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Carolina Tejada 2017-07-30 18:12:50 -05:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 978b21620b
Коммит f5411c40a0
100 изменённых файлов: 4806 добавлений и 0 удалений

club_guides/Gruntfile.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
'use strict';
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( 'package.json' ),
less: {
development: {
options: {
paths: [ 'assets/css' ],
compress: true,
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapBasepath: '/',
sourceMapRootpath: '/'
files: {
'assets/css/style.css': 'assets/less/style.less'
dist: {
options: {
paths: [ 'assets/css' ],
compress: true
files: {
'dist/css/style.css': 'assets/less/style.less'
copy: {
dist: {
files: [
{expand: true, src: ['assets/img/**'], dest: 'dist/img/'}
autoprefixer: {
main: {
browsers: [ 'last 2 versions' ],
expand: true,
flatten: true,
map: true,
src: 'assets/css/*.css',
dest: 'assets/css'
// running `grunt watch` will watch for changes
watch: {
files: [ 'assets/less/*.less' ],
tasks: [ 'less:development', 'autoprefixer' ]
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 1111,
useAvailablePort: true
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-less' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-connect' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-autoprefixer' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-watch' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-copy' );
grunt.registerTask( 'default', [ 'less:development', 'autoprefixer', 'connect', 'watch' ] );
grunt.registerTask( 'build', [ 'less:dist', 'copy:dist', 'autoprefixer' ] );

club_guides/LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
1. Definitions
1.1. “Contributor”
means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
creation of, or owns Covered Software.
1.2. “Contributor Version”
means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
Contributor and that particular Contributors Contribution.
1.3. “Contribution”
means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
1.4. “Covered Software”
means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
1.5. “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”
a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of version
1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of a
Secondary License.
1.6. “Executable Form”
means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
1.7. “Larger Work”
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a separate
file or files, that is not Covered Software.
1.8. “License”
means this document.
1.9. “Licensable”
means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the
time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the rights conveyed by
this License.
1.10. “Modifications”
means any of the following:
a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, deletion
from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
1.11. “Patent Claims” of a Contributor
means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, process,
and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such Contributor that
would be infringed, but for the grant of the License, by the making,
using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import, or transfer of
either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
1.12. “Secondary License”
means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public
License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
1.13. “Source Code Form”
means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
1.14. “You” (or “Your”)
means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
License. For legal entities, “You” includes any entity that controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this
definition, “control” means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants and Conditions
2.1. Grants
Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license:
a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or as
part of a Larger Work; and
b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for
sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its Contributions
or its Contributor Version.
2.2. Effective Date
The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution become
effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first distributes
such Contribution.
2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under this
License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the distribution
or licensing of Covered Software under this License. Notwithstanding Section
2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a Contributor:
a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third partys
modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
Version); or
c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of its
This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or
logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with the
notice requirements in Section 3.4).
2.4. Subsequent Licenses
No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this License
(see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if permitted
under the terms of Section 3.3).
2.5. Representation
Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its Contributions
are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to grant the
rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
2.6. Fair Use
This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under applicable
copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other equivalents.
2.7. Conditions
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
Section 2.1.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. Distribution of Source Form
All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under the
terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source Code Form
of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this License, and how
they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not attempt to alter or
restrict the recipients rights in the Source Code Form.
3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form,
as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the
Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by
reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost
of distribution to the recipient; and
b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this License,
or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the license for
the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the recipients
rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for the
Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered Software
with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the Covered
Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this License permits
You to additionally distribute such Covered Software under the terms of
such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of the Larger Work may, at
their option, further distribute the Covered Software under the terms of
either this License or such Secondary License(s).
3.4. Notices
You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices (including
copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or limitations
of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the Covered
Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the extent
required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
3.5. Application of Additional Terms
You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf
of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any such
warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by You
alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute, judicial
order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of this License
to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the limitations and the code
they affect. Such description must be placed in a text file included with all
distributions of the Covered Software under this License. Except to the
extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
understand it.
5. Termination
5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant,
then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor
are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor
explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing basis,
if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by some
reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into compliance.
Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are reinstated on an
ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the non-compliance by
some reasonable means, this is the first time You have received notice of
non-compliance with this License from such Contributor, and You become
compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt of the notice.
5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, counter-claims,
and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version directly or
indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to You by any and
all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section 2.1 of this License
shall terminate.
5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
termination shall survive termination.
6. Disclaimer of Warranty
Covered Software is provided under this License on an “as is” basis, without
warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free of defects,
merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire
risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You.
Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You (not any
Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or
correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this
License. No use of any Covered Software is authorized under this License
except under this disclaimer.
7. Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been
informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability
shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from such
partys negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not apply to You.
8. Litigation
Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts of
a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of business
and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that jurisdiction, without
reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing in this Section shall
prevent a partys ability to bring cross-claims or counter-claims.
9. Miscellaneous
This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject matter
hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a
contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not be used to construe
this License against a Contributor.
10. Versions of the License
10.1. New Versions
Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
distinguishing version number.
10.2. Effect of New Versions
You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version of
the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, or
under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
create a new license for such software, you may create and use a modified
version of this License if you rename the license and remove any
references to the name of the license steward (except to note that such
modified license differs from this License).
10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary Licenses
If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
This Source Code Form is subject to the
terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.
2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at
If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, then
You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a relevant
directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a notice.
You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses” Notice
This Source Code Form is “Incompatible
With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by
the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Mixing Your Afterschool Program & Your Mozilla Club
Mozilla Clubs offer an opportunity to regularly bring digital literacy skills into an afterschool environment and participate in a global community of teachers and learners. Afterschool programs are the ideal setting for educators and participants to teach and learn digital literacy skills by adapting Mozilla Club curriculum. Any afterschool provider interested in learning web literacy skills to help facilitate positive experiences in their programs, and create new and innovative hands-on activities can lead the effort.
Mozilla Club curriculum can be incorporated into existing programming over a month, a 6-8 week period or a weeklong summer camp module, or during professional development days.
There are many benefits of mixing your afterschool program with Mozilla Club:
* Connect with hands-on learning activities where afterschool educators and participants learn how to read, write, and participate on the Web, teach others, and learn together.
* Empower afterschool educators with professional development opportunities that will continually bring them up to speed on the latest web literacy skills.
* Combine these Web Literacy skills with current and new projects that are on and off-line.
* Strengthen your afterschool program by teaching core web literacy skills to students that will enhance in-school learning and STEM skillset.
* Participate in global campaigns such as Data Privacy Day, International Womens Day, Maker Party etc.
## Activity Ideas
At your next staff meeting, share the [Mozilla Clubs activities]( and determine how to adapt the activities to your afterschool program. The [Web Literacy Basics module](, which is comprised of six activities, each approximately 45 minutes in length are a great way to start and is easily adaptable for many age groups. Participants can try these activities together, and a takeaway assignment could be to teach to their parents or other adults in their lives as part of a project.
There are lots of activities, both online and offline at []( Here are a few suggestions to make the most of your afterschool program/Mozilla Club mix:
* Personal Presentation Icebreakers: Sit in a circle and...
* When was the first time you remember using the web?
* What is one thing you would love to learn about the web?
* What challenges do you face when it comes to digital use and learning?
* Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions: Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall. Facilitate discussion afterwards.
* Prompt Ideas:
* If you had to describe the web in one word, what would it be? Why?
* If you were to connect the web with something you are passionate about, what would it be? (Then discuss as a group how you can do this.)
* Lo-Fi, No-Fi Activities: It encourages teamwork, provides opportunity for great discussion, and can surface opportunities to build a stronger sense of community within your group dynamic. These can be especially fun when hosting a larger event that includes outside community members.
* []( offers many “unplugged” activities for those with no prior programming experience.
* []( offers 19 activities in this [lo-fi, no-fi teaching kit](
* Group Hack/Remix Challenges: When you do have connectivity, give these a try. Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, pair your participants into teams to work together to achieve a goal. Add a bit of playful competition between teams by adding time restrictions, small prizes, or bragging rights.
* [Thimble]( - [Interactive Postcard Remix](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* [X-Ray Goggles]( - [Hack the News activity](
## Resources
Want even more ideas and tools for mixing your Mozilla Club and afterschool program? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [Teach Like Mozilla - Our Values](
* [Discourse Community Forum](
* [Hive NYC training program for educators]( and educator ideas for running activities in the school in [this outcomes blogpost](
## Contact
* Email Mozillas Club expert Amira Dhalla ( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs
* Tweet us anytime [@MozTeach]( or using [#teachtheweb or #MozillaClubs](
* Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us!](

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#This is the title of this article
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor risus ut neque aliquet, ac lacinia est placerat. Phasellus eget nisi ligula. Nulla eleifend efficitur mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam sit amet lacus metus. Praesent sit amet velit nisl. Quisque mattis, ex non consequat scelerisque, lacus mauris pharetra nunc, nec consequat magna felis eu elit. Integer a consequat leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
##This is a heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor risus ut neque aliquet, ac lacinia est placerat. Phasellus eget nisi ligula. Nulla eleifend efficitur mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam sit amet lacus metus. Praesent sit amet velit nisl. Quisque mattis, ex non consequat scelerisque, lacus mauris pharetra nunc, nec consequat magna felis eu elit. Integer a consequat leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
###This is sub-heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor risus ut neque aliquet, ac lacinia est placerat. Phasellus eget nisi ligula. Nulla eleifend efficitur mattis.
1. This is a bullet point in a numbered list
2. This is a bullet point in a numbered list
3. This is a bullet point in a numbered list
###This is another sub heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor risus ut neque aliquet, ac lacinia est placerat. Phasellus eget nisi ligula. Nulla eleifend efficitur mattis.
* [This is a link](
* [This is another link](
##Another heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor risus ut neque aliquet, ac lacinia est placerat. Phasellus eget nisi ligula. Nulla eleifend efficitur mattis.
## And one last one
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor risus ut neque aliquet, ac lacinia est placerat. Phasellus eget nisi ligula. Nulla eleifend efficitur mattis.

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"author": "@fuzzyfox",
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"makerstrap": "mozilla/makerstrap#~0.1.8"
"ignore": [

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# Branding Guidelines
Mozilla grants you a limited license to use the Mozilla Clubs branding in accordance with the following policy. You agree at all times to maintain the spirit of these guidelines within the particular laws of your jurisdiction.
## Name of Club
(1) **Club name**. You may, but are not required to, use the name “Mozilla Clubs” in your clubs name. Further identify your club by your location, region, group or interests. Here are the names of some current clubs: Mozilla Club Rio, Mozilla Club Jahangirnagar University, Cikarang Mozilla Club, Mozilla Club for the Chicago Librarians.
(2) **Club references**. Your use of “Mozilla Club” to refer to your Club must always be in combination with the location, region, group, or interest you are using to identify your club. (For clarity, you may nonetheless state that your club is “a Mozilla Club,” without the additional identifiers.)
- Join our Mozilla Club Rio! We are a Mozilla Club in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- This is the website for the Mozilla Club for the Chicago Librarians.
- Join Mozilla Clubs!
- This is the website for Mozilla Rio.
- Welcome to the Mozilla Rio Club.
## Club Logo
(3) **Logo**. We welcome you to [use this template to create a logo]( or use [this file]( that incorporates the “Mozilla Clubs” wordmark. Standalone uses of the “Mozilla” and “Mozilla Clubs” wordmarks are limited to what is permitted under the [Mozilla Trademark Policy]( our [brand principles]( These guidelines do not give you additional permissions to use those or other Mozilla logos such as the Firefox logo.
### Thypography
Zilla is our core brand identity display typeface. We use it for our wordmark, for headlines and throughout our design. Zilla is an open source font and is available to [download](
### Color palette
Mozillas main brand colors are black and white. This illustrates our gutsy personality and provides a bold aesthetic to our brand. And our secondary palette is made up of 9 colors — 6 pastels and 3 neons. These colors are used interchangeably to provide contrast and brightness to our bold black and white main color scheme. See palette [here](
### Some images
Find some inspiration in our [gallery](
## Club Website
(4) **Domain names**. You may use the name of your club, which may include the Mozilla name, in the domain name for any website you create for your club. For any other uses of the Mozilla name in your domain name, please file an [application for a license to use a domain name related to a Mozilla trademark](
(5) **Websites**. The front page of your website (above the fold) must inform users that “[CLUB NAME] is part of the network of Mozilla Clubs inspired by the [Mozilla Learning Network](” At the top of the site's main page, it should be stated clearly and explicitly that this is a community site, maintained by a group of volunteers.
## Use of club name in legal registrations, entities, and fundraising
(6) **Registration**. To the extent your club name or logo incorporates any Mozilla marks, you may not register them as trademarks, service marks, certification marks or other designation, or claim any trademark-related rights therein under the laws of any jurisdiction.
(7) **Legal entity**. If you are establishing a new legal entity in connection with your club, you may not use the Mozilla or Mozilla Clubs name or branding in any way in your entitys legal name or to identify your entity. For example, you will not register any corporate name or trade name that violates Mozillas rights in the marks.
(8) **Fundraising**. You may not make any donation requests for your club in Mozilla's name. If you engage in fundraising activities or solicitations for in-kind support, you must be clear that those requests are not endorsed by Mozilla, that you are not officially affiliated with Mozilla and that any donations will not be received by Mozilla.
## Club focus; change in purpose or termination
(9) **Mission and Termination of club**. Your club must align with the [goals and structure of Mozilla Clubs]( and the Mozilla Clubs Network. If at any time you should change the focus of your club, or stop running your club altogether, you must also stop any and all uses of the Mozilla brand related to Mozilla Clubs, including Mozilla and Mozilla Clubs marks in your logo; your domain name, which you may not use for other purposes; and any materials on your website or elsewhere that suggest an association with Mozilla Clubs, except as may be otherwise permitted in the [Mozilla Trademark Policy]( You are, however, permitted to retain Mozilla branding that is compliant with these guidelines on any archived materials from your club that you may wish to maintain, including the domain name if you continue to host an archived site.
(10) **Other than as permitted here, you may not**:
* Alter our trademarks and logos in any way.
* Combine our trademarks and logos with your own or any other logos, trademarks, or designs.
* Place a logo in such close proximity to other content that it is indistinguishable.
* Make our logo the most distinctive or prominent feature on your web page, printed material, or other content.
* Use our trademarks and logos in a way that is harmful, deceptive, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to the average person.
* Use our trademarks and logos on websites or other places containing content associated with hate speech, pornography, gambling, or illegal activities.
* Use our trademarks and logos to, or in connection with, content that disparages us or sullies our reputation.
Mozilla reserves the right to rescind a Clubs permission to call itself a Mozilla Club at any time at its discretion

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<h1>Mozilla Clubs: How to use Central Station</h1>
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<li class="active"><a href="#what">What it is</a></li>
<li><a href="#when">When to use it</a></li>
<li><a href="#how">How to use it</a></li>
<li><a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
<div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-2">
<h2 id="what">What is Central Station?</h2>
Central Station is a shared document to record and coordinate how we serve Club Captains.
<h2 id="when">When to use it</h2>
There are three main reasons to use Central Station:
<li><b>Adding Club Captains you recruited.</b></li>
<li><b>Updating the status of Club Captains you serve.</b></li>
<li><b>Reviewing new Club Captains assigned to you.</b></li>
You might also look at Central Station to see what other Regional Coordinators are doing, how many Mozilla Clubs there are, and to just get an overview of the activity level of the program.
In the future, we hope to have public-facing dashboards for much of this information. In the meantime, we are building and learning what tools we need. If you have feedback or feature requests, let your Staff Organizer know!
<h2 id="how">How to use it</h2>
<h3>Getting access</h3>
Only Regional Coordinators and Staff Organizers have access to Central Station. If you are in one of those roles and need access, please email teachtheweb [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org.
<h3>Overview Tab</h3>
The first tab in Central Station gives you an overview of all the Mozilla Club activity. It dynamically updates, so changes you make on your personal tab will update the sums here.
<b>In general, there is nothing you need to edit on this tab.</b>
<img src="assets/img/centralstation-overview.png" width="100%">
<h3>Your Personal Tab</h3>
As a Regional Coordinator, you will have a tab with your name on it. <b>This is your own tab to edit and use to assist you in your role. Please update it every two weeks.</b>
You'll use this tab to:
<li><b>Add Club Captains you recruited.</b> Each Regional Coordinator is suggested to serve a minumum of 5, maxiumum of 10 Club Captatins. There is space here for you to add the name, email, contact info, and geographic location of your Club Captains. The information included here is subject to <a href="">Mozilla's privacy policy,</a> so please familiarize yourself with that. </li>
<li><b>Update the status of Club Captains you serve.</b> As you recruit, on-board and support your Club Captains, you should their status in this tab, next to their name. The statuses are: <b>Interested, Pledged, Planning, Recruiting, Active, and Code Red.</b> An explanation of the critiera for each statuses is included in your tab, and your Staff Organizer can assist you if anything is unclear.</li>
<img src="assets/img/centralstation-personal.png" width="100%">
<h3>Unassigned Club Captains Tab</h3>
As a Regional Coordinator, it will also be important to on occassion check the "Unassigned Club Captains" tab. This tab includes people who have expressed interest in running a club. New clubs will be added at various intervals.
You'll use this tab to:
<li><b>Review new Club Captains assigned to you.</b> Your Staff Organizer will prompt you if there are new clubs who might be a good fit for you to support or to assist in vetting. Using this tab, you can learn more about those clubs and track whether you want to be assigned to them. Clubs you are already supporting may show up here as well, in which case you are confirming that they are yours.</li>
Next Steps:
<b>I. If a club you are already supporting is on the list,</b> add your name in the first column and copy the club's information over to your tab. Keep the original entry in this Unassigned tab, only striking out the entry so we know it's taken care of.
<b>II. If you want to pick up a new club from the list,</b> do the same as (I). We encourage each Regional Coordinator to support min. 5 / max. 10 clubs each. This is where you can find new clubs to vet and support.
<b>III. If the club is a not a good fit for the program,</b> as established through your introductory interview with them, change the status to "Denied" and then in the notes column, add your name and reasons for denying.
<b>IV. If you are not sure whether the club should be denied or just re-assigned or re-visited,</b> please contact your Staff Organizer to help.
<img src="assets/img/centralstation-unassigned.png" width="100%">
<h3>Organizers Tab</h3>
This tab is for your Staff Organizer to record their relationships with Regional Coordinators. It is designed to be transparent about who is supporting whom. It also includes a status section, so you and your Staff Organizer can better understand where you're at in being on-boarded and active in the role.
<h2 id="troubleshooeting">Troubleshooting</h2>
Don't be intimated! While this is a somewhat complex spreadsheet, it should hopefully become easy to use once you get familiar with it. In general, you only have to look at and edit your own tab. Your Staff Organizer will guide and support you if any actions are needed on other tabs or if you have questions.
If you think any information can be added to this tutorial to make it better, email us your idea at teachtheweb [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org.
And that's Central Station! Choo-choo!
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#Best Practices for Cross-Club Collaboration
This Mozilla Club guide was created by [Mozilla Clubs]( staff and Mozilla Club Captain Steven Van Sant ([Mozilla Club Omaha]( If you have an idea for a guide and/or would like to help author one of your own please [let us know](
This is a Mozilla Club guide about best practices for communicating and collaborating between clubs and club participants.
Thousands of people around the world participate in Mozilla Clubs as Regional Coordinators, Club Captains and learners. Take a look at our [interactive map]( to see the full list.
We encourage club leaders to engage with each other and leverage each other's expertise. There are several different channels and methods for club participants to connect. Each has its own benefits and challenges. We hope that the information outlined below helps everyone connect productively and successfully.
##Communication Channels
There are many ways to communicate on the web and each Mozilla Club utilizes their preferred method, which creates a dynamic and evolving landscape.
Since Mozilla Clubs are diverse its good to make sure you do some research before contacting other clubs. By doing this, you can avoid a variety of challenges such as:
1. Time Zone Conflicts (Be conscious of the varied time zones club leaders are in and be considerate when planning times to chat or message each other)
2. Language Barriers (Be sensitive to language barriers that may exist between club participants and exercise patience and clarity when communicating to people that do not speak your language)
3. Technology Barriers (Be aware that everyone has a different level of experience with technology and that may impact what they make, do or engage with in their club. It is best to leverage these differences and share knowledge in any way possible)
Its also equally important to remember a few basic practices:
1. Be clear about how you prefer to converse with someone and be specific with your inquiries so everyone is clear and knows how to contribute to the conversation.
2. Ask each other what platforms of communication are preferred (i.e. facebook, telegram, skype, google hangout, etc.)
3. Share your own knowledge of social networking and collaborating, remember we all have different experiences to draw from.
4. Always be respectful and aware of other people's needs.
5. Be flexible and understanding of time constraints and availability.
6. Plan your collaboration by listing the goals, tools, and other important information that will make your event successful.
Once youve researched and learned about the club you would like to contact figure out how you will introduce yourself and be clear about what club related activities you are reaching out for. It helps to point out something you find inspiring or exciting about their work. Possible reasons you may want to reach out to other clubs are:
* They are geographically close to you and you would like to collaborate.
* They are doing something you want to learn more about.
* You are looking for peer assistance.
* You want to give positive feedback about something they did.
* You have a clubs related question you think they can help answer.
##Collaborating with other Clubs
Many clubs benefit from collaboration by hearing new perspectives, getting peer assistance, receiving mentorship and more. They may collaborate in-person or virtually. They have the option to use whatever platform or format for collaboration that best suites their needs.
There are many important factors to think about when setting up and planning your cross-club collaboration event. Planning and setting up your spaces appropriately can become more time consuming than the actual collaboration event. As a general rule you can probably spend up to 4 hours or more planning a 1 hour collaboration event. Below are some helpful tools and tips to remember when planning your event.
Some common collaboration and communication tools are:
1. [Github]( is an open source collaboration tool that clubs use to share code, teaching resources, curriculum and more. **Example:** [Mozilla Clubs Github repository](
2. [Google Docs]( a free, web-based word processor offered by Google that clubs use to collaboratively edit documents and work on projects together. **Example:** [Spanish translation of Web Literacy Map](
3. [Mozilla Learning Forum]( is a free online discussion forum that clubs use to pitch ideas, get feedback on projects, share work and make announcements. **Example:** [Suggestions for new guides and resources](
4. [RedPen]( is a Web app to collaboratively comment on a file and clubs use it get feedback from each other. **Example:** [Re-design of Mozilla Clubs page](
5. [Slack]( is a real-time messaging, archiving and team building app that clubs use to collaborate on projects, across teams and with each other. **Example:** [Hive NYC Slack Channel](
6. [Facebook]( is a social networking web application that clubs utilize to chat, post events, share content, raise awareness, and grow their networks. **Example:** [Mozilla Clubs Cagliari Facebook Page](
7. [Twitter]( is a social network that clubs use to to start campaigns, share work, find resources and share their opinions. **Example:** [Mozilla Club Rio on Twitter](
8. [Skype]( is a digital voice calling application complete with video features that many clubs use to contact other clubs or club members.
9. [Telegram]( is a cloud-based instant messaging service and is used among club participants to communicate individually and/or in groups.
10. [Whats App]( is an instant messaging application for smartphones that clubs use to communicate with members and other clubs. **Example:** [Mozilla Clubs for women and girls in Nairobi]( share updates through a closed Whats app group
11. [Google Hangouts]( is a communication platform developed by Google and allows clubs to video chat, message, or voice chat digitally from a computer.
A collaborative environment is representative of a Mozilla Club and its ability to gain synergy as a group on the web, each of the above web apps and sites are all useful in some respect but you should be flexible when working with others. Your ability to change is often times the big factor on having successful collaborations.
Facebook is a great way to connect with fellow club members and here are some [tips]( about how to set up a page to use for your club.

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"category":"Starting your Club",
"title":"Be inclusive",
"title":"Teach open practices",
"title":"Encourage participants to collaborate",
"title":"Grow your community",
"category":"Customizing Your Club",
"title":"For an afterschool Program",
"title":"Mozilla Clubs em programa após a aula",
"title":"At a community gathering",
"title":"Mozilla Clubs em encontros na sua comunidade",
"title":"In a neighborhood with low connectivity",
"title":"Mozilla Clubs em bairros com baixa conectividade",
"title":"Within an existing program",
"title":"Ya tienes un programa? Integralo con Mozilla Clubs",
"title":"Mozilla Clubs em programa existente",
"title":"At a Library",
"category":"Managing Your Club",
"title":"Grow and retain your community",
"title":"Turn Club learners into leaders",
"title":"Introduce new topics",
"title":"Resources for Difficult Discussions",
"category":"Marketing your Club",
"title":"Follow brand guidelines",
"title":"Diretrizes de Marca",
"title":"Print a flyer",
"title":"Create a website",
"title":"Como criar um site",
"title":"Write a blogpost",
"title":"Leverage public relations",
"title":"Use social media",
"title":"Remix a Mozilla Clubs wordmark",
"category":"Throwing Events",
"title":"Document a Club event",
"title":"Create a safe and inclusive space",
"title":"Incorporate Design Thinking",
"title":"Be participatory and playful",
"category":"Tips for Club Captains",
"title":"Your first month as a Club Captain",
"title":"Seu primeiro mês como um Capitão de Clube",
"title":"Your first month as a Club Captain (without RC)",
"title":"Parental consent form for participants under 18",
"title":"Getting comfortable with public speaking",
"title":"Running a Web Literacy leaders training",
"category":"Tips for Regional Coordinators",
"title":"Regional Coordinator description",
"title":"Community calls for Regional Coordinators",
"title":"Running a Web Literacy leaders training",

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#Encouraging Collaborative Learning
**What is a collaborative project?**
In a collaborative project, all project members are involved in the design and making. Think about a centralized educational system as an example: when problems arise, we often see teachers blaming planners for making unrealistic, inapplicable policies, and planners blaming teachers for not doing what theyre supposed to.
In a collaborative project, the people who dream and plan also make and use. This allows for a very short feedback loop, and for a strong sense of responsibility and empowerment to make changes when needed.
**Why make a collaborative project?**
All structures of learning have their own value and limitations. Take these two, for example:
* In a lecture, we can get inspired by the unique knowledge or experience of a charismatic professor.
* In a participatory project, where the project designers offer us hands-on activities and include our feedback throughout, we can safely and actively engage a new area of learning.
Both approaches are based on knowledge transfer. This means that when the learning process starts, the leader has knowledge and skills that others dont, and as it progresses, learners acquire these skills and knowledge as their own.
A third structure of learning is a collaborative project and is a wonderful environment to stimulate collective intelligence and foster innovation. Collaborative learning is different from learning skills and ideas that already exist. As the project starts, participants bring different knowledge and skills to the table, and as the project matures, they discover and create ideas or products that didn't exist before in the group. The transfer of skills also happens as we interact to create together.
The collaborative approach also aims to reach project members wants and needs in the most efficient possible way. Some club communities may need more leisure, others more material resources, others basic literacy. This is a way of looking at learning that goes beyond skills, that takes all human needs into the core of the learning process, whether safety, food, or dialogue.
So if you feel that your club members want to be club makers, here are some guidelines and activities that can help you work as a collaborative team.
**What is needed for a collaborative project to happen?**
In our experience, the key to a sustainable collaborative project is a strong, empty center structure. “Empty center” means that the decision-making and responsibilities are neither centralized in a single person (a project manager or teacher, for example), nor decentralized (group leaders), instead, it is distributed to all project members.
With Mozilla Clubs, “structure” means that the people who join a Mozilla Club are not just left to improvise, they can see where and when to step in and have a sense of confidence that there are favorable conditions to make their ideas come true.
The empty center structure guaranties that power and responsibilities remain distributed, with multiple, temporary leaders spontaneously stepping up and stepping back at all stages of the project. Different project structures or the absence of formal structure often allow one or a few leaders to arise and centralize the project. More and more people are adopting successful empty center structures in different contexts, such as [Sociocracy](, [Art of Hosting](, Living systems theory, wikis, self-management, Occupy movements.
The following is a pathway suggestion for Mozilla Clubs inspired from the [Dragon Dreaming]( project design:
**A pathway for a collaborative structure**
This pathway is structured as a progression from Dreaming to Planning to Doing to Celebrating. It is designed to offer a balanced structure that allows creative space for the individual and collective, the rational and non-rational, the Club and its environment.
>Since most of our Club participants are RPGamers, we will also mention for each stage in the pathway a comparison with a step in a heros journey, such as the miraculous conception and birth, the call to adventure and supernatural aid, the challenges and transformation, and the return as a magical being. If you find that RPG culture is also strong in your Club, this might help you to build an inspiring narrative and setting for the process.
**Dreaming - the creative path from the individual to the collective vision**
If I work on your project, my creative energy may not be as entirely available as if I work on our project. If Im a volunteer on your project, I may not see myself as crucially important for the project to happen as if Im volunteering on our project.
We join a Mozilla Club because we are interested in developing digital skills and web literacy. With this commonality as a starting point, if we want all participants in the club to contribute their unique visions and skills to what were doing together, we need to make it clear that the collective is not just open to receiving suggestions, it is committed to shape the club according to its members dreams.
The dreaming stage of the project is when we connect to what makes our heart sing, without worrying if or how to make it happen. Many native people, such as the aborigines in Australia where Dragon Dreaming was created, or native Americans in Brazil, believe dreams contain a wisdom that needs to be shared with the community to guide our actions. The dreaming stage is when we express and share our inspiration as a collective.
>If this were a heros journey, that would be the heros miraculous conception and birth, and the initiation of the hero-child.
##Step 1 - Dream Circle
_Who?_ 3 to 12 people, willing to join regularly to participate in all stages of the project design at least for the next 6 months. Encourage children to participate.
_When?_ At the beginning of the collaborative project (the club may have had activities before) when enough people want to actively join as co-creators of the club.
_How long?_ 60-90 minutes
_Material needed?_ Flipchart and markers ; a talking stick/object (see below) ; adhesive tape ; a place where everybody can sit comfortably in a circle ; with a wall to stick several flipchart sheets.
Since few people are used to sharing their dreams, and often speak from a rational point of view, it is a good idea to set a comfortable atmosphere for dreaming with an initial fantasy story, or game.
The facilitator(s) of the dream circle will have chosen a generative question that connects to benefits that make it worthwhile to commit for the next 6 months.
In a community where people have little time available, this might be:
>“What would this club have to be like so that afterwards you can say, you could not have spent your time in any better way?“
In a community where people are not used that their dreams are heard and taken seriously, this might be:
>“What do you dream for this club, so that you can say it is truly yours?”
In a community where people lack a sense of achievement, this might be:
>“What dreams would make you deeply proud of being a member of this club if they came true?”
To start the circle, this question is written on the flipchart. The talking stick, a chosen object that allows only the person holding it to speak, is at the center of the circle. The first person who has a dream in mind takes the talking stick, says their dream, and passes the stick to the person to their left.
During the circle activity:
* Anyone can skip their turn by just passing the stick to the person on their left, as the stick can be passed around as many times as necessary.
* Each dream should be a short phrase, no need to explain the reasons why this is your dream.
* Each dream should be a positive sentence, to focus on what the club will be like, instead of what it will not be like.
* Each person can say only one dream per turn.
* Since the stick can be passed around as many times as necessary, everyone can say as many dreams as they wish throughout the activity.
* There is no need to repeat a dream that was already said.
* We dont need to know if the dream is possible (were not planning or listing goals), we need to know its not impossible (we will try to make all dreams come true).
* Each dream is written on the flipchart with the dreamers name.
The dream circle ends when the talking stick has been passed around the entire group and no-one has contributed a new dream. Then, one of the group members with a taste for drama or performing reads out loud all the dreams in the past tense, in a tone of accomplishment (hey, this is meant to be fun), using “we” instead of the dreamers names. For example, if the dreams were...
* “Hélène: include more girls and women
* André: play with robotics
* Luigui: expand to other cities
...the reading will go…
>“After 6 months of meeting with our club, we have included more girls and women! We have played robotics! We have expanded to other cities!”.
Ask people how it felt to tell their dreams and to hear them in the past tense.
Signs that the dream circle is doing well:
* The level of energy is growing, people are feeling inspired
* The talking stick is passing around quickly with many people saying their dreams
* People identify with dreams that were told by others
* It seems that the dreams of the group are manifesting something bigger for the Club
Signs that the circle is not doing well:
* The dreams sound like plans (people are thinking, not dreaming, remind them we dont need to know its possible).
The rhythm is slow (are people comfortable? Are they justifying their dreams? Is it clear what they are here for?).
The planning stage is when we leave the realm of inspiration and enter that of thinking. This is when we take into account our human and material environment to design feasible strategies for the collective dream to come true. This is where club members get confirmation and confidence that their dreams are taken seriously, when they gain clarity of when and how to step in, and with whom.
>If this were a heros journey, that would be when the hero sets out for their quest, becomes a wanderer, and seeks and gains assistance from unpredictable places.
##Step 2 - Our goal
_Who?_ The people who did the dream circle (if there are newcomers, first read out the dreams for them and include their dreams too).
_When?_ After the dream circle, possibly on the same day or within a week.
_How long?_ 60-90 minutes
_Material needed?_ Post its ; flipchart and markers ; adhesive tape ; a place with a wall to stick the sheets with all the dreams from the dream circle ; circle stickers.
If the dream circle was made on a different day than the “goal” activity, start with a reading of the dreams in the past tense and have the sheets where they are written displayed on the walls, to jog everyones memory.
* Brainstorming. About 30 post-its are distributed between all members. The objectives are set through the Generative Question:
>“What things need to happen in the next 6 months to enable 100% of our collective dream to come true?”
Only one “thing that needs to happen” is written per post-it, and all post-its are stuck on a flipchart page.
When all post-its have been posted, two people go and stick together repeated post-its. Then, two or three other people arrange the 30 post-its into six to eight themes, and finally two to three other people give a title to each theme.
* Straw poll. Each member receives three circle stickers (three votes) to answer the following question: “Which objective(s), if given attention to first, will facilitate the achievement of the other objectives and make 100% of our Dream come true?”. The stickers can be used to vote for three separate themes, two themes (one theme getting two votes), or all three votes for one theme.
* Collective writing. Visualizing all these objectives and the groups priorities, write one sentence that summarises the objectives for the next 6 months. This sentence is meant to guide us in our planning, encourage convergence of members contributions, and help us communicate about what we do at the Club if someone wants to join as a co-creator of the Club.
One person writes the first sentence, and then anyone can modify to make the sentence, clearer, shorter, more faithful to the collective dream, or more beautiful.
This is Rio Mozilla Clubs statement:
>“We want to engage and extend our team to make the Mozilla Clubs stronger, improving our efficiency and abilities to teach new digital skills in a fun and inclusive way”.
##Step 3 - Gameboard
_Who?_ The people who did the dream circle and goal (if there are newcomers, first read out the dreams for them and include their dreams too).
_When?_ After defining the goal, possibly on the same day or within two weeks.
_How long?_ 60-90 minutes
_Material needed?_ Post its ; flipchart, pens and markers ; adhesive tape ; a place with a wall to stick the sheets with all the dreams from the dream circle and our goal.
Divide a flipchart paper into 4 columns by folding the paper or drawing dots. Label the columns Dreaming, Planning, Doing and Celebrating.
20 to 25 post-its are distributed between the group members. Each person draws a circle in the corner of their post-its and writes one task per post-it in the top half, leaving the bottom half empty, answering the following question:
>What tasks must be performed over the next 6 months so that we reach our goal and make 100% of our collective dream come true?
Post all sticky notes on the paper in the adequate columns, the most urgent tasks at the bottom. If this helps you visualize a progression, you may first draw a tree over the paper, so the first tasks will be placed as roots, and the last ones as leaves and fruit. Can you see a balance of tasks between Dreaming, Planning, Doing and Celebrating? If not, try to reach a better balance by identifying missing or repeated tasks.
Draw a circle at the bottom center of the paper. This is the “beginning”. Then connect this “beginning” circle to the circle of the first task, and so on until the circle on all post-its is connected to at least one previous and one following task, and possibly more.
##Step 4 - Stepping in
_Who?_ All active members (if there are newcomers, first read out the dreams for them and include their dreams too).
_When?_ After drawing the to-do tree, possibly on the same day or within two weeks.
_How long?_ 30-45 minutes
_Material needed?_ The To-Do Tree ; red, blue and green pens ; post-its ; tape ; a blank sheet of paper.
This is when Club members step in to take an active part in fulfilling the tasks that were collectively identified in the gameboard. Let participants know that it is worse to have someone volunteer for a task and not fulfilling it, than no-one volunteering for the task.
Then, write on the sheet of paper the following colour-code and stick it next to the gameboard:
Red = Knight (action)
Blue = Sage (advice)
Green = Apprentice (helping the knights)
This means that, if a person has expertise on a task and wants to be in charge of fulfilling it, they write their name in red (Knight) on a post-it and stick it next to the post-it where the task is written. If they have expertise about the task that they can share as a kind of consultant, but do not want to be responsible for fulfilling it, they write their name in blue (Sage). And if they have no expertise, but would like to learn about this specific task by helping the person in charge, they write their name in green (apprentice).
All names can be written on the same post-it. There should be at least one name in red for each task (one knight), and there can be as many apprentices and advisors as you wish. All participants should have written their name at least once. Beware of overload… it is better to volunteer only for what can reasonably be achieved. If some tasks are left without a red name, either suppress them or find some help from new members or temporary collaborators.
Ask people to take note of the tasks they have volunteered for and their role, as well as the people working on the same tasks with them, and the people working on the tasks connected to their own on the do-do-tree. These are the task that depend on theirs to be done, or that they depend on to do their own.
Succession planning: everyone should feel free to leave the club when they want or need to. At the same time, this should be done in a responsible way, that takes care of the club and the people who keep it alive. This means finding replacement as soon as possible for the tasks one is committed with, with enough time for apprenticeship.
##Step 5 - Sustainability
Before crossing the threshold between planning and doing, you need to know if your team is committed and resilient enough to face the challenges and demands that will arise in the doing stage. This means having at least four people profoundly committed to the club as their own, and no single person essential for the club to exist and be active.
Commitment of the team: most teams are made of people with different levels of commitment, who bring complementary contributions to the project. When identifying the level of commitment of club members, they should feel free to be sincere about a low or a short-term commitment, and confident that their participation on the team will be equally valued, however much committed they are.
The test consists in asking each member the following question, in a mindset that values the “no” as much as the “yes” answers:
>If the club went out of funding, would you be prepared to sustain it out of your own pocket if at least 3 other club members did so together with you?
If four or more people answered “yes” to this question, you can go ahead with the doing stage confidently. If less than four people answered yes, run a “force field analysis” (see below) and make the changes necessary for more people to reach a deeper level of commitment before you go on with the doing stage.
Empty center: It is crucial for the sustainability of the project that no member be indispensable for the club activities, not even a founder or teacher. The test is easy: is there someone who is part of all or virtually all decisions? Someone club members ask if it is possible to join the club or to implement their ideas? Someone whose absence reduces the clubs activities?
If you identify some key members that the club is depending on, invite them to train someone to replace them while their energy is still high, with enough time of apprenticeship ahead that the history of the club is kept alive when the key members depart, even temporarily.
##Optional budget drumming
If your club needs budgeting, the dragon dreaming method can work for this topic as well. The idea is to make it fun, quick and intuitive. Through the magic of collective intelligence, budget drumming has been known to reach the same level of accuracy as longer, detailed and math-based budgeting methods.
_Who?_ The people who stepped in as knights and sages for a task and possible partners for these tasks, even if they are not a club member. This session requires two “MCs”, one drummer leading the beat, and one crier shouting the tasks and writing the budget.
_When?_ After stepping in with our names for a task, possibly on the same day or up to two weeks later.
_How long?_ 20mn
_Material needed?_ The gameboard, a pencil, a drum or anything that makes a nice beat, a place where everybody can sit facing the gameboard.
Warm up: Make sure everybody has taken a close look at the gameboard and knows what the tasks mean, even if they dont know how to achieve them. Let them know that when the beat starts the MC next to the tree (this sounds great) will shout a task, and anyone can shout back the first value that comes to their minds for this task. The crier then writes down a rough average of the values heard (this is meant to be intuitive and quick, dont lose the rhythm to do the maths) and goes on shouting the next task. Yes, thats how its done.
Get into the rhythm: chose a rhythm that the club members know and enjoy so that everybody can drum along if they feel like doing so. It should be lively enough to keep the energy high during the entire activity, and not too quick so that people have enough time to get from one task to another together. Start drumming, and announce this unusual budgeting in a loud voice and in any way that combines with the mood and chosen rhythm. This might be rapping or in a town crier fashion: “Hear ye! Hear ye! All ye knight of the open web! We are gathered here to face the costs of our tasks!”. Here in Rio we would most certainly beat a “funk carioca”.
Wrap it up: When every task has a value next to it, the crier shouts the first value plus the next one, and the rest of the team says the result, until all values have been added up and we have the total. Add 15% for contingencies and you get your final budget.
Doing: Most of the doing phase is made up of the tasks that are on the gameboard. It is often the most challenging in the project and requires a high level of energy, activity and connexion. As we set to make our dreams come true, we face interferences, we may feel exhausted, and we need to sacrifice those things that are preventing the fulfillment of our project. It is also the time of greatest learning and achievement.
>If this were a heros journey, that would be when the hero faces struggle, trial, transformation and achievement.
##Step 6 - Monitoring progress
_Who?_ The people who stepped in for a task, at least one person for each task.
_When?_ Two to four weeks after “stepping in”, when all people involved are already doing their tasks, and then on a regular basis once or twice a month until all tasks from the gameboard are completed.
_How long?_ 40 to 50mn
_Material needed?_ The gameboard ; a pencil and eraser.
Interview: all participants sit in pairs with someone who is working on different tasks from their own. One person is the interviewer and asks the other one (the interviewee):
* What their task was and their role in it (knight, sage or apprentice)?
* What were their groups dreams for the task?
* What were their groups plans for the task?
* What have they achieved?
* How do they feel about the tasks progress?
* If they need any help and how? Or even replacement?
The interviewer can also ask other questions to better understand the situation, however they can only ask and not give advice or opinion. After five to ten minutes, swap roles, and have five to ten more minutes of conversation.
Filling the circles: one participant at a time stands next to the gameboard, choses one of their interviewees tasks and tells the rest of the group about the progress. The next step is to fill the circle at the bottom of the post-its of the corresponding tasks according to their progress as follows:
* Divide the circle into four quarters.
* The top right-hand quarter is “dreaming” (like human creative activity, set in the right hemisphere of the brain), then going counterclockwise,
* The top left-hand quarter is “planning” (like human rational activity, set in the left hemisphere of the brain),
* The bottom left-hand quarter is “doing”,
* And the bottom right-hand quarter is “celebrating”.
The interviewer says what quarters they understand that their interviewees team has fully been through, and asks them if they agree. Then the quarters of the circle are filled in by the interviewer according to the teams view of their progress. And so on until all tasks have been gone through.
In addition to the visualization of the projects progress, this activity aims to provide collective support to members who might need it, as well as remembering everyone that dreaming and celebrating are equally important as planning and doing.
##Optional force field analysis
_Who?_ As many club members as possible.
_When?_ Any time you need clarity about the clubs assets and challenges, especially if your club is stuck in or going through a challenging moment.
_How long?_ 40 to 50mn
_Material needed?_ Your clubs statement ; flipchart or whiteboard with markers ; one sheet of paper per participant ; one pen or pencil per participant in two different colours.
This part is inspired from the Force Field Analysis created by social psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1940s, that is now used in businesses, NGOs and individual coaching processes to promote change and achievement.
Brainstorming: start with your clubs statement posted on the wall. Divide the white board into two columns, or stick two flipchart sheets side by side on the wall (check if the markers ink might go through the paper to avoid staining the wall). Ask the club members to write on one half of the board (or one flipchart paper) anything that they feel is hindering the clubs progress towards achieving the goals, and on the other half (or paper) anything that they feel is supporting the progress. It is important that every member comes to the board to write themselves, and not one person staying by the board writing for everyone else.
Evaluation: When the flow of ideas is declining, or when they become repetitive, ask each person to take a sheet of regular paper, divide it into four columns, and list all the challenges in the first columns on the left, and all the assets in the last columns on the right, in the same order. If your group is large and you have a copy machine at hand, you can make one version of these columns and lists and copy it for the rest of the group.
Then ask each person to individually assign a grade between one and five to each topic on both lists. A five means this topic strongly hinders or supports the club, a one means this topic has a minor influence in the persons opinion. The middle vertical line stands for zero for both lists. The line that divides the two columns on the left stands for five (negative), the line that divides the two columns on the right also stand for five (positive).
Perception: When everybody is done, ask them to add up the scores in each column and calculate the average score for the challenges and the one for the assets. By adding these two averages (remember the left one is negative), this gives an idea of the persons perception of the clubs present situation. A negative result shows a perception that the club is presently stuck, a positive result means the clubs is presently working. The general average of all individual analyses gives a snapshot of the groups perception of the clubs present situation.
Change: Using a different colour pen, ask each person to assign a new grade to all topics in both lists according to what they believe can be changed within the clubs resources (human and material, both present and ). Then make an average for each column, and add up both columns. This represent each persons perception of the clubs validity and potential. A negative result shows a perception that the club is unsustainable, a positive result shows a perception that the club is valid and how much potential it has. The general average gives a snapshot of all members idea of this potential.
Visualize priorities: Ask everyone to draw a line that vertically connects the grades for each column, and in both colours. You should have two vertical zigzag lines in each column, in two different colours. You may now compare the charts that each person drew and identify if they stick out in similar areas, in order to identify priorities for change, and sustain your assets.
##Step 7 - Celebrating
Celebrating is when we revive our energies individually and as a community. It is when we name and honour what has been achieved and what has been learnt, or even when we mourn what has been lost. It is a collective tribute to what we value most, and a time for new dreams to find their way within us. We strongly recommend that celebrating be 25% of the project in terms of time together and economic investment.
If this were a heros journey, after transforming themselves, the hero has become a magician, able to change some aspects of the world around them.
_Who?_ All the people involved in the club and people who want to discover it.
_When?_ Anytime the group energy is waning, or a significant achievement happened, or a cycle is closing..
_How long?_ As long as you wish.
_Material needed?_ A pleasant setting where people can enjoy together their time and conversations, food and drinks.
Every club event should end up with a celebration that accounts for 25% of the events total time. Then, when youre preparing for a final celebration to close a six-month cycle, for example, the celebrating team can make a shorter version of dreaming and planning with all club members in order to make it a very special time for all.
There are many ways people have practiced celebration over time and cultures. Singing, dancing, storytelling, food and drink sharing and rituals are some of them that may inspire your club. You can tell it is going well if the following is happening:
* Expression of gratitude and thankfulness, for individuals and for the community
* Expression of emotions
* Relaxing (no matter whether in a quiet or vivid style)
* Naming what has been learnt and achieved
* People realize that they have changed, that experience is transformation
* People are feeling welcome and nurtured
* New people want to join the club, new dreams are emerging

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# Comms Guidelines and Templates
Guide created in collaboration with community members [Geraldo Barros](, [Edoardo Viola](, [Julia Vallera]( and [Carolina Tejada](
Image:[Blog Mozilla]( under [CC BY] by Mozilla Clubs.
Here you'll find hands-on tools and step by step instructions to make your Mozilla Club even more appealing!
## Step 1. Name and brand your club
You may, but are not required to, use the name “Mozilla Clubs” in your clubs name. Your use of “Mozilla Club” to refer to your Club must always be in combination with the location, region, group, or interest you are using to identify your club. (For clarity, you may nonetheless state that your club is “a Mozilla Club,” without the additional identifiers).
**Examples of names WITH Mozilla Clubs:** Mozilla Club Rio, Mozilla Club Jahangirnagar University, Cikarang Mozilla Club, Mozilla Club for the Chicago Librarians.
**Examples of names WITHOUT Mozilla Clubs:** Ikaros, Coders Paradise, Community Tech Club, Indigenous Code, Active Minds.
>- Join our Mozilla Club Rio! We are a Mozilla Club in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
>- This is the website for the Mozilla Club for the Chicago Librarians.
>- Join Mozilla Clubs!
>- This is the website for Mozilla Rio.
>- Welcome to the Mozilla Rio Club.
### - Create your own Logo!
We welcome you to use this template -created by community lead Geraldo Barros- to create a logo or use [this]( file that incorporates the “Mozilla Clubs” wordmark.
<iframe width="760" height="305" src=""></iframe>
Standalone uses of the “Mozilla” and “Mozilla Clubs” wordmarks are limited to what is permitted under the Mozilla Trademark Policyand our brand principles. These guidelines do not give you additional permissions to use those or other Mozilla logos such as the Firefox logo.
Find the original files for Mozilla Clubs in [this folder](
### - Images Gallery
Find somebranding images used by Mozilla.
### - Color palette
Mozillas main brand colors are black and white. This illustrates our gutsy personality and provides a bold aesthetic to our brand. And our secondary palette is made up of 9 colors — 6 pastels and 3 neons. These colors are used interchangeably to provide contrast and brightness to our bold black and white main color scheme. See palette [here](
### - Thypography
Zilla is our core brand identity display typeface. We use it for our wordmark, for headlines and throughout our design. Zilla is an open source font and is available to [download](
>Find some inspiration in our [gallery](
## Step 2. Create your Media
### - Building a website for your club
Some clubs have created their own websites to spread the word about what they do (See examples below). Club Captains are welcome to use any tool of their preference, however here are two templates ([Option A]( - [Option B]( built by community member Edoardo Viola. You are allowed to fork the project, remix it and share!
> Find the Repo in this [link]( IMPORTANT: before making any edits, make sure to follow instructions.
**Domain names.** You may use the name of your club, which may include the Mozilla name, in the domain name for any website you create for your club. For any other uses of the Mozilla name in your domain name, please file an [application for a license to use a domain name related to a Mozilla trademark](
The front page of your website (above the fold) must inform users that “[CLUB NAME] is part of the network of Mozilla Clubs inspired by the [Mozilla Learning Network](” At the top of the sites main page, it should be stated clearly and explicitly that this is a community site, maintained by a group of volunteers.
***Some examples***
[Leo Mozilla Clubs - Brazil](
[México Mozilla Clubs](
[Mozilla Cagliari Club, Italia](
### - Social media. Share your Club activity
We know a lot of time is put into organizing, planning and running a Club session. Which is why we want to make sure that once your event is completed it is documented and sharable so we can celebrate your success with you!
There are many different ways to give the community a deeper look at your event, choose the one that resonates better with you! Here are some of the options our community members prefer:
- [Event Reporter](
- [Medium](
> These are some [email and social media templates]( you can remix!
## Setp 3. SWAG and templates
In our Clubs' [Repository]( you can find some of the available designs, from posters, and stickers created by Mozilla, to flyers and presentations templates created by community members.
- [Flyer to invite members]( by Geraldo Barros. Find it in our [Repo](
- [Posters](
- [Fox Stickers](
- [Fox - Paper craft](
- Explore the [Open Design Repo](
### Use of club name in legal registrations, entities, and fundraising
**Registration.** To the extent your club name or logo incorporates any Mozilla marks, you may not register them as trademarks, service marks, certification marks or other designation, or claim any trademark-related rights therein under the laws of any jurisdiction.
**Legal entity.** If you are establishing a new legal entity in connection with your club, you may not use the Mozilla or Mozilla Clubs name or branding in any way in your entitys legal name or to identify your entity. For example, you will not register any corporate name or trade name that violates Mozillas rights in the marks.
**Fundraising.** You may not make any donation requests for your club in Mozillas name. If you engage in fundraising activities or solicitations for in-kind support, you must be clear that those requests are not endorsed by Mozilla, that you are not officially affiliated with Mozilla and that any donations will not be received by Mozilla.
### Club focus; change in purpose or termination
Mission and Termination of club. Your club must align with the goals and structure of Mozilla Clubs and the Mozilla Clubs Network. If at any time you should change the focus of your club, or stop running your club altogether, you must also stop any and all uses of the Mozilla brand related to Mozilla Clubs, including Mozilla and Mozilla Clubs marks in your logo; your domain name, which you may not use for other purposes; and any materials on your website or elsewhere that suggest an association with Mozilla Clubs, except as may be otherwise permitted in the Mozilla Trademark Policy. You are, however, permitted to retain Mozilla branding that is compliant with these guidelines on any archived materials from your club that you may wish to maintain, including the domain name if you continue to host an archived site.
Other than as permitted here, you may not
* Alter our trademarks and logos in any way.
* Combine our trademarks and logos with your own or any other logos, trademarks, or designs.
* Place a logo in such close proximity to other content that it is indistinguishable.
* Make our logo the most distinctive or prominent feature on your web page, printed material, or other content.
* Use our trademarks and logos in a way that is harmful, deceptive, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to the average person.
* Use our trademarks and logos on websites or other places containing content associated with hate speech, pornography, gambling, or illegal activities.
* Use our trademarks and logos to, or in connection with, content that disparages us or sullies our reputation.
Mozilla reserves the right to rescind a Clubs permission to call itself a Mozilla Club at any time at its discretion.

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# Mixing Your Community Meet-Up & Mozilla Club
Mix-up your meet-up by adding hands-on activities that get your participants making and learning the web together!
If you already meet regularly/semi-regularly with a group of individuals who come together around common interests or topics, this is a perfect opportunity to introduce Mozilla Clubs into the mix. You can connect your community to a global initiative, using participatory practices and bringing peer-learning into your existing meet-up structure.
Mozilla Clubs add value to your meet-ups by:
* Bringing elements of reading, writing and participating on the web into your context, and connecting topics your community cares about with engaging, hands-on learning activities.
* Providing opportunities for participants to make, learn and collaborate together.
* Strengthening your community by connecting with a global mission while planting local roots for positive social impact.
* Sharing your already existing groups work in a larger setting and with our global group of Mozilla Clubs
Mozilla Clubs motivate your meet-up attendees by:
* Learning new web skills, including how to read, write and participate on the web.
* Empowering others (in their school, workplace, community, etc.) to see the web as a global platform for creativity and sharing.
* Joining a global community with a mission.
As a meet-up host, or Mozilla Club Captain in this context, you can:
* Improve your own mentoring skills.
* Create or adapt activities that are focused on the same things your community cares about.
* Join a global network and [connect with other Mozilla Club Captains]( to share best practices and contribute new/adapted content.
## Activity Ideas
There are tons of great activities that encourage community building, both online and offline at []( Here are a few suggestions for mixing your current meet-up with your Mozilla Club:
* Personal Presentation Icebreakers: Sit in a circle and...
* Share your 1st experience with the web.
* Do you connect the web to your daily life or hobbies? How?
* What would you love to know about the web, but dont?
* Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions: Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall. Facilitate discussion afterwards.
* Prompt Ideas:
* What is your #1 aspiration when it comes to learning about the web?
* If you were to connect the web with something you are passionate about, what would it be? (Then discuss as a group how you can do this.)
* Web Literacy Basics: We recommend starting with the Web Literacy Basics module, which is comprised of six activities, each approximately 45 minutes in length.
* The activities make great ice breakers, with the added benefit of learning new skills.
* Try a “Read, Write, Participate” theme for your meet-up for one month (or for a season) and facilitate one activity at each meet-up during that timeframe.
* Encourage participants to try the activities together and then to teach them to others before your next meet-up.
* Lo-Fi, No-Fi Activities: These activities encourage teamwork, provide an opportunity for great discussion, and can surface opportunities to build a stronger sense of community within your group dynamic. These can be especially fun when hosting a larger event that includes outside community members.
* []( offers many “unplugged” activities for those with no prior programming experience.
* []( offers 19 activities in this lo-fi, no-fi teaching kit.
* Group Hack/Remix Challenges: Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, pair your participants into teams to work together to achieve a goal. Add a bit of playful competition between teams by adding time restrictions, small prizes, or bragging rights.
* [Thimble]( - [Interactive Postcard Remix](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* [X-Ray Goggles]( - [Hack the News activity](
## Resources
Want even more ideas and tools for mixing your Mozilla Club with your current meet-up? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [Discourse Community Forum](
* [Connected Mentor Framework outside of the school setting](
## Contact
Email Mozillas Club expert Julia Vallera ( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs
Tweet us anytime [@MozLearn]( or using [#teachtheweb or #MozillaClubs](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us!](

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#Design Thinking
Learning Objectives
* Define problems suitable for learners to work on
* Use haptic methods to encourage critical thought and planning
* Encourage collaboration through project based activities
##Building Together: The Design Process
"Design thinking" is the practice of solving problems for humans, with other humans. Instead of working with hypothetical arguments or problem sets, learners engage real-world problems and work together on proposed solutions. Education folks might also use the terms [authentic assessments]( or [experiential learning]( to describe these kinds of assignments.
In "Design Challenges" learners select a problem, conduct research with users, prototype a solution, give and receive feedback, and iterate to produce a final project.
[IDEO](, the innovative design agency, has created a [Design Toolkit]( for Educators which helps teachers co-design solutions with students:
![Design Thinking for Educators](
For instance, "Design Thinking Hawaii" collaborated with students at Castle Hill High School in Hawaii to redesign and restructure the high school to solve issues with engagement and learning outcomes.
Through a series of mini-charettes, Design Thinking Hawaii has collected the needs and interests of learners, teachers, and families and engaged the larger community to imagine new solutions that could help the school be more effective. The adopted plan captured the communitys priorities in new content and structures, and Complex Area Superintendent Lea Albert is enabling the school and community to prototype and iterate core curriculum, character education, and support services. -- [Design Thinking for Educators](
Through the design process, students learn from the community around them and work together on a solution that is relevant to their lives. The web is the perfect medium to prototype solutions to real-world problems.
##Thinking with Physical Tools
You might have heard learning theories about different "learning styles", including visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners. When thinking about participatory learning, we prefer to mix and match all the learning styles together, and to be fair, there's no evidence to suggest that this approach is incorrect. In fact, inherent to learning with media is learning through all of these methods. This particular module is about thinking outside the box when engaging learners. What methods can we use to spur creativity and excite our learners.
It's a haptic method to encourage people to talk about different types of participation and how we interrelate. We made the blocks because learners need to critically explore modes of participation, and a game makes that easier. --Peg Koedel, Casablanca Mediahaus
![Casablanca "Wackelturm" game](
Photo of the Casablanca "Wackelturm" game
Educators and technologists around the world are finding new ways to use participatory learning methods. They are publishing in the open ([download the Wackelturm templates](!) and collaborating online to spread and improve these methods.
Find more on design thinking in this [design thinking workshop for participation at Mozilla](

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#Mozilla Club Guide: Resources for Having Difficult Discussions with Youth
![image alt text](PASECircleLogo.png "PASE logo")
*This Mozilla Club guide was created by Mozilla Clubs and Partnership for After School Education (PASE)*
The resources and information below were curated and shared by [Partnership for After School Education]( in New York City, NY USA in July 2016. PASE is a long time collaborator and partner to Mozilla's [Hive Learning Network in NYC]( Given their long history with educators and rich expertise in education we value their insight and think these resources will be very valuable to the Mozilla Club community.
Mozilla is happy to continue to share resources on this topic. If you have additions to this list and/or would like to suggest resources for a different topic [please let us know]( and we are happy to add them to our growing list.
In times of tragic events, the children, youth and families you serve, and your staff may have questions, fears, and anger they are processing. Here is a short list of resources to support you in addressing and listening to their concerns.
* [How To Talk To Kids About Tragedies In The Media]( by Child Development Institute
* [Helping Children Cope With Frightening News]( by Child Mind Institute
* [Helping Children Regain Their Emotional Safety After a Tragedy]( by Kidpower
* [Teaching About Race, Racism and Police Violence]( by Teaching Tolerance
* [Teaching about Controversial or Difficult Issues]( by Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
* [How to Talk to Your Kids About Shootings and Terror](http://%20http// by Parent Toolkit
* [Talking to Kids About News]( by PBS Parents
* [Teaching about Race and Criminal Justice]( by Stonehill College
* [Resiliency Building Skills to Practice for Trauma Recovery]( by Heidi Hanson

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#Mozilla Club Guide: Encouraging Participatory & Playful Learning
Developed by: Shreyas Kutty, Carolina Tejada Alvarez, Kristina Gorr and the Mozilla Clubs team
How does "teach like Mozilla" translate to your Mozilla Club? Instead of conventional learning methods that include watching & listening, explore participatory, inclusive and fun ways of teaching. Below are facilitation tips, activity ideas and resources to help you get started!
![Mozilla Club Guide - Playful Learning](
###First, what do we mean by “participatory” and “playful”?
**Participatory** = Participation = Your club members actively engaged in discussion, activities, and relationships with other Club members.
**Playful** = Engaged & Fun = Your club members dont feel that they are in a classroom or learning. They are having such a great time and engrossed in the activities and environment that its more like “play” than “classroom”.
##Facilitation Tips
Facilitating discussion and activities should be more about guiding participants through their own learning, as opposed to “telling” how to learn. Here are great tips to help facilitate the best and most effective discussions in your Mozilla Club!
* Keep the core of Mozilla Clubs in mind: Your club should be a small community that meets regularly in person to learn how to read, write and participate on the Web in an inclusive, engaging way.
* Play a cheerleader role, not a micromanagement role. Share, learn, motivate, create together. [Connect with other Mozilla Club Captains]( and share ideas.
* Here are a couple of examples of what you may learn. More experiences can be [found here](
* In India, some Clubs taught code through games like hopscotch and HTML web page frameworks using bricks, using Lo-Fi and No-Fi teaching kits.
* In Brazil, people are taught to remix web pages of a popular gaming website.
* Create projects with your students from inception, instead of on your own. This encourages participation in every aspect of your Mozilla Club!
* Have individuals work in teams to complete activities and collaborate on work.
* Encourage participants to help others if they finish the activity early. This encourages teamwork!
* Use common, everyday props to help illustrate teaching points. It helps the idea to stick.
Keep participants on their feet or moving throughout the event. This will help the energy and attention high.
* If you know that a part of your meeting agenda includes a more low-energy activity, be sure to balance out your meeting with at least one high energy, offline, and playful activity!
* Pay attention to your meeting space. Research shows the lighting, smell, temperature, etc. can affect peoples ability to learn and collaborate.
* Change your meeting location from time to time to provide a refreshing atmosphere (park, rail station, etc.). OR take advantage of your space by doing different activities in various parts of the space (i.e. do an activity outside).
![Mozilla Club Guide - Playful Learning](
##Activity Ideas
There are tons of great activities that encourage participatory and playful learning on []( This list highlights a few to get you started.
* **Personal Presentation Icebreakers:** Sit in a circle and...
* Share your name & fun fact about yourself.
* Share something you learned recently. Have individuals teach each other a new skill.
* Share your goals for being in the Mozilla Club.
* **Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions:** Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall. Facilitate discussion afterwards.
* Prompt Ideas:
* Why is web literacy important to you?
* What do you know about internet security and privacy?
* When/What was your first encounter with the web?
* What is the most fun part of our Mozilla Club?
* What fun ideas/activities do you have for our Club?
* **Lo-Fi, No-Fi Activities:** Learn to code with limited or no connectivity. It encourages teamwork and provides opportunity for great discussion.
* []( offers many “unplugged” activities for those with no prior programming experience.
* []( offers 19 activities in this [lo-fi, no-fi teaching kit](
* **Gaming Activities:** This can be online or offline games, as both encourage playful participation. Just make sure that participants share with the group!
* [E.A.K. (Erase All Kittens!) Code Game]( E.A.K. (Erase All Kittens) is an open source platform game that teaches kids to code and create on the web, using HTML and CSS.
* [Minecraft A Flavor of JAVA]( Explore how you can alter and remix the Java game code
* **Group Hack/Remix Challenges**: Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, pair your participants into teams to work together to achieve a goal. Add a bit of playful competition between teams by adding time restrictions, small prizes, or bragging rights.
* [Thimble]( - [Keep Calm & Carry On Poster Remix](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* [X-Ray Goggles]( - [Hack the News activity](
![Mozilla Club Guide - Playful Learning](
Want even more ideas and tools for creating a participatory and playful Mozilla Club atmosphere? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [[MozFest]Playful & Participatory learning at Mozilla Clubs](
* [Using Thimble with Limited Connectivity](
* [Community Forum](
* [Web Literacy Map](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of participatory and playful learning? [Share your story with us!](

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#Tips for designing safe and inclusive events for women and girls
Successful event management for women and girls requires careful strategy and execution. Often times, there are many situational factors at play that are affecting an individuals comfort, attention, and optimal participation. As a facilitator, it's important to customize such events to their needs, making sure you are encouraging a gender appropriate, inclusive and supportive environment.
The purpose of this guide is to equip event facilitators with the required know-how to ensure effective and impactful event management for women and girls.
In this guide you will find tips on,
* How to create safe and convenient learning spaces
* Handling controversial topics that might arise
* Understanding personal biases
* Designing for optimal participation
Have tips, links or information to share? Send it to or [add them on our forum](
##Creating Safe and Convenient Spaces
Detailed communications leading up to the event is critical.
Technology can be a useful tool for facilitating such communication. As a facilitator, you can be able to create virtual platforms such as Google groups or Event pages with attendees and share important information. It is pertinent that this information address any safety or convenience converns regarding location, scheduling and logistical factors. Make sure attendees feel like they can easily access the venue and attand a space safely and comfortably.
Clearly stipulate the purpose of the event and the value to them as participants as it relates to both gender and local context. For example, sending a pre-event email to attendees telling them that "the event is female-only and is meant to be a space where women can share, support and collaborate with each other" will allow participants to come to the event with that mindset. This will ensure that the participants are not only enthusiastic about the subject matter but also comfortable with it.
While at the event, create a comfortable learning and sharing environment by sharing ground rules at the beginning. The point of ground rules is to create an inclusive space by making sure that individuals feel they can express feelings, opinions and ideas in a way that are welcome and encouraged.
Here are some example ground rules:
* Create a safe place for everyone to share opinions and ideas.
* Everyones opinion is valid and important. There are no bad ideas.
* The information shared by individuals within the session will be held with respect and anonymity.
* The conversation is not meant to discredit any person, organization, group, demographic or gender.
* The conversation is being held with the intent to understand how to make the Internet an open and safe place.
* This is an open environment where we have all come to learn from each other.
* We are here to be accommodative and supportive of each other, not mean, sarcastic or attack each other.
* Say “I” when expressing your opinion so it doesnt sound like you are speaking for an unknown collective group.
* ……[view this guide to setting ground rules](
Ask attendees if there are any other norms that might benefit the group? Give attendees information about what or who they can contact during the event if they want to ask questions or address concerns. This might be volunteering yourself, other mentors or directing to external support channels. It is also important to go through an expectation setting with the group to be able to assess what their expectations coming into the event are and to help you know how to structure your content to ensure that you met their concerns. Once you have created a space where individuals feel they can contribute, shift the conversation to why you are there and what you'll learn about that day.
###Activities that create safe spaces
Consider including activities, games or icebreakers that help reinforce a safe/supportive/collaborative space and create a gender-supportive environment.
Some ideas include:
* Run through [this code of conduct exercise]( that will walk you through some of the considerations associated with anti-harassment policies to put a plan and process in for creating a welcoming, inclusive, harassment-free space.
* Before running an activity, ask each attendee to share why the topic being covered at the event matters to them (if appropriate, ask them specifically why it matters for females in their location).
* [Run a spectrogram]( and ask questions containing gender-specific language. Ex. “As a women, I feel the Internet is a safe place to use.”
* At the end of the event, have individuals share, either publically or privately, their appreciation for something another women in the room said or did at the event. If opting for more private appreciation, give individuals a few minutes at the end of the event to go up to each other directly (make sure its mandatory and dont be alarmed if it looks like individuals are scrambling everywhere!).
## Dealing with Controversial Topics
Often when addressing certain issues and concerns related specifically to women and girls, it can be a challenging conversation. Participants may have strong reactions and feelings towards what is being discussed. Facilitators should be aware of the risk and expect certain types of triggers (also known as tension points) to occur. These often occur when dealing with:
* Gender
* Race
* Sexual preference
* Violence (both online and offline)
* Privacy and security
* Culture differences
These triggers can result in individuals:
* Blaming themselves, outsiders or each other
* Frustration over identity including sexual preference, gender, culture etc.
* Becoming embarrassed or uncomfortable and not participating
* Feeling overwhelmed by the reaction of others in the room
* Feeling unsupported or isolated because of comments made
Here are some tips to help make sure you are creating a space that is as safe as possible for all individuals when engaging in high-risk conversations:
* Inform attendees beforehand that you will be tackling such sensitive topics so that they have time to digest and reflect on their own
* Reference the agreed upon ground rules when needed
* Encourage the opinions of those who might no longer be sharing, or if more appropriate, ask them why they arent participating in a 1-1 setting which they may find more comfortable
* Ask individuals to focus on outcomes and solutions, instead of solely focusing on the problems
* Do regular check-ins with the attendees to see how they feel after a hard conversation. This should be done as a group, although you may choose to do further check-ins with individuals afterwards
* Ensure that you know where to turn should any outside resources be warranted (e.g. support for victims of violence should that be a conversation that might arise)
* Break into smaller groups where individuals might feel more comfortable participating openely.
## Understanding Unconscious Biases
What is unconscious bias?
* Your mind makes 50,000 “fast” associations per one “slow” association
* It bases these on information it has been passively collecting your whole life
* The unconscious mind is powerful and may surprise you
* We do not control unconscious bias but we do control conscious action, so this is an opportunity to get rid of guilt and blame but take responsibility for change.
We often don't realize we make biased decisions. Strongly held engrained notions about male and female norms and roles can result in personal biases and reflect upon your choice of wording, actions and presence as a facilitator. This may result, as an example, in an inclination to give greater attention to men over women in conversations on technical topics, or referring to professionals as “he” and those taking nurturing roles as “she”, etc. It is important to understand how this can affect the dynamics in a group.
Test your unconscious bias by going to Select your language and click go (sign in as guest). Select the Gender-Career IAT test.
Or watch these videos:
* [Learn about unconcious bias from ASAP Science](
* [Facebook shares how to manage unconcious bias](
* [And this video from Google](
* Learn more about uncovering gender biases in [MTV's Look Different]( Campaign.
## Designing for Participation
Its important that in events, facilitation and material are created or adapted for events with women and girls. Heres a checklist to review before your event:
* Is the curriculum, resources and media being used aware of gender sensitivity and inclusion?
* Are the exercises and learning hands-on, interactive and allow individuals to work in groups?
* Have we predetermined working groups that mix up the crowd and ensure a variety of personalities?
* Is the curriculum, resources and material sensitive to certain external factors that are most common with women, such as social norms and barriers to opportunities, abuse, cyber violence, child safety, privacy, etc. and do they address priority areas of interest to women and girls, whatever they may be?
* Are sensitive topics being covered, and if so, am I aware of the triggers that might occur and how to handle them?
* Are there opportunities to talk in small groups where individuals may be more comfortable sharing their opinion?
* Are there opportunities for participants to be assigned roles such as moderator, time-keeper, note-taker, etc.?
* Are there safe places you can point attendees to after the event to continue sharing, talking and reflecting with others?
Remember to be:
* Open to real conversations where individuals can be vulnerable and open
* Honest to each other
* Respectful of different ideas and backgrounds
* Understanding of different perspectives
* Preview material ahead of time to ensure that it is appropriate for workshop participants
* Encouraging of good behaviour or when individuals participate in ways that might be out of the norm for themselves
## Resources
[Watch the Mozilla Learning Community Call]( with speakers, resources and tips on teaching the web to women and girls.
[Check out this facilitators guide]( from Media Smarts for teaching a workshop on online image to girls in grade 7-8.
View [these instructions]( on how you have to adapt your teaching style when teaching girls by Andrew Fuller.
[Watch a video]( on Uncovering Authentic Leadership with Professor Kenji Yoshino from NYU Law.
[Another video on Gender Equality by Design]( with Iris Bohnet.
[Strategies for educators]( to support females in STEM by Lynda R. Wiest.
[Read this report from YWCA]( titled "The Future of STEM is Inclusive, Equity Ideas for Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math."
### Join the Discussion
Have tips and tricks? [Share them with the community in Discourse.](

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# Using Mozilla Clubs In Your Established Club
Do you already run a weekly or monthly meetup in a club-like setting? Mozilla Clubs are designed so that they can be used as a compliment to your existing structure without changing the nature of your group. Whether a summer camp, teen leadership summit, or a local community meetup, you can embed Web Literacy into your current programming without losing your clubs identity.
## Why merge an existing club with a Mozilla Club?
Mozillas [curriculum]( offers great educational benefits that can complement your existing club agenda. Open Source [web literacy tools and resources]( are also available which can be used to further skills in reading, writing and participation on the web.
As an established club, you already have a classroom of learners whether you meet in the local library, community centre or around the kitchen table. Mozilla clubs can be an added dynamic to your meetup, providing activities with a clear goal and outcome around digital education. We want to help facilitate your club members learning by showing you how to teach with open practices and learning through making. Mozilla clubs are formed at a local level but to are a part of a global community (and all of the support and resources that come with it).
## How to Merge your Existing Club with Your Mozilla Club
Getting started is easy. We have the curriculum laid out and ready for you to take to the top of the room. Club captains (thats you!) are given access to curriculum with the agenda to read, write and participate on the open web. Tested curriculum, built by established teachers and educational bodies from around the world, feature activities within each lesson that encourage group participation and mentorship.Of course, you can adjust the curriculum to suit your own needs and directives.
As a part of that global community we mentioned earlier, your Mozilla Club will have access to:
* Training Materials: We have teaching kits available online at []( that will walk you through everything you need to know about the activities: what to say, how to facilitate discussion, timing, and much more.
* Peer support: Ask questions, share challenges or successes, or connect with others who are running similar programs at their community meetups in our online forum Discourse.
* Individual support: When you start a Mozilla Club, you may be assigned to a * Regional Coordinator to help you get set up and find the most relevant resources in your local and global community.
* Campaign support: Be apart of Mozilla-led or global campaigns and receive material, curriculum and support when participating.
Real-life Clubs mashup: Meet Sarah who runs an CoderDojo and was introduced to Mozilla Clubs
Sarah, from London, runs a MozLdN event in her work place once a month; she holds scratch lessons, HTML workshops and now includes Mozilla Clubs curriculum within the 3 hours meetup agenda:
> “ I was running a local meet up on the weekends for young adults between the ages of 10-15 years of age and I already had a format that was working for the day.
> My club not only caters to a wide range of ages but also a wide range of levels so I wanted to include additional curriculum into the Club where some kids who wanted to learn more and apply the skills they picked up via Scratch or HTML and could see these skills applied in other areas of the web.
> I started by dipping into the Grab and Go curriculum on the site but I soon realised by applying the curriculum plan I was also applying a metric to the lessons- I could see the childrens skill advancing over the 6 weeks I taught the preplanned curriculum.
> The support is great- I would never consider myself hugely technical or with great digital skills but each lesson had a great support structure behind the lesson where I could read the discourse conversation, note the advice other teachers gave who had previous tried and tested the lesson with a variety of age groups and levels. The lessons are laid out in a format that is easy to apply on the day without much remixing needed.
> The kids work with me on the 6 week program, we both learn new skills that can be applied elsewhere within our club agenda.”
## Contact
Email Mozillas Club expert Julia Vallera ( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs
Tweet us anytime [@MozLearn]( or using [#teachtheweb or #MozillaClubs](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us!](

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<h1>Mozilla Clubs Fact Sheet</h1>
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<ul class="nav" >
<li class="active"><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#preamble">Preamble</a></li>
<li><a href="#whymozilla">Why Mozilla</a></li>
<li><a href="#whymozillaclubs">Why Mozilla Clubs</a></li>
<li><a href="#whatmozillaclub">What is a Mozilla Club</a></li>
<li><a href="#whomozillaclub">Who is involved</a></li>
<li><a href="#resources">Resources</a></li>
<li><a href="#officehours">Office Hours</a></li>
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<em>A Mozilla Club <b>meets regularly in-person</b> to learn how to <b>read, write and participate</b> with the web in <b>an inclusive, engaging way.</b></em>
<h2 id="preamble">Preamble</h2>
The Web is where our personal, civic, and economic lives connect. Knowing how to wield the Web is essential to success today.
There are 2.3 billion internet users today, and another billion coming online soon. It is critical that <b>everyone knows how to read, write and participate</b> in the digital world.
Will you join us to teach digital skills and strive for <b>universal web literacy?</b>
<h2 id="whymozilla">Why Mozilla</h2>
Mozilla is dedicated to protecting the Web as a <b>global public resource that promotes openness, innovation and opportunity for all.</b> This Web is as important to education as it is to economy, culture and society.
Mozilla, together with partners and collaborators, are <b>striving for universal web literacy</b> with an approach called <b>connected learning.</b>
Connected learning is based on research that people learn best if they can combine their personal passions with rigorous academic scaffolding and to make projects with friends, peers and educators. <b>Open networks make this learning possible.</b>
<b>We unified our efforts in education in the <a href="">Mozilla Learning Network.</a></b> We serve our mission by teaching digital skills in local communities through <b><a href="">interest-driven learning and making.</a></b>
<b>Our goal is to help people become critical consumers, contributors and participants on the Web.</b> If people experience the web as critical to their learning, work and social lives they will <b>better understand their role in helping the Web remain open, accessible and a resource for all.</b>
<img src="">
<h2 id="whymozillaclubs">Why Mozilla Clubs</h2>
Mozilla Clubs is a unique and sustainable way to teach the Web in local communities. It has these key elements:
<li><b>Connected learning in action.</b> Research shows you learn best when you learn by making projects you care about, with peers who support and encourage you. Thats why our program is hands-on, production-centered and social. Learners gain confidence with the Web by actively shaping it together.</li>
<li><b>Curriculum thats free & open and educator-tested.</b> We make curriculum available for local community members interested in starting clubs to teach the web. Our curriculum features hands-on ways to teach the Web, free of cost and free to reuse and remix. Each activity includes step-by-step instructions and tips for how to teach it, all underpinned by the <a href="">Web Literacy Map</a>. What's more, activities can be taught with limited or no connectivity, ensuring the Web can be learned anywhere and by anyone.</li>
<li><b>Best practices and community mentorship. </b> Clubs are key nodes in the Mozilla Learning Network, which enables connections to other people teaching digital literacy. By connecting with others, individual Mozilla club nodes have access to best practices and mentorship around the world. Local clubs are more resilient and effective when they are networked with each other.</li>
<li><b>Regular engagement.</b> Literacy doesnt happen overnight. Learning takes time and application of both theory and practice. Through regular meetings, both learners and club captains grow and improve. This deepens peer learning within the local community and with each other. </li>
<h2 id="whatmozillaclub">What is a Mozilla Club</h2>
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<em>A Mozilla Club meets regularly in-person to learn how to read, write and participate with the web in an inclusive and engaging way.</em>
<li><i>A Mozilla Club will:</i></li>
<li>Meet regularly in-person</li>
<li>Develop its learners digital skills and leadership in an inclusive, participatory way.</li>
<li>Be initiated by one or more members of the local community, who serve as the Club Captains.</li>
<li>Have at least one Club Captain who organizes the group, ensures the learning is high-quality and participatory, and connects the club to the broader Mozilla Learning Network.</li>
<li><i>A Mozilla Club Captain pledges to:</i>
<li>Teach how to read, write and participate on the Web using inclusive and participatory methods.</li>
<li>Empower learners through authentic making, reflective learning, and meaningful action with and on the Web.</li>
<li>Commit to the mission of universal web literacy and sharing their clubs experience with Mozilla's community networks.</li>
<a href="">See the Mozilla Clubs Rio Case Study</a>
<h2 id="whomozillaclub">Who is involved in a Mozilla Clubs</h2>
<h3>Club Members</h3>
You want to explore your interests by learning how to read, write and participate on the web and to share your experience with fellow Club Members.
<h3>Club Captain</h3>
You serve your Club Members in cultivating their web literacy and leadership skills by ensuring the ongoing, participatory learning of your club.
<h3><a href="regional-coordinator.html">Regional Coordinators</a></h3>
You serve your 5 - 10 Club Captains in realizing their full potential through continued mentorship, clear leadership pathways and storytelling with Mozilla.
<h2 id="resources">Resources for your club and region</h2>
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="1000px"></iframe>
<li>Slides and outreach materials
<li>"Why Mozilla Learning, web literacy, clubs and Webmaker". <a href="">Keynote.</a> <a href="">Powerpoint.</a> <a href="">PDF.</a></li>
<li>Mozilla Clubs Presentation Template <a href="">Google Doc</a></li>
<li>Mozilla Clubs Logo <a href="">jpeg</a></li>
<li>Mozilla Clubs Promotional Video <a href="">Youtube</a></li>
<li><a href="">Activities for clubs</a></li>
<li><a href="">Mozilla Learning Community Calls</a></li>
<li><a href="">Mozilla Curriculum Workshops</a></li>
<li><a href="">Localized Curriculum Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href="">Discussion Forum (Discourse)</a></li>
<li><a href="">Remix your own Mozilla Clubs Wordmark</a></li>
<li>Running a Mozilla Club in a.....</li>
<li><a href="">Afterschool Program</a></li>
<li><a href="">Within your Community Meet-Up</a></li>
<li><a href="">Neighborhood with low connectivity</a></li>
<li><a href="">Embedded in an existing program</a></li>
<li><a href="">Library</a></li>
<h3>For Club Captains</h3>
<li><a href="">Your First Month as a Club Captain</a></li>
<li><a href="">Branding Guidelines</a></li>
<li><a href="">Mozilla Clubs Flyer</a></li>
<li><a href="">Creating a Website</a></li>
<li><a href="">Writing a Blogpost</a></li>
<li><a href="">PR Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="">Social Media Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="">Documenting your Club Event</a></li>
<li><a href="">Parental Consent Form</a></li>
<h3>For Regional Coordinators</h3>
<li><a href="">Description for being a Regional Coordinator</a></li>
<li><a href="">Your First Month as a Regional Coordinator [in progress]</a></li>
<li><a href="">Regional Coordinator Community Calls</a></li>
<li><a href="">Running a Web Literacy Training Guide</a></li>
<h3>Other Guides</h3>
<li><a href="">Designing Safe and Inclusive Events for Women and Girls</a></li>
<li><a href="">Using Design Thinking at Events</a></li>
<li><a href="">How to be Participatory and Playful</a></li>
<li><a href="">Increasing Digital Literacy with Women</a></li>
<li><a href="">Teaching Web Literacy in the Open</a></li>
<li><a href="">Going from Participation to Collaboration</a></li>
<li><a href="">Growing Communities Online and Offline</a></li>
<h2 id="officehours">Office Hours</h2>
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<em>Have questions about Mozilla Clubs? Want to discuss what Mozilla Clubs looks like in your community? Want to share what your Mozilla Club is doing or where you need help? Sign up for Office Hours to learn how you can get involved.</em>
<li><a href="">Sign up here!</a></li>
<h3>Something missing?</h3>
If there is a resource you'd like to request be made, or you've developed something and would like to share it with the community, please email us at teachtheweb [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org.
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#Retaining, Growing Community Online & Off
Developed by: Nick Weinberg, Carolina Tejada Alvarez, Kristina Gorr and the Mozilla Clubs team
Building community is incredibly powerful, but as it grows it can become tricky. Once youve built a community, how can you build enough momentum to retain them and keep members active and engaged? Also, how can you continue to attract new, diverse and dedicated community members, while avoiding self-gentrification? This guide provides best practices and resources for retaining and growing your local community while also keeping them committed and participating. Youll learn how to bridge the gap between the online and in person communities to ultimately build a SUPER community.
![retaining, growing community](
##What is community?
A Mozilla Club community meets regularly in-person to learn how to read, write and participate on the Web in an inclusive, engaging way. This should be the definition of community that each Mozilla Club across the globe lives by. Ensuring that community does not shrink, or become stagnant is key. [Some additional thoughts on community](
##Facilitation Tips
Retaining and growing community is vital to the health and longevity of a successful Mozilla Club. There are many things you can do to help facilitate that kind of health and growth. Here are a few tips on how to do so:
* Communities and movements take strong leaders, but most importantly, they require even stronger followers. Based on what you know about your participants, encourage their strengths and help them to utilize them in your Club so they have a strong sense of community from the start.
* Every community faces challenges as they grow and evolve. To make sure your entire group (long-time participants and new members) feel welcome, comfortable, and in a safe learning environment, discuss and address challenges regularly.
* Some common issues that you may be facing include: Community members participating less, difficult to get in-person participation, no desire/understanding of why sharing with others online is important, little to no collaboration, self-gentrification (bringing in the same types of people). Keep an eye out for these and implement (and openly discuss) solution immediately.
* Offer monthly challenges/program ideas and let the group vote on what to do next. This builds community, a sense of ownership, and will distribute the workload for planning (if others volunteer to help).
* Look for content that is adjustable and open enough that it can be interpreted and remixed in many different ways. [Here's an example](
* Partner with other Mozilla Clubs (or any other relevant club in your area). This is not only really fun and a great way to meet new people, your Club will see how others are leading and running groups and will be motivated to keep yours healthy, as well.
* Try out Community calls! On the last Wednesday of every month, invite your online community to join you for a video call. Line up a guest speaker for a short Q&A and then break down into individual video chat rooms to have more intimate conversations with other members of the community. You can try the open source MIT platform called [Unhangout](, that uses Google Hangouts to create small breakout sessions as needed, and help users find others with shared interests. Invite well-known educators, thinkers, makers and tinkerers to join as well. THIS is where community members get to meet face-to-face and where collaboration starts to happen naturally.
* Utilize Online forums. They exist as a place for community members to talk about whats on their minds: project ideas, support, events, etc. These forums can indeed become stagnant if you dont manage them properly, but try posting a weekly conversation starter and tagging community members you think might enjoy talking further about it. [Our community forum]( is an example of an online forum that you can participate in as a part of the global Mozilla Clubs community.
* Host local community meetups. Every couple months host a meet-up to bring together the local community. Hosting a meetup is easy and can be done in any type of a space: an apartment, backyard, coffee shop, bar, etc. At these meetups, offer plenty of time to network, but also offer guided discussion or a hands-on project. Collaboration is key!
* []( is an excellent tool to spread the word and a way to bring in new community members.
![retaining, growing community](
##Activity Ideas
There are tons of great activities that encourage community building, both online and offline at []( Here are a few suggestions to collaborate with, retain and grow your Mozilla Club:
* Personal Presentation Icebreakers: Sit in a circle and...
* Share your name & fun fact about you.
* Who has inspired you within our Mozilla Club?
* Why do you come back to this Mozilla Club meeting after meeting?
* Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions: Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall. Facilitate discussion afterwards.
* Prompt Ideas:
* What old or new issues is our Mozilla Club facing?
* How do we address these issues?
* What online tools do you use for collaboration?
* What is your favorite online forum and why?
* What ideas do you have to invite more people to our Club?
* Lo-Fi, No-Fi Activities: Learn to code with limited or no connectivity. It encourages teamwork, provides opportunity for great discussion, and can surface opportunities to build a stronger sense of community within your group dynamic. These can be especially fun when hosting a larger event that includes outside community members.
* []( offers many “unplugged” activities for those with no prior programming experience.
* []( offers 19 activities in this [lo-fi, no-fi teaching kit](
* Group Hack/Remix Challenges: Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, pair your participants into teams to work together to achieve a goal. Add a bit of playful competition between teams by adding time restrictions, small prizes, or bragging rights.
* [Thimble]( - [Interactive Postcard Remix](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* [X-Ray Goggles]( - [Hack the News activity](
Want even more ideas and tools for retaining and growing your Mozilla Club? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [Community Forum](
* Air Mozilla: [Maintaining and Growing a technical community](
* Read about what [Hive NYC is doing to connect their community](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us](

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#Hosting a Mozilla Club in Your Library
Developed by: Kristina Gorr and the Mozilla Clubs team
>"At their best ... libraries serve as centers of discovery and communication–places where people gather and where information comes alive through teaching and personal interaction. Indeed, to distinguish themselves in a world where Google is well on its way to digitally scanning most of the books ever written, libraries are learning to take advantage of the simple fact that they are centrally located in almost every community. In other words, libraries now see success being linked to their role as public places and destinations.” - [Cynthia Nikitin and Josh Jackson of Project for Public Spaces](
Curious about what it takes to create a Mozilla Club environment within a library that provides a welcoming, safe, and creative environment for teaching the web? This guide will help you by providing information and tips on:
1. Hosting your Mozilla Club in a public, post-secondary, or school library in a way that is beneficial to both your library and the community.
2. Facilitation guidelines to make the most of your club events.
3. Real-world examples of successful events hosted in libraries to spark your creativity and inspiration.
Do you have other tips, links, or resources to share? Send them to us at or [join the discussion on teaching in a library in our community forum](
##Why Should You Meet in a Library?
* 98.0% of libraries offer either formal or informal technology training to patrons
* 49.3% of libraries offer formal technology training classes in general computer use
[These statistics]( offer encouragement that a partnership between a Mozilla Club and library is a great match.
###If youre an individual wanting to host a club in your local library…..
Your Mozilla Club will see many benefits from hosting your meetings in a library, whether a public, post-secondary, or school library! Options available and meeting details will vary, so contact your local library staff to discuss how your club might fit.
Library spaces are ideal for club meeting because they have a minimal rental fee (or might be free), are open to the community, and viewed as a safe space for community members of any age. The also offer ample internet connectivity, which is difficult to find in some communities. Because they are already community spaces, your regular library traffic will help to spread the word about your Club. Many libraries are equipped with small study spaces or meeting rooms, and may be open to larger events as well, making the library an ideal spot for a Club of any size. If your club meets regularly you can likely add your meeting to the librarys event calendar or distribute communication material throughout the library, spreading the word about your Club to the community even further for free. Contact your local library staff for options available for your club to meet in their space.
####How to start a your club in a library
Here are some quick steps to getting your club started at a library:
1. Connect with library staff to discuss your club needs and come to agreement on what is available and fits both your club requirements and library guidelines.
2. Pick a date and time that work for you and the library.
3. Circulate information about the club online and within the library space.
4. Have a designated area where your club takes place in the library and make sure the set-up is designed for group work (and perhaps some noise!). If you can run your club in a highly visible space, you might attract new mentors and participants, as well.
5. Find co-facilitators or mentors to join you. Consider running a training and event for volunteers before the actual event. [Heres a guide on how to run a training.](
6. Create your agenda or pick some activities to run at [](
###If youre a library wanting to start a Mozilla Club in your space…..
Libraries can benefit from running a Mozilla Club meeting in their space, as well. Hosting local clubs and activities strengthens the resources available to the community, making the library a healthy, vibrant place for gatherings like clubs to promote web literacy. Its essential for libraries to remain a positive place for youth and adults alike, especially as the digital age changes the environment of libraries across the world. Moreover, beginning a club can help spotlight your librarys digital programming for patrons, as well as attract local technology mentors to library-hosted events. Running a club is a way to connect learners and leaders in your library on a regular basis, establishing a strong mentorship offering with your library at the center.
####How to start a club in your library
Here are some quick steps to getting a club started at your library:
1. Conduct an assessment of programs that are already hosted in your library and determine if and how a Mozilla Club might complement them.
2. Decide on partners/patrons that might be interested in getting involved.
3. Plan and conduct a preview night to build up interest and finalize plans for an ongoing club meeting.
4. If you decide to move forward with the club, pick a recurring date and time that works for the library schedule.
5. Circulate information about the club online and within the library space.
6. Create your agenda or pick some activities to run at [](
##Facilitation Tips
Because you are hosting your Club in a public space, there are some best practice guidelines that you should abide by:
* Youre meeting in a common, public space, so be sure to respect it as such.
* Always leave the space cleaner than when you found it.
* Move tables, chairs, and other furniture back to their original places if you rearranged them for your meeting.
* Be mindful of the noise level of your meetup. While you dont need to whisper, monitor the noise level periodically, especially with youth. Check in with library staff, as well, regarding noise guidelines - as more and more community programming moves into library spaces, silence isnt always the rule in libraries.
* Post clear signage where your library permits that lists the name of your Club, the topic of meet-up, and the date, time, and location of your meeting.
* Be inclusive and welcoming to participants and curious bystanders who drop in to check out your club. Ask your regional coordinator or another mentor for help debiasing materials and make sure that all of your club members can see themselves in your lessons and materials.
* Look into other meetups and events that are happening at the library. You may not want to host your meeting at the same time to minimize competition between programs. On the other hand, maybe you can collaborate with another program meeting at the same time!
###Guidelines for Libraries Hosting a Club
Its important as the hosting library to be as clear as possible regarding expectations for clubs in your public space. The guidelines above in the “Facilitation Tips for Clubs in Libraries” can be a great place to start!
##Starter projects
The following activities are easy to implement with any size group and are perfect for library meetings where computers are present:
* [Making a MakerSpace]( A guide for creating a makerspace in your library.
* [Web Literacy Basics]( This six-part (available in 11 languages) series helps learners become familiar with reading, writing and participating on the web. They'll discover the foundations of the web through production and collaboration. This is an ideal kit for Mozilla Clubs.
* [Web Literacy Basics II]( Dive deeper into the basics of composing web pages, designing for accessibility, sharing resources, using online media, and working open.
* [Privacy Basics: Passwords, Tracking, and Data Retention]( Learn how to safeguard your privacy online and develop an awareness of how companies and governments track and collect your data online.
* [Lo-fi, no-fi Teaching Kit]( This series of activities help teach web literacy concepts offline, or where access to technology is limited. Includes printable templates and games to teach coding, game design and app development.
* [Homework Excuse Generator Thimble Tutorial]( Remix a random Homework Excuse Generator to have some fun at the start of a new school year.
* [Hack Your Notebook]( - Explore the connections between art, circuitry and systems thinking by hacking notebooks/journals with power and LEDs.
* [Minecraft A Flavor of Java]( - Learners develop computational thinking skills by using Java to create their own Minecraft mod.
* [CSS Story Cards]( - Students play a collaborative HTML & CSS card game to assemble an offline version of web page source code, then enter their code into Thimble to see what the web page looks like, and make fixes.
##Library Event Examples
Mozilla has supported numerous web literacy events affiliated with libraries, primarily in North America to date. [Please share your story with us](, so we can add more international examples to this list.
* [Encryption Party at a library in Sweden](
* [PROjectUS](
* [Teen Lit Festival](
* [Smart Grid Challenge](
* [Teachers @ Hive Chicago]( & [Model for Connected Learning PD](
* [Community Telescope Ambassadors](
* [Brooklyn Public Library Teen tech program](
* [Emoi-con! 2016 at New York Public Library](
* [Media Breaker workshops at Brooklyn Public Library and Macon Library](
* [Innovation Labs at New York Public Library](
* [NYC Haunts](
* [Teen Tech week](
* [Teen article]( about how Brooklyn Public library changed the author's life
* [NYC Summer Quest Maker Party](
* [NY Public Library on Hive NYC Maker Space panel](
* [Online basic web literacy courses]( by Chicago Public Library
* [Web Literacy Training at Brooklyn Public Library](
* [Thimble remix activities]( from Laura Flemings Library
* [Hour of Code at Library Media Tech](
* [Geek Girls Carrots Maker Party Pop-Up!]( at Seattle Public Library
* [Take up Toy Hacking]( at Georgina Public Library in Canada
##Other Resources
Want even more ideas and tools for making your Club a success in your library? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [If You Build It, Will They Come? The story of a MakerSpace Library miracle.](
* [Digital Literacy, "Maker" Librarians and the Mozilla Learning Network](
* [YOUMedia Learning Labs Network](
* [What Libraries Offer the Maker Movement](
* [Libraries that Matter](
* [Teaching Web Literacy in Libraries with Mozilla Learning presentation](
* [Discourse Community Forum](
* [Web Literacy Map](
* [Creating equal gender team dynamics](
* [Exploring unconscious bias](
* [Club Guide: Mixing Your Community Meet-up & Mozilla Club](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an excellent job in your library? [Share your story with us](!

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#Incorporating Mozilla Club content in your school curriculum
*Created by Kristina Gorr, Chad Sansing, Kim Wilkens, Greg McVerry, Gina Tesoriero and the Mozilla Clubs team*
*“Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective tech integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that...deepen and enhance the learning process... active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.”* -[Edutopia](
It can be challenging to incorporate third party content in your existing school curriculum, but it doesnt have to be! If you're looking for fun, hands-on activities (optimized for ages 13 and up but easily adaptable for the younger set too) with step-by-step tutorials, you will love Mozilla resources! The curriculum is tested among educators and volunteers around the world, and can be remixed to suit a variety of learning environments. You can try some standalone activities in your classroom or afterschool program, or follow a complete module comprised of a scaffolded set of activities.
This guide will walk you through incorporating Mozillas online teaching tools and resources, including:
* List of remixable teaching resources
* Principles for successful curriculum integration
* Tips from educators who have successfully incorporated Mozilla content
* Real life examples for using outside resources in your classroom
##Mozillas Remixable Teaching Resources
![Teaching Activities](
Start teaching others how to read, write and participate on the web with free activities created by teachers, educators and technologists like you. Each teaching activity is fully scalable and remixable to meet your needs, and the needs of your participants. Many of the activities can be adapted offline, and also include activity guides, handouts, and other resources, as appropriate.
Here are a few of the teaching kits available. For a full list and access, please visit: [](
* Web Literacy Basics I & II - Help learners become familiar with reading, writing and participating on the web by discovering the foundations of the web through production and collaboration.
* Privacy Basics: Passwords, Tracking, and Data Retention - Learn how to safeguard your privacy online and develop an awareness of how companies and governments track and collect your data online.
* Low to No Internet - This series of activities help teach web literacy concepts offline, or where access to technology is limited. Includes printable templates and games to teach coding, game design and app development.
* Intermediate Web Literacy I: Intro to CSS - Learn to style HTML elements on a webpage using CSS selectors, attributes, and values.
* Minecraft A Flavor of Java - Learners develop computational thinking skills by using Java to create their own Minecraft mod.
* Girls In Tech: Hacking My Media - Create a remix of a Wikimedia page and think critically about the intersection of gender, culture, technology and identity.
Mozilla also offers free tools to help you teach the web! Thimble is our fun, educational code editor and remixing tool for teaching HTML, CSS and other web skills. You can [start a project from scratch or remix a featured activity]( Thimble is a powerful curriculum aid: educators can build and share projects and activities, and remix other educators ideas - the options are endless!
##Principles for Successful Integration
* Fail forward, fail fast, and fail often. Web literacy is often a new topic for teachers and students alike. It can be challenging to learn the concepts behind the web, as well as the technical skills needed to read, write, and participate there all. Dont be afraid to to say, “I dont know,” or to fix a “bug” in your understanding openly with your class. Model failure as an opportunity to learn and improve your work. That attitude will come in handy when its time to test and tweak web pages!
* Take your best guess at what will hook your students - then edit and adapt based on what you learn. Try adjusting the curriculum to deal with issues and topics that are relevant to your group.
* The more you try collaborating and incorporating new resources and content, the more opportunities youll see for this in the future.
* Be prepared to identify challenges, talk openly about them, and troubleshoot. You wont have the perfect lesson every time, but youll learn what works and what doesnt from each experience.
* Making, not moving content/text/notes from one medium to another, should be the goal and the primary focus of the lesson.
* Mozilla curriculum is a remixable foundation. Over time, you want to build it to create more authentic and relevant experiences for kids in your content area, and across content areas.
* Success looks like spending 30 minutes to find an extra (or missing) angle bracket - expect to move slowly, in small ways.
> **Advice from #teachtheweb advocate & educator [Kim Wilkens](**
- You often don't have to start from scratch. For me, my goal has been to integrate Computer Science/web literacy concepts into the curriculum and classroom. That means working with subject/homeroom teachers and they don't have time for new content.
- Find out what kind of lessons/projects have been done with students in the past. Then, start with one lesson/project to “enhance”.
- Brainstorm with other teachers about how your lessons/projects can be “enhanced”? For example:
- Could the lesson be more interactive?
- Could student creations offer an alternative vehicle for assessment?
- Could exploring more of the technology functionality give students more context and deeper understanding the subject?
- Create a framework for student work, while giving them creative freedom within it.
- Create a rubric to guide students.
- Creating quick screencasts to go along with the lesson is super helpful for students and teachers new to web literacy.
- If you get stuck, ask the #teachtheweb community for ideas & suggestions.
##Real Life Examples from Across the Globe
Here are some great examples of how Mozilla teaching kits are being used across the globe:
* Learn how a Mozilla Club in Switzerland (MakerJam) used [Kraken the Code]( in their kick-off event [here]( And heres a bit about what they did remixing with Thimble:
*Using [Thimble]( we remixed a meme to explain our understanding. In [X-ray Goggles]( we explored remixing further by redesigning the [Science Museum](, London website to be all about the Kraken. This idea evolved from one of the many inspirations from Mozfest, London and a collaboration with Tate Gallery... Using the PingKong resources from Mozilla Learning we discovered how the internet works. Check out how students explained their understanding below:*
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
* Active community member [Greg McVerry]( ) uses Thimble in his University classroom for his [students final projects](
* In the U.S.A., the [National Writing Project]( is featuring a [Letters to the Next President]( Thimble template to use in a national campaign for youth to write a letter to the next President. In the classroom, students across the nation are remixing this letter to learn about civic engagement.
* [Here is a great example]( of a website built inside Thimble by a middle school student in Houston, Texas.
* [This roundup]( includes several fun and educational Thimble remixes from community members around the globe.
* [Heres how]( [Kim Wilkens]( teaches HTML & CSS in her classroom.
* Kim also uses this [remixed “Three things I Love” project]( for her 7th grade science projects.
* New York City teacher [Gina Tesoriero]( personalized Mozillas [Kraken the Code]( activity for her classroom. [See her remix here](
* Gina also made this Thimble [starter sheet]( for her students to help get them started with coding their own [comic strip remix](
> **Advice from #teachtheweb advocate & educator [Greg McVerry](**
*“My class had to meet strict objectives for our tech fluency requirements. I wanted to focus on the Web Literacy Map. So I looked for correlations. How could I meet my required pedagogical goals while preparing students to read, write and participate on the web? That was the pedagogical choice that informed all iterations.”*
##More remix ideas (by subject)
Here are some examples to get your creativity flowing in specific education area.
* Have students summarize a novel or identify its key plot points by creating a web-native Choose your own adventure (CYOA) story with JavaScript or an online tool like Twine.
* Have students create review games about the revision process using a CYOA story.
* Have students create a CYOA story about empathy for a character in narrative non-fiction by presenting their decisions to readers/players.
* Review the scientific method or design/engineering process w/ a CYOA story with JavaScript or an online tool like Twine.
* Have students write a CYOA story about a highly reactive atom or molecule deciding where to bond with another.
* Using Thimble, create a page for an historical figure - a biography, a 1st person social media page, a “Did you know” page, etc.
* Create history trivia flashcards using a project like our flipped postcard.
* Using Thimble, create different shapes - or “box models” - out of CSS and HTML using pixel measurement. Then figure out their dimensions and areas in “px.”
* Use percentages to size different elements on a webpage in Thimble and explore the ratios and relationships between them visually online.
* Work with rgb (red, green, blue) color values on a webpage. Each color has 256 “steps” or possible values from 0 to 255. See how the webpages color changes when you manipulate those values in different mathematical ways.
* Create an [art gallery using Thimble]( to showcase students work.
* Animation is art too! Try out this [teaching kit]( where students learn to use Mozilla Factorys Parapara and Fabble, open web tools for animation and sharing work online. Create 2D animations, 3D projection-mapped animations, and recipes that others can fork for remix on Fabble.
> **Advice from #teachtheweb advocate & educator [Gina Tesoriero](**
“When students need help:
- Identify mentor students that can help other students as they encounter obstacles.
- Have a fun way for students to ask for help without raising their hand so they can be productive while they are waiting. Flipping a cup over or wearing a silly hat, for example. And make sure they have something to do while they are waiting.
- Try the "[ask 3 before me](" technique to encourage collaboration and discovery learning.”
* [Setting expectations when doing CS in the classroom video]( from Kim Wilkens
* [Essential Resources for Integrating Technology in the Classroom](
* [Why Integrate Technology into the Classroom](
* [How to Infuse Digital Literacy Throughout the Curriculum](
* [Of Coding and Compassion]( by Chad Sansing
* [How I Forked Mozilla Web Clubs for a Formal Educational Setting]( by Greg McVerry
* [Tips for Successful Events with Kids]( by Gina Tesoriero

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#Globally Increasing Womens Web Literacy
Developed by: Kristina Verbo, Carolina Tejada Alvarez, Kristina Gorr and the Mozilla Clubs team
Lets work together to create a Mozilla Club environment in which women will see technology in a whole new light – as a medium for self-expression, and as a means for changing the world. Encouraging women to see the value in web literacy, to regularly participate in your club, and to eventually #teachtheweb to others will transform global web literacy as we know it. Whether it is with your current club, or a new Mozilla Club designed for women, we can make great strides towards global web literacy by helping women feel welcome to engage in the web.
![Women & Web Literacy](
##Why is it important to focus on women?
The world has a history of suppressing womens rights, opinions, education, community, and so much more. Every time a layer of that suppression is stripped away (usually thanks to a brave woman fighting the fight), a change for the better follows shortly after. If women are able to understand and participate on the web, as equally as men, we will untap a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and resources that will change the world. Lets take a step in that direction with Mozilla Clubs!
##Facilitation Tips
When an assistant at a University opened an invitation for a Womens Computer Science group, she didnt expect many responses… but she got more than 50! She had to find a new place to run it because there were more participants interested than she was expecting. Web Literacy is a doorway to women empowerment and you can help facilitate women crossing through that threshold. Here are some tips to facilitate events with a predominantly female group:
* Provide the technical information, but always connect that with particular interests of your participants (the arts, for example). This is engaging and powerful, as it provides self-motivation to achieving their dreams/passions.
* If possible, inviting young women (as young as 15-18) to your group is effective, as they are still making directional life choices and creating their interests.
BUT, invite women of all ages! Just be mindful that they will have different web literacy needs and there must be different programs, curriculum and tools to guarantee the engagement for all.
* Find out what they already know about the web and connect what they are already doing to help them understand. For example, if they are present on social media, you can dig deeper into a discussion asking, “What do you do on social media?”, “What are the consequences?”, “How can you read content critically?”, “How can you protect your privacy on social media?”, etc.
* Build confidence in women participants by creating a safe environment where there are no “stupid” questions, every mistake is viewed as an opportunity to learn, and allow them to work together to build relationships as much as possible. Create a safe environment by:
* Setting ground rules. Tell participants to be respectful of others opinions, that information will remain confidential, and other relevant information that is needed.
* Asking and encouraging all individuals to participate.
* Be supportive of all opinions.
* *Play a supporter role, not a micromanagement role. Share, learn, motivate, create together. Connect with other Mozilla Club Captains and share ideas
![Women & Web Literacy](
##Activity Ideas
There are tons of great activities that encourage learning on []( This list highlights a few to get you started.
* Personal Presentation Icebreakers: Sit in a circle and...
* Share your name & fun fact about you.
* Share why increasing digital literacy for women and girls is important to you.
* Share your goals for being in the Mozilla Club.
* Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions: Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall.
* Prompt Ideas:
* What does web literacy looks like in your community?
* What does women empowerment looks like in your community?
* What web literacy for women looks like in your community?
* Are there any blockers in encouraging emerging leaders in solidifying Web Literacy for women?
* Are there any existing programs with the same goals? How are they effective?
* Group Hack/Remix Challenges: Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, remixing is a great way to connect the web with womens passions and interests. Here are some remix ideas:
* [Thimble](
* [Keep Calm & Carry On](
* [Corny Kids Joke Generator](
* [Brooklyn Trend Generator](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* Women-Focused Coding Activities:
* [Gender in Tech - Hacking My Media]( In this activity, learners create a remix of a Wikimedia page as they think critically about the intersection of gender, culture, technology and identity.
* [Made With Code]( Mozilla is happy to partner with Google's Made with Code initiative to inspire girls to get creative with code. There are three fun activities to help you create your own webpages by writing and remixing HTML.
Want even more ideas and tools for globally increasing Womens Web Literacy? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [Community Forum](
* [Web Literacy Map](
* [Creating equal gender team dynamics](
* [Exploring unconscious bias](
* Inspiration: [How I Got on Board with RideW/Me](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an excellent job of reaching out to women and increasing womens web literacy? [Share your story with us](!

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#Ya tienes un Club? Intégralo con Mozilla
[Guía]( adaptada al Español por [Mozilla Clubs](
**Tiempo estimado de lectura:** 5 minutos
> Nuestro programa de alfabetización digital en Mozilla Clubs es flexible y está diseñado para ser integrado fácilmente con otros grupos de interés.
##Qué valor agrega Mozilla a tu Club?
* **[Currículo libre y gratuito, listo para usar.](** Nuestras actividades están diseñadas con base en proyectos básicos que permiten a los participantes “aprender mientras hacen”.
* **[Herramientas de código abierto.](** Creadas para desarrollar habilidades técnicas específicas, que permiten poner en práctica conceptos teóricos abstractos.
* **[Conexión con la red mundial de líderes dedicados a la alfabetización digital en comunidades locales.](** Aprende de la experiencia de cada miembro en los espacios de interacción abiertos como foros, videollamadas, talleres, y otros eventos.
* **[Actualización en “mejores prácticas” de educación.](** Nuestra red humana está integrada por educadores, activistas tecnológicos y artistas, que están constantemente reflexionando alrededor de metodologías educativas de vanguardia.
* **Apoyo uno a uno.** Algunos países cuentan con Coordinadores Regionales, los cuales están en contacto permanente con los capitanes de la región para resolver inquietudes, generar nuevas ideas y ayudarles a crear el plan de trabajo.
##Cómo integrar Mozilla Clubs a tu programa actual?
1. Ingresa a y aplica para ser Capitán.
2. Sigue las instrucciones de la aplicación y completa el entrenamiento virtual.
3. Conéctate con la comunidad a través de Discourse, Twitter y Facebook.
4. Adapta el currículo a las necesidades de tu club. Explora las actividades de nuestro currículo abierto y de acuerdo con el perfil de tu audiencia, determina cuáles de ellas pueden ser útiles.
5. Atiende los Workshops virtuales y las videoconferencias que se realizan cada mes. Estos son espacios colaborativos para la co-creación y reflexión alrededor de la alfabetización digital. Una vez estés inscrito en nuestras listas de correo, te llegarán invitaciones para cada evento.
6. Únete activamente a las campañas mundiales de Mozilla y recibe orientación, currículo y soporte para llevarlas a cabo en tu comunidad.
##Esta es la historia de Sarah
Sarah lidera un Coder Dojo Club en Londres y cuando conoció sobre el programa de Mozilla, decidió integrarlos. Esta es su experiencia:
*Yo lidero un grupo local que se reúne todos los fines de semana. Está integrado por jóvenes entre los 10 y los 15 años de edad.*
*A pesar de que ya contaba con un programa establecido, mi club atiende un amplio rango de edades, y por tanto, diversos niveles de competencias. Por esta razón me interesé en ampliar el currículo a través de lo que Mozilla Clubs ofrece.*
*El valor que agregó Mozilla Clubs a mi programa fue la posibilidad de incluir nuevas actividades para aquellos estudiantes que querían aprender más sobre cómo aplicar las competencias adquiridas con Scratch y HTML, en otras áreas de la web.*
*Al comienzo sólo tomaba al azhar las actividades compartidas en el [sitio web]( pero pronto me di cuenta de que siguiendo el plan curricular que alli peoponen, podia tambien seguir las métricas en cada lección, lo cual me permite identificar el avance de cada estudiante a lo largo de 6 semanas.*
*Finalmente, el apoyo que encontré en Mozilla Clubs es excelente. Yo no me considero “altamente técnica” o con altas competencias digitales, pero he estado en capacidad de entender e implementar las lecciones, pues están diseñadas bajo una estructura clara y fácil de entender.*
*Asimismo, he encontrado apoyo en los foros de discusión abierta. Estos son espacios buenísimos para compartir y aprender de las experiencias de otros educadores.*
*Al finalizar las 6 semanas que dura el programa de formación en mi Club, tanto los jóvenes como yo, hemos aprendido nuevas competencias y habilidades técnicas que pueden ser aplicadas en otros momentos a lo largo del programa de nuestro club.*

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# Creative methods of introducing topics
There are times in your club event when you might want to softly introduce a topic to your crowd before doing an activity, like a little icebreaker or tiny activity to get your learners excited about it. This guide provides ways to introducing topics and creating segueways from one activity to another. With the ice breakers techniques shown here, your club will ramp up their energy before the actual activity starts. You can pick and choose which methods you like best, and remix the formats to suit your clubs needs.
## Micro-activities
A micro-activity: is an activity that helps support and introduce a more involved activity. Micro-activities should be simple, quick and easy to execute. For example:
* Distribute post-it notes and markers to all people present at the club event including learners, facilitators, CCs.
* Ask a question or make a call for opinions
* Everyone writes one statement per sticky note, anonymously, and then they walk to a flip chart or wall and place their note on it at random positions. It is important that they feel that this is anonymous, as that will create a willingness to write their true opinion instead of what they might think others want to hear.
* Have everyone do a gallery walk, placing “+1” signs in notes they agree with.
Micro-activities can be remixed to have specific zones in the flipchart for a more structured final chart such as when asking them “Why do you like or doesnt like avocado in your sandwich?” and you have a zone marked with “like” and another with “doesnt like” and the learners place their sticky notes on each zone depending on where there reasoning lies.
## Starting with RFC
Request For Comments (RFC) is a type of micro-activity in which you pose a question to learners and invite them to comment. For example, suppose you want to do an activity about the dangers to ones privacy when using mobile apps. You can start by asking them “What mobile apps you use the most?” and then based on their answers and +1s, you can move into a deeper discussion and activities focused on the popular apps.
## Dreaming with a blue sky question
A blue sky question is not tied to reality or even feasibility. For example, “If you were a migrating bird, where would you migrate to?”is a great blue sky questions. This question can be followed by [a poster making activity in Mozilla Thimble]( focusing on the places theyd like to migrate. With blue sky questions, the goal is to expand their minds with broad, open questions so that they use their answers to propel the activity. After all, an important aspect of clubbing is being creative!
## Finding common ground with flipchart columns
Divide your wall or flip-chart into sections or columns. Each space is reserved for an opinion on a given topic Using the natural division between opinions, form groups to do the main activity.
Example: divide the space into two sections called “I Want To Believe”, and “No, that is not true!” And ask your learners, “who believe in Aliens?” Use the natural formed groups to do a remixed version of Kraken The Code focused on Aliens!
## Celebrating with reflections
After the club has been established for some time and the learners have accumulated experiences together, ask question such as: “What was the most fun moment you had in this club?” Or “When have you used your new digital skills outside of the club?” Proceed with an activity like [“Story of Us”]( Use these moments to reflect on your clubs progress and shared stories. Remember to share them back with the larger club ecosystem.

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#Case Study: Developing an Online Learning Platform for Women and Girls
*This report is a collaboration of data and findings by Mozilla and the team at Every1Mobile who were leaders behind the development, curation and analysis of the online platform.*
Working at the intersection of gender issues and equity online has required us to really dig into what it means to develop safe spaces for women online. This year weve been asking many questions including what do safe places look like, how do they make people feel and how can we foster an open, shared and collaborative learning space for women online.
Among the many new projects undertaken this year, an exciting one was to collaborate with [Every1Mobile]( to dig into these questions and develop a safe online learning space for women within our network. This aligned very well with our goal of creating a more inclusive and safe space web for women while also allowing us the opportunity to create learning spaces for women within our network beyond the physical learning setting.
We decided to test this pilot within our new expansion of [Mozilla Clubs for women and girls](, a project with [UN Women]( that aimed to increase key digital skills among women and girls through in-person local learning groups in South Africa and Kenya. By working with our club leaders we were able to develop a mobile optimized website that is optimized for use across all devices including non-smartphones. It was designed to further facilitate the digital curriculum they used in their regular meet-ups. The website created an online community where club participants and leaders could engage and connect with other learners online and continue learning following their physical meet up was over through an online digital literacy curriculum. All on their own time. The goal was to onboard 100 learners to engage in the platform in the seven month pilot.
##The Website
[insert image of app]
The mobile-optimized site, called [My Mozilla Club](, was designed for individuals to use it wherever they were, regardless of whether they had a smartphone or a feature phone. It was specifically designed with low-bandwidth in mind to keep data charges low and make the app more accessible which meant it didnt include media (pictures, videos etc.) and allowing users to turn on low-bandwidth options. When designing the website, we discussed the type of community, conversations and experiences the participants wanted and needed . Every step of the website was considered, including how to make women feel comfortable when signing up for the app and details that would make them feel more comfortable once there. After analyzing and testing an appropriate structure, the website was formatted into the following sections:
###Lets Learn
A section for learning and practicing skills taught in Mozilla Club sessions. We structured this section in the style of an e-learning course. The goal was for users to be able to partake in a series of activities that would build on one another. We started off by repurposing a number of existing Mozilla activities, but found many of these difficult to repurpose for mobile, therefore we also included purpose built activities around topics that were requested by Club Captains and learners. Chapters include web basics, online tracking: all about cookies, how to stay safe online, how to make your password stronger, ways to spot a secure web site, cyberbullying and how you can stop it. Each chapter consisted of a number of pages or activities designed to teach participants about the topic, as well as a final quiz to test what was learned.
###Connect & Share
A forum including discussions on various topics related to digital literacy and the web, designed as a space where Learners and Club Captains across Kenya and South Africa can come together and talk about issues they cared about.
###Talent Room
A section designed to allow all Mozilla Club participants to share videos, pictures or links related to anything they are learning or practicing, inside or outside of their clubs.
###Mozilla Club Spotlight
A section where Mozilla Club leaders and learners could nominate one another, or someone outside of the clubs, to be featured as an inspiring individual to the women in technology community.
###Your Opinions & Ideas
A section that allowed club learners to share their thoughts on the site, and the club program as well as to make suggestions for what else they want to see and learn.
###Captains Corner
A section only available to Club Captains / Regional Coordinators; this space was dedicated to a teacher-to-teacher exchange.
Over our pilot period (April through October) we tracked weekly site statistics to try and understand the uptake of the site amongst our learners. Here is a snapshot of some of the results:
* 136 registered users on the site
* 99 registered Learners
* 37 Coordinators / Captains
* 453 total visits
* 98 total Learner visits
* 255 total Coordinator / Captain visits
* 15 clubs engaged (4 in Kenya; 11 in South Africa)
* The age breakdown of Learners ranged from 13 to 66 years old
Every1Mobile community managed the site which involved keeping content refreshed and responding to user comments to keep the community alive. This was key to reaching these engagement figures.While on the platform there were members of the team engaged and ready to facilitate in any conversation. Members of the local Every1Mobile team visited club sessions and answered questions, gave tutorials and provided face-to-face support. We found that the more we connected directly with the users on the ground, the higher the engagement would be. [Heres a blog post from Mozilla Club Inkwenkwezi]( on their successful day sharing the app with learners and meeting with the Every1Mobile team in Cape Town.
![alt text]( "Learners working with Every1Mobile Team")
Though we hit our target numbers and achieved our objectives, we had to wonder if we really created a safe learning space online that women wanted to join. Through our research and understanding of online spaces, we truly think we did achieve a safe space online but when thinking of how learners were able to optimize the space, we realized we still have so much to learn. In a quick analysis it started becoming evident, our hypothesis for womens capacity to engage with online platforms and content was far from what we expected, particularly for women over 40.
**The apps greatest success was from our learning of how women did and did not engage online.**
It was our hypothesis that the women and girls would want to use the website and engage with it regularly as part of the Mozilla Club experience but truthfully, this wasnt always the case. While all participants were excited to have the website and wanted it to be available for them to use, engagement levels were not nearly as high as we had hoped they would be. Individuals wanted the website but that excitement didnt transfer over to actually using it.
We started to have 1-1 conversation with our local program leads to understand the issues they were facing that provided this disconnect. They shared many **concerns related to access including,**
* Many clubs focused on teaching to girls in high school and younger which meant **mobile (and even computer) adoption was still low in that age group.** The learners did not have access to web-enabled phones, smartphones or computers to access the site outside of a club setting.
* For those that did have access to a web-enabled phone or computer, there were large **concerns over data usage** and having to pay out-of-pocket to engage on the platform.
* Many clubs were in low-income areas where access to Internet was low and their **clubs were run entirely offline**. This means they werent able to test, explore or experience the site in a comfortable physical environment that encouraged usage outside of the club.
* In clubs where we had older participants, **language was a barrier** to women coming online and participating. While English is known by many, older generations were still used to reading and feeling most comfortable engaging in their native languages.
* Participants still struggled with Internet basics such as creating profiles and registering accounts. Large amounts didnt even have email addresses and faced barriers because of **low site literacy**.
So with that in mind, we decided to make some changes to address the problems we heard. The Every1Mobile team attended more sessions locally to provide real people behind the website and took their in-person learning back into content suggestions. We worked on providing more access to internet and resources. We also worked on communication channels and did regular share-outs on content updates with club leaders so they would be better equipped to know what was happening on the site and share that back with learners. We even ran contests where weekly participants would be entered to win free data.
And with all those changes and monitoring usage data closely, we still didnt see the uptake we were hoping for. Participation on the website would spike during the session but then engagement would again drop outside of the learning space.
So what now? We needed to go further and get to the root of the problem. This time we dug deeper into conversations with our learners to **understand their user behavior** that was affecting their engagement. Heres a snapshot of what we learned:
* **People understood the expectation to come into a club and share in a physical space but they were still hesitant to share online even if a safe space had been established.** For many club members, especially the older ones, they were still uncomfortable sharing info or photos online. Fear over privacy and security remained a large barrier to women sharing with each other and not having regular access to Internet, smartphones and computers further inhibited them.
* **Individuals thought that they could get the same type of learning on Facebook or other social media platforms.** They were using social media to gather their news and as a learning platform. There was also a level of expectations that they dont have to exit their social media platforms, that apps should be integrated within them and come to where they are. When asked if they would be more engaged with the website if it were a Facebook group, individuals were inclined to say yes.
* **Usage and engagement with all mobile apps, other than social media ones, was actually quite low.** This particular group did not have or use many apps on their smartphones (if they had them). While they found apps exciting, especially those targeted to them, they still dont find themselves engaging on them. This was further identified when we learned that majority of site visits occurred through a desktop computer.
* **Online incentives were appealing**, but not effective. In an effort to increase site usage, we ran weekly competitions in which we planned to reward a bit of airtime to one winner per week for taking part in an activity on the site. We communicated this to the Club Captains but unfortunately we saw extremely limited participation and no uptake in site usage as a result of these competitions. Were still not sure why this was the case and the behaviours of women to online contests.
## Next Steps
We went in with the intention to create a safe and fun learning space that women would want to participate as a compliment to their in-person learning. Instead, we stumbled across deep-rooted barriers that have prevented women in participating online. Our learning as it related to user behaviour online for women was my most successful part of the pilot. It shared a level of understanding of how women approach the Internet and technology that no data could have ever done. The more our hypothesis and experiments were tested, the more we uncovered on how this group does (and does not) engage online. How fear over privacy or security online, affinity for social media and lack of interest in mobile apps were common behaviours of women and issues that needed more attention. We also learned how we, and the web, need to better understand behaviours of women to build a better Internet for them. This is the most exciting next step for our work.

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# Leveraging Local Partnerships for Mozilla Clubs
> This is a *DRAFT*. This guide is not finished and is ongoing constant work.
Clubs are run around of the world by teams of very dedicated volunteers. Their experience can be greatly improved (and made a lot easier) by establishing relationships with local business and institutions. In this guide we present some ideas and methods for approaching these venues.
## Partnering with students
University students and staff can be a very powerful addition to your club team. There are many ways you can approach university (and colleges or high schools) such as:
* Students of IT/CS department can use clubs as an opportunity to improve their teaching skills. The presence of IT/CS students also serves as inspiration for learners as they engage with each others. People with CS/IT background will improve their facilitation skills and their ability to explain technical concepts in layman terms which is also great for their future professional life.
* Students of pedagogy, sociology or education background can do field work inside your club and help your team refine their facilitation and collaboration skills. They can help identify where your methods need improvement and how to adapt activities to your local context. Clubs are very fertile ground for pedagogy and sociology students.
The best way to approach such institutions is by directly talking with the heads of the departments. Before talking to the department, it is a very good option to have the support of one or more teachers on that same department. A structured project detailing "why Mozilla clubs", "why Mozilla", "why this department", "what the students/teachers/staff will take out of the project" is a must. By presenting a real project explaining the project and the opportunities for the institution it becomes much easier to establish a formal partnership.
Helping or doing field work inside a club can be a project for a given class. A supportive teacher can lead this project inside the university. Another good opportunity is students that want to do a special assignment for a class using the club as a subject.
## Partnering with local business
It is common that clubs use a lot of office supply materials such as markers, sticky notes, flipcharts, during their activities. The costs of these materials add up as events become more popular and more frequent. Establishing a partnership with a local business in the sector of office supplies or stationary can be mutualy beneficial for the club and the business.
The club captain can approach local businessess with a presentation and document about the Mozilla Club and ask for support in the form of discounts for the materials used in the events. The same approach can be used with delis, restaurants and other places to get snacks for club members.
There are many local business owners that want to have social impact in their region but don't know what to support. Helping form a local network of businessess committed to improve the effectiveness of a local Mozilla Club is a great way to mobilize your local community.
> *Case Study*: [Rio Mozilla Club]( has a partnership with a popular local stationary shop in the city they are based. The owner of this shop is engaged in social actvism and very keen to help projects that can have social impact. Thanks to their support, the club has 20% discount on supplies at the shop which quickly adds up to a lot of saving as the club recently has been doing more than 8 events per month.
## Partnering with informal learning spaces
There is a great opportunity for advancing clubs by partnering with informal learning spaces such as libraries, city managed cultural equipments, maker spaces and so on. Many of these venues are ver receptive of programs like our Mozilla Clubs and will allow you to use the space.
Another positive action is reaching out to maker and DIY communities in your area so that they are aware of your club and that your learners also become aware of those communities. Much like FOSS communities, the maker culture has a strong impact in digital skills learning. Bridging your club and those groups, exchanging stories and sharing activities together is a great way of engaging your learners and forming a learning network in your local region.
Approaching spaces such as libraries and museums is much like approaching business and universities. Needs to be done in a serious manner with a scheduled meeting to present the program and how it affects your local region and the positive outcomes that it can generate.
Maker spaces, hacker spaces, fab labs and similar venues are much easier to approach. Usually, a simple talk with the members or managers can get your learners inside on a scheduled day. After that you can foster collaboration between your groups and effectively turn your learners into engaged makers beyond digital making.
## Contact
Email Mozillas Club expert [Amira Dhalla]( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs.
Tweet us anytime [@MozTeach]( or using [#teachtheweb or #MozillaClubs](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us!](

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#This is the Page Title
The Page title should be at the top of your content. The page title also shows up in the ``<title />`` tag of the HTML version of your article (look at label of this browser tab).
#This is the Page Title
The secondary heading, like the one above this text, is also automatically included in the navigation on the left side. Because of
that, keep these headings short and succinct.
##Secondary Heading
Here are the rest of the headings you can use...
###3rd Level Heading
####4th Level Heading
#####5th Level Heading
###3rd Level Heading
####4th Level Heading
#####5th Level Heading
##Links & Images
This is text with a [cool link](!
This is text with a [cool link](!
###Here's an image
##Basic Text Formatting
### Paragraph & text styles
This is a paragraph, it doesn't need any special syntax. Just type some stuff and leave spaces above and blow it. You can make things **bold** and you _emphasize_ them too. You can even ~~cross things out~~.
This is a paragraph, it doesn't need any special syntax.
Just type some stuff and leave spaces above and blow it.
You can make things **bold** and you _emphasize_ them too.
You can ever ~~cross things out~~.
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a sub-bullet
* This is a sub-bullet
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
* This is a sub-bullet
* This is a sub-bullet
* This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
1. This is a bullet in an ordered list
2. This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
1. This is a sub-bullet
2. This is also a sub bullet
3. This is a bullet in an un-ordered list
1. The fist item
2. The second item
1. This is a sub-bullet
2. This is also a sub bullet
3. The third item
##Fancy Stuff
###Horizontal Rule
###Callout Box
> This is a callout box, it gets a fancy little box and border. Use it to draw attention to some interesting content.
> This is a callout box, it gets a fancy little box and border.
> Use it to draw attention to some interesting content.
###Code Block
To insert a block of code, place the content between triple back-ticks <code>```</code>.

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#Marketing Your Mozilla Club: A PR Guide
##Your Mission
Encourage local newspapers, radio stations and other media to share the story of your Mozilla Clubs with your community.
##Your Qualifications
You are a leader within a local Mozilla Club community with an interest in identifying, talking to and working with local media to share the story of your Club.
##Your Tasks
1. Start by writing a [blog post]( about your Mozilla Club and how its making a difference in your community.
2. Turn your blog post into a pitch — a shorter version for sending to reporters. Include a “hook,” or the reason reporters should write about it: are you doing something unexpected? Is someone notable attending? Is there a tie-in to a current breaking news story or trend? Is part of a larger campaign that Mozilla or others are participating in?
3. Also include important information about your Mozilla Club: its mission, members, location and curriculum. Make sure it includes all the key details of who, what, where, when and how. As well as why you are running a Mozilla Club, what is the importance and how you are creating an impact within your community.
4. Build a list of local media contacts; reporters and writers who regularly cover topics like technology, education, nonprofits and open source. Consider local newspapers, TV and radio stations, magazines and blogs. You can generally find a reporters email address on their papers website, or on their professional Twitter account. If not, try calling the outlet and ask to leave a voicemail for the reporter. Networking is also a great way to meet and build relationships with reporters and other influential leaders in the community that can help spread the word about your Club. Try attending community events, relevant meetups, and other community organized events to meet new people.
5. Share your pitch with media. Give them a quick line at the top of your message or on the phone as to why they should care or cover the topic. Email and phone work best. Social media works, too. Be polite. And nice. Journalists are overworked and busy. No one likes to get a rude or presumptuous email. Always paste everything into the body of an email. NEVER send an attachment. Ever. (They wont open it.) And if its event related, make sure to give at least three-weeks notice.
6. When a reporter is interested, provide them with additional, accurate information about your Club or Mozilla. If you need help, contact a member of the Mozilla Clubs team for support. Ask when the story will be published, and keep an eye out for it. If you dont hear back back from a reporter, follow up once more within one to two weeks. If you dont hear back the second time, the reporter is likely unable to attend.
7. Share your results with Mozilla. Email a link to the news story to and share on Twitter using #teachtheweb. If no press are able to attend your event, dont worry — getting media coverage is hard! Instead, feel free to take photos, write a [blog post](, and share those with the world. On Twitter, tag [@MozLearn]( so that we can see what your Club is doing!
##Your Goals
* Place 1-2 stories about your Mozilla Club in local media
##Example Pitch Email
To: O Globo technology reporters
Subject: Story idea: New Mozilla Club in Rio focuses on learning and teaching the Web
Message: Hello, Im writing to suggest a story idea — coverage of a new Mozilla Club in Rio. Its run by volunteers and teaches community members how to safely use the Web. Were teaching skills like search, privacy and more through hands-on activities. Id like to invite you to join us at our next meeting and learn how were making a positive difference in Rio.
Here are the details:
**Who:** [Insert Mozilla Club Name and any partners]
**What:** [Mozilla Club Launch]
**Where:** [Location]
**When:** [Date, Time]
* Email Mozillas Club expert Julia Vallera ( with any questions about Clubs
* Email Mozillas communications manager Kevin Zawacki ( for PR help or guidance
* Tweet us anytime [@MozLearn](

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#Marketing Your Mozilla Club: Social Media Guide
##Your Mission
Share your Mozilla Club experiences on Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms
##Your Qualifications
Adept at creating social content, promoting an event or group, and reaching the right audience
##Your Tasks
1. Pick your social network(s). You know your community best and where you are most likely to engage the most people, promote your club and have meaningful conversations. For example, Facebook is typically better for promoting events, Twitter is great for having one-to-one conversations and Instagram is great for telling your Clubs story visually.
2. Share frequent social media updates that encourage people to learn more about your Mozilla Club, or Mozilla Clubs in general, promote events, or engage in specific Clubs activities.
3. Always include a Call to Action (CTA) in your post that encourages people to do more. This is usually a link to a blog post or web page that allows people to sign up for a Club nearby.
4. When on Twitter, use #teachtheweb and /or #MozillaClubs to share with the community and tag @MozTeach and/or @Mozilla in your tweets to invite participation in the conversation.
5. Nothing beats taking the time to connect with followers on your channels to support their efforts to explore a challenging new learning environment. You can view, comment on, share, and Retweet (RT) great content, invite followers to your events and answer questions.
6. Help us identify additional social network platforms (WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.) in your region that we should be using to spread the word about Mozilla Clubs. Once you identify them, let us know!
##Your Goals
* Post Mozilla Club content regularly (about three times/week)
* Interact with (like, favorite, Retweet, share) other peoples social media content about Mozilla Clubs
* Provide timely responses to followers questions and comments. However, use your best judgement and dont engage the trolls (“fake” profiles)!
* Remind people to follow you or visit your blog for future updates
##Social Media Dos and Donts
* Do add a picture whenever you can. Make sure its relevant and properly cropped
* Do keep your posts short and to the point. Generally, the less text, the better a post performs
* Do respond to comments in a helpful and timely fashion. If you dont have the answer, help the user find a Mozillian who does
* Dont engage with spammers, trolls, or users who are not being civil. Instead, ignore them
* Dont create a new social media profile for your Club unless you are able to update it and respond to questions regularly. A dormant profile can confuse and frustrate people
* Dont write overly long statuses and updates — save those for blog posts
[Twitter] I'm starting a @Mozilla Club in Rio to #TeachTheWeb. Want to join? Read my blog for details: @MozLearn
[Twitter] We're teaching and learning HTML in Rio. Want to join our Mozilla Club? you're invited: #teachtheweb @MozLearn
[Twitter] Mozilla Club Rio is meeting right now! Join us digitally — tweet links to your Thimble project to us, and we'll share them with the group.
[Facebook] Mozilla has a new Club in Rio, and were looking for members! If youre passionate about teaching and learning the Web, join us each week. Well explore HTML, privacy, net neutrality and more. Details on our blog:
[Facebook] This Wednesday at 7 p.m., the Rio Mozilla Club will be meeting and holding a session on privacy. Join us to teach and learn the importance of privacy on the Web, and how to protect yourself. Bring friends! Read our blog for more information:
Connect with other Clubs and Club Captains to find out what Mozilla Clubs are doing around the world. On Twitter, [@MozLearn]( has set up a [public Twitter list]( ( a Club Captain directory, of sorts), that makes it easy to connect and follow. You can also [find Clubs near you]( and search the Club name to find them on social media.
* Email Mozillas Club expert Julia Vallera ( with questions about Clubs
* Email Mozillas communications manager Kevin Zawacki ( for help or guidance with social media
* Tweet us anytime [@MozLearn](

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#Marketing Your Mozilla Club: Blogging Guide
##Your Mission
Write regular blog articles about your Mozilla Club to tell its story / discuss recent Club events and activities; encourage participation within your community.
##Your Qualifications
Have a compelling story to share and experience publishing online via blogs or other mediums. Be comfortable sharing your blog on social media, email and other avenues.
##Your Tasks
1. Write regular blog posts on your personal or club web page about your Mozilla Club. Range from 250-500 words.
2. Include important information about your Club: examples of moments when your Club taught and learned the Web; where the club is based, what skills you taught at an event, how many members there are, how often you meet and what activities and products you use. (If this isnt your first time blogging about your Club, consider writing about a recent Club event or activity.)
3. Tell your story: tell your reader why Web Literacy is important to you — and them. This should be in narrative form. Briefly describe the Club or your experience so readers understand the context.
4. Include photos/videos or links to relevant content. Provide links to the activities and web pages your Club uses.
5. Use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation (protip: ask someone to help proofread your work before submitting).
6. Share your results with Mozilla. Email a link to your blog to or use [#teachtheweb]( on Twitter.
##Your Goals
* Post at least one blog about your Mozilla Club in the next month
* Share your blog with others who might be interested in participating. You can do this through [social media]( On Twitter, include [@MozLearn](, #teachtheweb, or #MozillaClubs in your posts so we can keep up-to-date with your Clubs happenings.
* Encourage learners in your club to submit their own blogs or written submissions to share.
* Provide timely responses to any commenters questions
##Getting Started
* What did you experience that you want to share?
* Choose one topic/theme/opinion to discuss.
* What was interesting?
* Was there something that inspired you?
* How does what you experience connect to your interests? Or other activities you are involved in?
* Did a previously held opinion or perception change? How?
* Did you learn something? What was it?
* [Blog]( by Mozilla Club Rio
* Atique, a Mozillian in Bangladesh, wrote [a blog]( about his experience hosting a Mozilla Webmaker event. His blog is descriptive and has lots of photos — a good format to follow.
* Email Mozillas Club expert Julia Vallera ( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs
* Email Mozillas communications manager Kevin Zawacki ( for help or guidance with your blog
* Tweet us anytime [@MozLearn]( or using [#teachtheweb]( or [#MozillaClubs](

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#Guide: Mixing Your Afterschool Program & Your Mozilla Club
Mozilla Clubs offer an opportunity to regularly bring digital literacy skills into an afterschool environment and participate in a global community of teachers and learners. Afterschool programs are the ideal setting for educators and participants to teach and learn digital literacy skills by adapting Mozilla Club curriculum. Any afterschool provider interested in learning web literacy skills to help facilitate positive experiences in their programs, and create new and innovative hands-on activities can lead the effort.
Mozilla Club curriculum can be incorporated into existing programming over a month, a 6-8 week period or a weeklong summer camp module, or during professional development days.
There are many benefits of mixing your afterschool program with Mozilla Club:
* Connect with hands-on learning activities where afterschool educators and participants learn how to read, write, and participate on the Web, teach others, and learn together.
* Empower afterschool educators with professional development opportunities that will continually bring them up to speed on the latest web literacy skills.
* Combine these Web Literacy skills with current and new projects that are on and off-line.
* Strengthen your afterschool program by teaching core web literacy skills to students that will enhance in-school learning and STEM skillset.
* Participate in global campaigns such as Data Privacy Day, International Womens Day, Maker Party etc.
##Activity Ideas
At your next staff meeting, share the Mozilla Clubs activities and determine how to adapt the activities to your afterschool program. The Web Literacy Basics module, which is comprised of six activities, each approximately 45 minutes in length are a great way to start and is easily adaptable for many age groups. Participants can try these activities together, and a takeaway assignment could be to teach to their parents or other adults in their lives as part of a project.
There are lots of activities, both online and offline at Here are a few suggestions to make the most of your afterschool program/Mozilla Club mix:
###Personal Presentation Icebreakers
Sit in a circle and...
* When was the first time you remember using the web?
* What is one thing you would love to learn about the web?
* What challenges do you face when it comes to digital use and learning?
###Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions
Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall. Facilitate discussion afterwards.
* If you had to describe the web in one word, what would it be? Why?</li>
* If you were to connect the web with something you are passionate about, what would it be? (Then discuss as a group how you can do this.)
###Lo-Fi, No-Fi Activities
It encourages teamwork, provides opportunity for great discussion, and can surface opportunities to build a stronger sense of community within your group dynamic. These can be especially fun when hosting a larger event that includes outside community members.
* []( offers many “unplugged” activities for those with no prior programming experience.
* []( offers 19 activities in this lo-fi, no-fi teaching kit.
###Group Hack/Remix Challenges
When you do have connectivity, give these a try. Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, pair your participants into teams to work together to achieve a goal. Add a bit of playful competition between teams by adding time restrictions, small prizes, or bragging rights.
* [Thimble - Interactive Postcard Remix](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* [X-Ray Goggles - Hack the News activity](
## Resources
Want even more ideas and tools for mixing your Mozilla Club and afterschool program? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [Teach Like Mozilla - Our Values](
* [Discourse Community Forum](
* Hive NYC training program for educators and educator ideas for running activities in the school in [this outcomes blogpost](
## Contact
* Email Mozillas Club expert Amira Dhalla []( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs
* Tweet us anytime [@MozTeach](@MozTeach) or using [#teachtheweb](#teachtheweb) or [#MozillaClubs](#MozillaClubs)
* Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us!](

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# Why & How To Host a Club In A Low-Connectivity Neighborhoods
> Help the next billion people read, write, and participate on the web with hands-on activities suitable for a low-connectivity environment!
You decided to help your community learn new digital skills but youre in a place with low-connectivity or no connection at all, or maybe you do have a connection but not enough machines. You know you want to help your learners but the infrastructure is a challenge. This guide will show you how to set up a club with activities suited for low-connectivity and fully offline situations. With Mozilla Clubs, you can connect your community to a global initiative, using participatory practices and bringing peer-learning into your low-connectivity neighborhood.
Mozilla Clubs add value to your community by:
* Spreading digital skills that enable life changing opportunities such as new careers and personal growth.
* Teaching how to participate in online civic initiatives and e-Government processes, thus making the needs and dreams of your region known to a larger audience.
* Providing a peer learning environment, which is an effective way to strengthen your community and ensure participants get a lot out of their involvement.
* Share activities and content that attendees can then bring back to their own contexts (whether in their school, workplace, community, etc.).
* Share participatory processes and informal learning tools that can be used to create and adapt activities that are focused on your community interests.
* Being a part of a global initiative and exchange stories and feedback across the world.
Mozilla Clubs add motivation for your attendees by:
* Learning new digital skills that enables better jobs and opportunities.
* Learning how to leverage the web and its large audience to spread social initiatives and participate in online civic processes.
* Understanding how the internet works.
* Looking to meet new people, learn new skills, make connections.
* Learning through informal methods, by sharing, become a mentor.
* Being a part of a larger community and causing positive social impact in your area.
* Helping to spread knowledge about how to build the web they want.
* Empowering people to put their voice on the web.
How and why you should start a Mozilla Club in your neighborhood
As a Mozilla Club Captain in a low-connectivity neighborhood, you can:
* Uplevel your own mentoring and leadership skills.
* Create or adapt activities that are focused on the same things your community cares about.
* Be a catalyst for change in your region.
* Join a global network and connect with other Mozilla Club Captains to share best practices and contribute new/adapted content.
## Activity Ideas
There are tons of great activities that encourage community building, both online and offline at []( Here are a few suggestions to host Mozilla Club with limited connectivity:
* Personal Presentation Icebreakers: Sit in a circle and...
* Share your name & fun fact about you.
* Why do you want to be a part of this Mozilla Club?
* What challenges do you face when it comes to digital use and learning?
* Post-It Note Q&A/Discussions: Provide a prompt and have participants write answers/feedback on a post-it note, then stick it to a wall. Facilitate discussion afterwards.
* Prompt Ideas:
* What is your #1 aspiration when it comes to learning about the web?
* If you were to connect the web with something you are passionate about, what would it be? (Then discuss as a group how you can do this.)
* Lo-Fi, No-Fi Activities: These are key in a limited or no connectivity environment! It encourages teamwork, provides opportunity for great discussion, and can surface opportunities to build a stronger sense of community within your group dynamic. These can be especially fun when hosting a larger event that includes outside community members.
* []( offers many “unplugged” activities for those with no prior programming experience.
* []( offers 19 activities in this lo-fi, no-fi teaching kit.
* Group Hack/Remix Challenges: When you do have connectivity, give these a try. Whatever tool or challenge you decide to use, pair your participants into teams to work together to achieve a goal. Add a bit of playful competition between teams by adding time restrictions, small prizes, or bragging rights. If unable to use online tools, simple print out a copy of the site or page and have learners go through the steps as if they were following online. If they are able to afterwards, they can complete the activity at home, school or another place they can access a computer/internet.
* [Thimble]( - [Interactive Postcard Remix](
* [Create a WebMaker Project](
* [X-Ray Goggles]( - [Hack the News activity](
## Resources
Want even more ideas and tools for hosting a club in a low-connectivity environment? Here are a few resources to help you dig further.
* [Discourse Community Forum](
* [Latest Thimble Developments in low-fi, no-fi environments](
* [Teaching the web offline](
* [Coder Dojo Erode offline event](
## Contact
Email Mozillas Club expert Julia Vallera ( with any questions about Mozilla Clubs
Tweet us anytime [@MozLearn]( or using [#teachtheweb or #MozillaClubs](
Is your Mozilla Club doing an awesome job of retaining and growing the community? [Share your story with us!](

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