
101 строка
3.0 KiB

function generate_report($results, $from_time, $to_time) {
$consolidation = array();
foreach ($results as $row) {
$person = $row["person"];
if (!isset($consolidation[$person])) {
$consolidation[$person] = array(
"givenName" => $row["givenName"], "sn" => $row["sn"], "hours" => 0
$consolidation[$person]["hours"] += $row["hours"];
// Push back the date to the beginning of the year.
$s = getdate($from_time);
$months = array(NULL);
for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
$months[] = mktime($s["hours"], $s["minutes"], $s["seconds"], $i, 1, $s["year"]);
$s = $months[1];
$conditions = array();
$filters = array();
$filters[] = "((end BETWEEN $s AND $to_time) OR (start BETWEEN $s AND $to_time))";
$filters[] = "(($s BETWEEN start AND end) AND ($to_time BETWEEN start and END))";
$conditions[] = "(". implode(" OR ", $filters) .")";
$people = array_keys($consolidation);
$queried_people = array();
foreach ($people as $person) {
$queried_people[]= "'$person'";
$queried_people = implode(", ", $queried_people);
$conditions[] = "(person IN ($queried_people))";
$is_single_person = count($people) == 1;
// Join all WHERE clauses
$conditions = implode(" AND ", $conditions);
if (!empty($conditions)) {
$conditions = "WHERE $conditions ";
$queryString = "SELECT $fields FROM pto $conditions ORDER BY added DESC;";
$query = mysql_query(
$running = array();
$results = array();
global $user_cache;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$person = $row["person"];
if (!isset($running[$person])) {
// 0 is the sum, the rest are individual months.
$running[$person] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$date = getdate($row["start"]);
$running[$person][$date["mon"]] += $row["hours"];
$running[$person][0] += $row["hours"];
$key = $person;
$row["sn"] = $user_cache[$key]["sn"][0];
$row["givenName"] = $user_cache[$key]["givenname"][0];
$row["location"] = $user_cache[$key]["primaryofficecountry"][0];
$results[] = $row;
// header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"PTOs.csv\"");
$f = fopen("php://output", 'w');
$sep = ",";
$fmt = "m/d/y";
$range = array('Report range', date($fmt, $from_time), date($fmt, $to_time));
fputcsv($f, $range, $sep);
fputcsv($f, array(), $sep);
$columns = array("First name", "Last name", "Hrs in range", "", "YTD hrs taken");
for ($i = 1; $i < count($months); $i++) {
$columns[] = date("M", $months[$i]);
fputcsv($f, $columns, $sep);
foreach ($people as $person) {
fputcsv($f, array_merge(array(
$consolidation[$person]["givenName"], $consolidation[$person]["sn"],
$consolidation[$person]["hours"], ""
), $running[$person]), $sep);
if ($is_single_person) {
fputcsv($f, array(), $sep);
output_csv($results, $from_time, $to_time, FALSE);