diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ar-SA/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ar-SA/strings.wxl index e07094cb..51485ee4 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ar-SA/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ar-SA/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - تحذير - عند إزالة هذا، سيصبح التطبيق (التطبيقات) التالي المُثبت بواسطته غير قابل للإزالة: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. يجب إزالة هذا التطبيق (التطبيقات) قبل المتابعة. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/bg-BG/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/bg-BG/strings.wxl index d71e64f8..cd4cc31e 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/bg-BG/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/bg-BG/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Предупреждение – премахването на това ще направи следното(ите) инсталирано(и) от него приложение(я) невъзможни за премахване: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Приложението(ята) трябва да се премахне(ат), преди да продължите. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/cs-CZ/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/cs-CZ/strings.wxl index 27ed36e7..d069db4f 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/cs-CZ/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/cs-CZ/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Varování: Odebrání této položky způsobí, že nebude možné odebrat následující aplikace: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Tyto aplikace je třeba odebrat ještě předtím, než budete pokračovat. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/da-DK/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/da-DK/strings.wxl index 0f8f9b17..4c11569c 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/da-DK/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/da-DK/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Advarsel - Hvis du fjerner denne, kan app(s), som er installeret af denne, ikke afinstalleres: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Denne eller disse apps skal afinstalleres, før du fortsætter. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/de-de/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/de-de/strings.wxl index 8f0bfe21..23c15e3d 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/de-de/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/de-de/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Warnung: Das Entfernen dieses Produkts führt dazu, dass die folgenden App(s), die dadurch installiert werden, nicht mehr entfernt werden können: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Diese App(s) sollten vor dem Fortfahren entfernt werden. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/el-GR/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/el-GR/strings.wxl index 60ba01f8..44fc4522 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/el-GR/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/el-GR/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Προειδοποίηση - η κατάργηση αυτού του στοιχείου θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την κατάργηση της εγκατάστασης των ακόλουθων εφαρμογών: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Αυτές οι εφαρμογές θα πρέπει να καταργηθούν πριν συνεχίσετε. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/es-es/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/es-es/strings.wxl index fc3f90d8..05151309 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/es-es/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/es-es/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Advertencia: al quitar esto, las siguientes aplicaciones instaladas no se podrán quitar: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Estas aplicaciones deben quitarse antes de continuar. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/et-EE/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/et-EE/strings.wxl index 3211b0b3..94dd0e7a 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/et-EE/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/et-EE/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Hoiatus – selle eemaldamisel ei saa järgmisi selle installitud rakendusi eemaldada: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Need rakendused tuleks enne jätkamist eemaldada. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fi-FI/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fi-FI/strings.wxl index dab8f4a7..71291512 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fi-FI/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fi-FI/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Varoitus – jos poistat tämän, seuraavia sovelluksia ei voi poistaa: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Nämä sovellukset on poistettava ennen jatkamista. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fr-fr/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fr-fr/strings.wxl index 915ebc2d..2a4016d3 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fr-fr/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/fr-fr/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Avertissement : la suppression de cette action a pour effet d'empêcher de supprimer la ou les applications suivantes : [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Vous devez supprimer ces applications avant de continuer. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/he-IL/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/he-IL/strings.wxl index 1e2a5188..7c4b3c4c 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/he-IL/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/he-IL/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - אזהרה - הסרתו תגרום לאי-יכולת הסרת האפליקציות הבאות שהותקנו על-ידי פריט זה: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. יש להסיר אפליקציות אלה לפני שתמשיך. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hr-HR/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hr-HR/strings.wxl index c26cc347..9fd7962c 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hr-HR/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hr-HR/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Upozorenje – ako to uklonite, sljedeće aplikacije koje će se instalirati neće biti moguće ukloniti: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Te je aplikacije potrebno ukloniti prije nastavka. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hu-HU/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hu-HU/strings.wxl index ff7c3fd6..396050c0 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hu-HU/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/hu-HU/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Figyelmeztetés: Ez a művelet a következő, ez által telepített alkalmazás(ok) eltávolíthatatlanná válását fogja okozni: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. A továbblépés előtt érdemes lehet eltávolítani ez(eke)t az alkalmazás(oka)t. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/id-ID/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/id-ID/strings.wxl index 40606669..1226e769 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/id-ID/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/id-ID/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Peringatan - menghapus ini akan menyebabkan aplikasi berikut yang diinstal oleh ini menjadi tidak dapat dihapus: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Aplikasi ini harus dihapus sebelum melanjutkan. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/it-it/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/it-it/strings.wxl index 29bccb78..172d4951 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/it-it/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/it-it/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Avvertenza: la rimozione di questo elemento farà sì che le app installate da questo strumento non potranno più essere rimosse: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Queste app devono essere rimosse prima di continuare. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ja-jp/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ja-jp/strings.wxl index 2571b862..2c401247 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ja-jp/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ja-jp/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - 警告 - これを削除すると、インストールされた次のアプリが削除できなくなります: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]。続行する前に、これらのアプリを削除する必要があります。 + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ko-kr/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ko-kr/strings.wxl index ae4d8e00..b99c090f 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ko-kr/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ko-kr/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - 경고 - 제거하면 이를 통해 설치한 다음 앱이 제거할 수 없게 됩니다. [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. 계속하기 전에 이러한 앱을 제거해야 합니다. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lt-LT/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lt-LT/strings.wxl index e78bbeeb..c7315a7e 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lt-LT/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lt-LT/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Įspėjimas – pašalinus, toliau nurodyta (-os) programėlė (-ės) bus įdiegta (-os) taip, kad nebūtų galima pašalinti: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Šią (-ias) programėlę (-es) reikia pašalinti prieš tęsiant. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lv-LV/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lv-LV/strings.wxl index 646a0ef0..7f6e56a5 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lv-LV/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/lv-LV/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Brīdinājums-noņemot šo, šādi instalētās programmas tiks noņemtas nenoņemamas: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Pirms turpināt, šīs programmas ir jānoņem. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nb-NO/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nb-NO/strings.wxl index 3ea6e1c6..c5dc1cb0 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nb-NO/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nb-NO/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Advarsel!  Hvis du fjerner denne, blir følgende apper installert av denne være ikke-flyttbare: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Disse appene må fjernes før du fortsetter. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nl-NL/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nl-NL/strings.wxl index 270d2f08..564452f4 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nl-NL/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/nl-NL/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Waarschuwing: als u dit verwijdert, kunnen de volgende apps die hierdoor zijn geïnstalleerd niet meer worden verwijderd: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Verwijder deze apps voordat u doorgaat. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pl-PL/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pl-PL/strings.wxl index 68a247a1..74622a08 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pl-PL/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pl-PL/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Ostrzeżenie — usunięcie tego pakietu spowoduje, że nie będzie można usunąć następujących zainstalowanych przez niego aplikacji: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Te aplikacje należy usunąć przed kontynuowaniem. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-BR/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-BR/strings.wxl index 6ff44207..55c8ef9e 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-BR/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-BR/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Aviso: se você remover isto, os apps a seguir instalados por isto não poderão ser removidos: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Estes apps devem ser removidos antes de continuar. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-pt/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-pt/strings.wxl index c356b09a..4defece2 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-pt/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/pt-pt/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Aviso - a remoção fará com que as seguintes aplicações instaladas não sejam amovíveis: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Estas aplicações devem ser removidas antes de continuar. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ro-RO/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ro-RO/strings.wxl index d8917ca4..04865585 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ro-RO/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ro-RO/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Avertisment – eliminarea acestui element va determina ca următoarele aplicații instalate de aceasta să nu poată fi eliminate: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Aceste aplicații trebuie eliminate înainte de a continua. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ru-ru/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ru-ru/strings.wxl index b4e4ddd8..cced711a 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ru-ru/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/ru-ru/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Внимание! Если удалить этот объект, следующие приложения, установленные с помощью него, станут неудаляемыми: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Прежде чем продолжить, эти приложения нужно удалить. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sk-SK/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sk-SK/strings.wxl index c1c45b78..9a79c35e 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sk-SK/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sk-SK/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Upozornenie: Odstránenie tejto položky bude mať za následok, že nebude možné odstrániť tieto aplikácie: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Tieto aplikácie by sa mali pred pokračovaním odstrániť. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sl-SI/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sl-SI/strings.wxl index d0f6d72b..c68a07ef 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sl-SI/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sl-SI/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Opozorilo – če to odstranite, naslednjih aplikacij, ki bodo nameščene, ne bo mogoče odstraniti: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Te aplikacije je treba odstraniti, preden nadaljujete. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sr-Latn-RS/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sr-Latn-RS/strings.wxl index 50ef61ae..9eaf69b2 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sr-Latn-RS/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sr-Latn-RS/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Upozorenje – uklanjanje ovoga će dovesti do toga da sledeće aplikacije instalirane ovim nije moguće ukloniti: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Ove aplikacije treba da se uklone pre nego što nastavite. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sv-SE/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sv-SE/strings.wxl index 5949e58b..f076dae3 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sv-SE/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/sv-SE/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Varning! Om du tar bort detta kommer du inte att kunna ta bort följande appar som installerats av detta: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. De här apparna bör tas bort innan du fortsätter. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/th-TH/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/th-TH/strings.wxl index 36790f4b..41a4aa7b 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/th-TH/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/th-TH/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - คำเตือน - การลบสิ่งนี้จะเป็นสาเหตุให้ไม่สามารถลบแอปต่อไปนี้ซึ่งสิ่งนี้ติดตั้งไว้ออกได้: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS] ควรลบแอปเหล่านี้ออกก่อนที่จะดำเนินการต่อ + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/tr-TR/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/tr-TR/strings.wxl index ee9a3250..0c223ab5 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/tr-TR/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/tr-TR/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Uyarı - Bu programı kaldırmak, bu program tarafından yüklenen şu uygulamanın kaldırılamaz olmasına neden olur: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Devam etmeden önce bu uygulamalar kaldırılmalıdır. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/uk-UA/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/uk-UA/strings.wxl index 7b2f9538..d3de644d 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/uk-UA/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/uk-UA/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Увага! Якщо видалити цей об’єкт, зникне можливість видалення наведених далі програм, інстальованих за допомогою нього: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. Перш ніж продовжити, ці програми потрібно видалити. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/vi-VN/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/vi-VN/strings.wxl index 927c890f..c8eaa7db 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/vi-VN/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/vi-VN/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - Cảnh báo - loại bỏ chương trình này sẽ khiến không thể gỡ bỏ (các) ứng dụng sau được cài đặt bởi chương trình này: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. (Các) ứng dụng này nên được loại bỏ trước khi tiếp tục. + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-cn/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-cn/strings.wxl index 79a2cf79..d0b9c009 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-cn/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-cn/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - 警告: 如果删除此项,将导致此项安装的以下应用无法删除: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]。必须先删除这些应用,然后才能继续操作。 + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-tw/strings.wxl b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-tw/strings.wxl index f812e669..c43ec7cd 100644 --- a/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-tw/strings.wxl +++ b/MsixCore/MsixMgrWix/zh-tw/strings.wxl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  - 警告 - 刪除此內容將導致此內容安裝的下列應用程式無法移除:[MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]。必須先移除這些應用程式,才能繼續操作。 + Warning - removing this will cause the following app(s) installed by this to be unremovable: [MSIXMGR_PRODUCTS]. These app(s) should be removed before proceeding. diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ar-SA/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ar-SA/msixmgr.exe.mui index b593b871..7ff8cf59 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ar-SA/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ar-SA/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/bg-BG/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/bg-BG/msixmgr.exe.mui index 51f8ca5f..72e96219 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/bg-BG/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/bg-BG/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/cs-CZ/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/cs-CZ/msixmgr.exe.mui index d220a478..62a13fc0 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/cs-CZ/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/cs-CZ/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/da-DK/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/da-DK/msixmgr.exe.mui index f7ae792a..7ca1b42c 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/da-DK/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/da-DK/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/de-DE/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/de-DE/msixmgr.exe.mui index 0034f69b..82a078e5 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/de-DE/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/de-DE/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/el-GR/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/el-GR/msixmgr.exe.mui index 07806878..a73fb48b 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/el-GR/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/el-GR/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/es-ES/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/es-ES/msixmgr.exe.mui index 79ae0ea0..2776fdb1 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/es-ES/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/es-ES/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/et-EE/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/et-EE/msixmgr.exe.mui index 8fb89f45..9a17ccd3 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/et-EE/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/et-EE/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fi-FI/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fi-FI/msixmgr.exe.mui index 044e130c..d76e5453 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fi-FI/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fi-FI/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fr-FR/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fr-FR/msixmgr.exe.mui index 1d0b2d22..132bf3e3 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fr-FR/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/fr-FR/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/he-IL/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/he-IL/msixmgr.exe.mui index 4a24e989..2269d94d 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/he-IL/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/he-IL/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hr-HR/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hr-HR/msixmgr.exe.mui index f450159a..a4a172b9 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hr-HR/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hr-HR/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hu-HU/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hu-HU/msixmgr.exe.mui index 34076ea4..d8285133 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hu-HU/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/hu-HU/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/id-ID/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/id-ID/msixmgr.exe.mui index 038f2933..0686df91 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/id-ID/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/id-ID/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/it-IT/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/it-IT/msixmgr.exe.mui index 5a12f758..4c36ca99 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/it-IT/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/it-IT/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ja-JP/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ja-JP/msixmgr.exe.mui index b70dd39d..c6d6bc8f 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ja-JP/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ja-JP/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ko-KR/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ko-KR/msixmgr.exe.mui index e9765a21..47a23be8 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ko-KR/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ko-KR/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lt-LT/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lt-LT/msixmgr.exe.mui index bffee5d2..1e61a704 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lt-LT/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lt-LT/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lv-LV/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lv-LV/msixmgr.exe.mui index 3d1eb643..aa8360e2 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lv-LV/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/lv-LV/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nb-NO/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nb-NO/msixmgr.exe.mui index 7120e837..3cac8d69 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nb-NO/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nb-NO/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nl-NL/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nl-NL/msixmgr.exe.mui index 9a030021..e82f1785 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nl-NL/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/nl-NL/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pl-PL/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pl-PL/msixmgr.exe.mui index 2848ab19..082a10aa 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pl-PL/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pl-PL/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-BR/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-BR/msixmgr.exe.mui index 48c62ef9..5c93342d 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-BR/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-BR/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-PT/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-PT/msixmgr.exe.mui index b070afb7..161a99f1 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-PT/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/pt-PT/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ro-RO/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ro-RO/msixmgr.exe.mui index ac23988a..a3dd0466 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ro-RO/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ro-RO/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ru-RU/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ru-RU/msixmgr.exe.mui index 393fc749..92f18cd6 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ru-RU/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/ru-RU/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sk-SK/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sk-SK/msixmgr.exe.mui index 2db8517f..4327a0cc 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sk-SK/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sk-SK/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sl-SI/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sl-SI/msixmgr.exe.mui index 40d5e0e8..82546a1a 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sl-SI/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sl-SI/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sr-Latn-RS/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sr-Latn-RS/msixmgr.exe.mui index cdd278dd..270f9838 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sr-Latn-RS/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sr-Latn-RS/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sv-SE/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sv-SE/msixmgr.exe.mui index d7f82940..f501fc4b 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sv-SE/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/sv-SE/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/th-TH/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/th-TH/msixmgr.exe.mui index 473c30d3..39c41fd8 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/th-TH/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/th-TH/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/tr-TR/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/tr-TR/msixmgr.exe.mui index 592a50ba..ab117c16 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/tr-TR/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/tr-TR/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/uk-UA/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/uk-UA/msixmgr.exe.mui index 8b9da355..b201ea26 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/uk-UA/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/uk-UA/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/vi-VN/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/vi-VN/msixmgr.exe.mui index 9c55424e..b89a56df 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/vi-VN/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/vi-VN/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-CN/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-CN/msixmgr.exe.mui index 653a6d9d..0927867b 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-CN/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-CN/msixmgr.exe.mui differ diff --git a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-TW/msixmgr.exe.mui b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-TW/msixmgr.exe.mui index cd2c4d70..f4fa6f88 100644 Binary files a/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-TW/msixmgr.exe.mui and b/MsixCore/msixmgr/loc/zh-TW/msixmgr.exe.mui differ