exec.Command(ctx.Agent.BinPath, "-f")
_ = cmd.Start()
// If we get this far, it could be because:
// - shutdown was requested, but the service manager did not stop the process after being asked to
// - we are exiting due to an error condition
// Exit returning 1 here, so service managers know this is an error condition
// startRoutines starts the goroutines that process commands, heartbeats, and look after
// refreshing the agent environment.
func startRoutines(ctx *Context) (err error) {
// Start up the HTTP stats socket
go initSocket(ctx)
// GoRoutine that processes incoming alert messages on the alert channel
go alertProcessor(ctx)
// GoRoutine that parses and validates incoming commands
go func() {
for msg := range ctx.Channels.NewCommand {
err = parseCommands(ctx, msg)
if err != nil {
log := mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)}.Err()
ctx.Channels.Log <- log
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "signature made by unknown entity") {
actionRejectedLog := mig.Log{Desc: "Action rejected -- sent by unknown investigator."}.Err()
ctx.Channels.Log <- actionRejectedLog
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "closing parseCommands goroutine"}
// GoRoutine that executes commands that run as agent modules
go func() {
for op := range ctx.Channels.RunAgentCommand {
err = runModule(ctx, op)
if err != nil {
log := mig.Log{OpID: op.id, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)}.Err()
ctx.Channels.Log <- log
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "closing runModule goroutine"}
// GoRoutine that formats results and send them to scheduler
go func() {
for result := range ctx.Channels.Results {
err = sendResults(ctx, result)
if err != nil {
// on failure, log and attempt to report it to the scheduler
log := mig.Log{CommandID: result.ID, ActionID: result.Action.ID, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)}.Err()
ctx.Channels.Log <- log
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "closing sendResults channel"}
// GoRoutine that sends heartbeat messages to scheduler
go heartbeat(ctx)
// GoRoutine that updates the agent environment
if REFRESHENV != 0 {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("environment will refresh every %v", REFRESHENV)}
go refreshAgentEnvironment(ctx)
} else {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "periodic environment refresh is disabled"}
// getCommands receives AMQP messages, and feed them to the action chan
func getCommands(ctx *Context) (err error) {
for m := range ctx.MQ.Bind.Chan {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("received message '%s'", m.Body)}.Debug()
// Ack this message only
err := m.Ack(true)
if err != nil {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to acknowledge reception. Message will be ignored. Body: '%s'", m.Body)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: desc}.Err()
// pass it along
ctx.Channels.NewCommand <- m.Body
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("received message. queued in position %d", len(ctx.Channels.NewCommand))}
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "closing getCommands goroutine"}.Emerg()
// If the getCommands goroutine fails, we have no way to receive incoming AMQP
// messages. Treat this in the same way we treat publication failures, and send
// a termination note.
ctx.Channels.Terminate <- "Collection from relay is failing"
// parseCommands transforms a message into a MIG Command struct, performs validation
// and run the command
func parseCommands(ctx *Context, msg []byte) (err error) {
var cmd mig.Command
cmd.ID = 0 // safety net
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("parseCommands() -> %v", e)
// if we have a command to return, update status and send back
if cmd.ID > 0 {
results := make([]modules.Result, len(cmd.Action.Operations))
for i, _ := range cmd.Action.Operations {
var mr modules.Result
mr.Errors = append(mr.Errors, fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
results[i] = mr
cmd.Results = results
cmd.Status = "failed"
ctx.Channels.Results <- cmd
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: "leaving parseCommands()"}.Debug()
// unmarshal the received command into a command struct
// if this fails, inform the scheduler and skip this message
err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &cmd)
if err != nil {
// verify the PGP signature of the action, and verify that
// the signer is authorized to perform this action
err = checkActionAuthorization(cmd.Action, ctx)
if err != nil {
ctx.Stats.importAction(cmd.Action, false)
// Note this as a successful command for statistics
ctx.Stats.importAction(cmd.Action, true)
// Each operation is ran separately by a module, a channel is created to receive the results from each module
// a goroutine is created to read from the result channel, and when all modules are done, build the response
resultChan := make(chan moduleResult)
opsCounter := 0
for counter, operation := range cmd.Action.Operations {
// create an module operation object
currentOp := moduleOp{
id: mig.GenID(),
mode: operation.Module,
isCompressed: operation.IsCompressed,
params: operation.Parameters,
resultChan: resultChan,
position: counter,
expireafter: cmd.Action.ExpireAfter,
desc := fmt.Sprintf("sending operation %d to module %s", counter, operation.Module)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: currentOp.id, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, CommandID: cmd.ID, Desc: desc}
// check that the module is available and pass the command to the execution channel
if _, ok := modules.Available[operation.Module]; ok {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("calling module '%s'", operation.Module)}.Debug()
runningOps[currentOp.id] = currentOp
ctx.Channels.RunAgentCommand <- currentOp
} else {
// no module is available, return an error
currentOp.err = fmt.Errorf("module '%s' is not available", operation.Module)
runningOps[currentOp.id] = currentOp
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("module '%s' not available", operation.Module)}
// start the goroutine that will receive the results
go receiveModuleResults(ctx, cmd, resultChan, opsCounter)
// runModule is a generic module launcher that takes an operation and calls
// the mig-agent binary with the proper module parameters. It sets a timeout on
// execution and kills the module if needed. On success, it stores the output from
// the module in a moduleResult struct and passes it along to the function that aggregates
// all results
func runModule(ctx *Context, op moduleOp) (err error) {
var result moduleResult
result.id = op.id
result.position = op.position
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
// if running the module failed, store the error in the module result
// and sets the status to failed before passing the results along
err = fmt.Errorf("runModule() -> %v", e)
result.err = err
result.status = mig.StatusFailed
// upon exit, remove the op from the running Ops
delete(runningOps, op.id)
// whatever happens, always send the results
op.resultChan <- result
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: op.id, Desc: "leaving runModule()"}.Debug()
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: op.id, Desc: fmt.Sprintf("executing module %q", op.mode)}.Debug()
// waiter is a channel that receives a message when the timeout expires
waiter := make(chan error, 1)
var out bytes.Buffer
// calculate the max exec time by taking the smallest duration between the expiration date
// sent with the command, and the default MODULETIMEOUT value from the agent configuration
if op.expireafter.Before(time.Now().Add(MODULETIMEOUT)) {
execTimeOut = op.expireafter.Sub(time.Now())
// Build parameters message
modParams, err := modules.MakeMessage(modules.MsgClassParameters, op.params, op.isCompressed)
if err != nil {
// If the module we are querying is a persistent module, we will want to add the registered
// socket path for the module to the message to indicate where it should be queried.
mod, ok := modules.Available[op.mode]
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("module %v is not available", op.mode)
if _, ok := mod.NewRun().(modules.PersistRunner); ok {
var tm modules.Message
err = json.Unmarshal(modParams, &tm)
if err != nil {
tm.PersistSock, err = persistModRegister.get(op.mode)
if err != nil {
modParams, err = json.Marshal(&tm)
if err != nil {
// build the command line and execute
cmd := exec.Command(ctx.Agent.BinPath, "-m", strings.ToLower(op.mode))
stdinpipe, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
cmd.Stdout = &out
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
// Spawn a goroutine to write the parameter data to stdin of the module
// if required. Doing this in a goroutine ensures the timeout logic
// later in this function will fire if for some reason the module does
// not drain the pipe, and the agent ends up blocking on Write().
go func() {
left := len(modParams)
for left > 0 {
nb, err := stdinpipe.Write(modParams)
if err != nil {
left -= nb
modParams = modParams[nb:]
// launch the waiter in a separate goroutine
go func() {
waiter <- cmd.Wait()
select {
// Timeout case: command has reached timeout, kill it
case <-time.After(execTimeOut):
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: op.id, Desc: "command timed out. Killing it."}.Err()
// update the command status and send the response back
result.status = mig.StatusTimeout
// kill the command
err := cmd.Process.Kill()
if err != nil {
<-waiter // allow goroutine to exit
// Normal exit case: command has run successfully
case err := <-waiter:
if err != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: op.id, Desc: "command failed."}.Err()
} else {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: op.id, Desc: "command done."}
err = json.Unmarshal(out.Bytes(), &result.output)
if err != nil {
// mark command status as successfully completed
result.status = mig.StatusSuccess
// return executes the defer block at the top of the function, which passes module result
// into the result channel
// receiveResult listens on a temporary channels for results coming from modules. It aggregates them, and
// when all are received, it builds a response that is passed to the Result channel
func receiveModuleResults(ctx *Context, cmd mig.Command, resultChan chan moduleResult, opsCounter int) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("receiveModuleResults() -> %v", e)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: "leaving receiveModuleResults()"}.Debug()
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: "entering receiveModuleResults()"}.Debug()
resultReceived := 0
// create the slice of results and insert each incoming
// result at the right position: operation[0] => results[0]
cmd.Results = make([]modules.Result, opsCounter)
// assume everything went fine, and reset the status if errors are found
cmd.Status = mig.StatusSuccess
// process failed operations first
for _, op := range runningOps {
if op.err != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: op.id, CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: "process error for module"}.Debug()
cmd.Status = "failed"
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"errors": ["%v"]}`, op.err)), &cmd.Results[op.position])
if err != nil {
if resultReceived >= opsCounter {
goto finish
// for each result received, populate the content of cmd.Results with it
// stop when we received all the expected results
for result := range resultChan {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{OpID: result.id, CommandID: cmd.ID, ActionID: cmd.Action.ID, Desc: "received results from module"}.Debug()
// if multiple modules return different statuses, a failure status overrides a success one
if cmd.Status == mig.StatusSuccess && result.status != mig.StatusSuccess {
cmd.Status = result.status
cmd.Results[result.position] = result.output
// if the result includes an error condition that occurred during runModule(), include it.
if result.err != nil {
errstr := result.err.Error()
cmd.Results[result.position].Errors = append(cmd.Results[result.position].Errors, errstr)
if resultReceived >= opsCounter {
goto finish
// forward the updated command
ctx.Channels.Results <- cmd
// close the channel, we're done here
// sendResults builds a message body and send the command results back to the scheduler
func sendResults(ctx *Context, result mig.Command) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("sendResults() -> %v", e)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: result.ID, ActionID: result.Action.ID, Desc: "leaving sendResults()"}.Debug()
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{CommandID: result.ID, ActionID: result.Action.ID, Desc: "sending command results"}
result.Agent.QueueLoc = ctx.Agent.QueueLoc
body, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
err = publish(ctx, mig.ExchangeToSchedulers, mig.QueueAgentResults, body)
if err != nil {
// heartbeat will send heartbeats messages to the scheduler at regular intervals
// and also store that heartbeat on disc
func heartbeat(ctx *Context) (err error) {
// loop forever
for {
tags := make([]Tag, 0)
for k, v := range ctx.Agent.Tags {
updated_tag := Tag{
Name: k,
Value: v,
tags = append(tags, updated_tag)
heartbeat := Heartbeat{
Name: ctx.Agent.Hostname,
Mode: ctx.Agent.Mode,
Version: mig.Version,
PID: uint(os.Getpid()),
QueueLoc: ctx.Agent.QueueLoc,
StartTime: time.Now(),
RefreshTime: ctx.Agent.RefreshTS,
Environment: Environment{
Init: ctx.Agent.Env.Init,
Ident: ctx.Agent.Env.Ident,
OS: ctx.Agent.Env.OS,
Arch: ctx.Agent.Env.Arch,
IsProxied: ctx.Agent.Env.IsProxied,
Proxy: ctx.Agent.Env.Proxy,
Addresses: ctx.Agent.Env.Addresses,
PublicIP: ctx.Agent.Env.PublicIP,
Modules: ctx.Agent.Env.Modules,
Tags: tags,
// make a heartbeat
body, err := json.Marshal(heartbeat)
if err != nil {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("heartbeat failed with error '%v'", err)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: desc}.Err()
// Don't treat this error as fatal, sleep for a period of time
// (as occurs at the end of this loop) and retry
desc := fmt.Sprintf("heartbeat %q", body)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: desc}.Debug()
heartbeatURL, err := url.Parse(APIURL)
heartbeatURL.Path = path.Join(heartbeatURL.Path, "heartbeat")
heartbeatAPIURL := heartbeatURL.String()
response, err := http.Post(heartbeatAPIURL, "application/json", bytes.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
content, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
desc := fmt.Sprintf("Expected status code %d but got %d \n %s", http.StatusOK, response.StatusCode, string(content))
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: desc}.Err()
// update the local heartbeat file
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(ctx.Agent.RunDir, "mig-agent.ok"), []byte(time.Now().String()), 0644)
if err != nil {
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Failed to write mig-agent.ok to disk"}.Err()
os.Chmod(path.Join(ctx.Agent.RunDir, "mig-agent.ok"), 0644)
// publish is a generic function that sends messages to an AMQP exchange
func publish(ctx *Context, exchange, routingKey string, body []byte) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("publish() -> %v", e)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "leaving publish()"}.Debug()
// lock publication, unlock on exit
defer publication.Unlock()
msg := amqp.Publishing{
DeliveryMode: amqp.Persistent,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
ContentType: "text/plain",
Expiration: fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(ctx.Sleeper/time.Millisecond)*10),
Body: []byte(body),
for tries := 0; tries < 2; tries++ {
err = ctx.MQ.Chan.Publish(exchange, routingKey,
true, // is mandatory
false, // is immediate
msg) // AMQP message
if err == nil { // success! exit the function
desc := fmt.Sprintf("Message published to exchange %q with routing key %q and body %q", exchange, routingKey, msg.Body)
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: desc}.Debug()
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Publishing failed. Retrying..."}.Err()
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// if we're here, it mean publishing failed 3 times. we most likely
// lost the connection with the relay, best is to die and restart
ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Publishing failed 3 times in a row. Sending agent termination order."}.Emerg()
ctx.Channels.Terminate <- "Publication to relay is failing"
// Function to print current configuration settings for agent
func printConfigSettings() {
fmt.Println("CHECKIN : ", CHECKIN)
fmt.Println("APIURL : ", APIURL)
fmt.Println("PROXIES : ", PROXIES)
fmt.Println("SOCKET : ", SOCKET)