1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
require 5.000;
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
use Sys::Hostname;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
use Cwd;
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$Version = "1.000";
sub InitVars {
$BuildAdministrator = "$ENV{'USER'}\@$ENV{'HOST'}";
#Default values of cmdline opts
$BuildDepend = 1; #depend or clobber
$ReportStatus = 1; # Send results to server or not
$BuildOnce = 0; # Build once, don't send results to server
$BuildClassic = 0; # Build classic source
#relative path to binary
$BinaryName{'x'} = 'mozilla-export';
$BinaryName{'qt'} = 'qtmozilla-export';
$BinaryName{'gnome'} = 'gnuzilla-export';
$BinaryName{'webshell'} = '/webshell/tests/viewer/viewer';
$BinaryName{'xpfe'} = '/xpfe/xpviewer/src/xpviewer';
# Set these to what makes sense for your system
$cpus = 1;
$Make = 'gmake'; # Must be gnu make
$mail = '/bin/mail';
$Autoconf = 'autoconf -l build/autoconf';
$CVS = 'cvs -z3';
$CVSCO = 'co -P';
# Set these proper values for your tinderbox server
$Tinderbox_server = 'tinderbox-daemon\@warp.mcom.com';
#$Tinderbox_server = 'external-tinderbox-incoming\@tinderbox.seawood.org';
# These shouldn't really need to be changed
$BuildSleep = 10; # Minimum wait period from start of build to start
# of next build in minutes
$BuildTree = 'raptor';
$BuildTag = '';
$BuildName = '';
$TopLevel = '.';
$Topsrcdir = 'mozilla';
$BuildObjName = '';
$BuildConfigDir = 'mozilla/config';
$ClobberStr = 'realclean';
$ConfigureEnvArgs = 'CFLAGS=-pipe CXXFLAGS=-pipe';
#$ConfigureEnvArgs = '';
$ConfigureArgs = "--cache-file=/dev/null";
$ConfigGuess = './build/autoconf/config.guess';
$Logfile = '${BuildDir}.log';
} #EndSub-InitVars
sub ConditionalArgs {
if ( $BuildClassic ) {
$FE = 'x';
$ConfigureArgs .= " --enable-fe=$FE";
$BuildTree = 'raptor';
$BuildModule = 'Raptor';
$BuildTag = ''
if ($BuildTag eq '');
$TopLevel = "mozilla-classic";
} else {
$BuildTree = 'raptor';
# $Toolkit = 'gtk';
$FE = 'webshell,xpfe';
$BuildModule = 'Raptor';
# $ConfigureArgs .= " --enable-toolkit=$Toolkit";
$CVSCO .= " -r $BuildTag" if ( $BuildTag ne '');
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
sub SetupEnv {
$ENV{"CVSROOT"} = ':pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot';
} #EndSub-SetupEnv
sub SetupPath {
$Path = $ENV{PATH};
print "Path before: $Path\n";
if ( $OS eq 'SunOS' ) {
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/ccs/bin:' . $ENV{'PATH'};
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$Path = $ENV{PATH};
print "Path After: $Path\n";
} #EndSub-SetupPath
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
sub GetSystemInfo {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$OS = `uname -s`;
$OSVer = `uname -r`;
chop($OS, $OSVer);
if ( $OS eq 'AIX' ) {
$OSVer = `uname -v`;
$OSVer = $OSVer . "." . `uname -r`;
if ( $OS eq 'IRIX64' ) {
$OS = 'IRIX';
if ( $OS eq 'SCO_SV' ) {
$OS = 'SCOOS';
$OSVer = '5.0';
my $host, $myhost = hostname;
($host, $junk) = split(/\./, $myhost);
$BuildName = "";
if ( "$host" ne "" ) {
$BuildName = $host . ' ';
$BuildName .= $OS . ' ' . $OSVer . ' ' . ($BuildDepend?'Depend':'Clobber');
$DirName = $OS . '_' . $OSVer . '_' . ($BuildDepend?'depend':'clobber');
$RealOS = $OS;
$RealOSVer = $OSVer;
if ( $OS eq 'HP-UX' ) {
$RealOSVer = substr($OSVer,0,4);
if ( $OS eq 'Linux' ) {
$RealOSVer = substr($OSVer,0,3);
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
if ($BuildClassic) {
$logfile = "${DirName}-classic.log";
} else {
$logfile = "${DirName}.log";
} #EndSub-GetSystemInfo
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
sub BuildIt {
my ($fe, @felist, $EarlyExit, $LastTime, $StartTimeStr);
mkdir("$DirName", 0777);
chdir("$DirName") || die "Couldn't enter $DirName";
$StartDir = getcwd();
$LastTime = 0;
print "Starting dir is : $StartDir\n";
$EarlyExit = 0;
while ( ! $EarlyExit ) {
if ( time - $LastTime < (60 * $BuildSleep) ) {
$SleepTime = (60 * $BuildSleep) - (time - $LastTime);
print "\n\nSleeping $SleepTime seconds ...\n";
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$LastTime = time;
$StartTime = time - 60 * 10;
$StartTimeStr = &CVSTime($StartTime);
&StartBuild if ($ReportStatus);
$CurrentDir = getcwd();
if ( $CurrentDir ne $StartDir ) {
print "startdir: $StartDir, curdir $CurrentDir\n";
die "curdir != startdir";
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$BuildDir = $CurrentDir;
unlink( "$logfile" );
print "opening $logfile\n";
open( LOG, ">$logfile" ) || print "can't open $?\n";
print LOG "current dir is -- $hostname:$CurrentDir\n";
print LOG "Build Administrator is $BuildAdministrator\n";
$BuildStatus = 0;
mkdir($TopLevel, 0777);
chdir($TopLevel) || die "chdir($TopLevel): $!\n";
if ( $BuildClassic ) {
print"$CVS $CVSCO $BuildModule\n";
print LOG "$CVS $CVSCO $BuildModule\n";
open (PULL, "$CVS $CVSCO $BuildModule 2>&1 |") || die "open: $!\n";
} else {
# print "$CVS $CVSCO mozilla/nglayout.mk\n";
# print LOG "$CVS $CVSCO mozilla/nglayout.mk\n";
# open (PULL, "$CVS $CVSCO mozilla/nglayout.mk 2>&1 |") || die "open: $!\n";
print "$CVS $CVSCO mozilla/client.mk\n";
print LOG "$CVS $CVSCO mozilla/client.mk\n";
open (PULL, "$CVS $CVSCO mozilla/client.mk 2>&1 |") || die "open: $!\n";
while (<PULL>) {
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
print $_;
print LOG $_;
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
# Move to topsrcdir
#chdir($Topsrcdir) || die "chdir($Topsrcdir): $!\n";
# Do a separate checkout with toplevel makefile
if (! $BuildClassic) {
# print LOG "$Make -f nglayout.mk pull_all CVSCO='$CVS $CVSCO'|\n";
# open (PULLALL, "$Make -f nglayout.mk pull_all CVSCO='$CVS $CVSCO' |\n");
print LOG "$Make -f mozilla/client.mk checkout CVSCO='$CVS $CVSCO'|\n";
open (PULLALL, "$Make -f mozilla/client.mk checkout CVSCO='$CVS $CVSCO' |\n");
while (<PULLALL>) {
print LOG $_;
print $_;
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
chdir($Topsrcdir) || die "chdir($Topsrcdir): $!\n";
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
print LOG "$Autoconf\n";
open (AUTOCONF, "$Autoconf 2>&1 | ") || die "$Autoconf: $!\n";
while (<AUTOCONF>) {
print LOG $_;
print $_;
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
print LOG "$ConfigGuess\n";
$BuildObjName = "obj-";
open (GETOBJ, "$ConfigGuess 2>&1 |") || die "$ConfigGuess: $!\n";
while (<GETOBJ>) {
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
print $_;
print LOG $_;
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
chomp($BuildObjName .= $_);
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
close (GETOBJ);
mkdir($BuildObjName, 0777);
chdir($BuildObjName) || die "chdir($BuildObjName): $!\n";
print LOG "$ConfigureEnvArgs ../configure $ConfigureArgs\n";
open (CONFIGURE, "$ConfigureEnvArgs ../configure $ConfigureArgs 2>&1 |") || die "../configure: $!\n";
while (<CONFIGURE>) {
print $_;
print LOG $_;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
# if we are building depend, rebuild dependencies
if ($BuildDepend) {
print LOG "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' depend 2>&1 |\n";
open ( MAKEDEPEND, "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' depend 2>&1 |\n");
while ( <MAKEDEPEND> ) {
print $_;
print LOG $_;
system("rm -rf dist");
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
} else {
# Building clobber
print LOG "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' $ClobberStr 2>&1 |\n";
open( MAKECLOBBER, "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' $ClobberStr 2>&1 |");
while ( <MAKECLOBBER> ) {
print $_;
print LOG $_;
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
@felist = split(/,/, $FE);
foreach $fe ( @felist ) {
if (&BinaryExists($fe)) {
print LOG "deleting existing binary\n";
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
if ($BuildClassic) {
# Build the BE only
print LOG "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' MOZ_FE= 2>&1 |\n";
open( BEBUILD, "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' MOZ_FE= 2>&1 |");
while ( <BEBUILD> ) {
print $_;
print LOG $_;
close( BEBUILD );
foreach $fe ( @felist ) {
# Now build each front end
print LOG "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' -C cmd/${fe}fe 2>&1 |\n";
open(FEBUILD, "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' -C cmd/${fe}fe 2>&1 |\n");
while (<FEBUILD>) {
print $_;
print LOG $_;
} else {
print LOG "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' 2>&1 |\n";
open(BUILD, "$Make MAKE='$Make -j $cpus' 2>&1 |\n");
while (<BUILD>) {
print $_;
print LOG $_;
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
foreach $fe (@felist) {
if (&BinaryExists($fe)) {
print LOG "export binary exists, build SUCCESSFUL!\n";
$BuildStatus = 0;
else {
print LOG "export binary missing, build FAILED\n";
$BuildStatus = 666;
print LOG "\nBuild Status = $BuildStatus\n";
$BuildStatusStr = ( $BuildStatus ? 'busted' : 'success' );
print LOG "tinderbox: tree: $BuildTree\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: builddate: $StartTime\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: status: $BuildStatusStr\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: build: $BuildName $fe\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: errorparser: unix\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: unix\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: END\n";
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
# this fun line added on 2/5/98. do not remove. Translated to english,
# that's "take any line longer than 1000 characters, and split it into less
# than 1000 char lines. If any of the resulting lines is
# a dot on a line by itself, replace that with a blank line."
# This is to prevent cases where a <cr>.<cr> occurs in the log file. Sendmail
# interprets that as the end of the mail, and truncates the log before
# it gets to Tinderbox. (terry weismann, chris yeh)
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
# This was replaced by a perl 'port' of the above, writen by
# preed@netscape.com; good things: no need for system() call, and now it's
# all in perl, so we don't have to do OS checking like before.
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
open(LOG, "$logfile") || die "Couldn't open logfile: $!\n";
open(OUTLOG, ">${logfile}.last") || die "Couldn't open logfile: $!\n";
while (<LOG>) {
$q = 0;
for (;;) {
$val = $q * 1000;
$Output = substr($_, $val, 1000);
last if $Output eq undef;
$Output =~ s/^\.$//g;
$Output =~ s/\n//g;
print OUTLOG "$Output\n";
} #EndFor
} #EndWhile
system( "$mail $Tinderbox_server < ${logfile}.last" )
if ($ReportStatus );
# if this is a test run, set early_exit to 0.
#This mean one loop of execution
$EarlyExit++ if ($BuildOnce);
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
} #EndSub-BuildIt
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
sub CVSTime {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
my($StartTimeArg) = @_;
my($RetTime, $StartTimeArg, $sec, $minute, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year);
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($StartTimeArg);
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
$mon++; # month is 0 based.
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:00", $mon,$mday,$year,$hour,$minute );
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
sub StartBuild {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
my($fe, @felist);
@felist = split(/,/, $FE);
# die "SERVER: " . $Tinderbox_server . "\n";
open( LOG, "|$mail $Tinderbox_server" );
foreach $fe ( @felist ) {
print LOG "\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: tree: $BuildTree\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: builddate: $StartTime\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: status: building\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: build: $BuildName $fe\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: errorparser: unix\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: unix\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: END\n";
print LOG "\n";
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
close( LOG );
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
# check for the existence of the binary
sub BinaryExists {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
my($fe) = @_;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$fe = 'x' if (!defined($fe));
if ($BuildClassic) {
$BinName = $BuildDir . '/' . $TopLevel . '/' . $Topsrcdir . '/'. $BuildObjName . "/cmd/${fe}fe/" . $BinaryName{"$fe"};
} else {
$BinName = $BuildDir . '/' . $TopLevel . '/' . $Topsrcdir . '/' . $BuildObjName . $BinaryName{"$fe"};
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
print LOG $BinName . "\n";
if ((-e $BinName) && (-x $BinName) && (-s $BinName)) {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
else {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
sub DeleteBinary {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
my($fe) = @_;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$fe = 'x' if (!defined($fe));
if ($BuildClassic) {
$BinName = $BuildDir . '/' . $TopLevel . '/' . $Topsrcdir . '/' . $BuildObjName . "/cmd/${fe}fe/" . $BinaryName{"$fe"};
} else {
$BinName = $BuildDir . '/' . $TopLevel . '/' . $Topsrcdir . '/' . $BuildObjName . $BinaryName{"$fe"};
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
print LOG "unlinking $BinName\n";
unlink ($BinName) || print LOG "unlinking $BinName failed\n";
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
sub ParseArgs {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
my($i, $manArg);
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
if( @ARGV == 0 ) {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
$i = 0;
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
$manArg = 0;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
while( $i < @ARGV ) {
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--depend') {
$BuildDepend = 1;
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--clobber') {
$BuildDepend = 0;
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--once' ) {
$BuildOnce = 1;
#$ReportStatus = 0;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--classic') {
$BuildClassic = 1;
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--noreport') {
$ReportStatus = 0;
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--version' || $ARGV[$i] eq '-v') {
die "$0: version $Version\n";
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-tag' ) {
$BuildTag = $ARGV[$i];
if ( $BuildTag eq '' || $BuildTag eq '-t') {
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-t' ) {
$BuildTree = $ARGV[$i];
if ( $BuildTree eq '' ) {
} else {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
} #EndWhile
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
if ( $BuildTree =~ /^\s+$/i ) {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
if ($BuildDepend eq undef) {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
&PrintUsage if (! $manArg );
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
} #EndSub-ParseArgs
sub PrintUsage {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
die "usage: $0 [--depend | --clobber] [-v | --version ] [--once --classic --noreport -tag TREETAG -t TREENAME ]\n";
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
sub PrintEnv {
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
my ($key);
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
print LOG "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";
print "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";
1998-09-01 04:08:02 +04:00
} #EndSub-PrintEnv
1998-07-09 21:36:13 +04:00
1998-12-15 03:14:25 +03:00
# Main function