2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
# - * - Mode : Java ; tab - width : 4 ; indent - tabs - mode : nil ; c - basic - offset : 2 - * -
# * * * * * BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK * * * * *
# Version : NPL 1.1 / GPL 2.0 / LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 ( the "License" ) ; you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http : //www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS
# IS " basis , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , either express or
# implied . See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License .
# The Original Code is mozilla . org code .
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation . Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright ( C ) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation . All
# Rights Reserved .
# Contributor ( s ) : smorrison @ gte . com
# Terry Hayes < thayes @ netscape . com >
# Daniel Brooks < db48x @ yahoo . com >
2004-07-30 04:36:34 +04:00
# Florian QUEZE < f . qu @ laposte . net >
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
# Alternatively , the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later ( the "GPL" ) , or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later ( the "LGPL" ) ,
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above . If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL , and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL , indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL . If you do not delete
# the provisions above , a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the NPL , the GPL or the LGPL .
# * * * * * END LICENSE BLOCK * * * * *
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
//******** define a js object to implement nsITreeView
function pageInfoTreeView ( columnids , copycol )
// columnids is an array of strings indicating the names of the columns, in order
this . columnids = columnids ;
this . colcount = columnids . length
// copycol is the index number for the column that we want to add to
// the copy-n-paste buffer when the user hits accel-c
this . copycol = copycol ;
this . rows = 0 ;
this . tree = null ;
this . data = new Array ;
this . selection = null ;
this . sortcol = null ;
this . sortdir = 0 ;
pageInfoTreeView . prototype = {
set rowCount ( c ) { throw "rowCount is a readonly property" ; } ,
get rowCount ( ) { return this . rows ; } ,
setTree : function ( tree )
this . tree = tree ;
} ,
getCellText : function ( row , column )
// row can be null, but js arrays are 0-indexed.
// colidx cannot be null, but can be larger than the number
// of columns in the array (when column is a string not in
// this.columnids.) In this case it's the fault of
// whoever typoed while calling this function.
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
return this . data [ row ] [ column . index ] || "" ;
} ,
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
setCellText : function ( row , column , value )
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
this . data [ row ] [ column . index ] = value ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
} ,
addRow : function ( row )
this . rows = this . data . push ( row ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
this . rowCountChanged ( this . rows - 1 , 1 ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
} ,
addRows : function ( rows )
var length = rows . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ )
this . rows = this . data . push ( rows [ i ] ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
this . rowCountChanged ( this . rows - length , length ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
} ,
rowCountChanged : function ( index , count )
this . tree . rowCountChanged ( index , count ) ;
} ,
invalidate : function ( )
this . tree . invalidate ( ) ;
} ,
clear : function ( )
this . data = new Array ;
this . rows = 0 ;
} ,
handleCopy : function ( row )
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
return ( row < 0 || this . copycol < 0 ) ? "" : ( this . data [ row ] [ this . copycol ] || "" ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
} ,
performActionOnRow : function ( action , row )
if ( action == "copy" )
var data = this . handleCopy ( row )
this . tree . treeBody . parentNode . setAttribute ( "copybuffer" , data ) ;
} ,
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
getRowProperties : function ( row , prop ) { } ,
getCellProperties : function ( row , column , prop ) { } ,
getColumnProperties : function ( column , prop ) { } ,
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
isContainer : function ( index ) { return false ; } ,
isContainerOpen : function ( index ) { return false ; } ,
isSeparator : function ( index ) { return false ; } ,
isSorted : function ( ) { } ,
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
canDrop : function ( index , orientation ) { return false ; } ,
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
drop : function ( row , orientation ) { return false ; } ,
getParentIndex : function ( index ) { return 0 ; } ,
hasNextSibling : function ( index , after ) { return false ; } ,
getLevel : function ( index ) { return 0 ; } ,
getImageSrc : function ( row , column ) { } ,
getProgressMode : function ( row , column ) { } ,
getCellValue : function ( row , column ) { } ,
toggleOpenState : function ( index ) { } ,
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
cycleHeader : function ( col ) { } ,
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
selectionChanged : function ( ) { } ,
cycleCell : function ( row , column ) { } ,
isEditable : function ( row , column ) { return false ; } ,
performAction : function ( action ) { } ,
performActionOnCell : function ( action , row , column ) { }
} ;
// mmm, yummy. global variables.
var theWindow = null ;
var theDocument = null ;
// column number to copy from, second argument to pageInfoTreeView's constructor
const COPYCOL _NONE = - 1 ;
// one nsITreeView for each tree in the window
var metaView = new pageInfoTreeView ( [ "meta-name" , "meta-content" ] , COPYCOL _META _CONTENT ) ;
var formView = new pageInfoTreeView ( [ "form-name" , "form-method" , "form-action" , "form-node" ] , COPYCOL _FORM _ACTION ) ;
var fieldView = new pageInfoTreeView ( [ "field-label" , "field-field" , "field-type" , "field-value" ] , COPYCOL _NONE ) ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
var linkView = new pageInfoTreeView ( [ "link-name" , "link-address" , "link-type" , "link-accesskey" ] , COPYCOL _LINK _ADDRESS ) ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
var imageView = new pageInfoTreeView ( [ "image-address" , "image-type" , "image-alt" , "image-node" , "image-bg" ] , COPYCOL _IMAGE _ADDRESS ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
var intervalID = null ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
// localized strings (will be filled in when the document is loaded)
// this isn't all of them, these are just the ones that would otherwise have been loaded inside a loop
var gStrings = { }
var theBundle ;
const DRAGSERVICE _CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1" ;
const TRANSFERABLE _CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1" ;
const ARRAY _CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/supports-array;1" ;
const STRING _CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/supports-string;1" ;
// a number of services I'll need later
// the cache services
const nsICacheService = Components . interfaces . nsICacheService ;
const cacheService = Components . classes [ "@mozilla.org/network/cache-service;1" ] . getService ( nsICacheService ) ;
var httpCacheSession = cacheService . createSession ( "HTTP" , 0 , true ) ;
httpCacheSession . doomEntriesIfExpired = false ;
var ftpCacheSession = cacheService . createSession ( "FTP" , 0 , true ) ;
ftpCacheSession . doomEntriesIfExpired = false ;
// scriptable date formater, for pretty printing dates
const nsIScriptableDateFormat = Components . interfaces . nsIScriptableDateFormat ;
var dateService = Components . classes [ "@mozilla.org/intl/scriptabledateformat;1" ] . getService ( nsIScriptableDateFormat ) ;
// clipboard helper
const gClipboardHelper = Components . classes [ "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1" ] . getService ( Components . interfaces . nsIClipboardHelper ) ;
catch ( e )
// do nothing, later code will handle the error
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
// interfaces for the different html elements
const nsIAnchorElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement
const nsIImageElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLImageElement
const nsIAreaElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement
const nsILinkElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement
const nsIInputElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLInputElement
const nsIFormElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLFormElement
const nsIAppletElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLAppletElement
const nsIObjectElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLObjectElement
const nsIEmbedElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLEmbedElement
const nsIButtonElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLButtonElement
const nsISelectElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement
const nsITextareaElement = Components . interfaces . nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// Interface for image loading content
const nsIImageLoadingContent = Components . interfaces . nsIImageLoadingContent ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
// namespaces, don't need all of these yet...
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
const XLinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ;
const XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" ;
const XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" ;
const XHTMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ;
const XHTML2NS = "http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
const XHTMLNSre = "^http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/1999\/xhtml$" ;
const XHTML2NSre = "^http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2002\/06\/xhtml2$" ;
const XHTMLre = RegExp ( XHTMLNSre + "|" + XHTML2NSre , "" ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
/ * O v e r l a y s r e g i s t e r i n i t f u n c t i o n s h e r e .
* Add functions to call by invoking "onLoadRegistry.append(XXXLoadFunc);"
* The XXXLoadFunc should be unique to the overlay module , and will be
* invoked as "XXXLoadFunc();"
* /
var onLoadRegistry = [ ] ;
/ * C a l l e d w h e n P a g e I n f o w i n d o w i s l o a d e d . A r g u m e n t s a r e :
* window . arguments [ 0 ] - document to use for source ( null = Page Info , otherwise Frame Info )
* window . arguments [ 1 ] - tab name to display first ( may be null )
* /
function onLoadPageInfo ( )
theBundle = document . getElementById ( "pageinfobundle" ) ;
gStrings . unknown = theBundle . getString ( "unknown" ) ;
gStrings . notSet = theBundle . getString ( "notset" ) ;
gStrings . emptyString = theBundle . getString ( "emptystring" ) ;
gStrings . linkAnchor = theBundle . getString ( "linkAnchor" ) ;
gStrings . linkArea = theBundle . getString ( "linkArea" ) ;
gStrings . linkSubmit = theBundle . getString ( "linkSubmit" ) ;
gStrings . linkSubmission = theBundle . getString ( "linkSubmission" ) ;
gStrings . linkRel = theBundle . getString ( "linkRel" ) ;
gStrings . linkStylesheet = theBundle . getString ( "linkStylesheet" ) ;
gStrings . linkRev = theBundle . getString ( "linkRev" ) ;
gStrings . linkX = theBundle . getString ( "linkX" ) ;
gStrings . mediaImg = theBundle . getString ( "mediaImg" ) ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
gStrings . mediaBGImg = theBundle . getString ( "mediaBGImg" ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
gStrings . mediaApplet = theBundle . getString ( "mediaApplet" ) ;
gStrings . mediaObject = theBundle . getString ( "mediaObject" ) ;
gStrings . mediaEmbed = theBundle . getString ( "mediaEmbed" ) ;
gStrings . mediaLink = theBundle . getString ( "mediaLink" ) ;
gStrings . mediaInput = theBundle . getString ( "mediaInput" ) ;
var docTitle = "" ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( "arguments" in window && window . arguments . length >= 1 && window . arguments [ 0 ] )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
theWindow = null ;
theDocument = window . arguments [ 0 ] ;
docTitle = theBundle . getString ( "frameInfo.title" ) ;
if ( "gBrowser" in window . opener )
theWindow = window . opener . gBrowser . contentWindow ;
theWindow = window . opener . frames [ 0 ] ;
theDocument = theWindow . document ;
docTitle = theBundle . getString ( "pageInfo.title" ) ;
document . title = docTitle ;
// do the easy stuff first
makeGeneralTab ( ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
// and then the hard stuff
makeTabs ( theDocument , theWindow ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
/* Call registered overlay init functions */
for ( x in onLoadRegistry )
onLoadRegistry [ x ] ( ) ;
/* Select the requested tab, if the name is specified */
if ( "arguments" in window && window . arguments . length > 1 )
var tabName = window . arguments [ 1 ] ;
if ( tabName )
var tabControl = document . getElementById ( "tabbox" ) ;
var tab = document . getElementById ( tabName ) ;
if ( tabControl && tab )
tabControl . selectedTab = tab ;
function doHelpButton ( ) {
var tabControl = document . getElementById ( "tabbox" ) ;
switch ( tabControl . selectedTab . id ) {
case "generalTab" :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_general" ;
break ;
case "formsTab" :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_forms" ;
break ;
case "linksTab" :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_links" ;
break ;
case "mediaTab" :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_media" ;
break ;
case "securityTab" :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_security" ;
break ;
case "p3pTab" :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_privacy" ;
break ;
default :
helpdoc = "pageinfo_general" ;
break ;
openHelp ( helpdoc ) ;
function makeGeneralTab ( )
var title = ( theDocument . title ) ? theBundle . getFormattedString ( "pageTitle" , [ theDocument . title ] ) : theBundle . getString ( "noPageTitle" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "titletext" ) . value = title ;
var url = theDocument . location ;
document . getElementById ( "urltext" ) . value = url ;
var mode = ( "compatMode" in theDocument && theDocument . compatMode == "BackCompat" ) ? theBundle . getString ( "generalQuirksMode" ) : theBundle . getString ( "generalStrictMode" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "modetext" ) . value = mode ;
2003-07-30 03:16:39 +04:00
var referrer = ( "referrer" in theDocument && theDocument . referrer ) || theBundle . getString ( "generalNoReferrer" ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
document . getElementById ( 'refertext' ) . value = referrer ;
// find out the mime type
var mimeType = theDocument . contentType || gStrings . unknown ;
document . getElementById ( "typetext" ) . value = mimeType ;
// get the meta tags
var metaNodes = theDocument . getElementsByTagName ( "meta" ) ;
var metaTree = document . getElementById ( "metatree" ) ;
metaTree . treeBoxObject . view = metaView ;
var length = metaNodes . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ )
metaView . addRow ( [ metaNodes [ i ] . name || metaNodes [ i ] . httpEquiv , metaNodes [ i ] . content ] ) ;
metaView . rowCountChanged ( 0 , length ) ;
// get the document characterset
var encoding = theDocument . characterSet ;
document . getElementById ( "encodingtext" ) . value = encoding ;
// get the date of last modification
var modifiedText = formatDate ( theDocument . lastModified , gStrings . notSet ) ;
document . getElementById ( "modifiedtext" ) . value = modifiedText ;
// get cache info
var sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalNotCached" ) ;
var expirationText = theBundle . getString ( "generalNoExpiration" ) ;
var sizeText = gStrings . unknown ;
var pageSize = 0 ;
var kbSize = 0 ;
var expirationTime = 0 ;
var cacheEntryDescriptor = httpCacheSession . openCacheEntry ( url , Components . interfaces . nsICache . ACCESS _READ , false ) ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
switch ( cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID )
case "disk" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalDiskCache" ) ;
break ;
case "memory" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalMemoryCache" ) ;
break ;
default :
sourceText = cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID ;
break ;
pageSize = cacheEntryDescriptor . dataSize ;
kbSize = pageSize / 1024 ;
sizeText = theBundle . getFormattedString ( "generalSize" , [ Math . round ( kbSize * 100 ) / 100 , pageSize ] ) ;
expirationText = formatDate ( cacheEntryDescriptor . expirationTime * 1000 , gStrings . notSet ) ;
catch ( ex )
cacheEntryDescriptor = ftpCacheSession . openCacheEntry ( url , Components . interfaces . nsICache . ACCESS _READ , false ) ;
if ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
switch ( cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID )
case "disk" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalDiskCache" ) ;
break ;
case "memory" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalMemoryCache" ) ;
break ;
default :
sourceText = cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID ;
break ;
pageSize = cacheEntryDescriptor . dataSize ;
kbSize = pageSize / 1024 ;
sizeText = theBundle . getFormattedString ( "generalSize" , [ Math . round ( kbSize * 100 ) / 100 , pageSize ] ) ;
expirationText = formatDate ( cacheEntryDescriptor . expirationTime * 1000 , gStrings . notSet ) ;
catch ( ex2 )
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalNotCached" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "sourcetext" ) . value = sourceText ;
document . getElementById ( "expirestext" ) . value = expirationText ;
document . getElementById ( "sizetext" ) . value = sizeText ;
//******** Generic Build-a-tab
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
// Assumes the views are empty. Only called once to build the tabs, and
// does so by farming the task off to another thread via setTimeout().
// The actual work is done with a TreeWalker that calls doGrab() once for
// each element node in the document.
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
function makeTabs ( aDocument , aWindow )
if ( aWindow && aWindow . frames . length > 0 )
var num = aWindow . frames . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < num ; i ++ )
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
makeTabs ( aWindow . frames [ i ] . document , aWindow . frames [ i ] ) ; // recurse through the frames
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var formTree = document . getElementById ( "formtree" ) ;
var linkTree = document . getElementById ( "linktree" ) ;
var imageTree = document . getElementById ( "imagetree" ) ;
formTree . treeBoxObject . view = formView ;
linkTree . treeBoxObject . view = linkView ;
imageTree . treeBoxObject . view = imageView ;
var iterator = aDocument . createTreeWalker ( aDocument , NodeFilter . SHOW _ELEMENT , grabAll , true ) ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
setTimeout ( doGrab , 1 , iterator ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
function doGrab ( iterator )
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
if ( iterator . nextNode ( ) )
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
setTimeout ( doGrab , 1 , iterator ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
function ensureSelection ( view )
2003-07-26 10:08:12 +04:00
// only select something if nothing is currently selected
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// and if there's anything to select
2003-07-26 10:08:12 +04:00
if ( view . selection . count == 0 && view . rowCount )
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
view . selection . select ( 0 ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
function grabAll ( elem )
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
var linktext ;
// check for background images, any node may have one
var url = elem . ownerDocument . defaultView . getComputedStyle ( elem , "" ) . getPropertyCSSValue ( "background-image" ) ;
if ( url && url . primitiveType == CSSPrimitiveValue . CSS _URI )
imageView . addRow ( [ url . getStringValue ( ) , gStrings . mediaBGImg , gStrings . notSet , elem , true ] ) ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
// one swi^H^H^Hif-else to rule them all
if ( elem instanceof nsIAnchorElement )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
linktext = getValueText ( elem ) ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
linkView . addRow ( [ linktext , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . linkAnchor , elem . target , elem . accessKey ] ) ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
else if ( elem instanceof nsIImageElement )
imageView . addRow ( [ getAbsoluteURL ( elem . src , elem ) , gStrings . mediaImg , ( elem . hasAttribute ( "alt" ) ) ? elem . alt : gStrings . notSet , elem , false ] ) ;
else if ( elem instanceof nsIAreaElement )
linkView . addRow ( [ elem . alt , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . linkArea , elem . target ] ) ;
else if ( elem instanceof nsILinkElement )
if ( elem . rel )
var rel = elem . rel ;
if ( /\bicon\b/i . test ( rel ) )
imageView . addRow ( [ getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . mediaLink , "" , elem , false ] ) ;
else if ( /\bstylesheet\b/i . test ( rel ) )
linkView . addRow ( [ elem . rel , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . linkStylesheet , elem . target ] ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
linkView . addRow ( [ elem . rel , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . linkRel , elem . target ] ) ;
linkView . addRow ( [ elem . rev , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . linkRev , elem . target ] ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
else if ( elem instanceof nsIInputElement )
if ( /^image$/i . test ( elem . type ) )
imageView . addRow ( [ getAbsoluteURL ( elem . src , elem ) , gStrings . mediaInput , ( elem . hasAttribute ( "alt" ) ) ? elem . alt : gStrings . notSet , elem , false ] ) ;
else if ( /^submit$/i . test ( elem . type ) )
linkView . addRow ( [ elem . value || gStrings . linkSubmit , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . form . getAttribute ( "action" ) , elem ) , gStrings . linkSubmission , elem . form . getAttribute ( "target" ) ] ) ; // use getAttribute() due to bug 122128
else if ( elem instanceof nsIFormElement )
formView . addRow ( [ elem . name , elem . method , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . getAttribute ( "action" ) , elem ) , elem ] ) ; // use getAttribute() because of bug 122128
else if ( elem instanceof nsIAppletElement )
//XXX When Java is enabled, the DOM model for <APPLET> is broken. Bug #59686.
// Also, some reports of a crash with Java in Media tab (bug 136535), and mixed
// content from two hosts (bug 136539) so just drop applets from Page Info when
// Java is on. For the 1.0.1 branch; get a real fix on the trunk.
if ( ! navigator . javaEnabled ( ) )
imageView . addRow ( [ getAbsoluteURL ( elem . code || elem . object , elem ) , gStrings . mediaApplet , "" , elem , false ] ) ;
else if ( elem instanceof nsIObjectElement )
imageView . addRow ( [ getAbsoluteURL ( elem . data , elem ) , gStrings . mediaObject , getValueText ( elem ) , elem , false ] ) ;
else if ( elem instanceof nsIEmbedElement )
imageView . addRow ( [ getAbsoluteURL ( elem . src , elem ) , gStrings . mediaEmbed , "" , elem , false ] ) ;
if ( elem . hasAttributeNS ( XLinkNS , "href" ) )
linktext = getValueText ( elem ) ;
linkView . addRow ( [ linktext , getAbsoluteURL ( elem . href , elem ) , gStrings . linkX , "" ] ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00
return NodeFilter . FILTER _ACCEPT ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
//******** Form Stuff
function onFormSelect ( )
var formTree = document . getElementById ( "formtree" ) ;
if ( ! formView . rowCount ) return ;
if ( formView . selection . count == 1 )
var formPreview = document . getElementById ( "formpreview" ) ;
fieldView . clear ( ) ;
formPreview . treeBoxObject . view = fieldView ;
var clickedRow = formView . selection . currentIndex ;
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
// form-node
var form = formView . data [ clickedRow ] [ 3 ] ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var ft = null ;
if ( form . name )
ft = theBundle . getFormattedString ( "formTitle" , [ form . name ] ) ;
document . getElementById ( "formname" ) . value = ft || theBundle . getString ( "formUntitled" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "formenctype" ) . value = form . encoding || theBundle . getString ( "default" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "formtarget" ) . value = form . target || theBundle . getString ( "formDefaultTarget" ) ;
2004-01-14 07:35:51 +03:00
var formfields = form . elements ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var length = formfields . length ;
var i = 0 ;
var checked = theBundle . getString ( "formChecked" ) ;
var unchecked = theBundle . getString ( "formUnchecked" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ )
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
var elem = formfields [ i ] , val ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( elem instanceof nsIButtonElement )
val = getValueText ( elem ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
val = ( /^password$/i . test ( elem . type ) ) ? theBundle . getString ( "formPassword" ) : elem . value ;
2004-01-14 07:35:51 +03:00
fieldView . addRow ( [ "" , elem . name , elem . type , val ] ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var labels = form . getElementsByTagName ( "label" ) ;
var llength = labels . length ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
var label ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < llength ; i ++ )
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
label = labels [ i ] ;
var whatfor = label . hasAttribute ( "for" ) ?
theDocument . getElementById ( label . getAttribute ( "for" ) ) :
findFirstControl ( label ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
if ( whatfor && ( whatfor . form == form ) )
var labeltext = getValueText ( label ) ;
2004-11-30 11:23:02 +03:00
for ( var j = 0 ; j < length ; j ++ ) {
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
if ( formfields [ j ] == whatfor ) {
var col = formPreview . columns [ "field-label" ] ;
fieldView . setCellText ( j , col , labeltext ) ;
2004-11-30 11:23:02 +03:00
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
fieldView . rowCountChanged ( 0 , length ) ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
function FormControlFilter ( node )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( node instanceof nsIInputElement || node instanceof nsISelectElement ||
node instanceof nsIButtonElement || node instanceof nsITextareaElement ||
node instanceof nsIObjectElement )
return NodeFilter . FILTER _ACCEPT ;
return NodeFilter . FILTER _SKIP ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
function findFirstControl ( node )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var iterator = theDocument . createTreeWalker ( node , NodeFilter . SHOW _ELEMENT , FormControlFilter , true ) ;
return iterator . nextNode ( ) ;
//******** Link Stuff
function openURL ( target )
var url = target . parentNode . childNodes [ 2 ] . value ;
window . open ( url , "_blank" , "chrome" ) ;
function onBeginLinkDrag ( event , urlField , descField )
if ( event . originalTarget . localName != "treechildren" )
return ;
var tree = event . target ;
if ( ! ( "treeBoxObject" in tree ) )
tree = tree . parentNode ;
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
var row = tree . treeBoxObject . getRowAt ( event . clientX , event . clientY ) ;
if ( row == - 1 )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
return ;
// Getting drag-system needed services
var dragService = Components . classes [ DRAGSERVICE _CONTRACTID ] . getService ( ) . QueryInterface ( Components . interfaces . nsIDragService ) ;
var transArray = Components . classes [ ARRAY _CONTRACTID ] . createInstance ( Components . interfaces . nsISupportsArray ) ;
if ( ! transArray )
return ;
var trans = Components . classes [ TRANSFERABLE _CONTRACTID ] . createInstance ( Components . interfaces . nsITransferable ) ;
if ( ! trans )
return ;
// Adding URL flavor
trans . addDataFlavor ( "text/x-moz-url" ) ;
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
var col = tree . columns [ urlField ] ;
var url = tree . view . getCellText ( row , col ) ;
col = tree . columns [ descField ] ;
var desc = tree . view . getCellText ( row , col ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var stringURL = Components . classes [ STRING _CONTRACTID ] . createInstance ( Components . interfaces . nsISupportsString ) ;
stringURL . data = url + "\n" + desc ;
trans . setTransferData ( "text/x-moz-url" , stringURL , stringURL . data . length * 2 ) ;
transArray . AppendElement ( trans . QueryInterface ( Components . interfaces . nsISupports ) ) ;
dragService . invokeDragSession ( event . target , transArray , null , dragService . DRAGDROP _ACTION _NONE ) ;
//******** Image Stuff
function getSelectedImage ( tree )
if ( ! imageView . rowCount ) return null ;
// Only works if only one item is selected
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
var clickedRow = tree . currentIndex ;
// image-node
return imageView . data [ clickedRow ] [ 3 ] ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
function saveMedia ( )
var tree = document . getElementById ( "imagetree" ) ;
2002-11-05 02:21:20 +03:00
var item = getSelectedImage ( tree ) ;
2004-10-26 10:59:57 +04:00
var url = imageView . data [ tree . currentIndex ] [ 0 ] ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
if ( url )
2004-10-26 10:59:57 +04:00
saveURL ( url , null , 'SaveImageTitle' , false , false , makeURL ( item . baseURI ) ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
function onImageSelect ( )
var tree = document . getElementById ( "imagetree" ) ;
var saveAsButton = document . getElementById ( "imagesaveasbutton" ) ;
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
if ( tree . view . selection . count == 1 )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
makePreview ( tree . currentIndex ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
saveAsButton . setAttribute ( "disabled" , "false" ) ;
saveAsButton . setAttribute ( "disabled" , "true" ) ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
function makePreview ( row )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
2004-04-17 09:53:38 +04:00
var imageTree = document . getElementById ( "imagetree" ) ;
var item = getSelectedImage ( imageTree ) ;
var col = imageTree . columns [ "image-address" ] ;
var url = imageView . getCellText ( row , col ) ;
var isBG = imageView . data [ row ] [ 4 ] ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
document . getElementById ( "imageurltext" ) . value = url ;
document . getElementById ( "imagetitletext" ) . value = item . title || gStrings . notSet ;
var altText = null ;
if ( item . hasAttribute ( "alt" ) && ( "alt" in item ) )
altText = item . alt ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
else if ( ! isBG )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
altText = getValueText ( item ) ;
if ( altText == null )
altText = gStrings . notSet ;
var textbox = document . getElementById ( "imagealttext" ) ;
// IMO all text that is not really the value text should go in italics
// What if somebody has <img alt="Not specified">? =)
// We can't use textbox.style because of bug 7639
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( ! altText ) {
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
textbox . value = gStrings . emptyString ;
textbox . setAttribute ( "style" , "font-style:italic" ) ;
} else {
textbox . value = altText ;
textbox . setAttribute ( "style" , "font-style:inherit" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "imagelongdesctext" ) . value = ( "longDesc" in item && item . longDesc ) || gStrings . notSet ;
// get cache info
var sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalNotCached" ) ;
var expirationText = gStrings . unknown ;
var sizeText = gStrings . unknown ;
var pageSize = 0 ;
var kbSize = 0 ;
var expirationTime = 0 ;
var expirationDate = null ;
var cacheEntryDescriptor = httpCacheSession . openCacheEntry ( url , Components . interfaces . nsICache . ACCESS _READ , false ) ; // open for READ, in non-blocking mode
if ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
switch ( cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID )
case "disk" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalDiskCache" ) ;
break ;
case "memory" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalMemoryCache" ) ;
break ;
default :
sourceText = cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID ;
break ;
catch ( ex )
cacheEntryDescriptor = ftpCacheSession . openCacheEntry ( url , Components . interfaces . nsICache . ACCESS _READ , false ) ; // open for READ, in non-blocking mode
if ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
switch ( cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID )
case "disk" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalDiskCache" ) ;
break ;
case "memory" :
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalMemoryCache" ) ;
break ;
default :
sourceText = cacheEntryDescriptor . deviceID ;
break ;
catch ( ex2 )
sourceText = theBundle . getString ( "generalNotCached" ) ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// find out the file size and expiration date
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
pageSize = cacheEntryDescriptor . dataSize ;
kbSize = pageSize / 1024 ;
sizeText = theBundle . getFormattedString ( "generalSize" , [ Math . round ( kbSize * 100 ) / 100 , pageSize ] ) ;
expirationText = formatDate ( cacheEntryDescriptor . expirationTime * 1000 , gStrings . notSet ) ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
var mimeType = ( "type" in item && item . type ) ||
( "codeType" in item && item . codeType ) ||
( "contentType" in item && item . contentType ) ||
getContentTypeFromImgRequest ( item ) ||
getContentTypeFromHeaders ( cacheEntryDescriptor ) ||
gStrings . unknown ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
document . getElementById ( "imagetypetext" ) . value = mimeType ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
document . getElementById ( "imagesourcetext" ) . value = sourceText ;
document . getElementById ( "imageexpirestext" ) . value = expirationText ;
document . getElementById ( "imagesizetext" ) . value = sizeText ;
var imageContainer = document . getElementById ( "theimagecontainer" ) ;
var oldImage = document . getElementById ( "thepreviewimage" ) ;
var regex = new RegExp ( "^(https?|ftp|file|gopher)://" ) ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
var absoluteURL = getAbsoluteURL ( url , item ) ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var isProtocolAllowed = regex . test ( absoluteURL ) ;
var newImage = new Image ( ) ;
newImage . setAttribute ( "id" , "thepreviewimage" ) ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
var physWidth = 0 , physHeight = 0 ;
if ( ( item instanceof nsILinkElement || item instanceof nsIInputElement ||
2004-07-30 04:36:34 +04:00
item instanceof nsIImageElement || isBG ) && isProtocolAllowed )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
newImage . src = absoluteURL ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
physWidth = newImage . width ;
physHeight = newImage . height ;
2004-07-30 04:36:34 +04:00
// "width" and "height" attributes must be set to newImage,
// even if there is no "width" or "height attribute in item;
// otherwise, the preview image cannot be displayed correctly.
if ( ! isBG )
newImage . width = ( "width" in item && item . width ) || newImage . naturalWidth ;
newImage . height = ( "height" in item && item . height ) || newImage . naturalHeight ;
// the Width and Height of an HTML tag should not be use for its background image
// (for example, "table" can have "width" or "height" attributes)
newImage . width = newImage . naturalWidth ;
newImage . height = newImage . naturalHeight ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
// fallback image for protocols not allowed (e.g., data: or javascript:)
// or elements not [yet] handled (e.g., object, embed). XXX blank??
2003-09-15 23:16:24 +04:00
newImage . src = "resource://gre/res/loading-image.gif" ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
newImage . width = 40 ;
newImage . height = 40 ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
var width = ( "width" in item && item . width ) || ( "width" in newImage && newImage . width ) || "0" ;
var height = ( "height" in item && item . height ) || ( "height" in newImage && newImage . height ) || "0" ;
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
document . getElementById ( "imageSize" ) . value = theBundle . getFormattedString ( "mediaSize" , [ width , height ] ) ;
if ( width != physWidth || height != physHeight )
document . getElementById ( "physSize" ) . removeAttribute ( "hidden" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "physSize" ) . value = theBundle . getFormattedString ( "mediaPhysSize" , [ physWidth , physHeight ] ) ;
document . getElementById ( "physSize" ) . setAttribute ( "hidden" , "true" ) ;
2002-11-05 02:36:46 +03:00
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
imageContainer . removeChild ( oldImage ) ;
imageContainer . appendChild ( newImage ) ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
function getContentTypeFromHeaders ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
var headers , match ;
if ( cacheEntryDescriptor )
headers = cacheEntryDescriptor . getMetaDataElement ( "response-head" ) ;
match = /^Content-Type:\s*(.*?)\s*(?:\;|$)/mi . exec ( headers ) ;
return match [ 1 ] ;
function getContentTypeFromImgRequest ( item )
var httpRequest ;
var imageItem = item . QueryInterface ( nsIImageLoadingContent ) ;
var imageRequest = imageItem . getRequest ( nsIImageLoadingContent . CURRENT _REQUEST ) ;
if ( imageRequest )
httpRequest = imageRequest . mimeType ;
catch ( ex )
// This never happened. ;)
return httpRequest ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
//******** Other Misc Stuff
// Modified from the Links Panel v2.3, http://segment7.net/mozilla/links/links.html
// parse a node to extract the contents of the node
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
function getValueText ( node )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var valueText = "" ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// form input elements don't generally contain information that is useful to our callers, so return nothing
if ( node instanceof nsIInputElement || node instanceof nsISelectElement || node instanceof nsITextareaElement )
return valueText ;
// otherwise recurse for each child
var length = node . childNodes . length ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ )
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
var childNode = node . childNodes [ i ] ;
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
var nodeType = childNode . nodeType ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// text nodes are where the goods are
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
if ( nodeType == Node . TEXT _NODE )
valueText += " " + childNode . nodeValue ;
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// and elements can have more text inside them
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
else if ( nodeType == Node . ELEMENT _NODE )
2003-12-25 00:32:43 +03:00
// images are special, we want to capture the alt text as if the image weren't there
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
if ( childNode instanceof nsIImageElement )
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
valueText += " " + getAltText ( childNode ) ;
valueText += " " + getValueText ( childNode ) ;
return stripWS ( valueText ) ;
// Copied from the Links Panel v2.3, http://segment7.net/mozilla/links/links.html
// traverse the tree in search of an img or area element and grab its alt tag
function getAltText ( node )
var altText = "" ;
if ( node . alt )
return node . alt ;
var length = node . childNodes . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ )
if ( ( altText = getAltText ( node . childNodes [ i ] ) != undefined ) ) // stupid js warning...
return altText ;
return "" ;
// Copied from the Links Panel v2.3, http://segment7.net/mozilla/links/links.html
// strip leading and trailing whitespace, and replace multiple consecutive whitespace characters with a single space
function stripWS ( text )
var middleRE = /\s+/g ;
var endRE = /(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g ;
text = text . replace ( middleRE , " " ) ;
return text . replace ( endRE , "" ) ;
function formatDate ( datestr , unknown )
var date = new Date ( datestr ) ;
return ( date . valueOf ( ) ) ? dateService . FormatDateTime ( "" , dateService . dateFormatLong , dateService . timeFormatSeconds , date . getFullYear ( ) , date . getMonth ( ) + 1 , date . getDate ( ) , date . getHours ( ) , date . getMinutes ( ) , date . getSeconds ( ) ) : unknown ;
/ *
* Takes care of XMLBase and < base >
* url is the possibly relative url .
* node is the node where the url was given ( needed for XMLBase )
* This function is called in many places as a workaround for bug 72524
* Once bug 72522 is fixed this code should use the Node . baseURI attribute
* for node == null or url == "" , empty string is returned
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
* This is basically just copied from http : //lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/xpfe/browser/resources/content/metadata.js,
* though I 've modified it so that it doesn' t assign to . spec
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
* /
function getAbsoluteURL ( url , node )
if ( ! url || ! node )
return "" ;
var urlArr = new Array ( url ) ;
var doc = node . ownerDocument ;
if ( node . nodeType == Node . ATTRIBUTE _NODE )
node = node . ownerElement ;
while ( node && node . nodeType == Node . ELEMENT _NODE )
var att = node . getAttributeNS ( XMLNS , "base" ) ;
if ( att != "" )
urlArr . unshift ( att ) ;
node = node . parentNode ;
// Look for a <base>.
var baseTags = doc . getElementsByTagNameNS ( XHTMLNS , "base" ) ;
if ( baseTags && baseTags . length )
urlArr . unshift ( baseTags [ baseTags . length - 1 ] . getAttribute ( "href" ) ) ;
// resolve everything from bottom up, starting with document location
var ioService = Components . classes [ "@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1" ] . getService ( Components . interfaces . nsIIOService ) ;
var URL = ioService . newURI ( doc . location . href , null , null ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < urlArr . length ; i ++ )
2002-12-07 07:22:25 +03:00
URL = ioService . newURI ( urlArr [ i ] , URL . originCharset , URL ) ;
catch ( ex )
; // do nothing
2002-10-19 23:38:57 +04:00
return URL . spec ;
function doCopy ( event )
if ( ! gClipboardHelper )
return ;
var elem = event . originalTarget ;
if ( elem && "treeBoxObject" in elem )
elem . treeBoxObject . view . performActionOnRow ( "copy" , elem . currentIndex ) ;
var text = elem . getAttribute ( "copybuffer" ) ;
if ( text )
gClipboardHelper . copyString ( text ) ;
2003-01-29 10:39:36 +03:00