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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Mozilla graph tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Apple Computer, Inc.
# Portions created by Apple Computer, Inc. are Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Apple Computer, Inc.
# Chris McAfee <>, <>
# CGI to interactively build up a machine/test matrix to compare performance graphs.
# URLs can be saved off to static pages, and you can also alter queries easily
# to compare a machine with another machine not in the default query, likewise for tests.
# To-do: convert this to use the standard CGI package, the one you
# get from CPAN.
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # CPAN
use CGI::Request; #
my $req = new CGI::Request;
my $TBOXES = lc($req->param('tboxes'));
my $TESTS = $req->param('tests');
my %englishTestnames = (); # English for testnames.
my %machineConfigs = (); # Machine configs.
# Pick a default 2 machines, our main performance machine.
unless($TBOXES) {
# hmm not sure we want a default here, start with nothing?
#$TBOXES = "machine1, machine2";
} else {
# Convert spaces to , list. This will let the user type in
# space-delimited list in the text field.
$TBOXES =~ s/\ /,/g;
# Reduce multiple , to one ,
$TBOXES =~ s/,+/,/g;
# Pick a default test.
unless($TESTS) {
# hmm don't do this right now.
#$TESTS = "sample_test_name";
} else {
# Strip \n, change to space, we clean up spaces below.
$TESTS =~ s/\xd/\ /g;
# Last character should not be " ".
$TESTS =~ s/\ $//g;
# Strip LF
$TESTS =~ s/\xa//g;
# Convert spaces to , list. This will let the user type in
# space-delimited list in the text field.
$TESTS =~ s/\ /,/g;
# Reduce multiple ,, to one ,
$TESTS =~ s/,+/,/g;
sub getMachineOptionValues {
# assume we just want a list of machines from the first test,
# the plasma test. if you don't do this test, you lose.
# To-do: Fix this dependency. The way the data in the db directory is
# db/testnames/machine-names
# We could walk this directory to get a list of machines instead.
# Or, at data-collection time, start maintaining a list of machine names.
# Get plasma machines.
my @rawFiles;
my @files;
print "<!-- getMachineOptionValues -->\n";
opendir(DIRNAME, "db/a-common-test-here") || die "can't open directory $!";
@rawFiles = map("$_", sort grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIRNAME);
# Yank _avg from @files
foreach(@rawFiles) {
unless(/_avg$/) {
push(@files, $_);
# Add option entries for each plasma machine.
foreach(@files) {
print "<option value=$_>$_</option>\n";
# Provide an English-to-testname mapping if the testnames
# are too long, or you want to clean the name up.
sub loadEnglishTestnames {
$englishTestnames{"testname01_as_cgi_submitted"} =
"<b>Nicer test01 name</b>";
# Store up some machine configs. These are displayed as
# mouse-overs on the machine column header.
sub loadMachineConfigs {
$machineConfigs{""} = "2x1.8GHz G5, 1GB";
# Lookup English name, fall back to submitted name.
sub getEnglishTestname {
my ($testname) = @_;
my $englishTestname = $englishTestnames{$testname};
# If we don't have a better name, fallback to basic version.
if($englishTestname eq "") {
$englishTestname = $testname;
# Try to reduce horizontal space here.
$englishTestname =~ s/\./\.\<br\>/g;
return $englishTestname;
# Lookup machine config, do nothing if not found.
# This is used for mouse-over title tags on the machine column.
sub getMachineConfig {
my ($machineName) = @_;
my $machineConfig = $machineConfigs{$machineName};
my $rv = "";
# If we don't have a hit, return nothing.
unless($machineConfig eq "") {
$rv = "title=\"$machineConfig\"";
return $rv;
# Get a list of tests.
sub getTestOptionValues {
my @rawFiles;
my @files;
print "<!-- getTestOptionValues -->\n";
opendir(DIRNAME, "db") || die "can't open directory $!";
@rawFiles = map("$_", sort grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIRNAME);
foreach(@rawFiles) {
unless(/_avg$/) {
push(@files, $_);
# Add option entries for each test.
foreach(@files) {
print "<option value=$_>$_</option>\n";
# Title, machine names form. First row of table.
sub printLeader {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<HTML>\n";
print "<head>\n";
print "<title>Compare graphs for $TBOXES</title><br>\n";
print "</head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "<table width=\"\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td width=\"\"><img src=\"\"></td>\n";
print "<td valign=\"\"><b><font size=\"+2\">Compare Graphs</font></b></td>\n";
print "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
print "<td width=\"\" valign=\"\" align=\"right\"><img src=\"images/up.jpg\"></td>\n";
print "<td width=\"\">= good if data moves up,</td>\n";
print "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
print "<td width=\"\"><img src=\"images/down.jpg\"></td>\n";
print "<td>= good if data moves down</td>\n";
print "</tr><br>\n";
print "</table>\n";
print "<br>\n";
print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n";
print "function addToTextfield(select, textfield) {\n";
##print " alert(select.value);\n"; # Testing.
print " if(select.value != \"\") {\n";
print " if(textfield.value != \"\") {\n";
print " textfield.value += \", \"\n";
print " }\n";
print " textfield.value += select.value;\n";
print " }\n";
print "}\n";
print "</script>\n";
print "<table>\n";
# First row, machines
print "<form method=\"get\" action=\"compare-graphs.cgi\">\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td align=\"right\">machines:</td>\n";
print "<td>\n";
print "<input type=text value=\"$TBOXES\" name=\"tboxes\" size=82>\n";
#print "<input type=hidden name=\"tests\" value=\"$TESTS\">";
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td></td>\n";
print "<td>\n";
print "<select class=\"menu\" id=\"machineSelect\" onChange=\"addToTextfield(this.form.machineSelect, this.form.tboxes)\">\n";
# Dummy label, no value.
print "<option value=\"\"\">Add a machine</option>\n";
print "</select>\n";
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
# Dummy row.
print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
# 2nd row, tests.
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td align=\"right\">tests:</td>\n";
print "<td>\n";
print "<textarea name=\"tests\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"80\">\n";
print "$TESTS";
print "</textarea>\n";
#print "<input type=hidden name=\"tboxes\" value=\"$TBOXES\">";
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td></td>\n";
print "<td>\n";
print "<select class=\"menu\" id=\"testSelect\" onChange=\"addToTextfield(this.form.testSelect, this.form.tests)\">\n";
# Dummy label, no value.
print "<option value=\"\"\">Add a test</option>\n";
print "</select>\n";
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td></td>\n";
print "<td>\n";
print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"show graphs\">\n";
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "</form>\n";
print "</table>\n";
print "<br>\n";
# Start the graphs table.
print "<a name=\"graphs\">\n";
print "<table border=1 cellspacing=0>\n";
sub createGraphLink {
my ($testname, $machineName) = @_;
my $link = "<a href=\"http://localhost/query.cgi?tbox=$machineName&testname=$testname&autoscale=&size=&days=14&units=&ltype=&points=1=&avg=1&showpoint=\"><img src=\"http://localhost/graph.cgi?tbox=$machineName&testname=$testname&autoscale=&size=0.5&notitle=1&nolabel=1&days=14&units=&ltype=&points=1=&avg=1&showpoint=\"></a>";
return $link;
# Fill out table, for each test, show graph for each machine in order.
sub printGraphs {
my @machines = split(",", $TBOXES);
my @tests = split(",", $TESTS);
# TOC row
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td><b>Test name</b></td>\n";
# TOC content
foreach(@machines) {
my $machine = $_;
$machine =~ s/_.*$//g;
my $config = getMachineConfig($machine);
if($config eq "") {
print "<td>$_</td>\n";
} else {
print "<td><a $config>$_</a></td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
# loop over tests.
foreach(@tests) {
my $test = $_;
# For each test, print out the machine row.
print "<tr>\n";
# First print the LHS column.
print "<td>\n";
print getEnglishTestname($test);
print "</td>\n";
# Now the machines.
foreach(@machines) {
my $machine = $_;
print "<td>\n";
print createGraphLink($test, $machine);
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
# Finish.
sub printTrailer {
# End the table.
print "</table>\n";
# main
print "</body>\n";