2001-12-29 00:17:11 +03:00
// PrefElement.cpp: implementation of the CPrefElement class.
// This is a class with helper functions for the preferences metadata
// XML.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PrefsElement.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
: m_bPrefOpen(FALSE), m_iChoices(0)
CPrefElement::CPrefElement(CString strPrefName, CString strPrefDesc, CString strPrefType)
2002-01-09 00:11:27 +03:00
: m_bPrefOpen(FALSE), m_iChoices(0), m_strPrefName(strPrefName), m_strUIName(strPrefName), m_strDescription(strPrefDesc), m_strType(strPrefType)
2001-12-29 00:17:11 +03:00
// Call when you want to reuse an element object.
void CPrefElement::ReInit()
m_strUIName = "";
m_strPrefValue = "";
m_strPrefName = "";
m_strType = "";
m_strDescription = "";
m_bLocked = FALSE;
m_bLockable = TRUE;
m_iChoices = 0;
// For a pref node element, returns a string which is used for the tree ctrl
// label.
CString CPrefElement::GetPrettyNameValueString()
CString strValue = GetPrefValue();
if (IsChoose())
strValue = GetSelectedChoiceString();
CString strRetVal;
strRetVal.Format("%s [%s]", m_strUIName, strValue);
return strRetVal;
// Get the ui name of the selected choice for this pref.
CString CPrefElement::GetSelectedChoiceString()
ASSERT( m_iChoices <= MAX_CHOICES);
for (int i = 0; i < m_iChoices; i++)
if (m_astrChoiceVal[i].CompareNoCase(m_strPrefValue) == 0)
return m_astrChoiceName[i];
return "";
// Get the value from the choice string. See also GetSelectedChoiceString().
CString CPrefElement::GetValueFromChoiceString(CString strChoiceString)
ASSERT( m_iChoices <= MAX_CHOICES);
for (int i = 0; i < m_iChoices; i++)
if (m_astrChoiceName[i].CompareNoCase(strChoiceString) == 0)
return m_astrChoiceVal[i];
return "";
// Set the value of the pref. For "choose", pass
// the uiname string, and this fuction will convert
// to the correct value.
void CPrefElement::SetPrefValue(CString strValue)
if (IsChoose())
m_strPrefValue = GetValueFromChoiceString(strValue);
m_strPrefValue = strValue;
// Called by the parser startElement() handler.
void CPrefElement::startElement(const char* name, const char** atts)
// These are the elements we know how to handle:
if (stricmp(name, "PREF") == 0)
m_bPrefOpen = TRUE;
// Process the list of attribute/value pairs.
int i = 0;
const char* attrName = atts[i++];
const char* attrVal = atts[i++];
if (stricmp(attrName, "uiname") == 0)
m_strUIName = attrVal;
else if (stricmp(attrName, "prefname") == 0)
m_strPrefName = attrVal;
else if (stricmp(attrName, "type") == 0)
m_strType = attrVal;
else if (stricmp(attrName, "lockable") == 0)
m_bLockable = (stricmp(attrVal, "true") == 0);
else if (stricmp(attrName, "description") == 0)
m_strDescription = attrVal;
else if (stricmp(name, "CHOICES") == 0)
if (!m_bPrefOpen)
else if (stricmp(name, "CHOICE") == 0)
if (!m_bPrefOpen)
// Process the list of attribute/value pairs.
// There must be exactly 2 attributes: a uiname
// and a value.
ASSERT(atts[0] && atts[1] && atts[2] && atts[3] && !atts[4]);
int i = 0;
const char* attrName = atts[i++];
const char* attrVal = atts[i++];
if (stricmp(attrName, "uiname") == 0)
m_astrChoiceName[m_iChoices] = attrVal;
else if (stricmp(attrName, "value") == 0)
m_astrChoiceVal[m_iChoices] = attrVal;
else if (stricmp(name, "VALUE") == 0)
if (!m_bPrefOpen)
else if (stricmp(name, "LOCKED") == 0)
if (!m_bPrefOpen)
// Save the tag we are handling.
m_strCurrentTag = name;
// Called by the parser. Handle the data for the item we are currently handling.
void CPrefElement::characterData(const char* s, int len)
if (!m_bPrefOpen)
if (m_strCurrentTag.CompareNoCase("VALUE") == 0)
char* p = m_strPrefValue.GetBufferSetLength(len);
memcpy(p, s, len);
// Done with the data for this tag.
m_strCurrentTag = "";
else if (m_strCurrentTag.CompareNoCase("LOCKED") == 0)
CString tmp;
char* p = tmp.GetBufferSetLength(len);
memcpy(p, s, len);
m_bLocked = (tmp.CompareNoCase("true") == 0);
// Done with the data for this tag.
m_strCurrentTag = "";
// Called by the parser. Handle the end tag.
void CPrefElement::endElement(const char* name)
if (stricmp(name, "PREF") == 0)
m_bPrefOpen = FALSE;
else if (stricmp(name, "CHOICES") == 0)
m_astrChoiceName[m_iChoices] = "";
m_astrChoiceVal[m_iChoices] = "";
m_strCurrentTag = "";
// Return TRUE if the search string exists in any
// of the prefs fields.
BOOL CPrefElement::FindString(CString strFind)
CString str = GetUIName();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefValue();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefName();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefType();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefDescription();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL CPrefElement::IsChoose()
return (m_iChoices > 0);
// Make an XML element string for this pref.
CString CPrefElement::XML(int iIndentSize, int iIndentLevel)
int iIndentSpaces = iIndentSize * iIndentLevel;
CString strRet;
strRet.Format("%*s<PREF uiname=\"%s\" prefname=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" lockable=\"%s\" description=\"%s\">\n",
iIndentSpaces, " ", GetUIName(), GetPrefName(), GetPrefType(),
IsLockable()?"true":"false", GetPrefDescription());
CString strTmp;
if (IsChoose())
strTmp.Format("%*s<CHOICES>\n", iIndentSpaces + iIndentSize, " ");
strRet += strTmp;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iChoices; i++)
strTmp.Format("%*s<CHOICE uiname=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", iIndentSpaces + iIndentSize + iIndentSize, " ", m_astrChoiceName[i], m_astrChoiceVal[i]);
strRet += strTmp;
strTmp.Format("%*s</CHOICES>\n", iIndentSpaces + iIndentSize, " ");
strRet += strTmp;
strTmp.Format("%*s<VALUE>%s</VALUE>\n", iIndentSpaces + iIndentSize, " ", GetPrefValue());
strRet += strTmp;
strTmp.Format("%*s<LOCKED>%s</LOCKED>\n", iIndentSpaces + iIndentSize, " ", IsLocked()?"true":"false");
strRet += strTmp;
CString strCloseTag;
strCloseTag.Format("%*s</PREF>\n", iIndentSpaces, " ");
strRet += strCloseTag;
return strRet;