2007-04-18 02:00:01 +04:00
var formName = "advanced_search" ;
// Since we use AJAX to populate some of the form fields, we need to alter
// some of the functionality contained in SelectBoxes.js to repopulate the
// search form after submission. The user *should* be more interested in
// the results that just got returned, so we can do this in the background,
// although we'll still disable the form briefly during AJAX events.
function repopulateForm ( ) {
selectsOnLoad ( ) ;
FormInit ( document . forms [ 'advanced_search' ] , document . location . search ) ;
changeProduct ( ) ;
changePlatform ( ) ;
FormInit ( document . forms [ 'advanced_search' ] , document . location . search ) ;
changeBranch ( ) ;
FormInit ( document . forms [ 'advanced_search' ] , document . location . search ) ;
var testgroupBox = document . getElementById ( 'testgroup' ) ;
var testgroupId = testgroupBox . options [ testgroupBox . selectedIndex ] . value ;
if ( ! testgroupId ) {
// No testgroup selected.
return ;
disableForm ( formName ) ;
var url = 'json.cgi?testgroup_id=' + testgroupId ;
fetchJSON ( url , repopulateSubgroups , 1 ) ;
2005-11-18 20:37:38 +03:00
2007-04-18 02:00:01 +04:00
function repopulateSubgroups ( data ) {
testgroup = data ;
if ( typeof ( subgroupBox ) == "undefined" ) {
subgroupBox = document . getElementById ( 'subgroup' + suffix ) ;
clearSelect ( subgroupBox ) ;
addNullEntry ( subgroupBox ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < testgroup . subgroups . length ; i ++ ) {
var optionText = testgroup . subgroups [ i ] . name + ' (' + testgroup . subgroups [ i ] . subgroup _id + ')' ;
subgroupBox . options [ subgroupBox . length ] = new Option ( optionText ,
testgroup . subgroups [ i ] . subgroup _id ) ;
FormInit ( document . forms [ 'advanced_search' ] , document . location . search ) ;
var subgroupId = subgroupBox . options [ subgroupBox . selectedIndex ] . value ;
if ( ! subgroupId ) {
// No subgroup selected.
enableForm ( formName ) ;
return ;
var url = 'json.cgi?subgroup_id=' + subgroupId ;
fetchJSON ( url , repopulateTestcases , 1 ) ;
function repopulateTestcases ( data ) {
subgroup = data ;
var testcaseBox = document . getElementById ( 'testcase' ) ;
clearSelect ( testcaseBox ) ;
addNullEntry ( testcaseBox ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < subgroup . testcases . length ; i ++ ) {
var optionText = subgroup . testcases [ i ] . summary + ' (' + subgroup . testcases [ i ] . testcase _id + ')' ;
testcaseBox . options [ testcaseBox . length ] = new Option ( optionText ,
subgroup . testcases [ i ] . testcase _id ) ;
FormInit ( document . forms [ 'advanced_search' ] , document . location . search ) ;
enableForm ( formName ) ;
2007-05-04 20:26:15 +04:00
var vettingHelpTitle = "What is vetting?" ;
var vettingHelpText = "<h2>vet:</h2>verb (<strong>vet•ted</strong>, <strong>vet•ting</strong>) [trans.]<br/><p>make careful examination of (something): <em>Someone should vet this report before it goes out.</em></p><p>In the Litmus context, to vet a test result means to examine it to make sure that the status (pass, fail, unclear) and configuration information are accurate and correct.</p><p>By default, new test results are marked as valid. Litmus admin users can then vet those results, marking them invalid if necessary.</em>"