$commands{''} = "The RDF module monitors various websites. Add new RDF channels to the 'sites' hash. Duplicates with different nicknames are fine. For example, \"vars $self->{'_name'} sites '+|slashdot|http://...'\" and \"vars $self->{'_name'} sites '+|/.|http://...'\" is fine. To remove a site from the RDF 'sites' hash, use this syntax \"vars $self->{_name} sites '-slashdot'";
$commands{'mute'} = 'Disable reporting of a site in a channel. (Only does something if the given site exists.) Syntax: mute <site> in <channel>';
$commands{'unmute'} = 'Enable reporting of a site in a channel. By default, sites are reported in all channels that the module is active in. Syntax: unmute <site> in <channel>';
} else {
$commands{''} = 'The RDF module monitors various websites.';
foreach my $site (keys(%{$self->{'sites'}})) {
if ($self->{'data'}->{$self->{'sites'}->{$site}}) {
$commands{$site} = "Reports the headlines listed in $self->{'data'}->{$self->{'sites'}->{$site}}->{'title'}";
# -- #mozilla was here --
# <Hixie> anyway, $self->{'data'}->{$self->{'sites'}->{$site}}->{'title'} is
# another nice piece of perl (embedded in a quoted string in this case)
# <moogle> yeah, that's a bit more familiar
# <jag> Oooh, nice one
# <jag> Reminds me of Java, a bit :-)
# <jag> Without all the casting about from Object to Hashtable
# <Hixie> all this, BTW, is from the RDF module (the one that mozbot uses to
# report changes in mozillazine and so on)
# <moogle> I still tend to comment these things a bit just for maintainability
# by others who might not wish to do mental gymnastics :)
# <Hixie> :-)
} else {
$commands{$site} = "Reports the headlines listed in $self->{'sites'}->{$site}";
return \%commands;
sub Told {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
foreach my $site (keys(%{$self->{'sites'}})) {
if ($message =~ /^\s*(\Q$site\E)\s*$/si) {
$self->GetSite($event, $1, 'request');
return 0; # dealt with it...
if ($self->isAdmin($event)) {
if ($message =~ /^\s*mute\s+(\S+?)\s+in\s+(\S+?)\s*$/osi) {
my $site = $1 eq 'RDF' ? '' : $self->{'sites'}->{$1};
my $siteName = $site eq '' ? 'all sites' : $site;
if (defined($site)) {
$self->{'mutes'}->{$site} .= " $2";
$self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: RDF notifications for $siteName muted in channel $2.");
} else {
# can't say this, other modules might recognise it: $self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: I don't know about any '$1' site...");