import React from 'react'; import TestUtils from 'react/lib/ReactTestUtils'; import CardChoice from 'components/card-choice'; import CardListing from 'views/card-listing'; describe('CardListingView', function() { var payWithNewCardSpy; var View; var savedVisa = {provider_id: '3vr3ym', type_name: 'Visa'}; beforeEach(function() { payWithNewCardSpy = sinon.spy(); View = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ); }); it('should show card choice', function() { var card = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType( View, CardChoice ); assert.deepEqual(, [savedVisa]); }); it('should request to pay with new card when clicking link', function() { var addLink = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag( View, 'a');; assert.ok(payWithNewCardSpy.called); }); });