be "Mac System 7.6.1". It turns out I had no bugs with this value set, so I
could just do the below simple command. If you have bugs with this value, you
may need to do something more complicated.
alter table bugs change column op_sys op_sys enum("All", "Windows 3.1", "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows NT", "Mac System 7", "Mac System 7.5", "Mac System 7.6.1", "Mac System 8.0", "Mac System 8.5", "AIX", "BSDI", "HP-UX", "IRIX", "Linux", "OSF/1", "Solaris", "SunOS", "OS/2", "other") not null;
1/20/99 Added new fields: Target Milestone, QA Contact, and Status Whiteboard.
These fields are all optional in the UI; there are parameters to turn them on.
However, whether or not you use them, the fields need to be in the DB. There
is some code that needs them, even if you don't.
To update your DB to have these fields, send the following to MySQL:
alter table bugs add column target_milestone varchar(20) not null,
add column qa_contact mediumint not null,
add column status_whiteboard mediumtext not null,
add index (target_milestone), add index (qa_contact);
1/18/99 You can now query by CC. To make this perform reasonably, the CC table
needs some indices. The following MySQL does the necessary stuff:
alter table cc add index (bug_id), add index (who);
1/15/99 The op_sys field can now be queried by (and more easily tweaked).
To make this perform reasonably, it needs an index. The following MySQL
command will create the necessary index:
alter table bugs add index (op_sys);
12/2/98 The op_sys and rep_platform fields have been tweaked. op_sys
is now an enum, rather than having the legal values all hard-coded in
perl. rep_platform now no longer allows a value of "X-Windows".
Here's how I ported to the new world. This ought to work for you too.
Actually, it's probably overkill. I had a lot of illegal values for op_sys
in my tables, from importing bugs from strange places. If you haven't done
anything funky, then much of the below will be a no-op.
First, send the following commands to MySQL to make sure all your values for
rep_platform and op_sys are legal in the new world..
update bugs set rep_platform="Sun" where rep_platform="X-Windows" and op_sys like "Solaris%";
update bugs set rep_platform="SGI" where rep_platform="X-Windows" and op_sys = "IRIX";
update bugs set rep_platform="SGI" where rep_platform="X-Windows" and op_sys = "HP-UX";
update bugs set rep_platform="DEC" where rep_platform="X-Windows" and op_sys = "OSF/1";
update bugs set rep_platform="PC" where rep_platform="X-Windows" and op_sys = "Linux";
update bugs set rep_platform="other" where rep_platform="X-Windows";
update bugs set rep_platform="other" where rep_platform="";
update bugs set op_sys="Mac System 7" where op_sys="System 7";
update bugs set op_sys="Mac System 7.5" where op_sys="System 7.5";
update bugs set op_sys="Mac System 8.0" where op_sys="8.0";
update bugs set op_sys="OSF/1" where op_sys="Digital Unix 4.0";
update bugs set op_sys="IRIX" where op_sys like "IRIX %";
update bugs set op_sys="HP-UX" where op_sys like "HP-UX %";
update bugs set op_sys="Windows NT" where op_sys like "NT %";
update bugs set op_sys="OSF/1" where op_sys like "OSF/1 %";
update bugs set op_sys="Solaris" where op_sys like "Solaris %";
update bugs set op_sys="SunOS" where op_sys like "SunOS%";
update bugs set op_sys="other" where op_sys = "Motif";
update bugs set op_sys="other" where op_sys = "Other";
Next, send the following commands to make sure you now have only legal
entries in your table. If either of the queries do not come up empty, then
you have to do more stuff like the above.
select bug_id,op_sys,rep_platform from bugs where rep_platform not regexp "^(All|DEC|HP|Macintosh|PC|SGI|Sun|X-Windows|Other)$";
select bug_id,op_sys,rep_platform from bugs where op_sys not regexp "^(All|Windows 3.1|Windows 95|Windows 98|Windows NT|Mac System 7|Mac System 7.5|Mac System 7.1.6|Mac System 8.0|AIX|BSDI|HP-UX|IRIX|Linux|OSF/1|Solaris|SunOS|other)$";
Finally, once that's all clear, alter the table to make enforce the new legal
alter table bugs change column op_sys op_sys enum("All", "Windows 3.1", "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows NT", "Mac System 7", "Mac System 7.5", "Mac System 7.1.6", "Mac System 8.0", "AIX", "BSDI", "HP-UX", "IRIX", "Linux", "OSF/1", "Solaris", "SunOS", "other") not null, change column rep_platform rep_platform enum("All", "DEC", "HP", "Macintosh", "PC", "SGI", "Sun", "Other");
11/20/98 Added searching of CC field. To better support this, added
some indexes to the CC table. You probably want to execute the following
mysql commands:
alter table cc add index (bug_id);
alter table cc add index (who);
10/27/98 security check for legal products in place. bug charts are not
available as an option if has never been run. all products
get daily stats collected now. README updated: Chart::Base is listed as
a requirement, instructions for using included as
an optional step. also got silly and added optional quips to bug