2012-10-03 13:24:25 +04:00
2014-05-30 13:39:37 +04:00
Testing Mozillians Code
* To run mozillians.org tests::
$ ./manage.py test
* If you need a fresh test database::
$ FORCE_DB=1 ./manage.py test
* To run all tests in a class::
$ ./manage.py test mozillians.users.tests.test_models:UserProfileTests
* If you want to run a single test::
$ ./manage.py test mozillians.users.tests.test_models:UserProfileTests.test_get_attribute_with_public_level
to run only `test_get_attribute_with_public_level` test from the `UserProfileTests` class in the `mozillians/users/tests/test_models.py` test file.
2012-10-03 13:24:25 +04:00
Test Coverage
You can combine `nose` testing with the `coverage` module to get the
code coverage of the tests. To get a coverage report for the 'users'
package run::
2014-02-26 14:23:23 +04:00
$ coverage run --omit='*migrations*' manage.py test --noinput
$ coverage xml --omit='*migrations*' $(find mozillians -name '*.py')
2012-10-03 13:24:25 +04:00
2014-02-26 14:23:23 +04:00
Then visit `htmlcov/index.html` to get the coverage results.
2017-03-10 12:21:40 +03:00
Test Cases for NDA renewal feature
**Verify that the inviter, who is also a group curator is able to renew a user membership 2 weeks before it expires**
#. Create a closed group with terms in mozillians.org
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14)
#. Login as group curator and invite a mozillian to the closed group
#. Login as the mozillian who was invited by curator and accept the invitation to the group and the terms
* The mozillian becomes a group member
#. Verify that the group member will receive an email notification 2 weeks before their membership expires
#. Verify that the inviter will receive an email notification 2 weeks before user's membership expires
#. Login to mozillians.org as the inviter (and also group curator)
#. Navigate to group's page
#. Select “Renewals” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Click "Confirm Request" for user's membership renewal request
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
The user continues to be a member of the group, as the membership was renewed by inviter
**Verify that a group curator is able to renew a user membership 2 weeks before it expires, if the inviter is no longer a curator**
#. Create a reviewed group with terms
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14)
#. Login as group curator and invite a mozillian to the closed group
#. Login as the mozillian who was invited by curator and accept the invitation to the group and the terms
* The mozillian becomes a group member
#. Add a new curator to the group and remove the initial curator (who is also the inviter) from the group curators list
#. Verify that the group member will receive an email notification 2 weeks before their membership expires
#. Verify that the group curator will receive an email notification 2 weeks before user's membership expires
#. Verify that the inviter will not receive an email notification 2 weeks before user's membership expires, as he/she is not a group curator anymore
#. Login to mozillians.org as the group curator
#. Navigate to group's page
#. Select “Renewals” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Click "Confirm Request" for user's membership renewal request
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
The user continues to be a member of the group, as the membership was renewed by curator
**Verify the status of a user whose membership to an open group without terms reached expiration date**
#. Create an open group
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14)
#. Have a user who joined the group
#. Login to mozillians.org as the curator of the open group, when the membership reached the expiration date
#. Navigate to group page
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is no longer displayed in Group members section (it was removed)
The user is not a group member.
The user will receive an email “Removed from Mozillians group “X””
**Verify the status of a user whose membership to a reviewed group without terms reached expiration date**
#. Create a reviewed group with no terms
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14)
#. Have a user added to the group
#. Verify that the user will receive an email notification when the membership reached the expiration date (“Status changed for Mozillians group “X””)
#. Login to mozillians.org as the curator of the reviewed group, when the membership reached the expiration date
#. Navigate to group page
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is no longer displayed in Group members section
#. Select “Pending Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
#. Click “Confirm Request” for that user
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
After step 8: The user should receive an email saying “Accepted to Mozillians group “X””
After step 10: The user is a member of the group again
**Verify the status of a user whose membership to a reviewed group with terms reached expiration date**
#. Create a reviewed group with terms
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14)
#. Have a user added to the group
#. Verify that the user will receive an email notification when the membership reached the expiration date (“Status changed for Mozillians group “X””)
#. Login to mozillians.org as the curator of the reviewed group, when the membership reached the expiration date
#. Navigate to group page
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is no longer displayed in Group members section
#. Select “Pending Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
#. Click “Confirm Request” for that user
#. Select “Pending Terms” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
After step 8: The user should receive an email saying “Accepted to Mozillians group “X””
After step 10: If the user accepts the terms, he/she will be member of the group again
**Verify the status of a user whose membership to a closed group without terms reached expiration date**
#. Create a closed group with no terms.
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14).
#. Have a user added to the group.
#. Verify that the user will receive an email notification when the membership reached the expiration date (“Status changed for Mozillians group “X””)
#. Login to mozillians.org as the curator of the reviewed group, when the membership reached the expiration date
#. Navigate to group page
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is no longer displayed in Group members section
#. Select “Pending Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
#. Click “Confirm Request” for that user
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
After step 8: The user should receive an email saying “Accepted to Mozillians group “X””
After step 10: The user is a member of the group again
**Verify the status of a user whose membership to a closed group with terms reached expiration date**
#. Create a closed group with terms
#. Set the membership to expire after several days (>14)
#. Have a user added to the group
#. Verify that the user will receive an email notification when the membership reached the expiration date (“Status changed for Mozillians group “X””)
#. Login to mozillians.org as the curator of the closed group, when the membership reached the expiration date
#. Navigate to group page
#. Select “Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is no longer displayed in Group members section
#. Select “Pending Members” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
#. Click “Confirm Request” for that user
#. Select “Pending Terms” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is displayed in Group members section
After step 8: The user should receive an email saying “Accepted to Mozillians group “X””
After step 10: If the user accepts the terms, he/she will be member of the group again
**Verify the status of a user whose request to join a group (with membership set to expire) was never accepted by the curator**
#. Create a reviewed group with no terms
#. Set the membership to expire in a few days
#. Have a user who submitted a request to join the group
#. Login to mozillians.org as the curator of the group, when the membership reached the expiration date
#. Navigate to group page
#. Select “All” option in filter dropdown, then click Filter button
#. Verify that the user added in precondition is not displayed in Group members section (the user was removed)
The user is not a member of the group
The user will receive an email “Removed from Mozillians group “X””