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Stores per-iteration bench values in BenchDataPoint.
BUG=skia:2225 NOTRY=true R=borenet@google.com Author: bensong@google.com Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/197573002 git-svn-id: http://skia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@13767 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,19 +38,25 @@ TILE_LAYOUT_RE_COMPILED = re.compile(TILE_LAYOUT_RE)
class BenchDataPoint:
"""A single data point produced by bench.
(str, str, str, float, {str:str}, str, [floats])"""
def __init__(self, bench, config, time_type, time, settings,
tile_layout='', per_tile_values=[]):
tile_layout='', per_tile_values=[], per_iter_time=[]):
# string name of the benchmark to measure
self.bench = bench
# string name of the configurations to run
self.config = config
# type of the timer in string: '' (walltime), 'c' (cpu) or 'g' (gpu)
self.time_type = time_type
# float number of the bench time value
self.time = time
# dictionary of the run settings
self.settings = settings
# how tiles cover the whole picture. '5x3' means 5 columns and 3 rows.
# how tiles cover the whole picture: '5x3' means 5 columns and 3 rows
self.tile_layout = tile_layout
# list of per_tile bench values, if applicable
# list of float for per_tile bench values, if applicable
self.per_tile_values = per_tile_values
# list of float for per-iteration bench time, if applicable
self.per_iter_time = per_iter_time
def __repr__(self):
return "BenchDataPoint(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
@ -109,7 +115,7 @@ class _ListAlgorithm(object):
return self._rep
def _ParseAndStoreTimes(config_re_compiled, is_per_tile, line, bench,
value_dic, layout_dic, representation=None):
value_dic, layout_dic):
"""Parses given bench time line with regex and adds data to value_dic.
config_re_compiled: precompiled regular expression for parsing the config
@ -120,7 +126,7 @@ def _ParseAndStoreTimes(config_re_compiled, is_per_tile, line, bench,
bench: name of bench for the time values.
value_dic: dictionary to store bench values. See bench_dic in parse() below.
layout_dic: dictionary to store tile layouts. See parse() for descriptions.
representation: should match one of the ALGORITHM_XXX types."""
for config in config_re_compiled.finditer(line):
current_config = config.group(1)
@ -137,7 +143,7 @@ def _ParseAndStoreTimes(config_re_compiled, is_per_tile, line, bench,
value_dic.setdefault(bench, {}).setdefault(
current_config, {}).setdefault(current_time_type, []).append(
_ListAlgorithm(iters, representation).compute())
layout_dic.setdefault(bench, {}).setdefault(
current_config, {}).setdefault(current_time_type, tile_layout)
@ -151,7 +157,11 @@ def parse(settings, lines, representation=None):
benches = []
current_bench = None
bench_dic = {} # [bench][config][time_type] -> [list of bench values]
# [bench][config][time_type] -> [[per-iter values]] where per-tile config
# has per-iter value list for each tile [[<tile1_iter1>,<tile1_iter2>,...],
# [<tile2_iter1>,<tile2_iter2>,...],...], while non-per-tile config only
# contains one list of iterations [[iter1, iter2, ...]].
bench_dic = {}
# [bench][config][time_type] -> tile_layout
layout_dic = {}
@ -176,30 +186,42 @@ def parse(settings, lines, representation=None):
if current_bench:
if line.startswith(' tile_') :
_ParseAndStoreTimes(TILE_RE_COMPILED, True, line, current_bench,
bench_dic, layout_dic, representation)
bench_dic, layout_dic)
_ParseAndStoreTimes(CONFIG_RE_COMPILED, False, line,
bench_dic, layout_dic, representation)
current_bench, bench_dic, layout_dic)
# append benches to list, use the total time as final bench value.
# append benches to list
for bench in bench_dic:
for config in bench_dic[bench]:
for time_type in bench_dic[bench][config]:
tile_layout = ''
per_tile_values = []
per_tile_values = [] # empty for non-per-tile configs
per_iter_time = [] # empty for per-tile configs
bench_summary = None # a single final bench value
if len(bench_dic[bench][config][time_type]) > 1:
# per-tile values, extract tile_layout
per_tile_values = bench_dic[bench][config][time_type]
# per-tile config; compute representation for each tile
per_tile_values = [
_ListAlgorithm(iters, representation).compute()
for iters in bench_dic[bench][config][time_type]]
# use sum of each tile representation for total bench value
bench_summary = sum(per_tile_values)
# extract tile layout
tile_layout = layout_dic[bench][config][time_type]
# get the list of per-iteration values
per_iter_time = bench_dic[bench][config][time_type][0]
bench_summary = _ListAlgorithm(
per_iter_time, representation).compute()
return benches
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