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#pragma once
#include "GeneralUtil.hpp"
#define DebugFillMemory(pv, cb)
namespace MsixCoreLib
class Base32Encoding
static const ULONG MaxValue = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static HRESULT GetCharCount(
_In_ ULONG byteCount,
_Out_ ULONG* outWCharCount);
// The resulting string is not NULL terminated and
// the base32 string produced does not use trailing padding characters.
// This means that the result is not decodable unless the original number
// of bytes is known.
static HRESULT GetChars(
_In_reads_(byteCount) const BYTE* bytes,
_In_ ULONG byteCount,
_In_ ULONG maxWCharCount,
__out_ecount_part_opt(maxWCharCount, *outWCharCount) WCHAR* wchars,
__out_range(0, maxWCharCount) ULONG* outWCharCount);
static WCHAR ValueToDigit(
_In_ BYTE value);
static HRESULT Multiply(
_In_ ULONG d1,
_In_ ULONG d2,
_Out_ ULONG *result);