
1378 строки
42 KiB
Executable File

# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Mozilla Mac OS X Universal Binary Packaging System
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Google Inc.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Mark Mentovai <> (Original Author)
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<unify> - Mac OS X universal binary packager
[B<--only-one> I<action>]
[B<--verbosity> I<level>]
I<unify> merges any two architecture-specific files or directory trees
into a single file or tree suitable for use on either architecture as a
"fat" or "universal binary."
Architecture-specific Mach-O files will be merged into fat Mach-O files
using L<lipo(1)>. Non-Mach-O files in the architecture-specific trees
are compared to ensure that they are equivalent before copying. Symbolic
links are permitted in the architecture-specific trees and will cause
identical links to be created in the merged tree, provided that the source
links have identical targets. Directories are processed recursively.
If the architecture-specific source trees contain zip archives (including
jar files) that are not identical according to a byte-for-byte check, they
are still assumed to be equivalent if both archives contain exactly the
same members with identical checksums and sizes.
Behavior when one architecture-specific tree contains files that the other
does not is controlled by the B<--only-one> option.
If Mach-O files cannot be merged using L<lipo(1)>, zip archives are not
equivalent, regular files are not identical, or any other error occurs,
B<unify> will fail with an exit status of 1. Diagnostic messages are
typically printed to stderr; this behavior can be controlled with the
B<--verbosity> option.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 5
=item I<ppc-path>
=item I<x86-path>
The paths to directory trees containing PowerPC and x86 builds,
respectively. I<ppc-path> and I<x86-path> are permitted to contain files
that are already "fat," and only the appropriate architecture's images will
be used.
I<ppc-path> and I<x86-path> are also permitted to both be files, in which
case B<unify> operates solely on those files, and produces an appropriate
merged file at I<target-path>.
=item I<target-path>
The path to the merged file or directory tree. This path will be created,
and it must not exist prior to running B<unify>.
=item B<--dry-run>
When specified, the commands that would be executed are printed, without
actually executing them. Note that B<--dry-run> and the equivalent
B<--verbosity> level during "wet" runs may print equivalent commands when
no commands are in fact executed: certain operations are handled internally
within B<unify>, and an approximation of a command that performs a similar
task is printed.
=item B<--only-one> I<action>
Controls handling of files that are only present in one of the two source
trees. I<action> may be:
skip - These files are skipped.
copy - These files are copied from the tree in which they exist.
fail - When this condition occurs, it is treated as an error.
The default I<action> is copy.
=item B<--verbosity> I<level>
Adjusts the level of loudness of B<unify>. The possible values for
I<level> are:
0 - B<unify> never prints anything.
(Other programs that B<unify> calls may still print messages.)
1 - Fatal error messages are printed to stderr.
2 - Nonfatal warnings are printed to stderr.
3 - Commands are printed to stdout as they are executed.
The default I<level> is 2.
=over 5
=item Create a universal .app bundle from two architecture-specific .app
unify --only-one copy ppc/dist/firefox/
x86/dist/firefox/ universal/
--verbosity 3
=item Merge two identical architecture-specific trees:
unify --only-one fail /usr/local /nfs/x86/usr/local
The only esoteric requirement of B<unify> is that the L<lipo(1)> command
be available. It is present on Mac OS X systems at least as early as
10.3.9, and probably earlier. Mac OS X 10.4 ("Tiger") or later are
=head1 LICENSE
MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1. Your choice
=head1 AUTHOR
The software was initially written by Mark Mentovai; copyright 2006
Google Inc.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<cmp(1)>, L<ditto(1)>, L<lipo(1)>
use Archive::Zip(':ERROR_CODES');
use Errno;
use Fcntl;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
my (%gConfig, $gDryRun, $gOnlyOne, $gVerbosity);
sub argumentEscape(@);
sub command(@);
sub compareZipArchives($$);
sub complain($$@);
sub copyIfIdentical($$$);
sub createUniqueFile($$);
sub makeUniversal($$$);
sub makeUniversalDirectory($$$);
sub makeUniversalInternal($$$$);
sub makeUniversalFile($$$);
sub usage();
sub readZipCRCs($);
package FileAttrCache;
sub new($$);
sub isFat($);
sub isMachO($);
sub isZip($);
sub lIsDir($);
sub lIsExecutable($);
sub lIsRegularFile($);
sub lIsSymLink($);
sub lstat($);
sub lstatMode($);
sub lstatType($);
sub magic($);
sub path($);
sub stat($);
sub statSize($);
%gConfig = (
'cmd_lipo' => 'lipo',
'cmd_rm' => 'rm',
$gDryRun = 0;
$gOnlyOne = 'copy';
$gVerbosity = 2;
GetOptions('dry-run' => \$gDryRun,
'only-one=s' => \$gOnlyOne,
'verbosity=i' => \$gVerbosity,
'config=s' => \%gConfig); # "hidden" option not in usage()
if (scalar(@ARGV) != 3 || $gVerbosity < 0 || $gVerbosity > 3 ||
($gOnlyOne ne 'skip' && $gOnlyOne ne 'copy' && $gOnlyOne ne 'fail')) {
if (!makeUniversal($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1],$ARGV[2])) {
# makeUniversal or something it called will have printed an error.
# argumentEscape(@arguments)
# Takes a list of @arguments and makes them shell-safe.
sub argumentEscape(@) {
my (@arguments);
@arguments = @_;
my ($argument, @argumentsOut);
foreach $argument (@arguments) {
$argument =~ s%([^A-Za-z0-9_\-/.=+,])%\\$1%g;
push(@argumentsOut, $argument);
return @argumentsOut;
# command(@arguments)
# Runs the specified command by calling system(@arguments). If $gDryRun
# is true, the command is printed but not executed, and 0 is returned.
# if $gVerbosity is greater than 1, the command is printed before being
# executed. When the command is executed, the system() return value will
# be returned. stdout and stderr are left connected for command output.
sub command(@) {
my (@arguments);
@arguments = @_;
if ($gVerbosity >= 3 || $gDryRun) {
print(join(' ', argumentEscape(@arguments))."\n");
if ($gDryRun) {
return 0;
return system(@arguments);
# compareZipArchives($zip1, $zip2)
# Given two pathnames to zip archives, determines whether or not they are
# functionally identical. Returns true if they are, false if they differ in
# some substantial way, and undef if an error occurs. If the zip files
# differ, diagnostic messages are printed indicating how they differ.
# Zip files will differ if any of the members are different as defined by
# readZipCRCs, which consider CRCs, sizes, and file types as stored in the
# file header. Timestamps are not considered. Zip files also differ if one
# file contains members that the other one does not. $gOnlyOne has no
# effect on this behavior.
sub compareZipArchives($$) {
my ($zip1, $zip2);
($zip1, $zip2) = @_;
my ($CRCHash1, $CRCHash2);
if (!defined($CRCHash1 = readZipCRCs($zip1))) {
# readZipCRCs printed an error.
return undef;
if (!defined($CRCHash2 = readZipCRCs($zip2))) {
# readZipCRCs printed an error.
return undef;
my (@diffCRCs, @onlyInZip1);
@diffCRCs = ();
@onlyInZip1 = ();
my ($memberName);
foreach $memberName (keys(%$CRCHash1)) {
if (!exists($$CRCHash2{$memberName})) {
# The member is present in $zip1 but not $zip2.
push(@onlyInZip1, $memberName);
elsif ($$CRCHash1{$memberName} ne $$CRCHash2{$memberName}) {
# The member is present in both archives but its CRC or some other
# other critical attribute isn't identical.
push(@diffCRCs, $memberName);
# If any members remain in %CRCHash2, it's because they're not present
# in $zip1.
my (@onlyInZip2);
@onlyInZip2 = keys(%$CRCHash2);
if (scalar(@onlyInZip1) + scalar(@onlyInZip2) + scalar(@diffCRCs)) {
complain(1, 'compareZipArchives: zip archives differ:',
if (scalar(@onlyInZip1)) {
complain(1, 'compareZipArchives: members only in former:',
if (scalar(@onlyInZip2)) {
complain(1, 'compareZipArchives: members only in latter:',
if (scalar(@diffCRCs)) {
complain(1, 'compareZipArchives: members differ:',
return 0;
return 1;
# complain($severity, $message, @list)
# Prints $message to stderr if $gVerbosity allows it for severity level
# $severity. @list is a list of words that will be shell-escaped and printed
# after $message, one per line, intended to be used, for example, to list
# arguments to a call that failed.
# Expected severity levels are 1 for hard errors and 2 for non-fatal warnings.
# Always returns false as a convenience, so callers can return complain's
# return value when it is used to signal errors.
sub complain($$@) {
my ($severity, $message, @list);
($severity, $message, @list) = @_;
if ($gVerbosity >= $severity) {
print STDERR ($0.': '.$message."\n");
my ($item);
while ($item = shift(@list)) {
print STDERR (' '.(argumentEscape($item))[0].
return 0;
# copyIfIdentical($source1, $source2, $target)
# $source1 and $source2 are FileAttrCache objects that are compared, and if
# identical, copied to path string $target. The comparison is initially
# done as a byte-for-byte comparison, but if the files differ and appear to
# be zip archives, compareZipArchives is called to determine whether
# files that are not byte-for-byte identical are equivalent archives.
# Returns true on success, false for files that are not identical or
# equivalent archives, and undef if an error occurs.
# One of $source1 and $source2 is permitted to be undef. In this event,
# whichever source is defined is copied directly to $target without performing
# any comparisons. This enables the $gOnlyOne = 'copy' mode, which is
# driven by makeUniversalDirectory and makeUniversalInternal.
sub copyIfIdentical($$$) {
my ($source1, $source2, $target);
($source1, $source2, $target) = @_;
if (!defined($source1)) {
# If there's only one source file, make it the first file. Order
# isn't important here, and this makes it possible to use
# defined($source2) as the switch, and to always copy from $source1.
$source1 = $source2;
$source2 = undef;
if (defined($source2)) {
# Only do the comparisons if there are two source files. If there's
# only one source file, skip the comparisons and go straight to the
# copy operation.
if ($gVerbosity >= 3 || $gDryRun) {
print('cmp -s '.
join(' ',argumentEscape($source1->path(), $source2->path()))."\n");
my ($comparison);
if (!defined($comparison = compare($source1->path(), $source2->path())) ||
$comparison == -1) {
return complain(1, 'copyIfIdentical: compare: '.$!.' while comparing:',
elsif ($comparison != 0) {
my ($zip1, $zip2);
if (defined($zip1 = $source1->isZip()) &&
defined($zip2 = $source2->isZip()) &&
$zip1 && $zip2) {
my ($zipComparison);
if (!defined($zipComparison = compareZipArchives($source1->path(),
$source2->path)) ||
!$zipComparison) {
# An error occurred or the zip files aren't sufficiently identical.
# compareZipArchives will have printed an error message.
return 0;
# The zip files were compared successfully, and they both contain
# all of the same members, and all of their members' CRCs are
# identical. For the purposes of this script, the zip files can be
# treated as identical, so reset $comparison.
$comparison = 0;
if ($comparison != 0) {
return complain(1, 'copyIfIdentical: files differ:',
if ($gVerbosity >= 3 || $gDryRun) {
print('cp '.
join(' ',argumentEscape($source1->path(), $target))."\n");
if (!$gDryRun) {
my ($isExecutable);
# Set the execute bits (as allowed by the umask) on the new file if any
# execute bit is set on either old file.
$isExecutable = $source1->lIsExecutable() ||
(defined($source2) && $source2->lIsExecutable());
if (!createUniqueFile($target, $isExecutable ? 0777 : 0666)) {
# createUniqueFile printed an error.
return 0;
if (!copy($source1->path(), $target)) {
complain(1, 'copyIfIdentical: copy: '.$!.' while copying',
return 0;
return 1;
# createUniqueFile($path, $mode)
# Creates a new plain empty file at pathname $path, provided it does not
# yet exist. $mode is used as the file mode. The actual file's mode will
# be modified by the effective umask. Returns false if the file could
# not be created, setting $! to the error. An error message is printed
# in the event of failure.
sub createUniqueFile($$) {
my ($path, $mode);
($path, $mode) = @_;
my ($fh);
if (!sysopen($fh, $path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, $mode)) {
return complain(1, 'createUniqueFile: open: '.$!.' for:',
return 1;
# makeUniversal($pathPPC, $pathX86, $pathTarget)
# The top-level call. $pathPPC, $pathX86, and $pathTarget are strings
# identifying the ppc and x86 files or directories to merge and the location
# to merge them to. Returns false on failure and true on success.
sub makeUniversal($$$) {
my ($pathTarget, $pathPPC, $pathX86);
($pathPPC, $pathX86, $pathTarget) = @_;
my ($filePPC, $fileX86);
$filePPC = FileAttrCache->new($pathPPC);
$fileX86 = FileAttrCache->new($pathX86);
return makeUniversalInternal(1, $filePPC, $fileX86, $pathTarget);
# makeUniversalDirectory($dirPPC, $dirX86, $dirTarget)
# This is part of the heart of recursion. $dirPPC and $dirX86 are
# FileAttrCache objects designating the source ppc and x86 directories to
# merge into a universal directory at $dirTarget, a string. For each file
# in $dirPPC and $dirX86, makeUniversalInternal is called.
# makeUniversalInternal will call back into makeUniversalDirectory for
# directories, thus completing the recursion. If a failure is encountered
# in ths function or in makeUniversalInternal or anything that it calls,
# false is returned, otherwise, true is returned.
# If there are files present in one source directory but not both, the
# value of $gOnlyOne controls the behavior. If $gOnlyOne is 'copy', the
# single source file is copied into $pathTarget. If it is 'skip', it is
# skipped. If it is 'fail', such files will trigger makeUniversalDirectory
# to fail.
# If either source directory is undef, it is treated as having no files.
# This facilitates deep recursion when entire directories are only present
# in one source when $gOnlyOne = 'copy'.
sub makeUniversalDirectory($$$) {
my ($dirPPC, $dirX86, $dirTarget);
($dirPPC, $dirX86, $dirTarget) = @_;
my ($dh, @filesPPC, @filesX86);
@filesPPC = ();
if (defined($dirPPC)) {
if (!opendir($dh, $dirPPC->path())) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversalDirectory: opendir ppc: '.$!.' for:',
@filesPPC = readdir($dh);
@filesX86 = ();
if (defined($dirX86)) {
if (!opendir($dh, $dirX86->path())) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversalDirectory: opendir x86: '.$!.' for:',
@filesX86 = readdir($dh);
my (%common, $file, %onlyPPC, %onlyX86);
%onlyPPC = ();
foreach $file (@filesPPC) {
if ($file eq '.' || $file eq '..') {
%common = ();
%onlyX86 = ();
foreach $file (@filesX86) {
if ($file eq '.' || $file eq '..') {
if ($onlyPPC{$file}) {
delete $onlyPPC{$file};
else {
# First, handle files common to both.
foreach $file (sort(keys(%common))) {
if (!makeUniversalInternal(0,
$dirTarget.'/'.$file)) {
# makeUniversalInternal will have printed an error.
return 0;
# Handle files found only in a single directory here. There are three
# options, dictated by $gOnlyOne: fail if files are only present in
# one directory, skip any files only present in one directory, or copy
# these files straight over to the target directory. In any event,
# a message will be printed indicating that the file trees don't match
# exactly.
if (keys(%onlyPPC)) {
complain(($gOnlyOne eq 'fail' ? 1 : 2),
($gOnlyOne ne 'fail' ? 'warning: ' : '').
'makeUniversalDirectory: only in ppc '.
if (keys(%onlyX86)) {
complain(($gOnlyOne eq 'fail' ? 1 : 2),
($gOnlyOne ne 'fail' ? 'warning: ' : '').
'makeUniversalDirectory: only in x86 '.
if ($gOnlyOne eq 'fail' && (keys(%onlyPPC) || keys(%onlyX86))) {
# Error message(s) printed above.
return 0;
if ($gOnlyOne eq 'copy') {
foreach $file (sort(keys(%onlyPPC))) {
if (!makeUniversalInternal(0,
$dirTarget.'/'.$file)) {
# makeUniversalInternal will have printed an error.
return 0;
foreach $file (sort(keys(%onlyX86))) {
if (!makeUniversalInternal(0,
$dirTarget.'/'.$file)) {
# makeUniversalInternal will have printed an error.
return 0;
return 1;
# makeUniversalFile($sourcePPC, $sourceX86, $targetPath)
# Creates a universal file at pathname $targetPath based on a ppc image at
# $sourcePPC and an x86 image at $sourceX86. $sourcePPC and $sourceX86 are
# both FileAttrCache objects. Returns true on success and false on failure.
# On failure, diagnostics will be printed to stderr.
# The source files may be either thin Mach-O images of the appropriate
# architecture, or fat Mach-O files that contain images of the appropriate
# architecture.
# This function wraps the lipo utility, see lipo(1).
sub makeUniversalFile($$$) {
my ($sourcePPC, $sourceX86, $targetPath, @tempThinFiles, $thinPPC, $thinX86);
($sourcePPC, $sourceX86, $targetPath) = @_;
$thinPPC = $sourcePPC;
$thinX86 = $sourceX86;
@tempThinFiles = ();
# The source files might already be fat. They should be thinned out to only
# contain a single architecture.
my ($isFatPPC, $isFatX86);
if(!defined($isFatPPC = $sourcePPC->isFat())) {
# isFat printed its own error
return 0;
elsif($isFatPPC) {
$thinPPC = FileAttrCache->new($targetPath.'.ppc');
push(@tempThinFiles, $thinPPC->path());
if (command($gConfig{'cmd_lipo'}, '-thin', 'ppc',
$sourcePPC->path(), '-output', $thinPPC->path()) != 0) {
return complain(1, 'lipo thin ppc failed for:',
if(!defined($isFatX86 = $sourceX86->isFat())) {
# isFat printed its own error
return 0;
elsif($isFatX86) {
$thinX86 = FileAttrCache->new($targetPath.'.x86');
push(@tempThinFiles, $thinX86->path());
if (command($gConfig{'cmd_lipo'}, '-thin', 'i386',
$sourceX86->path(), '-output', $thinX86->path()) != 0) {
return complain(1, 'lipo thin x86 failed for:',
# The image for each architecture in the fat file will be aligned on
# a specific boundary, default 4096 bytes, see lipo(1) -segalign.
# Since there's no tail-padding, the fat file will consume the least
# space on disk if the image that comes last exceeds the segment size
# by the smallest amount.
# This saves an average of 1kB per fat file over the naive approach of
# always putting one architecture first: average savings is 2kB per
# file, but the naive approach would have gotten it right half of the
# time.
my ($sizePPC, $sizeX86, $thinPPCForStat, $thinX86ForStat);
if (!$gDryRun) {
$thinPPCForStat = $thinPPC;
$thinX86ForStat = $thinX86;
else {
# Normally, fat source files will have been converted into temporary
# thin files. During a dry run, that doesn't happen, so fake it up
# a little bit by always using the source file, fat or thin, for the
# stat.
$thinPPCForStat = $sourcePPC;
$thinX86ForStat = $sourceX86;
if (!defined($sizePPC = $thinPPCForStat->statSize())) {
return complain(1, 'stat ppc: '.$!.' for:',
if (!defined($sizeX86 = $thinX86ForStat->statSize())) {
return complain(1, 'stat x86: '.$!.' for:',
$sizePPC = $sizePPC % 4096;
$sizeX86 = $sizeX86 % 4096;
my (@thinFiles);
if ($sizePPC == 0) {
# PPC image ends on an alignment boundary, there will be no padding before
# starting the x86 image.
@thinFiles = ($thinPPC->path(), $thinX86->path());
elsif ($sizeX86 == 0 || $sizeX86 > $sizePPC) {
# x86 image ends on an alignment boundary, there will be no padding before
# starting the PPC image, or the x86 image exceeds its alignment boundary
# by more than the PPC image, so there will be less padding if the x86
# comes first.
@thinFiles = ($thinX86->path(), $thinPPC->path());
else {
# PPC image exceeds its alignment boundary by more than the x86 image, so
# there will be less padding if the PPC comes first.
@thinFiles = ($thinPPC->path(), $thinX86->path());
my ($isExecutable);
$isExecutable = $sourcePPC->lIsExecutable() ||
if (!$gDryRun) {
# Ensure that the file does not yet exist.
# Set the execute bits (as allowed by the umask) on the new file if any
# execute bit is set on either old file. Yes, it is possible to have
# proper Mach-O files without x-bits: think object files (.o) and static
# archives (.a).
if (!createUniqueFile($targetPath, $isExecutable ? 0777 : 0666)) {
# createUniqueFile printed an error.
return 0;
# Create the fat file.
if (command($gConfig{'cmd_lipo'}, '-create', @thinFiles,
'-output', $targetPath) != 0) {
unlink(@tempThinFiles, $targetPath);
return complain(1, 'lipo create fat failed for:',
if (!$gDryRun) {
# lipo seems to think that it's free to set its own file modes that
# ignore the umask, which is bogus when the rest of this script
# respects the umask.
if (!chmod(($isExecutable ? 0777 : 0666) & ~umask(), $targetPath)) {
complain(1, 'makeUniversalFile: chmod: '.$!.' for',
return 0;
return 1;
# makeUniversalInternal($isToplevel, $filePPC, $fileX86, $fileTargetPath)
# Given FileAttrCache objects $filePPC and $fileX86, compares filetypes
# and performs the appropriate action to produce a universal file at
# path string $fileTargetPath. $isToplevel should be true if this is
# the recursive base and false otherwise; this controls cleanup behavior
# (cleanup is only performed at the base, because cleanup itself is
# recursive).
# This handles regular files by determining whether they are Mach-O files
# and calling makeUniversalFile if so and copyIfIdentical otherwise. Symbolic
# links are handled directly in this function by ensuring that the source link
# targets are identical and creating a new link with the same target
# at $fileTargetPath. Directories are handled by calling
# makeUniversalDirectory.
# One of $filePPC and $fileX86 is permitted to be undef. In that case,
# the defined source file is copied directly to the target if a regular
# file, and symlinked appropriately if a symbolic link. This facilitates
# use of $gOnlyOne = 'copy', although no $gOnlyOne checks are made in this
# function, they are all handled in makeUniversalDirectory.
# Returns true on success. Returns false on failure, including failures
# in other functions called.
sub makeUniversalInternal($$$$) {
my ($filePPC, $fileTargetPath, $fileX86, $isToplevel);
($isToplevel, $filePPC, $fileX86, $fileTargetPath) = @_;
my ($typePPC, $typeX86);
if (defined($filePPC) && !defined($typePPC = $filePPC->lstatType())) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: lstat ppc: '.$!.' for:',
if (defined($fileX86) && !defined($typeX86 = $fileX86->lstatType())) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: lstat x86: '.$!.' for:',
if (defined($filePPC) && defined($fileX86) && $typePPC != $typeX86) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: incompatible types:',
# $aSourceFile will contain a FileAttrCache object that will return
# the correct type data. It's used because it's possible for one of
# the two source files to be undefined (indicating a straight copy).
my ($aSourceFile);
if (defined($filePPC)) {
$aSourceFile = $filePPC;
else {
$aSourceFile = $fileX86;
if ($aSourceFile->lIsDir()) {
if ($gVerbosity >= 3 || $gDryRun) {
print('mkdir '.(argumentEscape($fileTargetPath))[0]."\n");
if (!$gDryRun && !mkdir($fileTargetPath)) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: mkdir: '.$!.' for:',
my ($rv);
if (!($rv = makeUniversalDirectory($filePPC, $fileX86, $fileTargetPath))) {
# makeUniversalDirectory printed an error.
if ($isToplevel) {
else {
# Touch the directory when leaving it. If unify is being run on an
# .app bundle, the .app might show up without an icon because the
# system might have found the .app before it was completely built.
# Touching it dirties it in LaunchServices' mind.
if ($gVerbosity >= 3) {
print('touch '.(argumentEscape($fileTargetPath))[0]."\n");
utime(undef, undef, $fileTargetPath);
return $rv;
elsif ($aSourceFile->lIsSymLink()) {
my ($linkPPC, $linkX86);
if (defined($filePPC) && !defined($linkPPC=readlink($filePPC->path()))) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: readlink ppc: '.$!.' for:',
if (defined($fileX86) && !defined($linkX86=readlink($fileX86->path()))) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: readlink x86: '.$!.' for:',
if (defined($filePPC) && defined($fileX86) && $linkPPC ne $linkX86) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: symbolic links differ:',
# $aLink here serves the same purpose as $aSourceFile in the enclosing
# block: it refers to the target of the symbolic link, whether there
# is one valid source or two.
my ($aLink);
if (defined($linkPPC)) {
$aLink = $linkPPC;
else {
$aLink = $linkX86;
if ($gVerbosity >= 3 || $gDryRun) {
print('ln -s '.
join(' ',argumentEscape($aLink, $fileTargetPath))."\n");
if (!$gDryRun && !symlink($aLink, $fileTargetPath)) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: symlink: '.$!.' for:',
return 1;
elsif($aSourceFile->lIsRegularFile()) {
my ($machPPC, $machX86);
if (!defined($filePPC) || !defined($fileX86)) {
# One of the source files isn't present. The right thing to do is
# to just copy what does exist straight over, so skip Mach-O checks.
$machPPC = 0;
$machX86 = 0;
else {
if (!defined($machPPC=$filePPC->isMachO())) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: isFileMachO ppc failed for:',
if (!defined($machX86=$fileX86->isMachO())) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: isFileMachO x86 failed for:',
if ($machPPC != $machX86) {
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: variant Mach-O attributes:',
if ($machPPC) {
# makeUniversalFile will print an error if it fails.
return makeUniversalFile($filePPC, $fileX86, $fileTargetPath);
# Regular file. copyIfIdentical will print an error if it fails.
return copyIfIdentical($filePPC, $fileX86, $fileTargetPath);
# Special file, don't know how to handle.
return complain(1, 'makeUniversal: cannot handle special file:',
# usage()
# Give the user a hand.
sub usage() {
print STDERR (
"usage: unify <ppc-path> <x86-path> <universal-path>\n".
" [--dry-run] (print what would be done)\n".
" [--only-one <action>] (skip, copy, fail; default=copy)\n".
" [--verbosity <level>] (0, 1, 2, 3; default=2)\n");
# readZipCRCs($zipFile)
# $zipFile is the pathname to a zip file whose directory will be read.
# A reference to a hash is returned, with the member pathnames from the
# zip file as keys, and reasonably unique identifiers as values. The
# format of the values is not specified exactly, but does include the
# member CRCs and sizes and differentiates between files and directories.
# It specifically does not distinguish between modification times. On
# failure, prints a message and returns undef.
sub readZipCRCs($) {
my ($zipFile);
($zipFile) = @_;
my ($ze, $zip);
$zip = Archive::Zip->new();
if (($ze = $zip->read($zipFile)) != AZ_OK) {
complain(1, 'readZipCRCs: read error '.$ze.' for:',
return undef;
my ($member, %memberCRCs, @memberList);
%memberCRCs = ();
@memberList = $zip->members();
foreach $member (@memberList) {
# Take a few of the attributes that identify the file and stuff them into
# the members hash. Directories will show up with size 0 and crc32 0,
# so isDirectory() is used to distinguish them from empty files.
$memberCRCs{$member->fileName()} = join(',', $member->isDirectory() ? 1 : 0,
return {%memberCRCs};
# FileAttrCache allows various attributes about a file to be cached
# so that if they are needed again after first use, no system calls
# will be made and the program won't need to hit the disk.
package FileAttrCache;
use Fcntl(':DEFAULT', ':mode');
# FileAttrCache->new($path)
# Creates a new FileAttrCache object for the file at path $path and
# returns it. The cache is not primed at creation time, values are
# fetched lazily as they are needed.
sub new($$) {
my ($class, $path, $proto, $this);
($proto, $path) = @_;
if (!($class = ref($proto))) {
$class = $proto;
$this = {
'path' => $path,
'lstat' => undef,
'lstatErrno' => 0,
'lstatInit' => 0,
'magic' => undef,
'magicErrno' => 0,
'magicErrMsg' => undef,
'magicInit' => 0,
'stat' => undef,
'statErrno' => 0,
'statInit' => 0,
bless($this, $class);
# $FileAttrCache->isFat()
# Returns true if the file is a fat Mach-O file, false if it's not, and
# undef if an error occurs. See /usr/include/mach-o/fat.h.
sub isFat($) {
my ($magic, $this);
($this) = @_;
# magic() caches, there's no separate cache because isFat() doesn't hit
# the disk other than by calling magic().
if (!defined($magic = $this->magic())) {
return undef;
if ($magic == 0xcafebabe) {
return 1;
return 0;
# $FileAttrCache->isMachO()
# Returns true if the file is a Mach-O image (including a fat file), false
# if it's not, and undef if an error occurs. See
# /usr/include/mach-o/loader.h and /usr/include/mach-o/fat.h.
sub isMachO($) {
my ($magic, $this);
($this) = @_;
# magic() caches, there's no separate cache because isMachO() doesn't hit
# the disk other than by calling magic().
if (!defined($magic = $this->magic())) {
return undef;
# Accept Mach-O fat files or Mach-O thin files of either endianness.
if ($magic == 0xfeedface ||
$magic == 0xcefaedfe ||
$magic == 0xcafebabe) {
return 1;
return 0;
# $FileAttrCache->isZip()
# Returns true if the file is a zip file, false if it's not, and undef if
# an error occurs. See .
sub isZip($) {
my ($magic, $this);
($this) = @_;
# magic() caches, there's no separate cache because isFat() doesn't hit
# the disk other than by calling magic().
if (!defined($magic = $this->magic())) {
return undef;
if ($magic == 0x504b0304) {
return 1;
return 0;
# $FileAttrCache->lIsExecutable()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->lstat(), returning true if the file is has any,
# execute bit set, false if none are set, or undef if an error occurs.
# On error, $! is set to lstat's errno.
sub lIsExecutable($) {
my ($mode, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!defined($mode = $this->lstatMode())) {
return undef;
return $mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH);
# $FileAttrCache->lIsDir()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->lstat(), returning true if the file is a directory,
# false if it isn't, or undef if an error occurs. Because lstat is used,
# this will return false even if the file is a symlink pointing to a
# directory. On error, $! is set to lstat's errno.
sub lIsDir($) {
my ($type, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!defined($type = $this->lstatType())) {
return undef;
return S_ISDIR($type);
# $FileAttrCache->lIsRegularFile()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->lstat(), returning true if the file is a regular,
# file, false if it isn't, or undef if an error occurs. Because lstat is
# used, this will return false even if the file is a symlink pointing to a
# regular file. On error, $! is set to lstat's errno.
sub lIsRegularFile($) {
my ($type, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!defined($type = $this->lstatType())) {
return undef;
return S_ISREG($type);
# $FileAttrCache->lIsSymLink()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->lstat(), returning true if the file is a symbolic,
# link, false if it isn't, or undef if an error occurs. On error, $! is
# set to lstat's errno.
sub lIsSymLink($) {
my ($type, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!defined($type = $this->lstatType())) {
return undef;
return S_ISLNK($type);
# $FileAttrCache->lstat()
# Wraps the lstat system call, providing a cache to speed up multiple
# lstat calls for the same file. See lstat(2) and lstat in perlfunc(1).
sub lstat($) {
my (@stat, $this);
($this) = @_;
# Use the cached lstat result.
if ($$this{'lstatInit'}) {
if (defined($$this{'lstatErrno'})) {
$! = $$this{'lstatErrno'};
return @{$$this{'lstat'}};
$$this{'lstatInit'} = 1;
if (!(@stat = CORE::lstat($$this{'path'}))) {
$$this{'lstatErrno'} = $!;
$$this{'lstat'} = [@stat];
return @stat;
# $FileAttrCache->lstatMode()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->lstat(), returning the mode bits from the st_mode
# field, or undef if an error occurs. On error, $! is set to lstat's
# errno.
sub lstatMode($) {
my (@stat, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!(@stat = $this->lstat())) {
return undef;
return S_IMODE($stat[2]);
# $FileAttrCache->lstatType()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->lstat(), returning the type bits from the st_mode
# field, or undef if an error occurs. On error, $! is set to lstat's
# errno.
sub lstatType($) {
my (@stat, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!(@stat = $this->lstat())) {
return undef;
return S_IFMT($stat[2]);
# $FileAttrCache->magic()
# Returns the "magic number" for the file by reading its first four bytes
# as a big-endian unsigned 32-bit integer and returning the result. If an
# error occurs, returns undef and prints diagnostic messages to stderr. If
# the file is shorter than 32 bits, returns -1. A cache is provided to
# speed multiple magic calls for the same file.
sub magic($) {
my ($this);
($this) = @_;
# Use the cached magic result.
if ($$this{'magicInit'}) {
if (defined($$this{'magicErrno'})) {
if (defined($$this{'magicErrMsg'})) {
complain(1, 'FileAttrCache::magic: '.$$this{'magicErrMsg'}.' for:',
$! = $$this{'magicErrno'};
return $$this{'magic'};
$$this{'magicInit'} = 1;
my ($fh);
if (!sysopen($fh, $$this{'path'}, O_RDONLY)) {
$$this{'magicErrno'} = $!;
$$this{'magicErrMsg'} = 'open "'.$$this{'path'}.'": '.$!;
complain(1, 'FileAttrCache::magic: '.$$this{'magicErrMsg'}.' for:',
return undef;
$! = 0;
my ($bytes, $magic);
if (!defined($bytes = sysread($fh, $magic, 4))) {
$$this{'magicErrno'} = $!;
$$this{'magicErrMsg'} = 'read "'.$$this{'path'}.'": '.$!;
complain(1, 'FileAttrCache::magic: '.$$this{'magicErrMsg'}.' for:',
return undef;
if ($bytes != 4) {
# The file is too short, didn't read a magic number. This isn't really
# an error. Return an unlikely value.
$$this{'magic'} = -1;
return -1;
$$this{'magic'} = unpack('N', $magic);
return $$this{'magic'};
# $FileAttrCache->path()
# Returns the file's pathname.
sub path($) {
my ($this);
($this) = @_;
return $$this{'path'};
# $FileAttrCache->stat()
# Wraps the stat system call, providing a cache to speed up multiple
# stat calls for the same file. If lstat() has already been called and
# the file is not a symbolic link, the cached lstat() result will be used.
# See stat(2) and lstat in perlfunc(1).
sub stat($) {
my (@stat, $this);
($this) = @_;
# Use the cached stat result.
if ($$this{'statInit'}) {
if (defined($$this{'statErrno'})) {
$! = $$this{'statErrno'};
return @{$$this{'stat'}};
$$this{'statInit'} = 1;
# If lstat has already been called, and the file isn't a symbolic link,
# use the cached lstat result.
if ($$this{'lstatInit'} && !$$this{'lstatErrno'} &&
!S_ISLNK(${$$this{'lstat'}}[2])) {
$$this{'stat'} = $$this{'lstat'};
return @{$$this{'stat'}};
if (!(@stat = CORE::stat($$this{'path'}))) {
$$this{'statErrno'} = $!;
$$this{'stat'} = [@stat];
return @stat;
# $FileAttrCache->statSize()
# Wraps $FileAttrCache->stat(), returning the st_size field, or undef
# undef if an error occurs. On error, $! is set to stat's errno.
sub statSize($) {
my (@stat, $this);
($this) = @_;
if (!(@stat = $this->lstat())) {
return undef;
return $stat[7];