
78 строки
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data "aws_iam_policy_document" "mesos-slave-production-host-policy-document" {
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [
module "mesos-cluster-staging" {
source = "./modules/mesos-cluster"
# provider vars
name = "mesos-cluster-staging"
environment = "staging"
master_instance_type = "t2.micro"
slave_instance_type = "t2.medium"
slave_as_max_size = 1
slave_as_desired_capacity = 1
slave_as_min_size = 1
master_as_max_size = 1
master_as_desired_capacity = 1
master_as_min_size = 1
vpc_id = "${}"
shared_vpc_cidr = "${aws_vpc.apps-shared-vpc.cidr_block}"
# We can't interpolate referenced resources so we have to manually add subnets
subnet1 = "${}"
subnet2 = "${}"
subnet3 = "${}"
sns_topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.sns-cloudwatch-partinfra.arn}"
aws_account_id = "${var.aws_account_id}"
adminaccessrole-uid = "${aws_iam_role.admin-access-role.unique_id}"
module "mesos-cluster-production" {
source = "./modules/mesos-cluster"
# provider vars
name = "mesos-cluster-production"
environment = "production"
master_instance_type = "t2.micro"
slave_instance_type = "t2.xlarge"
slave_as_max_size = 5
slave_as_desired_capacity = 3
slave_as_min_size = 3
master_as_max_size = 5
master_as_desired_capacity = 3
master_as_min_size = 3
vpc_id = "${}"
shared_vpc_cidr = "${aws_vpc.apps-shared-vpc.cidr_block}"
# We can't interpolate referenced resources so we have to manually add subnets
subnet1 = "${}"
subnet2 = "${}"
subnet3 = "${}"
sns_topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.sns-cloudwatch-partinfra.arn}"
aws_account_id = "${var.aws_account_id}"
adminaccessrole-uid = "${aws_iam_role.admin-access-role.unique_id}"
mozillians-slave-ec2-sg-id = "${}"
resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "mesos-slave-production-host-role-policy" {
name = "mesos-slave-host-role-policy"
role = "${module.mesos-cluster-production.slave-host-role-arn}"
policy = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.mesos-slave-production-host-policy-document.json}"