in so many different directories, that I think it's the best way.
I've pulled and clobber_all'd my tree and got
on this checkin.
Here are the touched files:
M mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/control/MozillaBrowser.cpp
M mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/control/MozillaBrowser.h
M mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/shell/xpcshell.cpp
M mozilla/netwerk/protocol/res/src/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/components/nsIServiceManager.h
M mozilla/xpcom/components/nsServiceManager.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/io/nsSpecialSystemDirectory.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/io/nsSpecialSystemDirectory.h
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestBuffers.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestPipes.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestShutdown.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/windows/TestHelloXPLoop.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tools/registry/regExport.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tools/registry/regxpcom.cpp
M mozilla/xpinstall/stub/xpistub.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/embed/ActiveX/MozillaBrowser.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/embed/ActiveX/MozillaBrowser.h
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsMacMain.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsPhMain.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsWinMain.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/unix/gtk/nsGtkMain.cpp
M mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsFileLocations.cpp
M mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp
The heart of this checkin is a change in the signature and symantics
of NS_InitXPCOM.
The new signature is
extern NS_COM nsresult
NS_InitXPCOM(nsIServiceManager* *result, nsFileSpec* binDirectory);
I filed a bug for this problem:
The original manifestation of this bug was in mozilla/netwerk/protocol/res/src/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp It used the current process directory to find resources, which is not correct when the current process is not mozilla.exe.
I have added a new type to nsSpecialSystemDirectory, Moz_BinDirectory, and made nsResProtocolHandler use that value.
Installer registers in the Windows registry where mozilla.exe gets
installed to.
Installer is aware of the previous mozilla.exe installation location
and offers it as the default destination location.
Installer now is able to show a Readme.txt in the SetupType dialog.
Eliminated most of the "Netscape" and replaced it with "Mozilla"